Jasmine Rodriguez

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Jasmine Rodriguez
English 1102
November 20, 2016
Research Paper
The law enforcement is looked at to be a male dominant work force. Females have been
slowly increasing that statement though. More and more woman have been hired in the police
force than back in the 1800s. Woman in the police force are looked at for being different and not
masculine enough to be able to do what men police officers can do. They are seen as being weak,
having more, showing emotions than guys, and not being able to take bad situations as well as a
male or get through hard tasks as easy as men can. Woman in the law enforcement are trying to
prove everyone wrong and show they can be seen as powerful like males in the police force, or
even more powerful. Even though, woman are seen as weak and not as powerful as men, I
believe that law enforcement should hire more woman because of the fact they can calm down
the situation, rather than men hyping up the situation because they are used to using force rather
than talking things out. Woman could be the answer to helping police brutality and helping with
violent situations when they escalate.
To being with, Woman are scientifically known by both genders that they can express
emotions easier than males. Emotions are shown by woman through seeing significant events, or
even negative obstacles through studies. Both negative and positive events can affect a woman.
They could also express their feelings negative and positive ways. Per Anne-Katharina, in her
study she performed she had male and females go through the same obstacles, while going
through these obstacles males and females were both given negative obstacles also along the

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way. She noticed that woman were more affected by the negative obstacles rather than the males.
The females were having a tough time afterwards getting through the obstacles, while the men
could carry on like nothing happened. Woman were seen as not being able to get through hard
times the same as males would. They need more time to be able to get over negative situations,
they couldnt just forget they had to think about the situation, analyze the problem, and
communicate what was wrong. Woman being able to show emotion and not resort to violence
can help with violent problems rather than using force and making it worse.
In addition, woman not only show their emotions by how they express themselves or
facial expressions, but by heart rate. Heart rate increasing can be an indication of being scared or
nervous. Heart rates are a big way of nurses or doctors, in healthcare settings, to observe how a
patient is feeling. A high heart rate can indicate someone having an anxiety attack, which is being
nervous. A low heart rate can indicate someone is content and nothing is significantly wrong with
them. While the heart rate decreasing, can be you relaxing or stress free. Per Yaling Deng, her
study she performed had both male and female watching different genres of movies, scary,
comedy, and romantic. She noticed that womans heart rates increased while watching scary
movies, while males heart rates stayed the same. Men are more prone to seeing difficult things,
so their heart rate wasnt affected. They like the sight of seeing things having to do with force or
horrid events. An example would be a lot of young boys love superheros they love watching the
characters fight. Then on the other hands, when they were also watching a romantic movie a
womans heart rate decreased as in her whole self was relaxed and content, but then again males
heart rate stayed the same through the whole process of watching these movies.
Who did you go to to express your feelings on things when you were younger? Did you
go to your mom? Dad? I personally went to my mom. My mom was always so understanding of

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everything and gave me the best advice through everything. She could see fake people and fake
friends before I could. She would tell me things and I wouldnt listen and at the end of the day
she was right all along. She could give me advice on difficult problems that I was going though.
My dad was always the tough one. He would always tell me that I could handle it myself. Diane
Dimond stated that woman were the more consoling ones and could express feelings better than
males. They can talk to you about things that you couldnt talk with a male because he would
give you advice without thinking. Woman in all sense are known as being the more heartfelt one
and sensitive ones. This could be a good thing in the police force because you can see things, but
can talk people through things at the same time. It may be harder for a female going through
these things because they are more sensitive, but being able to say you helped someone pays off.
Emotions can be shown all different types of ways. They can be shown through body
language, facial expressions, or just simply talking through feelings. Kathryn Lively said that
woman could express their emotions by using more difficult pathways to get over things or
express their feelings in a more complicated manner. Woman talk through things by expressing
how they feel. They cant just brush things off like males can. Males can go through tough
situations and not have to express or talk about it. They are able to just move on without a
problem. Females being able to talk through things is an advantage on guys because they dont
have to worry about things bottling up instead and ruining them mentally. Men are thought of as
weak if they talked about their emotions or expressed how they feel to others. It may be hard for
males to express emotions, but just being able to express them can take a weight off themselves
and also not having to worry about being physical to show how they feel. They could become
more sensitive with things and it could help them better understand others and people they

