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by Knit Picks Design Team




Roxy: about 11 tall; pups about 6 tall

Stitch Markers
Yarn Needle
Sewing needle & Embroidery floss or fine
black yarn
Sewing thread or fine yarn to match
Six 12mm safety eyes
Polyfil or other stuffing
Poly pellets
Boar bristle or metal bristle brush

Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Sport
(100% Peruvian Highland Wool; 137
MC Cobblestone Heather 25270, 2 balls
CC White 25269, 1 ball
CC2 Coal 25268, 1 ball
Knit Picks Aloft (75% Super Kid Mohair,
25% Silk; 246 yards/25g):
MC Silver 25214, 2 balls
CC White 25213, 1 ball
CC Black 25215, 1 ball

US 5 (3.75 mm) 24 circular needles and

22 sts and 30 rows = 4 in St st on size
5 needles with two strands of Aloft and
one strand of Wool of the Andes Sport
held together

For pattern support, contact

Roxy Fox and Her Pups

This playful family of foxes will warm your heart! Made with fluffy
Aloft and then brushed, youll find yourself petting their supersoft fur.

With White, CO 10 sts. Directly after that, CO 10 sts in G. Purl one

row, wrapping the yarns around each other.
Row 1: K10; With G, K1, M1, K3, M1, K2, M1, K3, M1, K1. 24 sts.
Row 2 and all other WS rows: Purl, wrapping colors around each
Row 3: K10; With G, K1, M1, K12, M1, K1. 26 sts.

Two yarns, Aloft and Wool of the Andes Sport, are held together

Row 5: K10; With G, K1, M1, K6, M1, K2, M1, K6, M1, K1. 30 sts.

throughout to create the fuzzy texture. Before you begin, wind

Row 7: K10; With G, K1, M1, K18, M1, K1. 32 sts.

the two yarns of matching color together into several small balls

Row 9: K10; With G, K1, M1, K9, M1, K2, M1, K9, M1, K1. 36 sts.

or onto bobbins, using two strands of Aloft and one strand of

Row 11: K10; With G, K1, M1, K24, M1, K1. 38 sts.

Wool of the Andes Sport. This will help you avoid tangling. To

Row 12: Purl.

attach new balls, simply tie a knot behind the work and let it

Knit in St st in established color pattern for 4 rows.

hang; it will all be concealed in the stuffing, so there are no ends

Row 17: K2tog, K6, K2tog; with G, K1, M1, K26, M1, K1. 38 sts.

to weave in!

Row 18: Purl in color pattern.

For the duration of the pattern, the two White yarns will be
referred to as White, the combination of Cobblestone Heather
and Silver as Grey, and the combination of Black and Coal as

Row 19: K2tog, K4, K2tog; with G, K1, M1, K28, M1, K1. 38 sts.
Row 20: Purl in color pattern.
Row 21: K2tog, K2, K2tog; with G, K1, M1, K30, M1, K1.38 sts.
Row 22: P34, PM. Break W; continue knitting with G across
remaining 4 sts.

M1 (Make 1 stitch)

Row 23: Knit. At the end of this row, do not turn work. Instead,

Right side: PU the bar between st just worked and next st and

PM, and join to work in the round.

place on needle as a regular stitch; knit through the back loop.

Round 24: K4, SM, K2tog, K30, K2tog. 36 sts.

Wrong side: PU the bar between st just worked and next st and

Round 25: K4, SM, K2tog, K28, K2tog. 34 sts.

place on needle as a regular stitch; purl through the back loop.

Round 26: K4, SM, K2tog, K10, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K10, K2tog. 30

Wrap and Turn

Work until the stitch to be wrapped. If knitting: bring yarn to the
front of the work, slip next st as if to purl, return the yarn to the

Round 27: K4, SM, K2tog, K8, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K8, K2tog. 26 sts.
Round 28: K4, SM, K2tog, K6, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K6, K2tog. 22 sts.

back; turn work and slip wrapped st onto RH needle. Continue

At this point, you will begin working the underside back and

across row. If purling: bring yarn to the back of the work, slip next

forth, knitting it together with the body up to the base of the tail.

st as if to purl, return the yarn to the front; turn work and slip

Row 29: K4, SM, K2tog; turn work.

wrapped st onto RH needle. Continue across row.

Row 30: Sl 1, SM, P4, SM, P2tog; turn work. 20 sts.

Picking up wraps: Work to the wrapped st. If knitting, insert

Row 31: Sl 1, SM, K4, SM, K2tog; turn work.

the RH needle under the wrap(s), then through the wrapped st

Row 32: Sl 1, SM, P4, SM, P2tog; turn work. 18 sts.

