K. Sunthara Valli Paper Final

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Use of Multimedia in English Language Teaching

K. Sunthara valli
Research Associate
Department of English, School of Social Sciences & Languages
VIT University, Vellore
Dr. N.S.Vishnu Priya
Assistant Professor(Sr.)
Department of English, School of Social Sciences & Languages
VIT University, Vellore
The use of multimedia has become inevitable in every humans life. It has contributed
a lot in the area of teaching also. Innovative and creative teaching methods and techniques
have been brought using the new technologies in the classroom. The tradition of English
teaching has been drastically changed with the remarkable entry of technology, as the
traditional teaching method is not enough to teach English language effectively and to keep
up the interest in the classroom. Technology provides so many options as making teaching
interesting and also making teaching more productive in terms of improvements. This helps
students to get involved and learn according to their interests. The writing aims to find out
some advantages of the use of multimedia in the classroom. The difference between a
traditional classroom and multimedia classroom has been drawn in this writing. As the
students are more comfortable and confident in using new technology, this aids them in
learning English language easily. It has been tested effectively and is widely accepted for
teaching English in modern world.
Key Words: Multimedia, Classroom, Technology



English is the global language, as it is the widely spoken language in the world. It has
spread across the globe as it spoken as the second language in many countries including
India. English language always has a privileged position in India. English is the key subject
of medium of instruction in schools and colleges. It is always considered to be a high prestige
to study in an English medium institution. Though the number of English medium schools
and colleges have been penetrated in the nook and corner of the country yet it is challenging
to get good English. Many students are scared to learn English and this consistently makes
them loss interest in learning the language. To overcome these hurdle teachers must
implement interesting and creative methods to make learners learn English in a better way.
They should create interest among students. As the students show much interest in using new
technology, the teacher can make use of the new technologies to develop the English
language teaching. This can result in an effective and meaningful way in the classroom
teaching and learning.
The tradition of English teaching has been drastically changed with the remarkable
entry of technology. Technology provides so many options as making teaching interesting
and also making teaching more productive in terms of improvements. Technology satisfies
both visual and auditory senses of the students. The use of English language has increased
rapidly after 1960. At present, the role and status of English is that it is the language of
social context, political, socio-cultural, business, education, industries, media, library,
communication across borders, and key subject in curriculum and language of imparting
education. It is also a crucial determinant for university entrance and processing well paid
jobs in the commercial sector. Since there are more and more English learners in India,
different teaching methods have been implemented to test the effectiveness of the teaching
process. One method involves multimedia in ELT in order to create English contexts. This
helps students to get involved and learn according to their interests. It has been tested
effectively and is widely accepted for teaching English in modern world.
The use of technology in teaching English language has brought a drastic change from
the traditional teaching method. Use of authentic materials in the form of films, radio, TV has
been there for a long time. It is true that these technologies have proved successful in
replacing the traditional teaching. These technologies provides various options as making
teaching interesting and the productivity will also be improved.


Multimedia Classroom:
The use of multimedia in the classroom cannot be denied in the present education
scenario. In the usual traditional teaching method the teacher uses chalk and talk method,
gives instruction, dictation, explanation and information by standing in front of the
classroom. In this present scenario the technology plays an important role in the life of many
youngsters so it is hard to deny the use of multimedia inside and outside the classroom. The
development of technology is being helpful in all possible ways. So by bringing new
technologies inside the classroom, the teaching and learning can be fun, interesting and
happier one.
Unlike the traditional classroom setting, the multimedia classroom setting has more
space and plenty of room to spread work. All the equipments needed for teaching will be
placed inside the classroom. The use of multimedia described here makes use of print texts,
film and Internet to develop and enhance linguistics and knowledge. Through their
interactions with multimedia texts on topic of interest, students become increasingly familiar
with academic vocabulary and language structures. Using print, film and Internet as resources
for studying provides students with opportunities to gather information through stimuli that
will stimulate their imaginations, engage their interest and introduce them to the raw
materials for analysis and interpretation of both language and context. Thus they greatly
increase their overall knowledge base, as well as their English language and critical literacy
skills, facilitating their performance in future college courses. Although various studies
support the application of multimedia in the classroom, Liu, Jones and Hem street (1998)
point out that the design of multimedia is useful when technology is to have any effect on
learning. One of the main purposes of software in writing is to facilitate the development of
academic writing skills for students through the use of the objects matter for writing
assignments. The program is presented as a simulation game to interest and motivation.
Students using the program found themselves in the virtual world of education.
The Computer Internet
Computer technology has given Internet, which has various uses. Internet has given
the students a wide range of collection of English language texts. Before the general use of
computers in colleges and universities to teach writing, students met in a traditional
classroom were taught to write standard essay. Instruction was personified commonly by the
teachers standing behind a lectern or by the teacher marking errors on student texts (Blair,
1997). The computer has given the internet in which the print and visual materials are

