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Moming Session 363 Answer Key Morning Session | i | LB 25.D 49.3 TB. 97.B 2.D 26.4 50. A 74.D 98.C 3.A 21.A 51.C 5.C 99.4 4.C 28.D 52.C 76. 100. D 5B 29.B 53.4 TA 101. C 6D 30.C 54, 78.D 102. B LA 31.D 55.C 79.C 103. A 8B 32.B 56.C 80. 104. D 9.D 33.4 57.D 8LA 105..C 10.D 34.C 58.B 82.A 106. B IC 35.B 59.B 83. B 107. A 1A 36.D 0.A 84.C 108. D 13.B 37.C 61.C 85.C 109. A 14.C 38.A 62.A 86. B 110. C 15.B 39.B 6.B 87.4 11. C 16.4 40.D 64.B 88.D 112. A 17.D 41.8 65.C 89.4 113. C 18.B a2. A 66.D 90. A 114. B 19.B 3.3 67.D OLA 115.C 20.D 44.C 68. 92.D 116.B 2A 45.3 69. D 93.B 117.C 22.D 46.D 70.B 94.B 118. D 23.C a7 A 71.D 95. A 119. D 24.4 48.C LA 96.C 120. A Moming Session 365 Answers Explained 1. B Treaty asa constant to obtain = = day ~ 2 2. D Pld or B)= PU) + PUB) ~ Pld and B) w,4 2 2 20° 30” 20” 20 or.6. 3, A. Expand about the third row to obtain = 2(16) + (-27) = 5 4, © The discriminant BP - 44C = (- 10 ~ 4G)@) = 64> 0 Hence, the graph is a hyperbola. 'S. B This defines the standard deviation. The me- dian is the value ofthe middle term. The mean is the average of the terms. The mode is the most frequently occurring value. These are basic defi- nitions that should be memorized. 6. D The first derivative is equal to the slope of the tangent tothe curve, y = f(x). The area un- der the curve is equal tothe integral of the func- tion f(a). The other responses do not mean anything 7..A The equation is linear in y with integrating factor = @, Hence, the general solution is ye" =e, ot y=ce™, For y(0)=1, ¢= 1. ‘Therefore, y = e™. 8.B The solution of the auxiliary equation nP+4m+4=0 is the repeated root m= 2. Hence, the general solution is ya ee ™ + exe * ory =e (6 + cat) 9. y= = 30 — 10F' Therefore, at ¢= = 20s, 10, D B= 4i + 3} i perpendicularto A = 34 ~ 4), since A+B =0. Since |B| = 5, a unit vec- tor perpendicular to A is Si + 5 LI. C The work done by a variable force in moving an object is equal to the definite integral [tes on tenn nay gal the first derivative of f(x), and instantaneous ac- ¥)* Gots +) -5.0V a1 € m,=36, = 122) ates =-532N y= 34, = 10) +n - 10 0 N =VEFRS=2N 38. A 44, = tan @ = tan(30) = 0.577 = 0.58 39. B3E,=0 BeUSSN B c0s(30) = 100 0 me ~209{2)o015) +26 Z)05 ie ‘ 0 = Lac = Tac 008 § t= Tecosts 0 Stet Tana ~ 41. BSP, 3E, 1,000 = 0 Solve for Tact Tac= T14N 42, A XMp = 0 A(9)— 1,500(1.5) + 375(1) = 0 A= 20833 43, B Maximum moment occurs at the support. Meyax = 400(2) +.200(1) = 1,000N-m 44, C Cut the truss through members BD, DE, and EG, anduse thc FBD of the upper section of the ‘russ 3, Foe = 6 KN 3F = 600 F=200N 45. BEF, = p F= 224 1204502) oo Sm 4 2042 47. A3Mq=0 — Fpccos45)2)~ 10014) = 0 Fac = 283N H.C brad pw eh = 2000 = 2.000 59 ot 49. B Sce Example 1.4. Sulfur may have more than fone valence or oxidation state, Set up a simple algebraic equation, letting x equal the unknown valence of sulfur. Sodium has a valence of +1, and oxygen has a valence of ~2. The net charge on Na,S40s is 0, since its uncharged. Sum up the individual atomic charges and set them equal 00. Thus: +1) + 268) + 3-2) x ° 42 50. A Look fora metal, since metals generally form positively charged ions, called cations. The only ‘metal listed is lithium, Li, ‘51, C The molar mass of Ca(NOs)z is 164 g/mol. ‘Thus, 10 moles is 1,640 gs, 52. C Tron( IID) hydroxide is an ionic compound, Hence, use the oriss-cross method of formula writing. Iron(I]) is Fe?