K-wise. Knit the wrap(s) together with the wrapped st. If Purling,

Row 33: Sl 1, SM, K4, SM, K2tog; turn work.

slip the wrapped st P-wise onto the RH needle, and use the LH

Row 34: Sl 1, SM, P4, SM, P2tog; turn work. 16 sts.

needle to lift the wrap(s) and place them on the RH needle. Slip

Row 35: Sl 1, SM, K4, SM, K2tog; turn work.

wrap(s) and unworked st back to LH needle; purl all together

Row 36: Sl 1, SM, P4, SM, P2tog; turn work. 14 sts.

through the back loop.

Row 37: Sl 1, SM, K4, SM, K2tog; turn work.


Row 38: Sl 1, SM, P4, SM, P2tog; turn work. 12 sts.

These dolls are knit using the intarsia technique this means far

You will now begin working in the round once more to work the

fewer seams! They are knit mostly flat, with one seam along the


belly. They are worked from nose to tail, with the ears and legs
added on later. The tail is worked in 2 colors in the round. Markers
are placed along increase and decrease points, and the different
colors will cross these lines.

Rnd 39: Sl 1, remove marker, K4, remove marker, K8; this was
the beginning of round. K2 further sts, PM; this will be the new
beginning of round.
Join Black and begin working from Pups Tail Chart, following

Rascal and Rowdy, Roxys pups

color changes, increases and decreases as they appear in the

These playful pups are knit in pieces and then assembled. This


allows you to pose them in different ways. The body and tail are
knit as one piece, as are the head and neck. These two pieces are
put together, then the four legs are sewn into place.

Seaming Body
With thread to match either yarn color, stitch the body together
from the tail along the belly using mattress stitch. When the

Body and Tail (make 2)

underside has been fully stitched, pull the end of the thread

The body is knit flat in intarsia. The White (W) belly is knit along

through to the right side and stuff the body. Sew the neck

with the Grey (G) body; initially all of the increases and decreases

opening (cast on edge) closed; fasten off and bury the thread

take place in the G section.

end in the body.

Roxy Fox and Her Pups


wrap, K1; With W, K5.

The heads of both pups are knit the same way, but sewn on

Row 48: P5; with G, P2, SM, P11, SM, PU wrap, P1; with W, P5.

differently to give them personality!

Row 49: K5; with G, K2, SM, (K2tog, K1) three times, K2tog, SM,

With White, CO 4 sts.

Row 1 (RS): KFB into every st: 8 sts.
Row 2: Purl.
Row 3: K3, PM, attach G and K2, PM, attach a second ball of W,
Row 4 and all other WS rows: Purl back across the three areas of
color, wrapping the yarns around each other between each color.
Row 5: K1, M1, K2, SM; with G, M1, K2, M1, SM; with W, K2, M1, K1. 12
Row 7: Knit across the row in established color pattern.
Row 9: K1, M1, K3, SM; with G, K4, SM; with W, K3, M1, K1. 14 sts.
Row 11: K5, SM; with G, M1, K4, M1, SM; With W, K5. 16 sts.
Row 13: K1, M1, K3; with G, K1, SM, M1, K1, M1, K2, M1, K2, M1, K1, M1,
SM, K1; with W, K3, M1, K1. 23 sts.
Row 15: K5; with G, K1, SM, K2, (M1, K1) 7 times, M1, K2, SM, K1;
with W, K5. 31 sts.
Row 17: K1, M1, K3; with G, K2, SM, K19, SM, K2; with W, K3, M1, K1.
33 sts.

K2; With W, K5.

Row 50: Purl back across the three areas of color, wrapping the
yarns around each other between each color.
Row 51: K5; with G, BO next 11 sts, removing markers; with W,
K5. Do not turn work. Arrange sts on two needles so that, with
RS facing, the two sections of White are next to each other; the
stitch just worked is in between them. These two sides will now
be worked as one. Knit across the 5 sts on the other side; break
the second ball of White.
Work three rows in St st.
Row 55: K2tog, K6, K2tog.
Row 56: Purl.
Row 57: K2tog, K4, K2tog.
Row 58: BO all sts.
Using matching thread or yarn, sew the seam along the underside
of the chin from nose to neck. Begin stuffing the nose and
head, inserting the eyes using the diagram and instructions for

Row 19: Knit across the row in established color pattern.


Row 20: Purl back across the three areas of color, wrapping the

Front Legs (make 2 for each pup)

yarns around each other between each color.

With G, CO 10 sts, leaving a 6 tail. Join to work in the round,

On the next row, begin short row shaping for the top of the head.
These short rows will extend through the portion of Grey and

being careful not to twist sts. Work in St st for 4 rounds. Switch

to black, then work in St st for 2.

allow for a natural neck angle after the head is completed.


