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10 Most Dangerous Active Volcanoes in the World

Volcanic activity is a regular and harsh reminder that the planet we live on features an everchanging geology. Located along the edges of tectonic plates, volcanoes are fissures that
allow the boiling magma, ash, and gases from beneath the earths surface to explode
violently in response to shifts in the tectonic plates.
The mercurial and cataclysmic nature of volcanic eruptions caused many ancient civilizations
to attribute their eruptions to the tempestuous mood swings of the gods. We now have a
more scientific understanding of volcanic eruptions, but they can still be unpredictableand
every bit as deadly as they ever were. Here are 10 of the most dangerous active volcanoes
around the world.
10. Mauna Loa, Hawaii
This volcano in Hawaii has been active for 700,000 years or more. Thankfully many of the
eruptions are slow, but occasionally the lava flows from the volcano are fast and pose a risk
to nearby towns and villages. There is also a continuing potential for dangerous earthquakes.
Taal, Philippines (Mvdelrosario 217Flickr)
This volcano is located on the island of Luzon in the center of Lake Taal. Its proximity to Manila
makes it an ongoing threat to over 1.6 million inhabitants. Since 1572, the volcano has
erupted 33 times. It is recommended that visitors view Taal from a distance, though many
tourists visit the volcanic island each year.
8. Ulawun, Papua New Guinea
This is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. There have been 22 major eruptions
recorded since the 1700s, and nearby residents report that they regularly observe minor
eruptions on an ongoing basis. The structural integrity of Ulawun is questionable; if a major
collapse occurs, the resulting eruption could herald destruction across hundreds of square
7. Mt. Nyiragongo, Democratic Republic of Congo
This dramatic volcano features impressive lakes of lava near its crater. These lakes come and
gosometimes quite destructively. In 1977, a particularly large lake spilled when the lake
wall fractured. Lava flows traveling at 60 mph destroyed nearby villages, killing and injuring
thousands. 147 people died in an eruption as recent as 2002, and another 120,000 lost their
6. Mt. Merapi, Indonesia
The name of this mountain means Mountain of Fire." It is Indonesias most active volcano, and
it has produced a record amount of lava flow. Measured in terms of flow alone, it is the most
active volcano in the world. It has been active at least 10,000 years. A 2010 eruption killed
353 people and left 320,000 more without homes.
5. Galeras, Columbia
This volcano near the border of Ecuador erupts frequently and has been active an impressively
long time. Scientists estimate the volcano has been erupting for one million years or more.
The first recorded eruption was in 1580. Between 1978 and 1988, Galeras went temporarily
dormant. Since becoming active again, it has behaved ominously, erupting almost every
year since the turn of the millennium. The city of Pasto on its eastern slope is home to
450,000 residents.
4. Sakurajima, Japan
On the list of active volcanoes, Sakurajima is known as the Vesuvius of the East," a reference
to its high level of activity. It used to be separate from the mainland of Japan, but the lava
flows from a 1914 eruption actually created a bridge of land connecting it to the rest of
Japan. Sakurajima produces thousands of small eruptions each year. If a major eruption
occurs, 700,000 residents in the city of Kagoshima will be in immediate danger.
3. Popocatepetl, Mexico
This volcano is just 35 miles away from Mexico City and erupted most recently in 2000. Fortyone thousand people would have been in danger of losing their lives if they had not been

evacuated in time. Nine million people live within the blast radius. If there is ever a major
eruption, it will be a mass catastrophe. This certainly makes Popocatepetl one of the most
dangerous volcanoes on the planet as well as one of the most active.
2. Mt. Vesuvius, Italy
One of the most famous volcanoes on the planet is Mt. Vesuvius. Anyone who has attended a
high-school history class knows about the famous, catastrophic eruption in 79 AD which
destroyed the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. The volcanic ash preserved the two sites,
making them some of the best known archaeological digs on earth. Vesuvius has an eruption
cycle of roughly every 20 years. The last eruption was in 1944, so the mountain is overdue
for its next eruption. Three million people are located not only within the blast radius, but
close to the crater. This is another volcano which poses a serious risk to an incredible
number of people.
1. Yellowstone National Park, USA
The number one volcano on our list of active volcanoes is the Yellowstone Caldera. The
national parks active volcanic caldera attracts something on the order of three million
visitors per year. Its hot springs and geysers are beautiful to behold, but they are also
potentially deadly. Yellowstone is a supervolcano. In fact, the last known major eruption of a
supervolcano happened in Yellowstone 640,000 years ago. If Yellowstone were to blow, it is
estimated that 87,000 people would be killed instantly. The entire western USA would be
devastated, and the ash would also impact ecology and human health throughout the
country and the world. The explosion would be a worldwide catastrophe of unparalleled
proportions, and there is no way to predict how far its ramifications would extend.
We may no longer attribute the explosions of volcanoes to the whims of angry gods, but we
hold the same respect for them as our ancestors didor at least we need to, if we want to
keep people safe who live within their blast radiuses. The magnitude of damage volcanoes
can cause is tremendous, but they are also an important mark of our living geology. The
better geologists come to understand volcanoes, the better equipped we will be to predict
their explosions and protect major population centers, even while appreciating their
dangerous majesty.
Top Ten Most Active Volcanoes in the Philippines
The Philippines, being part of the so-called Pacific ring of Fire, has numerous volcanoes
and there are scores of active volcanoes in the country. Here are the most active volcanoes
in the Philippines.
The Philippines, being part of the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, has numerous volcanoes and
there are scores of active volcanoes in the country. Here are the most active volcanoes in
the Philippines.
1.) Mount Mayon Albay
Mount Mayon, one of the most impressive Philippine landmarks, with an elevation of 2,462
meters is the most active volcano in the Philippines. Based on recorded history of the
country, this almost perfect cone volcano in Albay erupted at least 50 times from 1616 up to
present.One of the most remarkable and most devastating eruptions of Mount Mayon was its
eruption in 1766 that erased the town of Cagsawa in the Philippine map. Only the bell tower
of Cagsawa Church remained above the new surface. Its last eruption was in January 2010.
2.) Taal Volcano Batangas
Taal Volcano, situated within Taal Lake, has always been known to be one of the most active
volcanoes in the country and in fact tagged as the worlds most active smallest volcano. This
volcano located in Batangas province had erupted 33 times from 1572 to present.
Its last eruption occurred in July 2009 and is currently closely monitored for its abnormal
activities which may result to another eruption of this small but very active volcano. It has
an elevation of 400 meters.

