Name: Hannan Shahid Reg. #: 1535185 Class: Strategic HRM

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Hannan Shahid


Reg. # : 1535185

Strategic HRM

HR Bundle
1- Career planning
2- Continuous on-the-JOB Development
3- Regular training
4- Promotion
1. Flexible benefits
2. Ergonomic adjustment
3. Performance pay
4. Compressed working week
5. Performance appraisal
1. Participation
2. Task enrichment (knowledge transfer)
3. Reduced workload
4. Sideways jobs movement
5. Second career
1. Additional leave
2. Long career break
3. Early retirement
4. Demotion
5. Exemption from overtime working
6. Part-time work/ semi retirement
The practives that relating to employment development training &
particciption empowerment information sharing & compansation system are most
offered combind. An understanging of hogh performance work system suggest that
they are generly focus on skill requinmrnt discreationat work team working and
incentive enhancing orgionaizational commitment.

15 key Prentices associated with high performance, like

1. Relatics JOB Perview

2. Use of psychometric test for selection
3. Well development introduction training
4. Regular apprisals
5. Regular multi source feedback on performance
6. Indiviidual performance related PAY
7. Profit related Bounces
8. Flexible JOB Description

Multi skilling

10. Presence of Work Improvement Teams

11. Presence of Problems Solving Groups
12. Information provided on the Business Plan
13. Information Provited on the Firms Performance targets
14. No complusry redundancies
15. Commitment to single status
HR Prctices To built skill levels motivation & ability (eg interviews,
competicncy test team reward). Emplyee
s relation practics to help built trust,
loyalty & identity in the organization.

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