*. Hydroxide is OF Criss-crossing gives Fe(OH), 53. A This is a freezing-pointdepression problem, 50 use eq, 1.11. The solute is CaCl, and the sol- vent is water. CaCl is a strong electrolyte, so ‘The Kyof water is given as 1.86. The molality m of the solution is: 11 ed M01 _ 19 molal ‘Substitute these numbers into eq. 1.11, and solve for AT. Thus, AT = 5.5°C. Hence, the freezing point Zof the solution is —5.5°C. 54. © The correct expression for the equilibrium ‘constant X. is given by eq. 1.28. Of the choices given, only K, fe. is in this form. 55. C First convert 100 g to moles of CaCOs; the answer is I mol of CaCOp, There are 3 moles of oxygen in 1 mole of CaCO;; this gives 3 mol of ©. Then maltiply by Avogadro's number to con- Verto the mumber of atoms. ‘molar mass = 40 + 12 + 3(16) = 100g/mol CaCO, I mol CaCO, © 3 mol O 3 mot © (022 10 atoms O Tmo! 8.066 X 10°? atoms of oxygen 56, C The oxidizing agent is the reactant species that removes electrons from another reactant. Sinoe copper is in the +2 oxidation state in CuSO, and goes to the zero or uncharged state ‘on the product side, it must gain 2 electrons by removing them from zine. Thus, CuSO, is the oxidizing agent. ‘57. D The reaction is already balanced; assume Os {is in excess. Use the factor-label method: G0 mol EH) (4.0 mol €02) 5 8H 00 gE) (20 mob Cr) (MOECOD _ 59 (1.0 mol€0,) i 58. B Since CO; can be regarded as an ideal gus, convert 880 g to ters using the ideal gas law: PV = nk? 7 = — 8808 99.0 mol where n = miMM = 3 9 af * 200 mol STP means that T= 273 K and P= 1.0 atmn. Also R= 0.0821 L-atm/K-mol. Substitute the numbers, and solve for ¥: ¥= 448 L. Morning Session 369 59. B Use (MV) = (MXM), since moles of acid must equal moles of base. My = 0.25 M, V7 = unknown, = 20.2 N20H/40 gimol - LOL 0.500 M Yy= LOL Substitute the numbers and solve for V4: Vg = 201. 60, A The values of entropy (S), internal enerey (O), and enthalpy (£1) are each proportional to the mass ofthe system. For purpases of analysis, the mass specific forms of these properties are often used. The mass-secifc form is defined as the value ofthe property divided by the mass of the system; thus s y H sXe Zot m ™ m The value of pressure, however, does not depend on the mass of the system, and therefore pressure is an intensive property. 61, C A steady-state system is defined as a system in which the state remains constant with time; therefore the state of a system remains un- changed for a steady-state process, and state- ment (A) is tue. It can be shown that the state of a system that is comprised of a macroscopically homoge- ‘neous substance is determined by the values of any two independent propertics, so statement @)istrue. Because during a work interaction, energy is exchanged between the system and its sur- roundings, the state of the system must chan ‘therefore statement (C) is false ‘One statement of the Second law of thermo- dynamics is that there exists one stable equilib- sium state for which the value of entropy is a maximum for a given value of energy. If the value of entropy is lower than this maximum value, it is possible that it will increase sponta- neously, so statement (D) is true. 62. A Ian energy balance and an entropy balance {s applied to the system described in statement (A, itis possible to configure the system in such away thatthe values of energy and entropy ‘donot