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Breanna Walker
Professor Joy McDonald
English 101-05
October 28th, 2016

Annotated Bibliography On Gay Rights

Andryszewski, Tricia. Gay Rights. Brookfield, Conn: Lerner Publishing Group, 2000. eBook
Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
In Andryszewskis book Gay Rights the portion I decided to focus on dealt with
laws put in place to protect heterosexuals who believed that gay rights should be
discouraged. She talks about how the people who discourage gay rights do it for moral
reasons and not for legal reasons, and that because they dont agree with it, the state
shouldnt either. Sodomy laws (which now have been outlawed in the US) prevented
homosexuals from simple things such as getting homes together, having equal
opportunity in the workplace and getting married. Although now people are able to be
married in the us (which at the time which the book was written they werent) they still
fight for some of the same basic rights like employment or places that deny them rights
that heterosexuals have which in her opinion is something that needs to be changed. Ill
use this source to answer my question of why homosexuals are not equal when it comes
to law.
Encarnacin, Omar G. "Gay Rights: Why Democracy Matters." Journal of Democracy 25.3 (2014):
90-104. Project Muse. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. <>.
In Omar Encarnacins journal article, he talks about the rights of the LGBT community

worldwide. He speaks on how the richer the country, the more accepting the country is of
gays and giving them rights however, the rights in the richer countries still arent great.
However, his main point is that democracy makes a huge difference in whether or not gay
rights are granted or recognized even. He points out that without a democracy rights for
gays are not even recognized and that is legacy of British colonialism. Omar believes
that the first steps of the west accepting gay rights as an issue, is to form democracies
because a democracy provides the best environment for nurturing the rise of gay rights.
Ill use this to support how gay rights have come a long way but isnt all the way where it
needs to be yet.
Esseks, James. "Gay Marriage Is Legal, but Were Still Not Equal." The Daily Beast.
Newsweek/Daily Beast, 9 Sept. 2015. Web. 24 Oct.
In James Esseks article, he is focusing on the fact that although by law everyone
is considered equal, he points out that that indeed is false. Esseks touches on the fact that
although gay marriage has been made legal in the states however not much is being done
to make sure theyre enforced. In the article he shows the different ways that the LGBT
community is ostracized in society, even though theyre equal. He understands that
every person has the freedom to dislike gays but realizes they have no right to enforce
hate on them. He brings up how priests are allowed to turn away couples because it goes
against their religion but how the government officials are doing the same thing which is
socially and legally unjust. In conclusion, Esseks proves his point throughout this article
that the LGBT community is still in fact not equal in the eyes of the law and wont be

Until the laws catch up and protect us. Ill use this to support how the lgbt community
isnt accepted in America as they should be.
Gainous, J., and L. Rhodebeck. "Is Same-Sex Marriage an Equality Issue? Framing Effects
Among African Americans." Journal of Black Studies 47.7 (2016): 682-700. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
In the article by Jason Gainous, he narrowed his study down to Gay Rights in the
African American community. His argument was that African Americans base their views
upon what is in the media at the time, basically he stated that African Americans go with
what is popular at the time. Gainous stated that from research, Blacks are not only more
likely than Whites to see homosexuality as wrong but also more likely to favor laws that
prohibit dis- crimination against lesbians and gay men. In conclusion, Gainous stated
that African American acceptance rate of equality of Gay Rights has and is still increasing
more on an egalitarian basis however, it was not always that way. I will use this to
support how they gay rights movement is slowly gaining support it deserves.
Kimmel, Katherine, Jeffery Lax, and Justin H. Phillips. "Public Opinion Quarterly." Gay Rights
in Congress Public Opinion and (Mis)Representation (2016): n. pag. Public
Opinion Quarterly, 29 June 2016. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
In the article co-written by Krimmel, Lax and Phillips, the main focus of their
article is about how government plays a role in gay rights, which they believe is
influenced by public opinion. They argue that now gay rights are being taken seriously
and coming to light because of public influence, the public is more accepting then it ever
has been now and so because of that now so is the government. They argue however that

because of the lack of minorities in congress like the LGBT community, the community
will still suffer because they dont have anyone really representing them. In conclusion,
the writers said that they believed if more representation in the offices of congress was
inclusive of more minority communities such as the LGBT community would be able to
thrive. I will use this to show how with the proper representation the LGBT community
can thrive and get the equality it deserves.


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