Georgiastandards Language

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Elizabeth Wheeless

Megan Morris
Technology Application for Teachers
8 December 2016
Georgia Standard: ELAGSE11-12L4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 11-12 reading and content, choosing
flexibly from a range of strategies.
a. Use context (e.g., the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or text; a words
position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
b. Identify and correctly use patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or
parts of speech (e.g., conceive, conception, conceivable).
c. Consult general and specialized reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries,
thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation of a word or determine or clarify its
precise meaning, its part of speech, or its etymology, or its standard usage.
d. Verify the preliminary determination of the meaning of a word or phrase (e.g., by
checking the inferred meaning in context or in a dictionary).

Learning Goal:
English Literature: Seniors prepared to graduate should be able to clarify the multiple
meanings of words and phrases within the content of works and everyday language. Students
will demonstrate a strong knowledge of Language in the use of Literature and everyday
**Students should come to class prepared and ready to learn 100% of the time. I will not deal
with students who like to distract others and play around. Students must be ready to learn and
ready to listen to what I have to teach them.
Erins Individualized Evaluation Plan:
12th Grade
DOB: 08/17/1996
Disability: Gifted and Talent (Science Specific)
Lexile Level (SRI): 1030
Erin is an excellent student in math and science. Erin is very good with hands on projects
that allow her to learn the subject through visual learning. She has a very impressive memory
and has been able to recall all the bones in her Anatomy class for fun and help her other class
mates study for test and exams. She was also one of the top students in her Pre-Calculus class.
Erin has confided in me that she does not care for Literature because of her stutters. She
also seems to have a lower confidence level in the classroom because she takes longer than other

students to complete task that involve reading. Erin has scored a 1030 on the Lexile benchmark
exam and will be able to override her weaknesses with help from our professional staff.
IEP Goals:

Reading: Erin should work on her reading comprehension to gain an average of 1100 on
the Lexile benchmark exam.
Reading: Erin has an issue with stutters. She should try to sound out her words slowly
and finish saying the complete word. Hopefully this will help her stutters along with
some speech therapy.
Erin seems to have a good bit of difficulty concentrating on her work while in the
literature class room. I would like to present Erin with advanced knowledge of the
material presented in class. This way Erin can take a look at some assignments and have a
good idea about what we will be learning.
I would also like for Erin to ask me as many questions that she has for me. If she has any
questions about any assignments, feel free to come to me about anything.


Extra time on assignments

A dictionary to use as guidance for a vocabulary builder
Erin may also choose as to whether or not she may like to move seats in class or not.
I will also ask her to come to me and pronounce words or read a few sentences.

Students will learn how to use reference materials for general and specific purposes, such
as speech, finding multiple meanings, and definitions. Students will refer to dictionaries,
thesauruses, and glossaries.
Tiered Up: Students will be able to have a conversation about the words generating the subject
and discuss how they are relevant to the topic of discussion or context.
Tiered Down: Students will be able to identify one word that is similar to the word being
discussed, a definition to the word and an appropriate way to use the word.
Description of Learning Activity(s):
1. Use the following Quizlet to get a better understanding of the words and their definitions.
When you are finished write down the most surprising word and definition on a piece of
2. Take out the piece of paper with most surprising definition and its matching word.
3. While using a Thesaurus, find (2) of the most similar word to your most surprising word
from the Beowulf Quizlet.

4. On the same paper include definitions to the words that were similar to the Beowulf
vocabulary word and the words found from the Thesaurus.
5. How surprised were you to find out that you could find three words that mean the same
Webbs DOK:
Depth of Knowledge Questions:

What Conclusions can you draw from learning how to use a thesaurus correctly?
What would happen if you used a thesaurus and dictionary while writing papers?
How would you apply what you learned to develop a research paper?
Can you elaborate on the reason behind finding the definition of a word then using a

(6) Explain how the activity(s) is differentiated and how you varied the level of cognitive
I asked students to complete the same activity with the exception of students with an IEP. Those
students will have a different accommodations to complete tasks. Students were allowed to use
Quizlet to learn the meanings behind vocabulary found in the epic poem Beowulf. After students
learned the vocabulary and learned definitions they thought were quite strange to the word. I
asked them to write down a specific word to them (each student individually) specifically, so
students could then use a thesaurus to find two words that were similar to the original word
found in the Beowulf Quizlet vocabulary. The last step of the quest was to see what students
thought about the definitions and their similarity.
Technology and learning:
The standard I chose wants students to interact with dictionaries, glossaries and a
thesaurus. I decided to incorporate the use of Quizlet as the dictionary part of the lesson so
students would have an aspect of using flashcards and word meanings online.
Three Objectives and Sample:
Students will learn how to use reference materials for general and specific purposes, such
as speech, finding multiple meanings, and definitions. Students will refer to dictionaries,
thesauruses, and glossaries.
Tiered Up: Students will be able to have a conversation about the words generating the subject
and discuss how they are relevant to the topic of discussion or context.
Tiered Down: Students will be able to identify one word that is similar to the word being
discussed, a definition to the word and an appropriate way to use the word.

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