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Rebecca Moe
Mr. Dorhout
Wallis, Laura. "Not Getting through: Vaccination Message is Ineffective." AJN,
American Journal of Nursing, vol. 114, no. 6, 2014., pp. 1616doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000450417.74100.d4

The purpose of this Journal is to explain why it is important to

get your vaccinations. The audience would me anyone in the medical field
and even parents wanting to know more about vaccinations. This journal
could be considered bias because it only shows you one side of the argument.
The argument the author is making is that the recent outbreak of measles
and mumps over the past few years have increased due to people not getting
vaccinated. This journal has its strengths and weaknesses, the strengths
would be the journal includes a lot of research to prove its argument. The
weaknesses of this journal would be that it does not provide another side of
the argument. This source is creditable because it provides a lot of
information to why you need to get your vaccinations.
Brnighausen, Till, et al. "Valuing Vaccination." Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, vol. 111, no. 34, 2014., pp. 1231312319doi:10.1073/pnas.1400475111.
The purpose of this article is show all the effects of vaccinations
including both sides of vaccinations as well as cost and research. The

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audience for this article would be someone in medical field doing a research
paper. There is no bias in this article. In the article it talks about the benefits,
cost, and research of different vaccinations. This article strengths are it
provides a lot of information of the effects and history of different
vaccinations. This source is creditable because it provides a lot of information
on different vaccinations.

Kester, Laura M., et al. "A National Study of HPV Vaccination of Adolescent Girls:
Rates, Predictors, and Reasons for Non-Vaccination." Maternal and Child
Health Journal, vol. 17, no. 5, 2013;2012;., pp. 879-885doi:10.1007/s10995012-1066-z.
The purpose of this article is the provide information on the HPV
vaccination. The audience for this article would be a parent wanting to do the
research on the HPV vaccinations as well as a person in the medical field
doing research on the HPV vaccinations. The article could be considered bias
because the author believes that the HPV vaccination is only good and every
young female should get the vaccinations. The argument the author making
is there are less than 50% of young women who get the HPV vaccination and
why all young women should get this vaccination. The strengths of this article
is that it provides a lot of creditable information. However, the article does
have a few weaknesses for example It only talks about why you should get
the vaccination. This source is creditable because it provides a lot of
information on the HPV vaccinations.

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Kondro, Wayne. "Staff Vaccinations." CMAJ: Canadian Medical Association Journal,
vol. 184, no. 14, 2012. pp. E745doi:10.1503/cmaj.109-4294.
The purpose of this Article is to show the argument to if the
staff in a medical office should or shouldnt be vaccinated. The audience
would be someone working in the medical field. This article could be
considered bias because the author states that everyone in the medical office
should be vaccinated. Strengths of this article are that it provides information
and quotes from other sources. The weaknesses would be that the author is
only taking one side. This source is creditable because it provides useful
information about vaccination and the staff of a medical office.
Swamy, Geeta K., and R. P. Heine. "Vaccinations for Pregnant Women." Obstetrics
and gynecology, vol. 125, no. 1, 2015., pp. 212226doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000000581.
The purpose of this article is it provides information on
vaccinations and pregnant women. The audience of this article would be
pregnant women wanting to know more on the safety of vaccinations while
pregnant also someone in the gynecology field doing research. This article
had no noticeable bias because it has information on effects of some
vaccinations on pregnant women and also information on safe vaccinations
for pregnant women. The argument the author is making is which
vaccinations are and are not safe for pregnant women. The strength is of this
article is that it provides both side of an argument on vaccinations safe for
pregnant women. This source is creditable because it provide a lot of

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information on vaccinations and a good argument of the safety of different
vaccinations for pregnant women.
Rosenblatt, Adena E., and Sarah L. Stein. "Cutaneous Reactions to Vaccinations."
Clinics in dermatology, vol. 33, no. 3, 2015;2014;., pp.
The purpose of this article is provide information the effects
of vaccinations to the skin. The Audience would be someone in the
dermatology field of study or a person studying the effects of vaccinations.
There is no bias in this article because the author is just stating the
information they have gathered on the effects of vaccinations of the skin.
The argument the author is making is if vaccinations are worth it with the
effects some can cause to the skin. The strengths the author has is they
support there information. This source is creditable because it provides useful
information on the effects of vaccinations on the skin.

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