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JULY 12, 2016

We, the current interns of the McKeon Group, have been tasked with creating an
official internship program for the McKeon Group, along with recommending key features for
a new intern program webpage. Below you will find all of the information that we think is
necessary to jumpstart the intern program and webpage:
Internship program name: McKeon Group V.I.P. (Versatile Internship Program)
Description of the program:
The McKeon Group is proud to announce the new Versatile Internship Program (V.I.P.) for
aged juniors, seniors and recent graduates. The program began on June 1st with the addition of TaiLyn Parboosingh from the University of Central Florida, followed shortly thereafter by
Matthew Morehead from Pepperdine University. V.I.P. was created to help prepare young
individuals for the different aspects and roles of their future career paths; to work closely
with students who desire to shape policy in Washington D.C.; and to gain a new and fresh
perspective on government relations from the younger generation. Interns perform many
versatile tasks and work as a part of the McKeon Group team in a variety of ways including:
business development, advocacy, marketing, and capital investment work. Students have the
opportunity to attend hearings, think tank discussions, meetings with current and past
professionals in the D.C. area, and work closely with a mentor on day-to-day activities. Not
only does V.I.P. result in vital work experience and real world applications, but our interns
also have the opportunity to develop their professional network. Preferred qualifications for
interested individuals include exceptional written and verbal communication skills, as well as
an interest or major in government, public policy, or political science. Candidates must
submit a completed application form which includes a formal writing sample along with a
resume and cover letter. Once narrowed the candidates will later be selected for a phone
interview. McKeon Group V.I.P allows the McKeon Group to give back to the community,
help educate future leaders, and stay connected with the next generation of policy framers.
These qualified individual V.I.P. members bring broad thinking and more knowledge to
create a wider

body and a more diverse team. The McKeon Group is excited to have a program
dedicated to the next generation of policy leaders, and looks forward to hearing from
Intern Bios
Why Work For Us?
Intern Bios Tab
This tab will include profile pictures and up-to-date bios of current and former interns (sort of a success
story page).
Current Intern Bios:
Matthew Morehead
Matthew Morehead is a political science major at Pepperdine University who will be a senior in
the fall. Matthew is involved in several on-campus organizations. These include the Pepperdine
Ambassadors Council (PAC), Campus Ministry, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and the Pepperdine Rugby
Team. Matthew expects to graduate with honors in the spring of 2017. He intends to continue his
education in law school, and hopes to hold public office in the future. Outside of academics,
Matthew has attended the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) V&C Summer Honors Program. It
was there that he gained in-depth insight into U.S. welfare policy and how the federal government
attempts to combat poverty. Matthew interned in both the district office and on Capitol Hill for
the former Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, Howard P. Buck McKeon. As
a congressional intern he drafted official letters, spoke to large groups on behalf of the chairman,
and experienced first-hand how congressional staff operate on a daily basis. He has also worked
as a senior research associate for the McKeon Group regional office in California. In this
capacity, he conducted in-depth grant research for various clients in the Southern California area.
Currently, Matthew is honored to work for the McKeon Group during the summer of 2016 in the
Washington D.C. area helping the firm advocate for defense, education, and workforce issues.

Tai-Lyn Parboosingh joins the McKeon Group as a student from the University of Central Florida
studying Political Science. She is currently interning in D.C for the summer as a member of the
Washington Center Program. After graduation in the spring, she plans to go to law school and
earn her Juris Doctor to later pursue a career in government, with the hopes of running for office
one day. Prior to joining McKeon Group, Tai-Lyn worked for Align Public Strategies, a
specialization in national issue management, communications, government relations, and
reputation assurance firm. There she assisted with creating newsletters, blog posts, and research
databases for various governmental coalitions and worked with Fortune 500 corporations,
industry associations, regional firms and non-governmental organizations on strategic issues that
impact their business and reputation. Tai-Lyn maintains a comprehensive understanding of the
public and private sector processes, key players and client relationships. Tai-Lyns desire to be a
part of her community and government based work is demonstrated through her efforts as a
student leader at her University as a senator for the College of Sciences, her membership on the
University of Central Floridas Presidents Leadership Council, and her engagement as a
Volunteer UCF Alternative Break Trip Coordinator. She also demonstrates service and
government experience as a previous intern for Seminole County Commissioner Lee Constantine
and former Florida legislator and Altamonte Springs Mayor and as an intake specialist for
Seminole County Legal Aid.
FA Qs Tab
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How many hours a week will I be working?

