Field Experience c-5 1

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Name _Jasmine C Mack___ Observation Date _11/1/2016__Observation Time____7:45am___

Experience C-5
(C-5) Objective: To observe teacher doing a read aloud with students.
Directions: Observe teacher sharing a read aloud with students.
1. How did the teacher determine the book to read during the read aloud?
The grade level has certain books they do as a team. They choose books depending on the
standard for literature and social studies.
2. What did the teacher do during the read aloud to engage students? How did the students react?
She used voices and great impersonations. She made the characters come to life with her
voice. She asked questions along the way and had students discuss the book.
3. Describe the behaviors the teacher exhibited during the read aloud.
She asked questions, she paused when she came across words that students may not know the
meaning to explain what the book is saying. She made sure to keep all students paying attention
by sometimes saying I love the way Miah is sitting quietly with her listening ears on .
4. What types of extension activities did the teacher incorporate either before, during, or
after the read aloud? How did the students react?
She asked questions for students to talk with partners about. She had students what they would
do if they were in the story. She asked how she thought the characters feel throughout the book.

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