ITDE Policy Manual - Wu

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ITDE Policy Manual

Cybele Wu
IDT 8119, CRN 23854

Nova Southeastern University

December 9, 2016

Disclaimer: Distance Education University (DEA) is a fictitious school in Southwestern

Virginia. The information used in this manual are only for the purposes of a graduate
course at Nova Southeastern University (Contemporary Topics in ITDE) and should only
be looked at as a guide to assist a person and/or person (s) who may be interested in
writing a Distance Education Manual for their organization, school district and/or

Executive Summary
Research clearly shows that distance education is an effective method for teaching and
learning (Simonson, et al, 2015)
A policy manual for distance education is necessary to dictate certain policies as
they relate to distance education. The policy manual is not a static document, but one that
is more fluid. It changes with the changes in technology, just as the field of distance
education does. It will be added upon with new faculty members who will add to it
through their own knowledge and experience. A policy manual defines different terms in
the field, as well as issues or concerns that may come up. Teaching methods and
techniques are continually evolving to meet the needs of the students. In a face-to-face
environment, cheating is strictly monitored with the methods and techniques with
consequences for the student. However, in the distance education environment, due to the
distance and solitary environment, it is much harder to define how cheating is monitored.
Some other issues that could come up are how are courses evaluated, assessed, and what
are the rights, roles, and responsibilities of both faculty and students. The policy manual
of Distance Education University will answer these questions, and many more, as it
relates to the faculty and students who are teaching and studying in distance education
courses. The purpose of this manual is to:

Provide guidance to faculty members who are teaching distance education


Introduce key definitions as they relate to faculty who are teaching

distance education courses.

Introduce the mission and vision of the University as it relates to distance


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................................. 4
PHILOSOPHY .......................................................................................................................................... 5
VISION .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
MISSION ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
DISTANCE EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Educational Technology ............................................................................................................................. 7
Face-to-Face ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Course Management System--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
Title IX of Education-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
Title VI of Education-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8
TECHNICAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9
ACADEMIC --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
COURSE INFORMATION-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
ACCREDITATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
COURSE EVALUATION---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
FACULTY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
COMMUNICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
RIGHTS, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------13
EVALUATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
COMMUNICATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
RIGHTS, ROLES, AND RESPONSIBILITIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
EVALUATION --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18
FISCAL, GOVERNANCE, AND GEOGRAPHIC---------------------------------------------------------------------------------19

Distance Education offers programs and applications to learners who are at a

distance. Although DEU does not offer face-to-face programs, the courses that are
offered in the distance-learning format will be the same quality as they would be if
they were offered face-to-face. Courses are offered using both synchronous and
asynchronous applications. Courses are offered at the graduate, post-graduate, and
undergraduate levels, as well as for continuing education credits.

Although DEU is located in Virginia, due to the structure of distance learning,

learners can learn from any state or country. The goal is to provide the same quality
education as one might get in a face-to-face environment without the constraints of
time and geography.

The distance education policy manual is designed so that it assists faculty

and staff with the design and development of quality education that learners expect.
The policy manual has been created as a guide, which will continue to grow and
change with the advent of new technology, changes in the university staff and
student policy, as well as the field of distance education.


Distance Education University (DEU) is a fictitious university located in

Virginia. While they are an accredited university, courses are only taught in the
distance education environment, not in face-to-face environments. Established in
2012, DEU offers courses to students who are either domestic or international.
Undergraduate programs and graduate programs range in a variety of programs
that are of interest to a variety of students.
The mission of DEU is to create inspiring and engaging instruction, utilizing
technologies that are affordable and accessible to those learners that are unable to
attend a traditional face-to-face program due to time and locale constraints.

Distance Education University will use affordable and accessible technology
to engage and inspire a diverse student population in undergraduate through postgraduate programs in both synchronous and asynchronous applications in the
distance-learning environment.

