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- Turbidimetric

Sulphate ions usually occur in natural water. Many sulphate compounds are readily
soluble in water. Most of them originated from the oxidation of sulphite ores, the
solution of gypsum and anhydrite, the presence of shells, particularly, those rich in
organic compounds. Atmospheric sulphurdioxide formed by the combustion of fossil
fuels and emitted by the metallurgical roasting process may also contribute to the
sulphate compounds water.
Sulphate bearing Minerals are common in most
sedimentary rocks. In the weathering process gypsum (CaSO4) is dissolved and
sulphide minerals are partly oxidised, giving rise to a soluble form of sulphate that is
carried away by water. Sulphates cause a problem of scaling in industrial water
supplies, and problems of odor and corrosion in wastewater treatment due its reduction
to H2S. Ingestion of water containing high concentration of sulphate can have a laxative
effect, which us enhanced when sulphate is consumed in combination with magnesium.
Sulphate ions are precipitated as BaSO4 in acidic (HCI) with Barium chloride. The
absorption of light by this precipitated suspension is measured by spectrophotometer at
420 mm or scattered light by Nephelmeter.
Interference: - Colour, turbidity and silica in the concentration of 500 ppm interfere in
this estimation. Filtration is adopted to remove colour and turbidity.

Magnetic stirrer
Colourimeter for use at 420 nm
Nesslers tubes cap 100 ml.
Measuring spoon cap 0.2 to 0.3 ml.

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