TWO CastiglianosSecond

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213 CASTOLANOS SECOND THEOREM BQ 21.3 Castigliano's Second Theorem Castigliano’s second theorem, commonly known as the method of least work, has played an important role in the development of t structural analysis through the years and is often used today. It is closely related to the method of consistent distortions discussed in the j two preceding chapters and is very effective in the analysis of statically indeterminate structures, particularly trusses and composite structures. (Composite structures are defined hero as structures that have some : members with axial stress only and other members with axial stresses and bending moments) Although applicable to beams and frames, other : ‘methods such as the moment-distribution method (Chapters 28 and 24) are usually more satisfactory. The method of least work has the disad- at ‘vantage that it is not applicable in its usual form to forces caused by ! displacements due to temperature changes, support settlements, and fabrication errors. | In the preceding section it was shown that the first partial derive Hy tive of the total internal work with respect to a load P (real or imagi- i nary) applied at a point in. structure equaled. the deflection in the i direction of P. For this discussion the continuous beam of Fig, 21.7 and the vortical reaction at support B, Vp, are considered. | \. Figure 21.7 = If the first partial derivative of the work in this beam is taken with respect to the reaction V, the deflection at B will be obtained, I but that deflection is zero, aw aaa : This is a statement of Castigliano's second theorem. Equations of this type can be written for each point of constraint of a statically i indeterminate structure. A structure will deform in a manner consistent with its physical limitations or go that the internal work of deformation will be at a minimum, ‘The columns and girders meeting at @ joint in a building will all deflect the same amount: the smallest possible value. Neglecting the effect of the other ends of these members, it can be seen that each member docs no more work than necessary, and the total work per- formed by all of the members at the joint is the least possible AAG costousios MEOH AND THE TaEENONENT EOE From the foregoing discussion the theorem of least work may be stated: he internal work accomplished by each member or each portion of a statically indeterminate structure subjected to a set of Portion Toads Ja the least possible necessary to maintain equilibrium in supporting the loads. porting Pvoceasions (particularly for continuous beams and came), the lest work method is very laborious te apply. Consequently ean atten express rather strong opinions e6 to whet they think of the term “least work.” “Toanalyze a staically indeterminate structure with Castighianc's theorem cortain members are assumed to be the redundants and are 5 deco arod removed from the structure, The removal of the members conser sufficient to leave a statically determinate and stable ass mut be Sitho S” forces in the structure are dotermined by means of Structure Tl loads; the cedundants are replaced as Yoads X,, Xz and thom and the forces the loads cause are determined. wae total internal work of deformation may be set up in terry tthe § forces and the forces caused by the redundant loads, The resyIt | or satiated uccessively with respect to the redundanis. The de> a aavcre are made equel 10 2er0 in order to determine the values of the redundants, SSramples 215 to 23.10 illustrate the analysis of statically inde : sminate stotures by least work. Although the Toast-work and conéis) minal jention methods are the most general methods for analysing veo ai oypes of saticaly indeterminate structures, they wil net be various (Yet ease, because other methods are more satisfactory for special typos. EXAMPLE 215. Determine the reaction at support C in the beam of Fig, 28 by least work; E and I are constant. 3 geste) Figure 21.8 Solution: The reaction at C is assumed to be V, and the other reactions are determined as follows. 1200-20 Ye —— je 121.3 CAsTIOWANO'S SECOND THEOREM 44] ot | ln [=r +10] ‘Table 215 section me 2 aH) oo : a aad soli) er Avs | va x | va Af ae ee | vars ai, —am [atin | vat +20 Ff at + ava ox! 10, — 2008 +0, ~ eo x = ‘oni, am = 6 vp= sist EXAMPLE 21.6. Determine the’ value of the reaction at support C, Fig, 2.9, by the method of least work. 2 A, a ex i oe “* a = i cos ae tee | 3x -06Vx toc | nae- nay ay, + a0 | 04" — 8 pic | ax—oavx—avess0 | ~noe-6 fae eoseveae pnevr + 88x na? Fe ao 20 [Ota « oanva de ogy +72 “se 4 98, = 1980) [iiewe See BAZ,

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