Distance Education
Distance Education is defined as institution-based, formal education where
the learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunications systems
are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors. (Schlosser & Simonson,
Educational Technology
Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating
learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate
technological processes and resources. (Januszewski & Molenda, 2008).
Face-to-Face Instruction

Face-to-face instruction is when instruction is in-person and occurring at

the same time and same location. Traditionally this type of instruction was more of a
lecture format. However the traditional lecture format of instruction is changing to
more of a facilitation format, whether instruction is face-to-face, or taught at a
Course Management System

A Course Management System (CMS) is a set of web-based interactive tools

that allows for communication between instructor and student, assignment posting
and submission, a discussion board, as well as weekly announcements. There may
also be test development and a chat tools. It is the responsibility of the instructor to set

up the CMS for each course that they teach. The CMS that DEU uses is called
Title IX of Education

Title IX states that No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be

excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to

discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial
assistance. (Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972).
Title VI of Education
No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national
origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

(Title IV of Education and Civil Rights Act of 1964).


In order to provide an educational program, particularly one that is at a

distance it is essential to ensure that all students and faculty meet the technical
requirements. As this university only offers courses through a distance-learning
platform, it is of utmost importance that all faculty, staff, and students have highspeed broadband Internet access. All faculty, staff, and students will be provided
with the following: DEU email access, access to course management, and training on
how to access and use these services. Teaching and developing a course online is not
the same as face-to-face. Instructors prior to teaching a course will be required to
attend training on online course development and instruction. Instructors will be
evaluated, as they would be in a face-to-face course.

In addition to access, faculty, staff, and students will be given requirements

for access, such as required bandwidth and speed to be able to use certain
applications and programs. Learners will also be able to acquire financial assistance
to obtain required computer, applications, and software.

Although there may be required programs for completion of assignments,

such as: Microsoft Word, Acrobat Reader, and access to Course Management System,
there may also be course by course technical requirements. This could be video
software or software security requirements for test taking.


Course Information

Information about course offerings are posted on the university website.

Once students have registered for courses, they are emailed to their personal email
address directions on how to access their campus email. They will then be emailed
with course information to their campus email address. This information includes
the course syllabi, which includes the schedule of courses, materials, equipment, and
software required. It also explains what is expected and consequences of plagiarism.
Along with the syllabus are directions on how to access their course management
system, where their course takes place, as well as to access different courses,
including the orientation courses.

Accreditation sets the standards for teaching, learning, and student

outcomes. It sets the minimum during assessment and peer reviews. This is no
different for distance education institutions. In international institutions, they are
required to have accreditation. In the United States, it is a choice whether or not to
be accredited. By being accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting
Commission, it sets our institution apart from those that are not. DEU enrolls
students, not in the United States, but internationally (DEAC, 2016). When students
and other educators see that Distance Education Accrediting Commission accredits
DEU, they will know the quality of the education they will be receiving.
Academic Misconduct

Even though DEU is an online only institution, it does not mean that they are

immune to academic misconduct. The fact is that students, if given the chance, will


cheat. The question is: is the risk of being caught worth that risk? Distance
Education University stands by its policies on cheating. There are serious
consequences for cheating, depending on the record of the student. Tests will have
limitations set by the instructor. These limitations may include open or closed book,
number of times that tests can be taken, and required software that limits access to
other programs.

Although these limitations have been put in place, there are tech savvy

students that may find a way to cheat regardless of these limitations. Therefore, it is
important to specify what the consequences are for academic misconduct. Students
may receive any of the following: failure of the assignment, failure or the course,
expulsion from the program, depending on their current academic record.
Instructors may also have consequences when students cheat in their course. This
could be a financial consequence or required monitoring. When cheating occurs,
there usually is a problem in the way the course is conducted. It may be necessary
to monitor the course, beyond normal evaluation. More information about
consequences of academic misconduct can be found on the website:
Grading Policies

University and program requires that all students maintain at least a 2.5 GPA.

