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Module 1: Animism: The Primitive Belief

(Basis of Spirituality)

Prerequisite Skills:

Knowledge and skills in the application of spirituality

Mrs. Nieves R. Madelar
First Year College
Allotted Time:
Six Hours
This module is designed to help you understand the basis of Spirituality of all existing religion
Upon completion of this module, you should be able to:
1. Develop a sense of spiritual awareness in animism
2. Appreciate the spiritual value necessary for the enhancement of their spiritual life.
3. Distinguish superstitious/primitive beliefs in comparison with other religions.
1. Direction: Study the problem in each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number of
each item.
____________ 1. __________ is the mother of all primitive beliefs.
a. Hinduism
b. Animism
c. Buddhism
d. Confucianism
____________ 2. __________ is a belief that every living thing and none livings have souls.
a. Taoism
b. Shinto c. Islam d. Confucianism
____________ 3. Animism is a belief full of __________ beliefs.
a. Modern
b. Primitive
c. Superstitious
d. Christian
____________ 4. __________ is the root word of animism which means soul or spirit.
a. Anime
b. Anima
c. Animal
d. Animistic
____________ 5. Animism still dominantly exists in __________.
a. cities
b. towns c. barangays
d. very remote places
Direction: Read the following sentences and write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong. Write your
answer on the blank provided before the number of the statement.
______1.The crystal balls and the palm can be an instrument to foretell the future.
______2.Superstitious belief like using amulets and Charm can help people protect themselves from enemies.
______3. It is just alright to follow superstitious beliefs of our parents, anyway nothing is lost.
______4.Using charms and amulets to protect ourselves from destruction does not deteriorate our Christian faith.
______ 5.Even none livings can be possessed by evil spirits.
A. Animism
Animism is a belief in spiritual bearings concerned with human affairs and capable of interviewing in them a belief
persuasive among most tribal or primitive peoples.
It is the attribution of a soul or spirit to living things and inanimate objects.
Religion had its origin in early mans attribution of a soul like his own to every soul of living being and physical object
around him. Religion is mans establishment of a relationship between himself and the spirits that he felt possessed, persuade,
crowded all nature.
Animism has a wide influence in our Spirituality the same with other religions. The concern of this lesson is to
discriminate if it compromise with our beliefs.
Unlocking of Difficulties:
Animism - a religion that holds to believe in spirit, not only of the living but also of the dead; the religion of
the mountain tribal people. They number more than 121 million in the island of Pacific Asia, India, Africa, Siberia,
North and South America.
Animist- the believer in spirits of living and the dead people and things.
Pagan- often used as another word for animist.

Animism is probably the oldest religion in the world. It flourishes in primitive places for from the
influence of technological and scientific discoveries and the modern comforts of life. It is a religion full of
superstitions because the followers are uneducated. Because they do not know and they do not
understand, they never question what they are told to believe or do. They are afraid of so many things
for they are taught to fear them.
The animists believe in a Supreme Being which is called by different names in different regions
of different tribal group. He is powerful and all wise, the creator of the world. Yet, they also believe that
there are other gods, lesser ones whom they can call and ask favors and who in turn will intercede in
their behalf. The family has household gods to watch the home and the members of the family; there is
the god of the farm or agriculture to take care of the family crops and plants; god of the woodland or
forest; god of the wild life; god of rivers, streams, lakes; god of mountain and hills; god of life o fertility;
god of death and darkness; god of justice; god of peace; god of war and others. Aside from these, they
believe that there are ghosts, spirits, angels, and demons. They believe that there are spirits in animals,
trees, lightning and thunder which try to harm them. They offer food, gifts, sacrifices, and prayers to
please them and wear charms or amulets to drive them away. They believe that if they do and say the
right things, they can control the spirits of the world.
The animists believe that the dead become a part of this spirits world, so they worship them
ancestors. A certain tribe also believes it has a special relationship with a certain animal, then, the figure
of the animal is carved and placed over the tribal grave, or, like the American Indians practice, a totem
pole is carried with the form of that animal upon it.
Generally, the animists do not believe that disease and sickness are caused by germs or virus.
Sickness and death come about because one has broken a promise or has done that which is taboo (not
allowed) or has angered a spirit. Accidents happen because somebody has wronged or failed to show
proper respect to the spirits.
The spiritual life of the animists is controlled by the priests, who because of his role in the life of
the people are often the most powerful in the villages. He is obeyed, followed, and respected not only
by the villagers but by the tribal ruler or leader. His words are given much importance and are accepted
without question. He has power to heal the sick, raise the dead, communicate with the spirit, predict
future, interpret dreams and identify native medicine. Yet, he has no proper training and his position is
inherited from his father. Sometimes, the priest is even the political ruler. When this happens, he has
full control of the people.
Because of differences in environment and climate, there are varieties of beliefs and practices,
as the animists begin to understand the world around him, as he is introduced to the scientific progress
and is led to know, to learn and to understand, his fears diminish and his beliefs are changed.
In our society, which is civilized and modern, there are people who are educated and Godfearing but who believe many superstitions. Much importance is attached to omens, signs and dreams.
They fear a black cat crossing their path for they consider it as bad luck, and to see a snake in the house
or in a dream foretells good luck. They believe in their dreams. They argue that the stars determine their
future so they listen to the radio or read their daily horoscope from a newspaper or magazine. They
enjoy palm- reading and are very dependent on luck. This explains our peoples love of gambling. They
believe much in ones fate as the determining factor for their success.
Other superstitious beliefs:

Sweeping the floor at night- you will lose your wealth

Take salt with you when you go to remote place- to drive away evil spirits
Symbols of the cross on the doors and posts- to keep evil spirits from entering
Offering food to the dead (atang)
One must not pay his debt at night- you may lose something

In some places in Mindanao the old folks believe that at midnight on New Years Eve you should listen
closely to the sounds. The first animal sound that is heard after 12:00 foretells the New Years fortune.
The barking of the dog means sickness in the coming year; the lowing of a cow is an assurance of
abundance; the crowing of a cock indicates famine.

Activity 1
a. Brainstorming
Give 1 or 2 practices in your homes which you think are superstitious and you are encourage to react from those
Example: If you happen to come across a black cat along the road you will no longer continue to go to your
destination because an accident will inflict you.
b. Reflection
Analyze the influence of these superstitious beliefs in your life. Will it develop your spirituality as an individual or
Activity 2
Graded recitation

Name: __________
Course: __________
Course/Year/Section: __________
1. Direction: Answer the question briefly but completely.
There were instances of your life journey since you were born that you assimilated some practices and values that
were not in consonant with your Christian beliefs. Relate those instances and evaluate whether their influence
penetrated your spirituality as a Christian or not. Write your decision if you are going to discard from your system or
continue doing it.
2. Direction: Enumerate 5 superstitious beliefs that you want to stop practicing because you are already enlightened
1. The Worlds Religions- Understanding the Living Faith by: Dr. Peter B. Clarke, pages 6 -15
2. Dictionary of the Bible and Religions
3. Parke, Royota E. Encyclopedia of Religion, Meridian Books Inc., New York Inc., 1990

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