Row 21: K5; with G, K2, SM, K18, W&T.

The paws are all knit the same way.

Row 22: P17, W&T.

Round 1: *K1, M1, K3, M1, K1; repeat from *. 14 sts.

Row 23: K15, W&T.

Round 2: K3, M1, K3, M1, K8. 16 sts.

Row 24: P13, W&T.

Round 3: K1, M1, K7, M1, K2, M1, K5, M1, K1. 20 sts.

Row 25: K11, W&T.

Rounds 4-6: Knit, placing a split ring marker through a stitch in

Row 26: P9, W&T.

the first 11 sts to mark the top of the foot.

Row 27: K9, Pick Up wrap and K it tog with the st it wraps, W&T.

Round 7: K1, K2tog, K5, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K1. 16 sts.

Row 28: P10, PU wrap, W&T.

Round 8: Knit.

Row 29: K11, PU wrap twice, W&T.

Round 9: K1, K2tog, K3, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K1. 12 sts.

Row 30: P13, PU wrap twice, W&T.

Round 10: Knit.

Row 31: K15, PU wrap twice, SM, W&T.

Round 11: K1, K2tog, K1, K2tog, K2, slip 2 sts as if to K2tog, K1,

Row 32: SM, P17, PU wrap twice, SM, W&T.

PSSO, K1. 8 sts.

Row 33: SM, K2, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K3, (K2tog, K2) twice, SM, PU

Round 12: K1, slip 2 sts as if to K2tog, K1, PSSO, K3. 6 sts.

wrap, K1; with W, K5.

Break yarn. Using the yarn tail, graft the toe sts of the paw closed.

Row 34: P5; with G, P2, SM, P15, SM, PU wrap, P1; with W, P5.

Using a pencil or other blunt tool, stuff the toe and leg with

Row 35: K5; with G, K2, SM, K14, W&T.

stuffing and pellets. A great trick to get the pellets into the small

Row 36: P13, W&T.

circumference of the leg is to take apart a ballpoint pen and fill

Row 37: K11, W&T.

the hollow pen shaft with pellets. Then, you can use the pen as a

Row 38: P9, W&T.

delivery device for the pellets.

Row 39: K7, W&T.

Using the cast-on tail for the leg, stitch the leg to the body so

Row 40: P5, W&T.

that the outermost edge of it is along the G section of the body,

Row 41: K5, PU wrap, W&T.

and the rest is against the White underbody.

Row 42: P6, PU wrap, W&T.

Rear Legs (make 2 for each pup)

Row 43: K7, PU wrap twice, W&T.

Row 44: P9, PU wrap twice, W&T.
Row 45: K11, PU wrap twice, SM, W&T.
Row 46: SM, P13, PU wrap twice, SM, W&T.
Row 47: SM, (K1, K2tog) twice, K3, (K2tog, K1) twice, SM, PU

With G, CO 10 sts, leaving a 12 tail. Join to work in the round. Knit

one round.
Round 1: *K1, M1, K3, M1, K1; repeat around. 14 sts.
Round 2: Knit.
Round 3: *K1, M1, K5, M1, K1; repeat around. 18 sts.

Roxy Fox and Her Pups

Rounds 4-6: Knit.

Row 8 and all other WS rows: Purl across all sts in color pattern.

Round 7: K7, K2tog twice, K7. 16 sts.

Row 9: Knit across all sts in color pattern.

Round 8: Knit.

Row 11: K8; with W, K1, K2tog twice, K1.

Round 9: K6, K2tog twice, K6. 14 sts.

Row 13: K1, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K1; with W, K4.

Rounds 10-12: Knit.

Row 15: Break G. Attach Black, leaving a 6 tail. K6; with W, K2tog

Round 13: K1, K2tog, K3, M1, K2, M1, K3, K2tog, K1. 14 sts.


Round 14: Knit.

Row 17: K1, K2tog twice, K1; with W, K2.

Rounds 15-18: Repeat rounds 13-14 twice.

Row 19: K2tog twice; with W, K2tog.

Round 19: Break G and switch to Black. K1, K2tog, K8, K2tog, K1.

Row 20: With Black, P3tog. Break White and Black, leaving 6

12 sts.

tails. Pull the end of Black through the remaining live st and pull

Round 20: Knit.

tight to BO.

Round 21: K3, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K3. 10 sts.

Knit in St st for 1.
Next round: K7 sts. Rearrange sts on the needles so that the next
stitch becomes the beginning of round. This allows the paw to
face forward.
Work a paw as done for the front legs.
Stuff the leg with stuffing and pellets through the cast-on end,
but dont stuff the leg all the way up. Instead, fill up to the knee
(the highest bend in the knitting) and leave the top flat. This will
allow the hip to lay flat against the body.