Some students may be on a scholarship. In those cases, the minimum GPA is 3.0.
Instructors will have no longer than 2 weeks to post grades to assignment in the
course management system. The exception to this is the final assignments, where
grades must be in by the end date of the semester. If students have a medical reason


why they cannot complete assignments by the due date, they must say so in writing
to the instructor prior to the due date for an extension. Extensions are evaluated on
a case-by-case basis and are not necessarily guaranteed.
Course Evaluation

Courses are evaluated in a number of ways. Students are sent an evaluation

survey at the end of the course. This information is used to evaluate the course as a
whole, the instructor, and different aspects and functions of the course. Courses are
evaluated on two aspects: student learning, and course satisfaction. Should students
have questions or concerns, they should contact their instructor.



Instructors should have clear communication with their students. They will

have posted in their syllabus the best way to contact and communicate with them,
including hours of office hours. In addition to syllabus, they will have a way to
communicate with them which includes: campus mail, phone, messages through
course management system, and Q and A section of discussion board to be able to
ask questions regarding the course. Instructor should answer inquiries within 48
Rights, Roles, And Responsibilities

Although this program is higher-Ed and fully online, it does not mean that

personal issues do not arise. Students can have legal and personal problems. Title IX
requires that no matter what sex or gender, the instructor, if made aware of certain
issues is required to report such issues. Title IV also is relevant since many of our
students are international students. It is similar to Title IX, except that it relates to
race and language capabilities.

Instructors should be knowledgeable about the subject that they teach,

software programs needed for teaching, and what online teaching entails. Teaching
in the online environment is not the same as in a face-to-face environment.
Instructors cannot simply move a face-to-face course online. New Instructors will be
required to teach a dummy module through the LearnCMS platform and attend a
synchronous training through on teaching in the online environment prior
to teaching courses.

Instructors are responsible for designing their course through the CMS,


monitoring the discussion boards, writing the syllabus for the course, grading, and
answering student questions and concerns.

It is important for faculty to be evaluated, to ensure that students are

receiving the same quality education that they have been promised. Faculty will be
evaluated by their supervisor, peers, and students. Faculty will be evaluated by 2
peer instructors and the supervisor at random times throughout the semester. If
synchronous sessions are used, a supervisor or peer will evaluate these sessions in a
viewer-only mode. Students will be sent evaluation forms at the end of the semester
to evaluate the course and the instructor.



Students will communicate with their instructors via campus mail, discussion

boards in the Q and A section, and course messages. Students can also collaborate
and communicate with each other through the discussion boards, course messages,
and campus mail.
Rights, Roles, And Responsibilities

Students are responsible for acquiring all technical requirements to access

their email, programs, and coursework. They are responsible for completing all
coursework by the due dates listed in their syllabus and on the LearnCMS platform.
Students are responsible for following all fair-use and intellectual property laws in
their coursework. For all written assignments, they will follow APA guidelines. Their
written assignments will also include a report by

The students evaluation of their academic progress will be based on the

following factors: discussions, quizzes or tests, written and media assignments.

They should follow APA guidelines and should be of the academic standard that we
ate DEU adhere to.

At the end of each semester, all students will have a chance to evaluate both

the instructor and the course as a whole. They will be sent a link to a survey that
will evaluate their feelings of course satisfaction, how well the instructor followed
through with the course objectives, how the instructor did in assisting the student in
reaching their goals, and how the student felt about how the design of the course


helped them in their understanding of the course material. Questions were asked in
a multiple-choice format, as well as a section where the student could be more
explicit in their comments.



