Vendetta Gunship Update PDF

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VENDETTA GUNSHIP..............................................................

170 points

BS Front Side Rear HP Pursuit Agility
Vendetta Gunship
3 12 12 10 3 1 3
Unit Composition
1 Vendetta Gunship
Unit Type
Vehicle (Flyer, Transport, Hover)
Combat Role
Attack Flyer
Transport Capacity
Six models

May include up to two additional
Vendetta Gunships.......................... +170 points per model
Any Vendetta may replace two twin-linked lascannon with:
Two hellfury missiles................................................... Free
Any Vendetta may take a pair of:
Sponson-mounted heavy bolters..... +20 points per model

A Vendetta Gunship is a Fast Attack choice for an

Astra Militarum army. See Codex: Astra Militarum for
additional information.

Three twin-linked lascannon
Extra armour
Special Rules
Grav Chute Insertion*
*See Codex: Astra Militarum or Warhammer 40,000: Death
from the Skies for details.

Vendetta Wing Leader

One model in a Vendetta Gunship squadron may be upgraded to a Wing Leader at no additional points cost. At the start of
any game, immediately after determining your Warlord Trait, roll on the Vendetta Wing Leaders table to determine the Wing
Leaders special ability. Note that a Vendetta Wing Leader may only roll on the Vendetta Wing Leader table regardless of Faction.
Vendetta Wing Leaders
D6 Special Rule
Priority Targets: At the start of the game, after all players have finished deployment, the controlling player may
nominate a single enemy non-Flyer vehicle unit. All models in this Wing Leaders wing may re-roll failed To Hit rolls of
1 and all failed Armour Penetration rolls of 1 when targeting the selected unit as long as all models are in an Attack
Pattern and the Wing Leader has not been destroyed. In addition, if the selected unit is destroyed during play, the
controlling player gains one additional Victory point this counts as an additional secondary objective.
3-4 Fortress Breakers: As long as the Wing Leader has not been destroyed and all models in the Wing are in an Attack
Pattern, all models in this Wing may re-roll failed Armour Penetration rolls and any rolls of 1 on the Building Damage
table when attacking any building or Fortification. In addition, any attacks against ground targets in any type of terrain
gain the Ignores Cover special rule.
5-6 Combat Air Patrol: As long as the Wing Leader has not been destroyed, all failed Reserves rolls to bring this squadron
into play may be re-rolled. In addition, if any model or models from this squadron reach the board edge as part of a
Zoom movement, the controlling player may choose to roll a D6. If the score is equal to or lower than the Vendettas
Agility rating, all models in this squadron that have reached the board edge may make an immediate Break Turn and
remain in play rather than being placed in Ongoing Reserves.

Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2016. Games Workshop, GW, Forge World, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and all associated logos, names, races, vehicles, weapons and characters are either or TM, and/or Games Workshop Limited.

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