Assembling the ear

Turn the ear to the wrong side. With the BO tail in W, sew the raw
edges together.
Turn the ear right-side out. Pass the cast-on tail from the black
through to the right side, just under the black section. Backstitch
with black down the seam between G and W.
With the BO tail in Black, pass the end through to the RS on the
other side of the ear, just below the first row of black and along
the border between G and W. Backstitch down this side.
Tuck ends in except for W and G cast-on tails. With G cast-on tail,
whipstitch the back of the ear to the head, placing it as shown

Use the CO yarn tail to sew the top of the leg closed, but do not

in the diagram. Use the cast-on tail from the White section to

trim the end; this will be used to sew the leg to the body.

whipstitch the front of the ear down to the head.

Ears (Make 2 for each pup)

Assembling the Head, Body and Rear Legs

With G, CO 6 sts and purl one row.

Following the diagram, choose a position for your pups. Pin the

Row 1 (RS): K1, M1, K4, M1, K1; 8 sts.

head to the body in the position of your choice. Being sure to line

Row 2: Purl.

up the section of White on the body with that on the neck. Using

Row 3: K1, M1, K6, M1, K1; 10 sts.

the BO tails from the head, sew the head and neck down to the

Row 4: Purl.

body. There is a lot of wiggle room in the size of the neck; you

Row 5: Knit.

do not have to sew through the bind-off row. Instead, you can

Row 6: Cast on 6 sts in White onto your RH needle. Wrap White

sew higher up in the fabric of the back of the neck if you wish,

and G around each other and purl across G section; you will now

allowing the lower rows to curl underneath. By doing this, you can

be working in Intarsia.

make the heads position look more realistic.

Row 7: K1, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K1; with W, K6.

Eye Placement
Line up the rear legs following the diagram. Using
the CO tail at

Place their eyes so
that they face forward
and are one stitch
higher than the
boundary between
White and Grey. The
highest points of
White on the face,
when pointing
forward, should line
up roughly with the
innermost 25% of the

her eyes
so that
the hip, whipstitch the hip to the body all the way
the top

they face forward and

of the hip. Turn the pup belly-up. Using the sameare

a few
than the
the inner thigh of the rear leg to the belly where higher
they naturally

boundary between

meet. This will stabilize the leg. Tie a knot aroundWhite

the last
Grey. The
and pass the yarn tail back through the body. Repeat
other of

Natural on the face,

when pointing forward,
should line up roughly
with the innermost 25%
of the eyes.

side. Go to Finishing

Ear Placement
For both Roxy and her
pups, place the ears so
that the longer back is on
the back slope of the
head. The outermost edge
of the ears should line up
with the upper rim of the

Pups Tail Chart

16 15 14 13 12 11 10


Work the Tail Chart in rounds, reading from right to left

on each chart row. The increases and decreases are not
mirrored; since the yarn is fuzzy and will be brushed,
you wont notice!
The colors are arranged so that there will be a black
stripe up the underside and a white tuft at the end;
change colors when necessary. Tie the yarns together
on the inside and let the ends hang loose.
As you knit, begin stuffing the tail, adding a little more
stuffing every ten rounds or so, finally stuffing firmly
before closing the end.
After round 26, break yarn and pull the yarn tail through
the remaining stitches; pull tight to BO. Using a yarn
needle, bury the end in the fabric.
No Stitch
Placeholder - No stitch made.
knit stitch
Knit into the front and back of the stitch
Knit two stitches together as one stitch

Roxy Fox and Her Pups

Placement of the Rear Legs and Head

The rear legs and head of the pups
can be assembled in different ways
to create different positions. Look at
the angle of the green arrows and
arrange the pieces to match.




Roxy Fox and Her Pups


Row 44: P5, SM, P1; with G, P6, SM, P9, SM, P6; with W, P1, SM, P5.

With White, CO 4 sts.

Row 45: K1, M1, K4, SM; with G, K5, K2tog, SM, K9, SM, SSK, K5,

Row 1: KFB into every st: 8 sts.

SM; with W, K4, M1, K1.

Row 2: (P1, PFB) 4 times: 12 sts.

Row 46: Purl back across the three areas of color, wrapping the

Row 3: KFB, PM, K3, PM, attach Grey and K3, PM, Attach a second

yarns around each other between each color.

ball of White and K3, PM, K2.

Row 47: K6, SM; with G, M1, K6, SM, K9, SM, K6, M1, SM; with W,

Row 4 and all other WS rows: Purl back across the three areas of


color, wrapping the yarns around each other between each color.