We encourage that our interns work full time, Monday- Friday 9am- 5pm but we are willing work with interns who
are engaged in a D.C program and have classes that may conflict with them working full time

2. How long is my lunch break?

30 min- 1 hr
3. What does a typical day at the McKeon Group look like?
Every day looks different here at the McKeon Group and therefore you must be versatile and willing to
work in a fast paced and changing environment. One day you may be working on client proposals and the
next you may be attending congressional hearings.
4. What is the office attire?
Business casual business professional if interns are attending a meeting or event
5. Are there any first day instructions?
Come ready to learn, be professional, and have a great attitude!
6. Will there be opportunities for me to attend events and or meetings with the McKeon Group
Attending events and meetings with the McKeon Group is actually encouraged here as we think it is vital
that our interns receive real world experience and meet/network with professionals
7. Do I have to bring my laptop daily to the office?
You will be provided with a laptop, desk, and all other office supplies
8. Do I need to have any internship or work experience before applying to the McKeon Group?
Internship and work experience will definitely help you succeed at the McKeon Group as we are a very
fast paced and highly skilled operating force of bright professionals who come from a diverse work
9. What is the culture of the McKeon Group like?
Here at the McKeon Group we value our interns and highly encourage personal and professional
development. We assure that we maintain an open and innovative environment while putting family at the
forefront of everything. Here at the McKeon Group were a family and we run our business based on this
10. Does Mckeon Group give any stipends?
McKeon Group will provide a stipend for your transportation to and from the office
11. How do I prepare for work at McKeon Group?
In order to prepare for work at McKeon Group, you should research many of our topic focus areas
especially defense and constantly read in order to stay aware of events occurring in D.C and the world.
12. Is the office located next to restaurants? What is the area like?
We are located in Alexandria, Virginia which is a well-known place for its history and great food.
13. How many interns work in the office?
One to three interns work in the office each semester.
Why Work For Us? Tab
McKeon Group V.I.P. offers an unparalleled internship experience that provides career guidance,
industry insights, and opportunities to connect with high-profile professionals here in the
Washington D.C. area. Here are some testimonies provided by current and former V.I.P. members:
Tai-Lyn: The McKeon Group has provided me with an unforgettable experience as my time here
as allowed me to transform personally and professionally. For that reason, along with many others,
I thank the McKeon Group for investing in me as a young professional and encouraging growth and
learning. I can truly leave here stating that they have given me the tools necessary to take the next

steps in my professional career and have provided great examples of professionals I aim to emulate in my
near future.
Matthew: The McKeon Group has truly been integral in both my personal and professional
development. From the moment I arrived, I was welcomed as a part of the team and was treated like
family. The professionals at the McKeon Group showed me the ropes, and gave me advice that stemmed
from life experiences along the way. They also introduced me to others who have been vital connections
in helping to develop my career. For all these things and more, I cant thank the McKeon Group enough.
Apply Tab
As mentioned in the homepage summary, preferred qualifications for interested individuals include
exceptional written and verbal communication skills, as well as an interest or major in government,
public policy, or political science. Candidates must submit a completed application form which includes a
formal writing sample along with a resume and cover letter. Once narrowed the candidates will later be
selected for a phone interview.
Apply Now! Button
Button will include a hyperlink to the application form
Application form will feature three separate buttons that allow candidates to upload cover letters,
resumes, and writing samples.
After the submit button is pressed on the application form, candidates will be sent to a Thank You
For Applying! page. This page will include a brief, one question survey that asks How did you hear
about us? Answer choices may include:
Recommended by a colleague (If so, who?
Saw McKeon Group website online
Have a friend who interned at the McKeon Group
We hope this information proves to be useful in the creation of the McKeon Groups official internship
program. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do to improve the programs development.

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