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The Cosmic Internet Academy

Jasmuheen on Health & Cancer

Many people constantly write to me at the Self Empowerment Academy, asking for ways to heal
themselves, particulalry in relation to cancer. For improving our health and happiness levels in life,
the best thing that I can recommend is the adoption of the Luscious Lifestyle Program - an 8 point
lifestyles plan that includes things like:
1. Meditation ; 2. Prayer; 3. Programming; 4. Vegetarian diet; 5. Daily exercise; 6. Time in Service
7. Time in silence in nature; 8. The use of devotional songs, chanting and mantras
I have found over the last 30 yeas of research that the combination of these things on a frequency
level brings huge shifts in our energy fields and our ability to cope with life as well as improving our
health and happiness levels. Just the vegetarian diet, plus the regular exercise obviously helps with this
too. If you want more information on this lifestyle you can download The Four Body Fitness: Biofields
& Bliss book at or obtain free data from but lets move on to look at a few tips with dealing with

While it is my firm belief that the bodys resistance to cancer or creation of cancer is very
largely dependent on diet, and hence a vegetarian, or if possible, a vegan diet is helpful; there are, as
you probably know, many other factors affecting this, particularly from a mental and emotional level.
Those who have read my book In Resonance know that I suffered from cancer nearly a decade ago,
and realised that whilst it was something that I created, it was something that I could also cure. Many
people do not like being told that cancer is something of their own creation, however, the fact is that
every human being has cancerous cells in their body. Whether they grow or not to a point of imbalance
and disease in a particular area of our body is dependant very much on our lifestyle choice and our
attitudes and how we perceive life - whether we think positively or negatively, and also how we deal
with our emotions. This is a field of great expertise and many people have written widely about this, so
I do recommend that you search the Internet and have a look at dealing with cancer through
alternative therapies, for example.
For me, personally, I found that I had to not just deal with it through detoxification of my
physical system, fasting colonic irrigation etc, but I also had to look at the emotional issues and release
the emotions that were stored in the organs. Every organ, as many now know, holds specific emotions.
For me, I had stored anger and resentment in my liver and it consequently created a cancerous tumour
on the liver itself. The lungs, as you may know, store sadness, and the spleen stores worry and anxiety.
A good homeopath or alternative therapist will be able to tell you what is the emotion stored in the
area where you may be currently exhibiting your cancer, and also help to give you some vibrational
medicines, particularly homeopathic, that can aid in the release of these emotions. It is not healthy to
try and clear a cancer through surgery or alternate means if you have not dealt with the emotional
reason behind the creation of the cancer in the first place, as if these emotions are left unclear the
cancer will just re-manifest in the same or new -area again.
Below are some simple steps I recommend in the healing process re cancer:
Step 1 Discover the emotional cause behind the cancer the clue is found in the area it has
Step2 Release the emotions that have been stored in that particular area through the use of,

homeopathic means, and

forgiveness. Many people do not understand the power of forgiveness in healing, and yet this is
absolutely crucial. By forgiveness I mean the forgiveness of our selves for creating this in our own
body, for not listening to our bodies, or not even understanding how to allow emotions to pass
through us without affecting us in this way. And also secondly, and often more importantly, is the
forgiveness of all the people around you who may have contributed in any way to the creation of
this cancer in your body.

The Cosmic Internet Academy
I would like to elaborate here that nobody ever does anything to us that we do not allow. Accepting
situations is a complacent allowance, not speaking our truth is a complacent allowance, not being
honest with others or setting boundaries is a complacent allowance. Things only happen to us in life
1) we have learning around that issue, or
2) we do not have the tools or the understanding of how to deal with them in a better way.
All in all without going into a whole emotional treatise, there is a great need for forgiveness in
the reclamation of good health. People often say to me, yes I am prepared to forgive everyone, but I
am not prepared to forgive this person or that person. But the fact is; if we do not forgive; we are the
ones suffering, because without forgiveness we cannot heal, and we cannot release what it is we have
been holding in the particular organ that is now being diseased. For example, does an ex-husband or
someone a person may be angry towards, really suffer with that anger, or does that physical body of
the person holding the anger suffer? Obviously we can see the physical body of the person holding the
anger suffers more if / when that body eventually creates cancer.
So therefore we have the physical release of the frequency of the emotions from homeopathic
medicine, and also the release of this emotion through your recognition of why you have created it, and
the forgiveness of self and others. We have also recommended changes in diet and exercise programs.
Violet Light Therapy & Visualization:
With the treatment of cancer I also found two other things very helpful for me. Firstly, it was
the use of my mind power visualisations, and using white light. Every day I would sit myself in
meditation, visualize pure white light and violet light flowing through my crown chakra into my body
and I would then direct it like it was a laser beam, a knife of cosmic surgery, at the tumour in my liver.
Just imagine where the cancer is and visualize violet light being projected to this tumour, and that the
violet light is healing and transforming the cells back into a state of glowing health. I did this every day
for approximately 4months until I felt that my objective had been achieved. This obviously takes focus
and concentration, but it is something that is being effectively used by many for this sort of healing
I also recommend that you might like to use the colour green when you are directing this beam
of healing light, as green is well known as the colour associated with the heart chakra and also as the
fifth ray of healing. If you are guided to use green, I do recommend that you use violet as well, as the
violet light when refracted is made up of the pink light of divine love, the golden white light of divine
wisdom and the blue light of divine power, and without love and wisdom no real healing can take place
in our world.
Oxygen Therapy:
The next tool I found helpful, particularly for myself, in healing the cancer that I had created, was
oxygen therapy. This is liquid oxygen and it is something that is often sold around the world as
something to purify water. I have never seen it sold or promoted as a healing tool, as this is too
upsetting for the Food and Drug administration boards, as to be honest with you it is a very
inexpensive way of killing, not only cancer cells, but eliminating other problems in the body such as
herpes, Candida, and much more. This pure liquid oxygen can be obtained from Naclo Health
Products, in Mullumbimby NSW Australia 2482 Ph: Noah on +61 2 6684 3004; e-mail: Or alternatively, I am sure if you track it on the internet you will find a supply in
your country. I cannot recommend this highly enough, simply because what this liquid oxygen does
when added to your water and drunk everyday, is that it boosts your immune system. When you
contact your supplier, or the above supplier mentioned, you will be given quite detailed data on how to
use it, and what the benefits of its use are. The bottom line is that no diseases can exist in a highly
oxygenated environment as the bodys natural immune system, when oxygenated enough, will take
care of any disease within the physical structure that is manifested.
Finally, one of the most important things to address in the treatment of any disease is the
power that your mind has on the body to heal or create disease. Positive thinking as we know, can
prolong life span, just as negative thinking can create disease. It is important that whether you believe
it or not, you begin a program of daily affirmation. To walk round constantly and affirm I am healthy.