Row 48: Purl back across the three areas of color, wrapping the

Row 5: K2, SM, M1, K3, SM; K3 in G; SM, K3 in W, M1, SM, K2.

yarns around each other between each color.

Row 7: K2, SM, M1, K4, SM; M1, K3, M1 in G; SM, K4, M1, SM, K2 in

Row 49: K6, SM; with G, M1, K7, SM, K2tog, K5, SSK, SM, K7, M1,


SM; with W, K6.

Row 9: K2, M1, SM, K4; with G, K1, SM, K5, SM, K1; With W, K4, SM,

Row 50: P6, SM; with G, M1, P8, SM, P7, SM, P8, M1, SM; With W,

M1, K2.


Row 11: K3, SM, M1, K3; with G, K2, SM, K5, SM, K2; with W, K3, M1,

Row 51: K6, SM; with G, M1, K9, SM, K7, SM, K9, M1, SM; with W, K6.

SM, K3.

Row 52: P6, SM; with G, M1, P10, SM, P7, SM, P10, M1, SM; With W,

Row 13: K3, M1, SM, K4; with G, K2, SM, (M1, K1) 5 times, M1, SM,


K2; with W, K4, SM, M1, K3.

Row 53: K6, SM; with G, M1, K11, SM, K2tog, K3, SSK, SM, K11, M1,

Row 15: K4, SM, M1, K4; with G, K2, SM, K11, SM, K2; with W, K4, M1,

SM; with W, K6.

SM, K4.

Row 54: P6, SM; with G, M1, P12, SM, P5, SM, P12, M1, SM; With W,

Row 17: K4, SM, K4; with G, K3, M1, SM, K2, M1, K7, M1, K2, SM, M1,


K3; with W, K4, SM, K4.

Row 55: K6, SM; with G, M1, K13, SM, K5, SM, K13, M1, SM; with W,

Row 19: K4, SM, K3; with G, K5, SM, K13, SM, K5; with W, K3, SM,



Row 56: P6, SM; with G, M1, P14, SM, P5, SM, P14, M1, SM; With W,

Row 20: Purl back across the three areas of color, wrapping the


yarns around each other between each color.

Row 57: K6, SM; with G, M1, K15, SM, K2tog, K1, SSK, SM, K15, M1,

On the next row, begin short row shaping for the top of the head.
These short rows will extend through the portion of Grey and
allow for a natural neck angle after the head is completed.
Row 21: K4, SM, K3; with G, K5, SM, K13, SM, K4, Wrap & Turn,
Row 22: P4, SM, P13, SM, P4, W&T.
Row 23: K4, SM, K13, SM, K2, W&T.
Row 24: P2, SM, P13, SM, P2, W&T.
Row 25: K2, SM, K12, W&T.
Row 26: P11, W&T.
Row 27: K9, W&T.
Row 28: P7, W&T.
Row 29: K7, pick up wrap and K it tog with the st it wraps, W&T.
Row 30: P8, PU wrap, W&T.

SM; with W, K6.

Row 58: P6, SM; with G, M1, P16, SM, P3, SM, P16, M1, SM; With W,
Row 59: K6, SM; with G, M1, K17, SM, K3, SM, K17, M1, SM; with W,
Row 60: P6, SM; with G, M1, P18, SM, P3, SM, P18, M1, SM; With W,
Row 61: K6, SM; with G, M1, K19, remove marker, slip 2 as if to
K2tog, K1, PSSO, remove marker, K19, M1, SM; with W, K6.
Row 62: P6, SM; with G, M1, P41, M1, SM; With W, P6.
Row 63: K6, SM; with G, M1, K43, M1, SM; with W, K6.
Row 64: P6, SM; with G, M1, P45, M1, SM; With W, P6.
Row 63: K6, SM; with G, M1, K47, M1, SM; with W, K6.

Row 31: K9, PU wrap twice, SM, W&T.


Row 32: SM, P11, PU wrap twice, SM, W&T.

Work for 1/2 in established colors, without increasing, and ending

Row 33: SM, K13, SM, PU wrap, W&T.

after working a WS row.

Row 34: P1, SM, P13, SM, PU wrap, W&T.

Row 35: K1, SM, K9, W&T.
Row 36: P5, W&T.
Row 37: K5, PU wrap, K1, W&T.
Row 38: P7, PU wrap, P1, W&T.
Row 39: K9, PU wrap, K1, SM, K1, PU wrap twice, W&T.
Row 40: P3, SM, P11, PU wrap, P1, SM, P1, PU wrap twice, W&T.
Row 41: K3, SM, K2tog, K9, SSK, SM, K3, PU wraps twice; with W,
K3, SM, K4.
Row 42: P4, SM, P3; with G, P3, P2tog, SM, P11, SM, SSP, P1, PU
wraps twice; with W, P3, SM, P4.

