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Teresa Ahmadyar

Corona, CA 92879
Dr. Leslie Bruce
English 360: Technical Writing
CSFU, University Hall Room 435
800 N. State College Boulevard
Fullerton, CA 92831
Dear Dr. Leslie Bruce:
It is not that often that an English professor can have a strong effect on their students in a
short period of time. Nevertheless, throughout this course, I became proficient in delivering
message persuasively and effectively. I will demonstrate and analyze how I met these
student learning outcomes, SLOs. My web page will confirm these claims.
To understand the interplay of the rhetorical writing one must be able to change the
audiences mind. Therefore, resume writing is relevant to the rhetorical focus and
persuasion. (SLOs 1 & 3). The revised resume synthesizes my understanding of rhetorical
focus though analyzing variety of audiences and purposes. The reason for the resume is not
to tell life history, but to land the interview by tailoring to the position that one is applying
for. For example, I listed skills and abilities in my resume which is relevant to the job that
I am applying for.
The persuasion in a resume is done through exhibiting ones ability to meet every
employers specific needs and cultural values. In addition to the resume, I have attached
group charter that contains two in-text citation and references to demonstrate my
understanding of ethical research. (SLO 2). As a further matter, in the resume I have listed
my skills and abilities in a bullet points to emphasize organization. (SLO 4). Moreover, in
order to write technically in a resume, language and design are also crucial. (SLO 5)
Throughout this revised resume I can present that I am respectful and I use disciplinespecific vocabulary and grammar I learned in class. Additionally, I designed the resume to
set sections apart to avoid clumping and applied effective alignments.
Most importantly, including peer reviews statements and comments specifies not only my
growth and development, but also understanding of the collaboration (SLO 6). For

instance, despite the criticisms that was made by a team mate, these reviews helped me
listen to critiques and improved problematic sections to have an accurate manuscript.
Taking English 360 may seem like another boring high school classes due to the fact that
we all spend large part of our lives with English lecture. But little did I know that challenges
we faced gave me the opportunity to enjoy and work in a team. Moreover, this class helped
me develop analytical skills by using rhetorical triangle to have comprehensive writing.
I know that experiences and skills are transferable to help me with my career.

Teresa Ahmadyar

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