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To add, woman being in the law enforcement can help us achieve many things, rather
than having us slowly fall back into violent situations and just using violent when it is not
needed. Woman can use their communication skills and emotions with a criminal they can have
the criminal relax and can just find out the root of the problem, rather than using violence to not
help the situation in any means. According to this article created by Mrs. Lonsway, she expressed
how woman have better communication tools than males do. She inferred that they could help
violent situations, instead of using force to help cool down the situation. Females could
confront the difficult problems with better outcomes than male police officers they could
confront problems by using easier and more efficient ways out. Males are also seen as not being
as trustworthy as female officers because they are lying more than the females. Males use more
force at the work place therefore they are trying to hide from them going over board, which is
where lying comes in. Lying in the police force could cause problems not only in the workforce,
but also with the criminals they have detained.
To continue, I think woman police officers could help with the academic problem of
police brutality around the world. Better communication could result in less violent crimes and
less force made by police officers. Per Katherine Spillar, she thinks that having/hiring more
woman police officers can decrease the police brutality happening right now in the world. She
views woman as the problem solvers. That females can diffuse the situations by talking and
communicating with the so-called criminal at the time. Rather than men who use more force to
be able to handle the situation. I personally think using force all the time wont help with every
situation and could also hurt you in the end because that person will not want to listen to
anything you say. I wouldnt want to listen to someone who just got done escalating a small
problem into hurting me or making the problem harder than it could have been. Men police

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officers were also given more complaints, by citizens, that they used too much force while
handling them while woman were given less to no complaints about using force. Woman are just
able to communicate and better understand people rather than men who can resort to using more
force with others.
Furthermore, like stated in the previous paragraph men police officers were given more
force complaints than female. Also, stated by Keith Foster, he agreed with that statement saying
male police officers were said to be using more force than woman police officers. He also
conquered that they would use force even when not necessary in the act of the problem. Males
only know force they arent use to talking about things or communicating about problems.
Woman werent given those complaints because woman are able to calm down a situation before
it does get violent or out of hand. They can express things better than males all together. They are
being able to talk through things than using violent ways to solve the problem.
Police officers alone I think having emotions and showing emotions could help in
anything they go through. According to Susan Ehrlich Martin, police officers showing emotions
could help in the long run and thinks its a big deal being able to show emotions throughout the
work day. The law enforcement have to deal and talk with different personalities every day
showing compassion to someone can change how they act towards you. They can change and
show you respect just like the saying, If you want respect, give respect. You showing you care
could change someone to think that you do care and you are not just there for the paycheck, that
you are there to do your job. It could help better the conflict you have with the criminal and also
have you found out better ways to help solve the problem through communication rather than

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To sum up, woman police officers should be a big part of the workforce because they can
prevent a lot of the problems happening today. Everything I contributed to a womans emotions
in my paragraphs all show that woman are the more sensitive type, they are able to talk things
out. Even though they dont get over harsh things or are affected by traumatic events more than a
male does not mean they are not capable to be able to do this line of work. My whole paper is
talking about how woman do show more emotions, but that is just too prove that we are better
communicators, we use complicated thinking and reasoning. They could prevent a lot of
murders and violent situations. Yes, us females may show more and have more emotions than
males, but us having that trait could better life situations. We can stop violent situations before
they escalate. We dont need force to communicate our way or what we want. Police officers
want people to trust them and by using more force to communicate wont help portray that. That
would most likely push people away from using the police force and describing them as not
being trustworthy or not even helping the situation. I could agree that at times male police
officers are needed because there is time where you need to use force to calm the situation before
someone gets really hurt, but then again woman police officers should be just as much
recognized as male police officers.

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Works Cited
Martin, Susan Ehrlich. Police Force or Police Service? Gender and Emotional Labor. The
Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 561, 1999, pp. 111126.
Fladung, Anne-Katharina, and Markus Kiefer. "Keep Calm! Gender Differences In Mental
Rotation Performance Are Modulated By Habitual Expressive Suppression." Psychological
Research 80.6 (2016): 985-996. Academic Search Complete. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.
Deng, Yaling, et al. "Gender Differences In Emotional Response: Inconsistency Between
Experience And Expressivity." Plos ONE 11.6 (2016): 1-12. Academic Search Complete. Web.
14 Nov. 2016.
Lively, Kathryn. Emotional Segues and the Management of Emotion by Women and Men.
Social Forces, vol. 87, no. 2, 2008, pp. 911936. www.jstor.org/stable/20430896.
Lonsway, Dr. Kim, Margaret Moore, Chief Penny Harrington, Eleanor Smeal, and Katherine
Spillar. "Hiring and Firing Gets More Complex." Nature 273.5665 (1978): 695. Hiring &
Retaining More Women: The Advantages to Law Enforcement Agencies. National Center for
Women & Policing a Division of the Feminist Majority Foundation, 2003. Web. 2003.
Spillar, Katherine. "How More Female Police Officers Would Help Stop Police Brutality."
Washington Post. The Washington Post, 2 July 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2016.Foster, Keith. "Law
Enforcement Publications and Conferences." Gender and Excessive Force Complaints | Hendon
Publishing. Law Enforcement Publications and Conferences, 2 July 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2016.

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Dimond, Diane. "More Female Police Officers, Please." Diane Dimond. Official Site of Author
and Investigator Reporter, 30 Mar. 2015. Web. 23 Nov. 2016.

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