3d Printers - Final Draft

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Gabby Fittipaldi
Professor Hofstetter
7 December 2015
Three-Dimensional Printing In Outer Space
The innovation of new technologies continues to expand every year.
Whether individuals are creating new ideas, or building off previous ones,
society is constantly adapting to change. One mind-boggling piece of
technology has been around for decades now; however, it has been
becoming more prominent in recent news. The first three-dimensional printer
was developed by Charles Hull, in 1984. At this time, Hull created the
technology for printing physical 3D objects by using digital data. Then, in
2005, Z-Corporation, a printing company developed at MIT, launched the first
high-definition 3D color printer (The History of 3D Printing). History shows
that as more research was conducted this new technology continued to
evolve. Most recently in the news, 3D printers have posed to be useful in
other ways than just on Earth itself. The National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) discusses how they have used this innovation to help
their astronauts who are up in outer space.
Prior to explaining how NASA has put 3D printers to use, a formal
dictionary definition is needed. 3D printing is a process of making threedimensional solid objects from a digital file (3DPrinting.com). The way this
works is through a method called additive processes. This process consists

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of creating multiple, thinly sliced horizontal, layers of a material until an
entire specific item is produced (Sovereign Air, LLC). It is a captivating
invention; however, there is more to it then just this simple definition. In
order to use a three-dimensional printer, one must create the virtual design
of an object that they want to produce. There is one of two ways to do this.
The first is by using a Computer Aided Design, which is a software that can
create 2D drawings or 3D models. The second is by using a 3D scanner to
make a digital copy, and a sliced file, of the item one wants to replicate. The
3D printer reads every slice (of the 2D image) and creates the object
blending each layer with hardly any visible sign of the layers
(3DPrinting.com). Thus, this results in the physical object itself. In the future,
inventors hope to encompass 3D scanners that are integrated into
smartphone devices, but for now, the previous methods stated are the ones
This is just the beginning for how three-dimensional printers work;
there is more to the procedure. To briefly reiterate, additive manufacturing
is a process that combines materials to make three-dimensional objects. This
term is better known as 3D printing; however, both phrases are
interchangeable. In additive manufacturing, there are seven different types
of categories of a process that can be used to create an object. Each
category is unique, and will be expanded upon, in terms of how they create a
desired item.

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The first process is called Powder Bed Fusion. This type of process uses
thermal energy, such as a laser, to melt and combined powders together. As
mentioned before, to make a three-dimensional object, the printer must
create each layer of that particular item. Therefore, the Powder Bed Fusion
process involves spreading material over each individual layer. The next type
of process is called Directed Energy Deposition (DED). This is more of a
complex printing process in comparison to the other ones; even though, DED
also uses thermal energy, like the first method mentioned. For this
procedure, material is being placed on a layer, while thermal energy is
melting the particular substance at the exact same time. The material then
hardens as it is placed on the surface. The third, and most commonly used
3D printing process is known as Material Extrusion. This is where the
substance is sent through the nozzle of a machine. Inside this nozzle, the
material is heated and then placed layer-by-layer in a continuous vertical
motion. These methods mentioned are similar in the way that they require
building upon layers of material to create an object. The next, and last, most
commonly used type of additive manufacture is the Vat Photopolymerization.
This type of process is different because it involves using liquid material to
construct the object. Also, instead of moving in an upward motion, like prior
methods, the machine moves downward as it produces each new layer.
However, because liquids are used, there is no structural support for the
object. Therefore, support structures would need to be utilized in order to
create a standing object using this method (Harris; Additive). These first

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four categories, explained above, are the most commonly used in order to
produce three-dimensional objects.
The next three categories that will be explained are processes that are
not used most often, but are still ways to create 3D items. The first is called
Binder Jetting. It uses two materials already mentioned: powder and liquid;
the liquid is used to stick the powdered layers together. This process is not
used often because of the extra time it adds to the overall procedure. The
next type of additive manufacturing is called Material Jetting. This type of
system is similar to that of a regular everyday printer. The substance shoots
out onto a surface, it hardens, and then another layer is added on top. It may
seem similar to the first types of categories mentioned; however, this
process is not normally used because the components needed are scarce.
The last type of process one can use is called Sheet Lamination. It uses a
layer-by-layer process; however, it uses thin sheets of metal, or paper, to
bond and form an object instead of using a powdered material. Sheet
Lamination is not usually used to build tough structural objects; therefore, it
is not a popular method (Harris; Additive). These are the seven total
categories of additive manufacturing one can use in order to create a threedimensional object. Out of these seven procedures, one must be used in
order to able to produce physical items.
In regards to NASA, it is unclear which additive manufacturing process
they executed while out in space. However, based on research, the method
more likely implemented would be that of the first four common categories