invariably bound. With the one touch of mouse the students can collect many authentic
materials for learning English with the visuals such as pictures, slide shows, power point
presentations and videos. This computerised learning gives additional benefits of students
motivation and interest in learning the language. The students often spend much time in the
language laboratories to learn the English language better as it the language to read and write
from internet. This gives greater confidence in their ability to use the English language.
However, the general uses of computers are rarely found in traditional classroom. For
instance, students attend the regular classes that were taught to write the standard essay. With
the technology use, the students do not only literate the ability to read and write but also to be
able to understand music, video, hypertext and networked communications. Whitaker (1995)
points out clearly that technology as something to expand human potential rather than
substitute for it and which enhances the thought process rather than cripples it.
A study conducted by Kasper (1997) illustrate that teaching English using multimedia
such as print, film, video, Internet to students encourage them to write a critical analysis on
assignments. Overall, the students achievement increased significantly 92 % of the students
passed on departmental reading and writing examinations. In addition, their feedback on
discussions is very positive. They express confidence in their ability to use English. They
attribute this improvement to the multimedia model that the texts teach them English and
provide helpful information in other courses and the film and Internet help them make
material easier to understand because they see, hear, and read about the topic.
The film can provide the learners a visual treat. Here the students can understand both
visual and verbal comprehension. By watching the film the students are expected to
understand the expressions and pronunciation of the audio. It can help the students to develop
their vocabulary as it will be fun and interesting in learning. The students can be made to
watch novel videos. After viewing the film, the class can arrange for a discussion about the
essay topics, themes, morals, techniques in the film. This can develop their communication
The Advantages of Using Multimedia in ELT:

The use of multimedia technology featuring audio and visual animation effects in
teaching English language greatly cultivates students interest and motivation in the
study and their involvement in the classroom activities.



The brainstorming activities, group discussions, debates in the use of multimedia in

teaching English promote the students positive thinking and communication skills.

The use of multimedia widens the path to gain knowledge by offering them abundant
information than in text-book.

Multimedia teachings enrich teaching content and make the best of class time and
break the teacher-centered teaching pattern and fundamentally improve class

Multimedia teaching stresses the role of students, and enhances the importance of
interaction between teachers and students.

The use of multimedia makes the classroom teaching more lively and interesting.

Multimedia teaching is flexible. This is student-centered process. The students can

solve their problems which they face while learning with the use of internet itself.

Through the interaction with multimedia, the students become increasingly familiar
with academic vocabulary and language structure. Connecting with the Internet will make the
benefit of increased student motivation. Students are eager to begin class and often arrive
early at the computer lab, logging on the Internet and beginning research on their own. They
also often stay after class to continue working on the Internet. Overall, students develop
greater confidence in their ability to use English because they need to interact with the
Internet through reading and writing. Using multimedia provides the students to gather
information through media that encourages their imaginations, interests.
Learning process is the only life long process in ones life. But the only thing is that
everyone desires the learning to be an easy one. The teachers should make the students to
adapt to the changes. Multimedia has become an indispensible tool in English teaching
classrooms. The new technology paves way for more innovative methods in teaching English.



1. Carlson, Earl R. Evaluating the Credibility of Sources: A Missing Link in the
teaching of Critical Thinking, Teaching of Psychology, 22(1): 39-41 (1995). City
University of New York. (1994), Report of the CUNY ESL Task Force, CUNY:
Instructional Resource Center, New York.
2. Kasper, Loretta F. (1997), The Impact of Content-Based Instructional Programs on
the Academic Progress of ESL Students, English for Specific Purposes, vol.16. Pp.
309-20. Kasper, Strategies, PostScript, vol. 16. No. 2, pp. 5-17.
3. Joshi, Ashvini. Multimedia: A Technique in Teaching Process In the Classroom.
Current World Environment(2012): 33-36



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