change with time. Deviee (A) is possible. By applying an entropy balance tothe sys- tem deseribed in statement (B), it canbe shown 37O_ Practice Examination that the value of entropy must be continuously decreasing; therefore, device (B) is not possible, By applying an energy balance to statement (D), it can be shown that the value of energy ‘ust be continuously increasing; therefore, de- ‘vice (D) is not possible, ‘An equilibrium state is determined by the amount of energy contained in the material, the amount of materisl, and the external forces placed on the material; therefore, there cannot ‘be two equilibrium states under these condi- tions. Device (C) is not possible. 63, B_Whon the energy balance equation, eq. 12.14, is applied to this system, it can be simplified 2s follows AE=0-W where Q = the amount of energy transferred to system during a hea interaction, W= the amount of energy transferred from a system during & work inter- action. Substitute the ven values: AE = 504-3050 = 20K (64, B The relationship betwoen a change in speci enthalpy and the temperature of a system is given by eq. 12.38: bh = (87) Then: AR ar ks nf aC 290 Sapp ce see te 25g SO ‘Therefore, based on the property data tables at the end of Chapter 12, the substance is most likely helium, which has constan-pressure specific heat of 5.19 kikg-K. 65. C The change in intemal energy for 2 closed system is equal to: AU = mau ‘The change in specific internal energy is related to the change in temperature by eq, 12.38: Au=c,AT so that AU= me,AT = (4k 1.74 2 \asee - 15°C) ie¥ ) 192k 66, D For an isentropic process in a system com- posed of an ideal gas, from eq. 12.41: put = pot ofp" = (07a) ta = 439 /bm i 67. D From eq, 12.47, for an isometric provess of @ system composed of an ideal gas: hah PL Pa L =p 2B PL= Pry = coo upay lll +279 (200 + 273)K = 486 kPa 68. A One relationship that describes an isothermal ‘process ofan ideal gas is Boyle's law, eq, 12.49: pos Po va Bt m®) (200 kPa) (2% coo 7.5 mikg 69. D Fora two-phase mixture of water, the average value of the specific internal energy is given by From the saturated water table at the end of Chapter 12, at 40°C: y= 167.56 kIIkg, so that: 430.1 kg tans = 167.56 + 0.58 kg Kw 1g) x (2,430.12 ~ 16756 ( kg ie) = 1479.8 kikg rea) ofa 70. B For a turbine, ftom eq. 12.77 va Mills — he) where, from eq. 12.33: dy he = oT; ~ Te) Find the value of the constant-pressure specific heat of air in the property data table atthe end of Chapter 12: Gp = 1.00 kiikg-K, Substitute known values: we who fT, — Te) = (sit) i002 Josre ~ aro = 34S = 3,645 KW 71. D Distance traveled is determined by calculat- ing the absolute value of the arca of the velocity graph from 0 = t= 25.0, Itis necessary to de- termine the time(s) when V = 0. UG) wes Ft, P= 0a1=30 Diss eed = [[e-arnal+|e-ar9] 3h + o*) 19 — Of + |G,558.33 ~ 9)| = 3,558.3 ft. 72. A Given: 1) = 2.01 — 0.57 and a) = 1 + 8, ‘Then: = Ban+8=2001mds at p= 20-8 Angular momentum is H= m?6 = (2.0 kg)[2(6) ~ 0.5(6 (200 rads) = 685 X 10° ke ms. 73. A For cord tension when @ = 30°, use the tan- gential and normal coordinates system. Morning Session 3774 FBD of bal involves only tension and weight forces (neglecting air friction) BP _ (USk9B.0 mS) _ 55 75 R 40m From the FBD of the ball: 2F, = T= Weos 30° = T (15 kgX9.81 m/s?