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listed: Powder Bed Fusion, Directed Energy Deposition, Material Extrusion, or
Vat Photopolymerization. Regardless of the method, there are reasons why a
3D printer presented itself to be useful for astronauts. Its fairly common for
astronauts in orbit to lose or break important tools and products (Kalish).
When space personnel break their tools, or if they forget to bring an item on
their missions, there is no easy way to conduct their projects; they cannot
take a trip to the store. Instead, they would have to wait several months
before replacing the tools. As a result of this problem astronauts faced, NASA
invested more than a million dollars into Made in Space Inc., a company that
developed 3D printers to be used in the International Space Station (Kalish).
However, this technology was not easy to develop; it presented problems,
which resulted in passing multiple tests prior to sending the equipment to
Before determining how a three-dimensional printer would operate in
space, NASA first wanted to run tests on the surface. They used the new
Made in Space technology printer to create a tool astronauts would most
likely need on their trips. The International Space Stations 3-D printer
completed the first phase of a NASA technology demonstration by printing a
tool with a design file transmitted to the printer (Harbaugh). The tool they
created is referred to as a ratchet wrench, and it took less than a week to
design. NASA also needed to receive approval by safety reviewers because
the file for this wrench would need to be sent to space for astronauts to use.
Usually, before a spacecraft launches, a review process has to occur, but this

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time would be an exception (Harbaugh). After many phases, the file was sent
to space and the printer produced the wrench in four hours by depositing
more than one hundred layers of plastic. As a result, the item was created
and ready for astronauts to utilize. At this time, Made in Space technology
had become the first company to create an instrument that could print threedimensional objects in outer space. However, they were not satisfied with
just this invention.
Made in Space Inc., wanted to expand their research and technology to
more places throughout space. It is one accomplishment to print within the
International Space Station, but it is another to print within a vacuum, in
space. The Space Station is climate controlled and pressurized, but Made in
Space Inc., created a new machine that would be capable of printing 3D
objects outside of that confined space (Kraft). In order for the company to
invent this new equipment, they had to overcome one big challenge. This
particular problem focused on how the printer would be able to face extreme
temperatures. In a vacuum there is no air to affect heat radiation (Kraft).
NASA and Made in Space Inc., will not announce how they overcame this
challenge; nevertheless, they did say scientists still have many months
before launching these new tests and hardware aboard the International
Space Station (Kraft). Space personnel are currently experimenting with this
technology; however, they are still interested in what else they may be able
to accomplish with the use of 3D printers.

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Equipment and tools are a necessity while in outer space, but so are
other materials, such as food. Along with experimenting how they can use
3D printers in a vacuum, NASA is currently researching how astronauts can
use this technology to produce food for themselves. NASA recently gave a
$100,000 grant to a research company in Austin, Texas, to develop a 3-D
food printer that could help sustain astronauts on a mission to Mars (Kalish).
Before departing to space, specific food is selected for astronauts to eat for
the duration of their mission. However, certain nutrients are critical for
members to intake so that they continue to maintain a good diet and health
(3D Printing: Food in Space). Although this is just a vision for the space
team, it is not an unlikely goal for them to accomplish. NASA is researching
the likelihood of three-dimensional technology having the ability to provide a
variety of foods and nutrients for their space crews.
Three-dimensional printing poses to be very useful for many different
reasons. Whether it is for everyday use, medical purposes, or even NASA, 3D
technology is becoming more popular. Creating a physical object, by using
just a digital scan of it, will give scientists a reason to continue expanding on
this invention. It is likely that people will see an increase of reasons to put
this technology to use, such as producing food. NASA and Made in Space
Inc., has really implemented the use of 3D objects. By inventing a machine
that can be used in places outside of our world is an unbelievable revelation.
Those individuals, such as astronauts, who cannot physically, or easily, come
back down to Earth need another way to help them throughout their journeys

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within our galaxy. The history of three-dimensional printing goes back to the
year 1984. Now, in 2015, this technology is growing even more in order to
benefit our society.

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Works Cited
Additive Manufacturing Technology Assessment. Energy.gov. U.S.
Department of Energy,
Feb. 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
The History of 3D Printing. 3ders.org. www.3Ders.org, 2015. Web. 11 Oct.
Harbaugh, Jennifer. Space Station 3-D Printer Builds Ratchet Wrench To
Complete First
Phase Of Operations. NASA. NASA, July 2015. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.
Harris, Russ. About Additive Manufacturing. Loughborough University.
University, 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
Kalish, Jennifer. NASA to Take First 3-D Printer Into Outer Space. Plastics
News. Crain
Communications, Inc, August 2013. Web. 13 Oct. 2015.
Kraft, Caleb. This New Printer Works in the Lonely Vacuum of Outer Space.
Make. Maker
Media, Inc., Aug. 2015. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.
What is 3D Printing? Sovereign Air, LLC. Sovereign Air LLC. 2015. Web. 11
Oct. 2015
What is 3D Printing? 3DPrinting.com. 3DPrinting.com, 2015. Web. 11 Oct.
3D Printing: Food in Space. NASA. NASA, May 2013. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

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