Break for legs

Over the next 10 rows, work in the same color pattern, but dont
wrap the yarns around each other between color changes. This
will result in breaks between the colors, from which the legs will
be picked up and knit down.
Row 1: K6, remove marker; with G, K 49, remove marker; with W,
Row 2: P6, with G P49, with W P6
Row 3: K4, K2tog; with G, SSK, K45, K2tog; with W, SSK, K4.
Row 4: P5; with G P47, with W P5.
Row 5: K3, K2tog; with G, SSK, K43, K2tog; with W, SSK, K3.

Begin Neck And Body

Row 6: P4; with G P45, with W P4.

Row 43: K4, M1, SM, K2; with G, K5, SM, K2tog, K7, SSK, SM, K5;

Row 7: K3, KFB; with G, KFB, K43, KFB; with W, KFB, K3.

with W, K2, SM, M1, K4.

Row 8: P5; with G P47, with W P5.

Roxy Fox and Her Pups

Row 9: K4, KFB; with G, KFB, K45, KFB; with W, KFB, K4.

stitch, K2, PM. This marks the beginning of the round. Work one

Row 10: P6; with G P49, with W P6.

round, then begin working from Tail Chart.

Next row, resume working in Intarsia, wrapping the colors around

Seam and Stuff the Body

each other at each change.

Work in St st in color pattern for 1.5"

Roxys body is seamed, stuffed, and her eyes put in place before
her legs are knitted on.

Begin Shaping Body

To seam, use a durable sewing thread or a fine yarn in a similar

Next RS row: K5; with G, K1, PM, K15, PM, K2tog, K15, SSK, PM, K15,

color to the White yarns. Using thread instead of yarn will allow

PM, K1; with W, K5.

you to adjust the stitches if necessary. The fuzziness of the yarn

Row 2: P4; with G, P2, SM, P15, SM, P17, SM, P15, SM, P2; with W,

does not translate well to sewing, but it will hide whatever thread


or yarn you do use!

Row 3: K3; with G, K3, SM, K2tog, K11, SSK, SM, K17, SM, K2tog, K11,

With the WS facing, tie off any remaining yarn ends. There is no

SSK, SM, K3; with W, K3.

need to trim the ends as they will add to the stuffing. Starting at

Row 4: Break both strands of White. Begin working only with

the tip of her snout, stitch the two edges together using mattress

Grey. P6, SM, P2tog, P11, SM, P17, SM, P11, SSP, SM, P6.

stitch. When you have reached her chest, begin to stuff her nose

Row 5: K6, SM, K2tog, K10, SM, K2tog, K13, SSK, SM, K10, SSK, SM,

and head. Place the safety eyes as shown in the diagram, making


sure they are facing forward. Once the placement looks correct,

Row 6: P6, SM, P2tog, P9, SM, P15, SM, P9, SSP, SM, P6.

attach the backs of the eyes and continue stuffing.

Row 7: K6, SM, K2tog, K6, SSK, SM, K15, SM, K2tog, K6, SSK, SM,

Sew along her belly, stuffing her body as you go. After the seam


is finished, bury the thread end in the body. You can still make

Row 8: P6, SM, P2tog, P6, SM, P15, SM, K6, SSP, SM, P6.

adjustments to her stuffing through the leg openings if you need

Rear Legs


The holes for the rear legs are made in much the same way as


those for the front legs. However, three separate balls of one

Roxys legs are knitted on and stuffed with both stuffing and

color are used. The body continues to be shaped while the holes


are created, and then the hindquarters are shaped. The two ends
of the work are joined as if to work in the round, but instead the
underbody turns upward to create the base of the tail.
Row 1: K6. Remove marker. Attach a second ball of G. K2tog, K5,
SM, K2tog, K11, SSK, SM, K5, SSK. Remove Marker. Attach a third
ball of G and K6.
Row 2: Purl all sts, but do not wrap yarn strands.
Row 3: Knit all sts, but do not wrap yarn strands.
Row 4: As row 2.
Row 5: K6; with second ball K6, SM, K2tog, K9, SSK, SM, K6; with

Front legs
With G, pick up and knit 20 stitches around one front leg hole,
starting at the front of the hole where the two colors meet. PM
and join to work in the round. Work three rounds, then switch to
Black. Work in black for 1.5"
Next round: K2tog, K8, K2tog, K8. 18 sts remain.
Work in St st for 1.
Next round: K2tog, K7, K2tog, K7. 16 sts remain.
Work in St st for .5"

third ball, K6.