\(0.866) = 33.75 Then: T= 33.15 + 1274 IF, 1612N 74, D Draw the FBD of the block, using inclined and normal coordinates. Extemal forces are normal reaction Nq, weight, and kinetic friction Fy. Blocks acceleration is along inclined diree- tion. Solve: 3A. Wein? — Fg m 60 lbm 6.0 sin 40° ~ 0.25 Ng 601m From equilibrium in normal direction, Ng = W cos 40° = (6.0)(0.766) = 4.6 bf 3.86 ~ 0.25(4.6 Ib) 60 Ibm = QD ED «145 0 75. € Apparent weight is reaction Ng, Draw the BD of the car, and identify weight and normal and friction forces ‘Norma directions toward center of curvature. ni _ (ASS eg 18.3 sy? Rg 610m 19880 W.— Np = 7,988.0N (1,435 kgy9 1 mis) — 7,988 =6285N XE, Na 76. C Employ the conservation of linear momen- ‘tum prinipl for impact, Let Fy = 20.0 sec and ¥y = ~5.0 se. Since m, = 3.0 Ibm, posteollsion velocity is: mi Ib-fusee yf = MAL -g =3AS Wo-fseo _ (= 7 rn 11.5 fsee For coefficient of restitution e: (i= Va) = Va = Wi BIZ Prsctce Examination Also: mV. + mals = mi + maV’ > Pa’ 6.020.) + (7.08.0) = (345) 70 595 70 Substitute known values and solve for ¢: pe 85- CUD — 080 200-50)” 77. A The equation for work of a force is Whoo =JFedr. For a constant-friction force, Wire = (FAI20.0 m) since the fiction force and displacement aro in the same direction Fp =08Nq, where Ny is the normal reaction between the ties and pavement, given by Nj = W cos 3° (Grom equilibrium in the direc tion perpendicular to incline). Then [Ng = (1,300)(9.81)o0s 3° = 12,7355 N Energy dissipated is friction work, 60: (08 x 12,735.5N)200 m) 203,768.4 Nem Wa 203,760 3 Won 78. D Period of vibration 7 is independent of the intl displacement. a JE anym = 628(0083s) = 05238 49. © The speed of point Preative to the center C rane woe i simply the tangential speed. Vue = ro= (05m)(120 2pm) = osm Ze nds) = 628mis~ 63 m/s 80, C First determine the speed of the block at point B, utilizing the conservation of energy principle fora fiitionless process from A to B KE, + PE, = KEp + PEs Let PEq = O(detum), and PE, = mghe — 69 thm)(322 fsec*) @.0 ft) = 15.0 f-lbf. Since V4 =0, then KE, = 0, and the conservation of energy equation becomes 0+ SRI = dm +0 [205.0 fib v~ PE aah a [ERERED - 39 0c since thre no wrk onthe lok Between point B and spring C, Vo= Vx = 13.9 Sse. Poi ae ead in coey rin om e's in compesed poison (itt D> KEc + Wrer cap = KEp- The work from C to D is spring work only, 0 Wa c-10 = GE ~ Xe) Subst known ales sons +Han0nmmy0 ~ 02587] = som? Solve: ~ [20 25)fttb{(32.2) _ Yo saat 133 sec 81. A The flow rate of fluid through an orifice flow ‘meter is given by the equation ono) G Because z; is equal to zz, this equation can be ‘simplified to: 00) “Morning Session 373 ‘Substitute known values: Q = (0.61(0.50 m’) x Flake m 450 Ps fos 2) 1,000 Pa. 30 a 981055 =032 mls 82, A Because the density of air has a much smaller value than that of the manometer fuid, pressure differences within the air sections are negligible compared to pressure differences within the ‘manometer fluid. Therefore, p, is very nearly the pressure at the top of the manometer fluid ‘exposed to vessel 4, and pp is very nearly the pressure at the surface of the manometer fluid exposed to vessel B. The two pressures can be related as follows: Pa Pa Priston ‘This equation is rearranged as: Pa=Pat Putin os + (08808 N Pa (ee )®) = 2,268 Pa 83. This problem is solved using the Bemoulli ales pines tea rees y 2g y % In this case, because the diameter of the tank is assumed to be much larger than the diameter of ‘the