Pipe Method Analysis

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Figure 9-1: Trench bedding condition

Figure 9-2: Embankment bedding


9.4 Methods of Analysis

9.4.1 D-load analysis
This analysis and the selection of pipe shall be based on a D0.01 crack using the approach
in Section 17.4 of AASHTO (1996) with the following exceptions.
Standard trench and embankment installation are presented in Figure 9-1and Figure 9-2.
The bedding factor Bf to be used for this installation are listed in . Bedding factor for the
embankment conditions are shown in and calculated using below equation
Bf = 1.431/(Xp Xa/3)
For these installation, the earth load WE should be determined according to the procedure
in Section 2.4.2 except H is equal to Hc.
For these installation, the design load determined by AASHTO 1996 Equation 17-2 must
be increased by a hydraulic factor Hf of 1.3. The modified AASHTO D0.01 crack design
D0.01 = Hf*WT/(Sj*Bf)
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