Rows 6-13: repeat rows 2-3 four times.

At this point, you will begin stuffing the leg and adding pellets.

Row 14: Do not turn work to the wrong side. Instead, bring the

Because the pellets are small enough to come through the

two 6-st end sections together. Join as if to work in the round,

knitted fabric, they will have to be surrounded by stuffing.

and work across the next 5 sts. K2tog across the gap, connecting

Stuff the first inch of the leg firmly with polyfil. Stuff the rest

the two parts. Turn work.

loosely, and then with your finger or a knitting needle, push the

Row 15: Sl1, P10, P2tog across the gap, connecting the two sides.

polyfil up against the knitted fabric, making a well in the center.

Turn Work.

Carefully fill this well with pellets. The pellets should be able to

Row 16: Sl1, K9, K2tog.

move around when the leg is squeezed, but not so loosely as to

Row 17: Sl1, P8, P2tog.

make the leg floppy.

Row 18: Sl1, K8, K2tog.

Put a very thin layer of polyfil over the pellets so they do not fall

Row 19: Sl1, P8, P2tog.

out as you are working the paw.

Rows 20-23: Repeat rows 18-19 two times.


Row 24: Sl1, K2tog, K4, K2tog twice.

Row 25: Sl1, P6, P2tog.
Row 26: Sl1, K6, K2tog.
Row 28: Sl1, P6, P2tog.
Row 29: Sl1, K2tog, K1, K2tog twice.
Row 30: Sl1, P2, P2tog.
Row 31: Sl1, K1, K2tog.
Row 32: Sl 1, P1, P2tog. Turn work. There are 13 sts remaining.
You will now begin working in the round to create the tail. Sl 1

Roxy Fox and Her Pups

The paw is worked like a top-down sock.

Row 1: K11, W&T.
Row 2: P6, W&T.
Row 3: K5, W&T.
Row 4: P4, W&T.
Row 5: K3, W&T.
Row 6: P2, W&T.
Row 7: K2, PU wrap, W&T.

Row 8: P3, PU wrap, W&T.

Row 8: Cast on 10 sts in White onto your RH needle. Wrap White

Row 9: K4, PU wrap, W&T.

and G around each other and purl across G section; you will now

Row 10: P5, PU wrap, W&T.

be working in Intarsia.

Row 11: K6, PU wrap; do not turn. Continue to next stitch and

Row 9: K1, K2tog, K8, K2tog, K1; with W, K10.

begin working in the round; K4.

Row 10 and all other WS rows: Purl across in color pattern,

Round 12: K4, PU wrap, K12.

wrapping yarns where they meet.

Round 13: K6, M1, K4, M1, K6. 18 sts.

Row 11: K12; with W, K1, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K1.

Rounds 14 & 15: knit.

Row 13: K1, K2tog, K6, K2tog, K1; with W, K8.

Round 16: K4, K2tog, K6, K2tog, K4.

Row 15: K10; with W, K1, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K1.

Round 17: K3, K2tog, K6, K2tog, K3.

Row 17: K1, K2tog, K4, K2tog, K1; with W, K6.

Round 18: K2, K2tog, K6, K2tog, K2.

Row 19: Break G and attach Black. K8. With W, K1, K2tog twice, K1.

At this point, begin stuffing the foot. Lightly stuff with polyfil, and,

Row 21: K1, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K1; with W, K4.

as before, make a well in the stuffing and add pellets. Stuff the

Row 23: K6; with W, K2tog twice.

foot very firmly.

Row 25: K1, K2tog twice, K1; with W, K2

Round 19: K2tog, K2, K2tog twice, K2, K2tog. 8 sts remain.

Row 27: K2tog twice; with W, K2tog.

Break yarn. Use the yarn tail to graft the open stitches together.

Row 28: BO 1st in W; break yarn, leaving 8 tail. With black, K2.

Since Suri Dream is so fuzzy, accuracy isnt that important!

Row 29: BO 2 sts, leaving 8 tail.

When the toe is grafted shut, pass the yarn end through the foot.

Assembling the ear

Use it to close up any holes in the ankles, then bury the end in the
Repeat these directions for the other front leg.

Turn the ear to the wrong side. With the BO tail in W, sew the raw
edges together.
Turn the ear right-side out. Pass the cast-on tail from the black

Back Legs

through to the right side, just under the black section. Backstitch

Just like the front legs, the back legs are picked up and knit

with black down the seam between G and W.

down. However, they are also shaped more than the front legs.

With the BO tail in Black, pass the end through to the RS on the

With G and starting at the front of one rear leg hole, PU and knit

other side of the ear, just below the first row of Black and along

28 sts around. PM and join to work in the round; knit two rounds.

the border between G and W. Backstitch down this side.