siphon tube, the average velocity at section 1 ig nearly 0. Also, the pressures of the fluid at section 1 and section 2 are equal to the atmos- pheric pressure, Using these facts, simplify the ‘Bemoulli equation and solve for V2: = pos Bem = 1.67 mis ‘The volumetric flow rate is determined from the average velocity using Q = VA, where the area Ais given by the equation nD? nee and where D is the diameter ofthe siphon tube. =D ) 84. C The total force acting on the gate, applied by the water pressure, can be modeled as a point force located a the center of pressure. Using the aagpitude of this point force and its distance from the axis ofthe hinge, the required moment is determined. (Refer tothe figure below.) 374. Practice Examination ‘To determine the magnitude of the point foree, se these equitions: poBtbus, af p= i ltl 7 OR otras thm ft if ~ (oot masjen( an = a9 6ltf. = 9.6 5r Ay ott aw lf F= Seca tee fe) = ors ‘To determine the center of pressure, use these ‘equations: ® 1497.6 lbt we i c2altt\(s2.2-8,) ee = 0.667 ft ‘To determine the length of the moment arm, use this equation: et litt zetzt SIRE 2A + 0.667 = 3.667 ‘And the total moment is: M=Fin (1,497.6 1b0)(3.667 f) 496 IE 85, C Solve this problem using the Bernoulli equa- tion, modified to include the frictional head Toss: By Fey aba eye 7% ye ¥ In his ease, the average velocity atthe outlet is tual to the average velocity atthe inkt, so the pressure loss is given by the equation Pin Pa= Hea th ‘the fiona head oss is expressed a8 =(2EY2 ole) Alo: @ where 4 = 020m) 4 = 0.157 m* Then so 7 (:008§) 01579? 0 = 637 m/s and esr eee = 002K Gr a)\ (08) =251m Finally: pi-pe= (981036) snrasin( B) = 2,060 Pa 86, B The Reynolds number for flow in a pipe is given by the equation: ren 2D » “At fist glance, the numerator ofthis expression fooks like mass flow rate per unit area, so a swer (A) seems reasonable. However, if the Reynolds number were purely a measure of the a7. rate of fluid flow, there would be no need of vis- cosity in the relationship, so it can be inferred that the meaning may be somewhat broader. ‘Examine the other choices for a beter fit. “The pressure ofthe fluid does not appear in the relationship forthe Reynolds number, nor is it easy to derive a pressureSoree term from the parameters used. Answer (C) seems unlikely ‘An inertial force term would’ be propor- tional to Fix pv? ‘And a viscons force would be proportional to ape *, where L is a characteristic length for the flow. ‘The ratio ofthese two forees is as follows: VL. = OL «Re, - aie t ade ‘Therefore, the answer is B). Choice (D) is incorrect because the Reynolds number is always an important para- ‘meter when analyzing a fiuid-low situation. It gives an indication of whether the flow is likely to be laminar or turbulent. |A Since the head loss through each pipe must ‘Morning Session 375 ‘Use this result in the continuity equation: VA=Vadat Vode = Vida Ad) =f De, DE orf me ra) = i+ Db ‘Thea fea Fo" ONO; + DD = (260\]—_4—__ 3 @ aa iG ny +2 aril 144 in? \/_min CF 60 sec, = 39.7 see 88, D Use the impulse-momentum principle to solve this problem: Fei, In this case, only the horizontal, or x-direction, component is important. The x-direction equa ‘tion for the impulse momentum principle is as follows: (Fl Also, since dy = Aa [Pal = [Wa i | cos a ~ mF 1 =20m/s,s0 IF. = il |eos@- 1) “(otis = -293N 89. A Use the standard Emf Series in Table 8.4 as ‘an approximation of the behavior of dissimilar ‘metals in salt water. Ion is anodic with respect to copper, Therefore, the anodic oxidation half: ‘ell reaction for iron will occur. 