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Rosa-Lee Jimenez

Pols 331
GCB #3
1. Research Question: Does drug abuse cause a decrease in social mobilization?
2. APSA citation: Wang, W. 1999. Illegal drug abuse and the community camp
strategy in China. Journal Of Drug Education 29(2): 97-114.
3. Answer EACH of the following questions about your article:



The author addresses the topic of how China created a community drug rehabilitation
camp in order to control the usage and trafficking of illegal drugs such as opium, heroin,
and cocaine. Ultimately, the author describes the evaluation of the community camp.
The U.S. has three different viewpoints of treatment, which include the medical model,
psychological model, & social model. The medical model defines drug addiction as a
disease, thus the type of treatment tends to involve outpatient or open-ward medical
treatment. As for psychological model, its treatment is for the client to go under
psychotherapy to understand their reason for drug use and correct such behaviors. Lastly,
the social model uses the method of treatment within a community camp or boot camp
(social groups).
The author is testing to see whether or not the community camp strategy also known as
the community treatment model in China is successful in the areas of treatment,
rehabilitation, and prevention.


A main point of this paper is to convey the evaluations of these community camps and the
only Wang could do that is by presenting observations/evidence, which implies that the
methodology used is empirical. Empirical papers can be either qualitative or quantitative.
This paper exercises the uses of both qualitative and quantitative evidence.


The main conclusion reached by the author in this article is that the community
rehabilitation programs in China have not been completely successful. However, Chinas
government integrated community efforts with treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention,
which allowed the rehabilitation rate to be about 80 percent.

4. Thurman, Pamela Jumper et al. 2003. Community Readiness: The Journey to

Community Healing. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 35(1): 2731.
3a) The author addresses the topic of community readiness and how the this theory could
implement a sustainable community and increase mobilization. Furthermore, the author
addresses how local prevention efforts must be consistent with the degree of readiness of
the community to achieve an intervention.
White, William L. 2009. The Mobilization of Community Resources to Support LongTerm Addiction Recovery. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 36(2): 14658.
3a) The author addresses the topic of the history of addiction treatment and recovery in
the United States. The author is trying to establish the relationship between recovery and
community. In addition, the author identifies the strategies that support the long-term
recovery not only for individuals, but the community and their families.

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