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Adolescent Pregnancy; How its affected El Paso

Melanie Crittenden , Lexi Scott, Hailey Barraza, Bianca Ruvalcaba
University of Texas El Paso

Adolescent Pregnancy
The issue that we are going to be describing is adolescent pregnancy. This has been one of the big issues in our
community. Its a problem that has not been fixed in many countries. Back in the day, it was not necessarily normal
but, not a big problem getting pregnant when a young lady was in her teenage years. Throughout the years the
flocculating rates of adolescent pregnancy in the El Paso county has affected our community which we plan on
explaining through information we found throughout our research some of its causes and explore ideas of possible

Adolescent Pregnancy and How Its Affected our Community

An adolescent would be considered anyone between the ages of 10 and 19, for this case we will be
referring to adolescents as young women between the ages of 15 and 19. The average ameican teen life is shown to
be playing with other teenagers or focusing on school or doing other things rather than being pregnant at such a
young age. No teen is physicaly nor emotionally stable to be able to raise a baby when they can barely take care of
themselves. More than half of teenage pregnanacys are not planned. They happen unexpectedly and unintentionally.
Because some of those are unexpextedly big decisions have to be made for the sake of the babys life and the
teenagers life. We are going to talk about different aspects that occur due to teen pregnancy.
How Teen Pregnancy has increased and Decreased

During 1990-2002 teen pregnancy has declined by thirty two percent from today.
Although it doesnt seem like it because there have been a lot of teen pregnancies lately. In the
United States teen pregnancy rate is the highest compared to other nations. In 2014 a total of
249,078 babies were born to women aged 15 -19 years, for a birth rate of 24.2 per 1000 women
in this age group. This is another historic low for U.S. teens and a drop of 9% from 2013. Birth
rates fell 11% for women aged 15-17 years and 7% for women aged 18-19 years. Birth rates for
teenage girls have dropped sicne then. That is a good thing beacause there are less adolescent

Adolescent Pregnancy

The Economic Cost of Adolescent Pregnancy

Since many of the girls getting pregnant at such a young age dont have jobs they
struggle with how theyre gong to pay for the babies costs. A lot of young girls that have gotten
pregnant at such a young age have actually dropped out of school to get a job to take care of their
baby. The necessities of a baby are super expensive. From buying pampers, formula, baby
clothes, wipes, etc. result in a lot of costs.

The Treatment of Pregnant adolescent in today's society.

The teen pregnancy rate in El Paso Texas is 65.9 (per 1,000). El Paso has been on a rise
to providing main prenatal care for adolescent teens who are pregnant. Many young teens often
are scared to go to the doctors office when they don't receive support among families. Many El
Paso community groups are pushing to change this stereotype. The single parent rate is high for
adolescent teen girls as the female is sometimes left to be on her own. A way for teenagers to
prevent teenage pregnancy and if there are sexually active they should invest in using

Adolescent Pregnancy

contraceptives. There are many different contraceptives. One of the most popular ones are
condoms. The other one is birth control. There are many different birth controls that are provided

to the people.

Adolescent Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is a really big issue in our comminuty. Prgnancy is something that
will never stop, it will only keep going. Many teenagers will be protevtice if theyre sexually
active to prevent a pregnancies. That does not mean that they dont want kinds sometime in their
life, they just arent ready for that. Teenagers want to have fun with their friends instead of
having to be home taking care of a baby. Also most people want to be able to plan when to start
their family, not that it would just happen unexpectedly.

Adolescent Pregnancy

"Teen Pregnancy" Research Starters, Inc. 15 Nov,

About Teen Pregnancy. (2016). Retrieved November 26, 2016, from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.
"~ Practical Diva ~." Practical Diva. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.

Annotated Bibliography

Teen (2007) The national campaign to prevent teen

and unplanned pregnancy. Retrieved on November 19, 2007

The website that is provided above talks about the statistics of teen
pregnancy. It talks about which states have the highest rate of teen
pregnancy. Also mentions the types of different races that have the highest
pregnancy rates. The website mentions that these may be the problems that

Adolescent Pregnancy

cause teen pregnancies. This website is really helpful to the people that want
to know more information on teen pregnancies. Many information is provided
on this website.

Suner, J. Nakamura, S. Caulfield, R. (Fall 2003) Early childhood education journal vol. 31,
number 1. Kids having kids: models of intervention. Retrieved on November 19, 2007
This website talks about the risks and factors that come with teenage pregncancy. Since many
teenagers dont have the proper body developments. There are three authors that talks about the
risks and factors. This article provides the environmental factors that can make a persons
development more explainable.

Sci/Tech News Staff. (August 6, 2006) Young teens see pregnancy

as a way to enhance relationships. Retrieved on November 19, 2007
This article explains how teenagers take advantage to help become closer to someone or to help a
troubled relationahip. Many teenagers also think that they would recive more support as a teen
parent rather that being an adult parent. There are teenagers that give their own opinions on this
topic within this article.

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