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FHS 2500 Activity/ Lesson Plan Evaluation

***FOR One Hour BLOCK PLAN***

Fall 2016
Student Name: Jordyn Aldrich
Lesson Plan Title: 1-hour lesson block
Date Activities were implemented: 10/26/16
What Children Learned:
1. Describe how the children met/did not meet your behavioral objectives for this Lesson/Activity Plan:
BO #1:
My first behavioral observation was to see how creative the movement of the children can be when it comes to
the different bugs. Although you said it was not measurable, the children came up with some innovative ideas
about the different bugs in the book and how they portray movement.
During the sensory center play, Ivan demonstrated using both hands to manipulate the structure of the pine
cones. There is not one set hand he would use.
The creative dramatics center was a bit chaotic and there was no interaction with the food.
2. How will this information on learning and objectives impact your future plans:
I will definitely be sure to create more solid behavioral objects from here on out. These ones did not provide me
with anything other than examples of what not to do next time.
Teaching Effectiveness:
1. Was the activity carried out as planned? What changes to your plan were made and why? Did the
changes enhance or detract from the activity?
The dramatics play area was already set up in this adorable gourd/pumpkin patch theme and so that stayed the
way it was. The book I was going to use was unavailable, so I picked a different book going with the theme of
bugs and changed my song/fingerplay to I caught a baby bumble bee and had the children show me how they
would move if they were the bugs in the book. I also added a look box of bugs to the science table. I think that
these all added strengths to my activity because it allowed the children to expand their thoughts beyond just
2. Describe and explain the strengths of your Activity Lesson Plan and implementation:
Other than the counting bugs, the activities were all open ended. The children pretended they were picking up bugs
in their nets at the sensory table, they were matching the fake bugs to the bugs inside the look box, they were
creating some very impressive bugs during art, and they took these activities this was on their own.
3. Describe and explain the areas for improvements in your Activity Lesson Plan and implementation:

The kids enjoy all of the centers but I am still having a hard time getting them excited about the art center. I need to
find some new and exciting ways to get them involved with the art center.
4. Reflect on your teaching experience. What did YOU learn from this activity?
I learned that I still have no idea how to create a developmentally appropriate lesson plan for this age group. This is
honestly a struggle for me to do so but I am going to keep trying to figure it out.

Describe and analyze the documentation that you collected (attach all documentation to this form):

This is Ryan, spending his time at the science table, observing the plethora of
spiders through the magnifier. He started with one and then continued to add. Every time he would add a spider he
would look to see how the image changed.

After Ryan looked at the spiders through the magnifier, he went over to the art
table and created this. Ryan does not use a great deal of verbal communication, he uses hand gestures, objects, etc.
So when I asked him to tell me about what he created, Ryan pointed to the spiders, walked over to the table, picked
up the spider, walked back, and then placed the fake spider on his art sample.

Devan had a baby that he was hiding in the pom pons. He was putting the
bugs in the nets and would dump them onto the baby. He told me that he was hiding the baby in the bugs.

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