90. A Although the solute and solvent may be in different phases (as, ¢., when the solute is table salt, a solid, and the solvent is water, a liquid), the solution has only a single phase (in this ex- ‘ample, liquid). = B76 Pectice Examination 91. A In choices (B) and (C), the Ip level does not tenis. In choice (D), the 3d level isa higher en- cexgy level than the 4s level. 92, D Bngineering stress, 0, is defined as load per area. Here, the load is S00 N and the area is np? = 7,85 mmm? = 7.85 X 10m? 93. B For a plain carbon steel containing 0.5 wt, 9%C, the lever law for amount of pearite should be drawn in the austenite plus ferrite region, just above the cutestoid temperature, The amount of austenite at this temperature is the amount of peatlite when the austenite is cooled to room temperature: 05-002 25. gay r= 93-002 8 94, B Refer to the phase diagram for steel-carbon. 95, A Reduction in area can be espressed as a fraction: 4 ‘True sain gis n= In 4. Therefore, L —RA "07 1357 96. € Metal is 2 conductor; free electrons can eas- ily move through it, A semiconductor allows some electrons to move through it. A supercon ductor has no electrical resistance. 97. B The net moment is equal to the area under the shear diagram, Therefore, area = 48 KN-m, the ret moment is 48 kN'm. The area of the trape- zoid is equal to the area of the rectangle = 48 Wm, 98, C Fora soli shat, r= 122, Then nd T= aud 596.4 Nem 99. A. Here, Mngx = 100 Nom, Then: ans = Maal = — 100000 mT 55 10.04(0.06)* = 4.166 MPa 100, D Here, Vaasx = 300 N. For a circular cross section, AY, 4600. — s99404 34” 30ay i 101. € Thee otis enby ie equon _ PEI _ PEL EP 0.617 BI Note that L, = 20 = 2@) = 4m. 102. B The normal stress at point 4 is given by the emuation ane -2 a eee = 404002) 10.000 55-7y4R6 Zoooyt Foy 103. A. For each 3-cm-diameter bolt: F = 30 = 0404 MPa 4” Foxy 104. D The normal stress in section AB is given by ‘the equation Pap 30,000 7 = 5.968 MPa Aw 40.08" 142+4432=39 or 001001112 106. B Use values given for Problem 105. Then: 3248444241547 or 1ollit, Morning session 377 107, A Firsttime: = Im244 1=6 I= 6 of 36 Secondtime: J=6+36=42 1-42 T= 42? or 1764 Third time: I> 100 108. D A BoC D 1 3B 2m 25 26 207 49 4923-1127 3 8 GG 24=1536 4 9 81 81*25-2025 5 10 100 100*26=2600 109. A Refer to the solution for problem 108 and look at Column C. 110, C A flowchart consists of graphic symbols to show how information would flow through a program running on a computer. Choices (A), (B), and (D) indicate that written instructions are involved. Instructions are expressed as sym- ‘ols, making choice (C) the correct answer. LAL, C Effective annual rate of interest = (+ rate per month)? ~ 1 = (1 +025)? -1 1455-1 = 13.55 1,355% 112, A Use the following equation: 4.00x + 4,000 = 1.00 + 40,000 3x = 36,000 == 12,000 m3.C 01 2 18k x= 18,0007 12,3) = 18,000(1.4049) = $25,288 M4.B 0123 15 F = 800(E/A, 10, 15) 1s. © Opening, Dopeecition Balance at Year Balance Writeoff% Deprecaion End of Ye 12500 020 5000 20000 2 29000 032 5400 13.600 3 eo 0192 261 10989 4 10989 ons 1264 9s 116. B Choices (A) and (C) are professional soci- ties representing PEs and specific engineering

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