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Name _____________________ Observation Date _______ Observation Time_______

Experience D-8
(D-8) Objective: To observe teachers use of assessments (informal and formal) of students
literacy development.
Directions: Observe teachers use of assessments (informal and formal) of students literacy

Describe the types of informal literacy assessments used by the teacher (i.e., reading
checklist, reading inventory, portfolio, response journals, running records, rubrics,
anecdotal records).

She used response journals everyday. Some days the students wont finish and will continue
the next few days. There are also spelling test.

2. Describe the types of formal literacy assessments used by the teacher (i.e., criterionreferenced tests, diagnostic tests, norm-referenced tests)
The kindergarten team does assessments every unit and every 9 weeks. They also have
many other performance and data test. They do counting test, reading, alphabet test,
writing assessments.

3. Does the teacher assess students prior knowledge as an informal assessment tool?
If so, describe what the teacher does. If not, how the teacher builds on what
students already knew?
Yes at the beginning of each unit she asks questions to the class as a whole.
She might ask something like raise your hand if you know what the word clever
means. Also during guided reading she takes notes on which words the students
have trouble with and then after explaining she takes notes on if they retained
knowledge of the word.

4. Does the teacher use technology to administer the assessment? If so, what do they
sue and how do they use the system to help them to understand the students results.
No she doesnt use technology to administer assessments.

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