3.) Mount Kanlaon Negros Oriental

With an elevation of 2.435 meters, one of the most active Philippine volcanoes is Mount
Kanlaon or Kanlaon Volcano. It had erupted at least 25 times already from 1886 up to
present. It last major eruption happened in 1996 and had been permanently monitored since
4.) Mount Bulusan Sorsogon
This volcano with an elevation of 1,565 meters had erupted 15 times already from 1886 up to
2007. It has been closely monitored since its last eruption in 2007. This active volcano is
located in the so-called little Switzerland of the Philippines the province of Sorsogon.
5.) Mount Makaturing Lanao del Sur
Not as popular as the Taal and Mayon volcanoes but Mount Makaturing, one of the top ten
highest mountains in the Philippines, is also one of the most active volcanoes in the country.
It has an elevation of 1,940 meters and had erupted 10 times since 1882.
6. - a) Musuan Volcano - Bukidnon
Another not-so-famous volcano is Musuan Volcano located in the province of Bukidnon. With an
elevation of 646 meters only, it is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines and
had erupted 8 times in a span of 21 years from 1866 to 1887. Its last threatening activity of
strong seismic swarm occurred in 1976 but has not erupted since then.
b) Mount Ragang Lanao del Sur
Mount Ragang in Lanao del Sur, which is another tall mountain in the Philippines, is another
active volcano that had erupted 8 times and tied with Musuan Volcano as the countries 6th
most active volcano. Its last recorded eruption happened in 1916 or 94 years ago.
7. -a) Didicas Volcano Cagayan
One of the smallest and most active volcanoes in the Philippines is Dicicas Volcano located in
Cagayan province. With an elevation of 244 meters only it had already erupted 7 times from
1773 up to 1990.
b) Hibok-Hibok Camiguin
Mount Hibok-Hibok, one of the most popular volcanoes in the Philippines, had already erupted
7 times since the recorded history of the Philippines. With an elevation of 1,552 meters, this
volcanos first recorded eruption was in 1827 and the last was in 1952. It is tied with Didicas
as the 7th most active volcanoes in the Philippines.
8.) Smith Volcano - Cagayan
Mount Smith in Cagayan province with an elevation of 688 meters above sea level had
erupted 6 times already and the last known eruption of this active Philippine volcano was
recorded in 1924. This beautiful volcano is also known as Mount Babuyan.
9. -a) Babuyan Claro Cagayan
Babuyan claro, an active volcano in Cagayan province, has an elevation of 1,080 meters above
sea level. It erupted in 1831, 1860, 1913 and its last eruption was in 1917.
b) Mount Banahaw Quezon
Tied at 8th place as the most active volcanoes in the Philippines is Mount Banahaw in Quezon
province. It has an elevation of 2,158 meters and had erupted 4 times since 1730 up to
1909. The mountain is considered 'sacred' by the residents of the area.
10. a) Dequey Batanes
Dequey Volcano, an underwater volcano, is located in the smallest province of the Philippines
Batanes. With an elevation of -24 meters above sea level, it has been known to have erupted
3 times - 1773, 1850 and 1854. It is considered as Philippine most active undersea volcano.
b.) Mount Parker Cotabato
And for the last spot as the Philippines most active volcanoes is Mount Parker, an active
volcano located in Cotabato. With an elevation of 1,824, its earliest known recorded eruption
occurred in 1800 BCE and its last major eruption was in 1641.
Mount Pinatubo, which is located in the province of Zambales in Central Luzon, was
reawakened in 1991 producing the 2nd largest eruption in the 20th century. Two milder

eruptions followed in 1992 and 1993. Its last eruption prior to 1991 is unknown. It has an
elevation of 1,486 meters.
Mount Mayon Albay
Taal Volcano Batangas
Mount Kanlaon Negros Oriental
Mount Bulusan Sorsogon
Mount Makaturing Lanao del Sur
Mount Pinatubo
Hibok-Hibok Camiguin
Smith Volcano - Cagayan

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