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Week Two Lesson Plans: Band 10-20-30

**This class runs for 41 Minutes Monday - Thursday and for 50 Mins on Fridays
(Rotating between choir or band each week)**

Lesson Overview: In this lesson I will be introducing a new piece of music Anchors Mahler
Symphony #1. This will pose an an opportunity to learn who Mahler was and why her is
important to music.
Warm up/Technique (5-10 mins)
Scales: Chorale #6
Technique: Bb Major Scale articulations
Repertoire (30-40 mins)
Repertoire #1: Chorale. This will function as another tuning exercise as well as as using
dynamic contrast.
Repertoire #2: Mahler: We will begin by listening to this piece and then give it a basic sight
read through.
Repertoire #3: October: We will be looking at the larger sections where the ensemble reaches
the heights of F and FF markings. From this we will be discussing using larger volumes while
gaining control of the pitch as well as tone.

Lesson Overview: In this lesson we will begin working on more micro oriented details from
within the pieces we have looked at thus far.
Warm up/Technique (5-10 mins)

Hook: Mr. Rogers Tuning Warm-Up

Scales: In this class we will be focussing on the Db major scale and different modified scale
patterns using this scale. This is because our piece October happens to be in the key.
Technique: For technique we will be looking at the Staccato and how it functions best in
Repertoire (30-40 mins)

Repertoire #1: Shenandoah: We will be focussing on how the Rits function as well as using
extreme dynamic contrast.
Repertoire #2: October: We will be looking at the larger sections where the ensemble reaches
the heights of F and FF markings. From this we will be discussing using larger volumes while
gaining control of the pitch as well as tone.

Lesson Overview: In this lesson we will be talking about critical listening and self evaluation.
We will do this though listening exercises and reviewing our pieces that we have been given to
Warm up/Technique (5-10 mins)

Hook: Mr. Rogers Tuning Warm-Up

Scales: In this class we will be focussing on the Db major scale and different modified scale
patterns using this scale. This is because our piece October happens to be in the key.
Technique: Tuning chorale and listening
Repertoire (30-40 mins)

Repertoire #1: Chorale: We will be taking the chorale at a much slower tempo for this exercise
which will involve students listening and watching me. We will be doing a large amount of push
and pull as well as inflection within the different chords.
Repertoire #2: October: In this lesson we will be focussing on the changing between different
tempos and time signatures to ensure that the ensemble can do this without difficulty. After this
different transitions are worked we will be playing though the piece in its entirety and ensuring
that we have reached our goals.
Repertoire #3: Beauty and the Beast: In this piece we will be focussing on the transitions and
ensuring that they are perfect. We will be working on the Waltz as well and ensuring that the
style is correct.

Lesson Overview: In this lesson we will begin working on more micro oriented details from
within the pieces we have looked at thus far.
Warm up/Technique (5-10 mins)

Hook: Mr. Rogers Tuning Warm-Up

Scales: In this class we will be focussing on the Db major scale and different modified scale
patterns using this scale. This is because our piece October happens to be in the key.
Technique: Different types of articulations: For this lesson we will be using the scale above with
a magnitude of different articulations.
Repertoire (30-40 mins)

Repertoire #1: Anchors Away: For this piece of music we will be ensuring that we have all of
the important articulations found within march music the way that should be. After this we will be
playing through the piece to ensure that these markings are being followed as they should be.
Repertoire #2: October: In this lesson we will be focussing on the dynamics found within this
piece that make them so powerful. We will be deciding as an ensemble what these different
volume levels should look like.

Lesson Overview: Since this is a shorter class we will be focussing on the repertoire that was
introduced this week for a majority of the class. We will be focussing on starting to work the
repertoire to the best of our abilities and a talk about practicing will happen at the end of the
Warm up/Technique (5-10 mins)

Hook: Mr. Rogers Tuning Warm-Up

Scales: In this class we will be focussing on the Db major scale and different modified scale
patterns using this scale. This is because our piece October happens to be in the key.
Technique: Using Dynamics
Repertoire (30-40 mins)

Repertoire #1: October: In this lesson we will be focussing on the dynamics found within this
piece that make them so powerful. We will be deciding as an ensemble what these different
volume levels should look like.
Repertoire #2: Anchors Away: For this piece of music we will be ensuring that we have all of
the important articulations found within march music the way that should be. After this we will be
playing through the piece to ensure that these markings are being followed as they should be.
Repertoire #3: Beauty and the beast: We will be running this piece to see how far we have
come in three weeks.

Repertoire #4: Shenandoah: Beauty and the beast: We will be running this piece to see how far
we have come in three weeks.

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