Unlike Face-to-face education, distance learning requires a different set of

tools. Although distance education is not a new concept, as it started with

correspondence learning in the 60s, for many students, it is new to them. For many
instructors and students, learning at a distance is a solitary activity, which may
require more focus and discipline than it would if it were face-to face. For most
face-to-face institutions, there are not readiness tools to determine the students
readiness and ability to succeed in the selected programs. If the student has the
grades and/or test scores on selected tests, they are usually able to do well in the
program. However, in distance learning, there will an assessment for both technical
and general issues. At DEU, students will complete the online survey prior to
enrolling in courses that will check the students ability to multi-task, self-motivate,
organizational skills, and emotional readiness for the program. There will also be
technical tests to test the speed of the connection, as well as other technical skills.

Academically, students are assessed through the course assignments through

their coursework. In the Master and Doctoral level programs, the student may be
assessed through a Masters thesis, or Doctoral Dissertation, which will be approved
of and assessed with members from a committee.



Distance Education Institutions must follow the same laws and regulations as

face-to-face institutions. They are not immune to the intellectual property and
copyright laws. The following policies defines what the consequences of violations
by either student or faculty, as well as how to avoid the consequences.
Intellectual Property

Instructors of university students, whether face-to-face or in the distance

learning platform, use a variety of materials and information. Although not all
instructors create their own materials for their classroom, many do. All material and
information that is used for DEU coursework is the property of the Distance
Education University. This information and materials may not be used without the
prior consent of the university. All new instructors will be informed of this, as well
as sources to learn more about legal issues during their orientation.

All faculty members and students must adhere to all federal copyright,

plagiarism, and fair use laws. Faculty and students must adhere to limits of copying
single texts. All students will follow APA guidelines in all written works to avoid
plagiarism problems. In addition to written works, all video and digital images that
are used must also be credited. Student violation of these laws may result in failure
of the assignment, failure of the course, or suspension, which will be determined on
a case-by-case basis. Faculty violations, will get a verbal and written warning, and
required attendance in training on copyright and intellectual property. Repeated
violations could result in loss of pay, loss of employment, or jail time.


Fiscal, Governance, and Geographic

Distance Education courses will be charged an extra fee of $150, on top of the
normal course fee of $250/credit hour. This fee is to be used for collaborative
applications, licenses, and necessary upgrades that make teaching and learning at a
distance possible. Students shall not take more than 12 hours, unless prior
permission is granted. Courses are limited to no more 20 students per course. This
is to ensure that all students acquire the proper attention and assistance . Students
will be made aware of the add/drop date, as well as any late fees through the
university website, LearnCMS, as well as course syllabus.
Although the university is located in Virginia and only offers Distance
Education Courses, national and international scholarships are available. Links to
different resources to help fund for DEUs education are located on the website.


Distance Education Accrediting Commission, Distance Education Accrediting
Handbook, 2016.
Januszewski, A. & Molenda, M. (2008).Educational Technology: A definition
with commentary. New York: Earlbaum.
Schlosser, L. & Simonson, M. (2010). Distance education: Definition and
glossary of terms, 3rd. Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational
Communications and Technology.
Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek. S. (2015). Teaching and
learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education, 6th. Charlotte:
Information Age Publishing.
U.S. Department of Education (1964).Education and Title VI of the Civil Rights
Act of 1964. Retrieved from: .
U.S. Department of Education. (1972). Title IX and Sex Discrimination.
Retrieved from:




Academic, 10
Accreditation, 10
Background, 6
Communication, Faculty, 13
Communication, Student, 15
Course Management System (CMS), 7, 8, 14

Distance Education, 3, 5,6, 10, 17, 18, 19









Distance Education, definition, 7
Distance Learning, 5, 17,18
Evaluation, Course, 12
Evaluation, Faculty, 14
Evaluation, Student, 15
Executive Summary, 3
Face-to-Face, 5,,7,9,13,18
Faculty, 3,5,9, 13, 14, 18, 19
Fiscal, 19
Geographic, 19
Governance, 19
Intellectual Property, 18
Legal, 18
Mission, 6

Philosophy, 5
Rights, Roles, Responsibility (Faculty), 13
Rights, Roles, Responsibility (Student), 15

Student, 3, 7, 9,15

Technical, 9

Vision, 6



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