As you work, stuff these legs in the same way as the front legs,

Tuck ends in except for W and G cast-on tails. With G cast-on tail,

with both polyfil and pellets.

whipstitch the back of the ear to the head, placing it as shown

Leg shaping
Round 1: K1, K2tog, K22, K2tog, K1. 26 sts.

in the diagram. Use the cast-on tail from the White section to
whipstitch the front of the ear down to the head.

Round 2: Knit.


Round 3: K1, K2tog, K20, K2tog, K1. 24 sts.

To get Roxy and her pups looking great, their coat needs a good

Round 4: Knit.

brushing! Using a pet comb or a stiff bristle brush, brush lightly

Round 5: K1, K2tog, K18, K2tog, K1. 22 sts.

over the knit fabric. Brush from the head down the back to the tip

Round 6: Knit.

of the tail, and from the top of the legs down towards the paws.

Round 7: K1, K2tog, K7, M1, K2, M1, K7, K2tog, K1. 22 sts.

Brush from the chin underneath the belly to the underside of the

Round 8: Knit.

tail. You may have to go over these areas several times with the

Rounds 9-18: Repeat rounds 7 and 8 five times more.

brush to pull out enough of the fibers to look like fur. Brush out

Rounds 19-20: Switch to Black. K 2 rounds.

less hair on the legs and face, and more on the body, tail and ears.

Round 21: K8, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K8. 20 sts.


Rounds 22-23: Knit.

Round 24: K7, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K7. 18 sts.
Rounds 25-27: Knit.
Round 28: K6, K2tog, K2, K2tog, K6. 16 sts.
Rounds 29-32: Knit.

Features like the mouth, nose, and enhancements to the eyes can
be made with embroidery. Use black embroidery floss or thin yarn
to embroider the features. Refer to the pictures throughout the
pattern for ideas and placement..

Work a paw as done for the front legs.

Work another rear leg on the other side.

The ears are knit separately and sewn on. Knit two identical ears.
With G, CO 8 sts. Leave a 12 tail. Purl one row.
Row 1: K1, M1, K6, M1, K1. 10 sts.
Rows 2, 4, and 6: Purl.
Row 3: K1, M1, K8, M1, K1. 12 sts.
Row 5: Knit.
Row 7: K1, M1, K10, M1, K1. 14 sts.

Roxy Fox and Her Pups

Tail Chart
33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Work the Tail Chart in rounds, reading from right to left on each
chart row. The increases and decreases are not mirrored; since the
yarn is fuzzy and will be brushed, you wont notice!
The colors are arranged so that there will be a black stripe up the
underside and a white tuft at the end; change colors when
necessary. Tie the yarns together on the inside and let the ends
hang loose.
As you knit, begin stuffing the tail, adding a little more stuffing
every ten rounds or so, finally stuffing firmly before closing the
After round 48, break yarn and pull the yarn tail through the
remaining stitches; pull tight to BO. Using a yarn needle, bury the
end in the fabric.


No Stitch
Placeholder - No stitch made.
knit stitch
Knit into the front and back of the stitch
Knit two stitches together as one stitch

Eye Placement
Place her eyes so that
they face forward and
are a few stitches
higher than the
boundary between
White and Grey. The
highest points of
Natural on the face,
when pointing forward,
should line up roughly
with the innermost 25%
of the eyes.


Roxy Fox and Her Pups

Place their e
that they fac
and are one
higher than t
boundary be
White and G
highest poin
White on the
when pointin
forward, sho
up roughly w
innermost 25


M marker


bind off


make one stitch



cable needle


make one left-leaning

rnd(s) round(s)

tog together


contrast color





Centered double dec


make one right-lean-

Sk skip


cast on

ing stitch


cont continue


main color

dec decrease(es)

P purl

DPN(s) double pointed



purl 2 sts together




through back loop

right hand


through front loop

right side

wrap & turn (see

specific instructions

sl 1, k2tog, pass

in pattern)

slipped stitch over


k2tog: 2 sts dec


wrong side

sl, k, psso: 1 st dec


with yarn in back

work even



place marker

SL slip


with yarn in front

every other row


purl into the front and


slip marker


yarn over

back of stitch


sl, sl, k these 2 sts tog

pass slipped stitch


sl, sl, p these 2 sts tog

inc increase
K knit



knit two sts together


knit into the front and


back of stitch

P-wise purlwise

pick up


sl, sl, sl, k these 3 sts


K-wise knitwise

rep repeat

St st


Rev St st reverse stockinette

sts stitch(es)

left hand

stockinette stitch

Roxy Fox and Her Pups


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