The Cosmic Internet Academy
I am fit. I am strong. I am nourished on all levels of my being, for example, sends a very clear message
to the cells of your body which have ears and are constantly listening to you, and also a very clear
message to the universe. Yes, it is true, that when you make a statement like I am healthy on all levels
of my being or I am physically healthy, emotionally healthy, mentally healthy and spiritually
healthy, your body consciousness will scan your body immediately you make this statement because it
trusts that you are the master of the system and it will say, That it is not true, you are not healthy, you
have a cancer or a problem here, or wherever. However, if you keep affirming this with strength,
conviction and attitude that you are God in form, and that your body is here to obey you, eventually
your body will say to you Well perhaps it is not true, but you really believe it so I had better make it
so, and bring it into being. This is basic mind mastery, and mirrors Jesus when he said, I and my
Father are one, and that God is within us.
Other reasons for the rise in cancer today:
One of the problems with the creation of disease on our planet is that we have forgotten this
fact, and that we have also forgotten the fact that within us exists DOW power - the power of the
Divine One Within to do anything that we can imagine, if we give it permission.
Lastly, I would like to share with you that more and more people are creating cancer and
different diseases in their bodies not because they have done something wrong, but because they have
agreed to be part of a massive time of great transformation and change. Our western world has become
so out of balance regarding our dependency on little pills and drugs and various pharmaceuticals, and
medical practitioners, many of whom believe they are God, that we have forgotten the power of self
healing and we have forgotten the power of alternative medicines, such as homeopathic, naturopathy,
the herbal arts and more.
As such, many of the light workers have agreed, prior to incarnation, that they would manifest
some type of disease such as cancer in their system that they would then, using the skills they have
gathered as metaphysicians over time, use to heal themselves of this disease without resorting to either
surgery or chemotherapy or radiation. Having done this they would then be able to stand tall as one of
the many who have honoured and utilized these ancient arts and brought them back into their proper
place within the healing realm. It is heartening now to know that people spend more money on
alternative medicine than they do on the modern day systems.
Chemotherapy etc:
The next issue that you may be confronted with is chemotherapy and traditional treatments.
This is a decision that only you can make. You may sit in meditation and ask your body what is right
for you. When you ask your inner being, you might be told that for you the correct course of action
right now is to have your cancer removed from your body through surgical or chemical means. If that
is the answer you get then this is what you must do. However, having then done that, I recommend
that you apply the above suggestions so that you prevent the cancer returning. Also the use of oxygen
therapy during the course of chemotherapy will not interfere in any way and will only support your
bodys natural immune system to keep fighting, as chemotherapy tends to weaken the bodys natural
immune system.
What I have suggested is no doubt very controversial to a mainstream medical practitioner.
However, I can only assume that people contact me at the Self Empowerment Academy for some
additional insights. What I have provided for you are just some recommendations based on my own
personal experience of creating and healing my own body of cancer. I do recommend that you seek the
guidance of a qualified alternative/medical practitioner who you trust, as well as listening to your own
inner guidance and also researching all that you can on this matter. Please use your discernment and
dont forget you have the power of God within you and much can be achieved when working with this
Time to go?
Before we leave you I would also like to add one more thing, and that is I recommend with all
people with diseases that are potentially life threatening, such as cancer, that you sit in the silence of
your meditation and ask your inner being Is it time to go? Some people may say that there is no
point applying all of what I have recommended if it is your time to go. However, I disagree. If it is your
time to go it is good to understand this, as it will help you put your house in order on financial and

The Cosmic Internet Academy
family levels. However, on a health level, if you apply all that I have recommended above, it will also
allow you a better quality of life for the time that you have left here.
In my model of reality people are on this planet for contractual periods of time, and in the
western world if you are contracted to leave this planet at say 50 years of age, the only way that your
soul can leave this physical body is through the creation of a potentially fatal disease or through a
physical accident. In the eastern world I prefer the more civilized form of dying, where a Lama or Yogi
is so in touch with his inner being that he knows when his or her work is complete here and quietly sits
down in meditation and leaves the physical form through the crown chakra never to return. This is a
far less tragic way of leaving the physical body than through the creation of disease.
While what I have shared with you may seem insensitive or blunt the fact of the matter is you
a) either here for a set time period and when this time period is complete, needs to be looked at, or
b) you have come to be one of the wave of bringers of change to bring the joys and the goodness of
alternative healing practices back into mainstream reality, or
c) you are simply on a path of learning to be more connected with the divine being within you and
more honouring of your intellectual and emotional power and how it affects your physical form.
I hope that what we have shared has been of some help to you and that you apply what has
been recommended if it touches you to do so.
Many blessings sending you love light and laughter - Jasmuheen.

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