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MultiMedia Project Summary Sheet

Hailey George
MCOM 262 Lab
Professor Kistler
The Topic: The presentation is on the color wheel. This
presentation has a slide for each color on the color wheel.
Not only does the slides have the color but they also talk
about secondary, primary, and which colors mix to make
different colors. This presentation purpose is to teach
kindergarteners the differences between the colors and how
to mix them.
The Audience: This presentation is made for a class of
The Objectives:
a. Given the information about the colors the students will
be able to identify between the different color what is a
primary color and a secondary color with a hundred
percent accuracy.
i. I will go around class and ask the students what
their favorite color is then they will proceed to tell
me if its a primary secondary and if its a
secondary what two colors mix to make it.
Support Media: The support media I used was a video
from youtube. It is used in my last slide a summary of the
presentation. The video consists of what he primary and
secondary colors are and what colors are needed to mix the
secondary colors.
ISTE Standards:
1d. Creativity and Innovation, identify trends and forecast
Students will creatively create a house using all of the
colors in the color wheel and only being allowed to use the
primary colors.

4c. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making,

collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make
informed decisions.
Students will get in to groups and receive six object
that are each color of the color wheel the students then must
put them in categories of primary and secondary colors.
6) Follow-up Activities:
I will go around the room and ask each student what teir
favorite color is then I would ask them if it was a primart color or
secondary then if it was a secondary I would have them tell me
what two colors mix to make that color.

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