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G. H.

Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur

(An Autonomous Institution under UGC Act 1956 and affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj
Nagpur University)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Automation in Production
Sub Automation in Production
Course Outcome

To understand the basics of industrial automation.

To work on part programming languages used in CNC.
To develop programs for simple robot applications.
To design automated storage and retrieval systems
To implement GT, CAPP and FMS concepts in manufacturing.
To use various quality inspection techniques including machine vision and CMM.
List of Experiments


Name of the experiment

Case study on automated system of any industry.
Practice programming on manual part program.
Practice programming on APT.
Demonstration on robot.
Performance on robot.
Demonstration on CNC lathe.
Performance on CNC lathe.
Performance and simulation with CNC lathe software.
Demonstration on CNC milling.
Performance on CNC milling.
Performance and simulation with CNC milling sofware.
Case study on computer aided process planning
Case study on part coding and group technology
Case study on computer aided quality control
Case study on flexible manufacturing system

Course Outcome
CO1, CO2
CO1, CO2, C03
CO1, CO2, C03
CO1, CO2
CO1, CO2
CO1, CO2
CO1, CO2
CO1, CO2
CO1, CO2
CO1, CO4
CO1, CO5
CO1, CO4, C06
CO2, CO5

Open Ended Experiment on FFT Analyzer

Prepared by: Prof. Jyotiraman De (TA) AIP Lab

Page 1

Course Objectives
1. To introduce concept of fixed automation through design of transfer lines and automated
handling systems
2. To introduce numerical control of machine tools, their construction as well as manual
and automated part programming of components
3. To provide exposure to automated material handling and tool handling systems such as
industrial robots ,AGVs and AS/RS
4. To introduce FMS and group technology as modern systems of flexible manufacturing
5. To provide awareness of usage of computers in process planning and quality control

Laukik P. Raut
Lab In-charge
AIP Laboratory
GHRCE, Nagpur
Cell Number: 9730132521

Prepared by: Prof. Jyotiraman De (TA) AIP Lab

Page 2

Experiment No. 1
Aim: Case study on automated system of any Industry.
Objective: To provide proper interfacing of theory aspects and real practical situation.
Part- A
1) Definition of automation: - Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is
accomplished without human assistance. It is implemented using a program of instructions
combined with a control system that executes the instructions, to automate a process. Power is
required, both to drive the process itself and to operate the program and control system.
2) Types of automation: Fixed automation: Fixed automation is a system in which the sequence of processing (or
assembly) operations is fixed by the equipment configuration. Each of the operations in
the sequence is usually simple, involving perhaps a plain linear or rotational motion or an
uncomplicated combination of the two; for example, the feeding of a rotating spindle. It
is the integration and coordination of many such operations into one piece of equipment
that makes the system complex. Typical features of fixed automation are:
High initial investment for custom-engineered equipment
High production rates
Relatively inflexible in accommodating product variety
Programmable Automation: In programmable automation, the production equipment is
designed with the capability to change the sequence of operations to accommodate
different product configurations .The operation sequence is controlled by a program,
which is a set of instructions coded so that they can be read and interpreted by the system.
New programs can be prepared and entered into the equipment to produce new products.
Some of the features that characterize programmable automation include:
High investment in general purpose equipment
Lower production rates than fixed automation
Flexibility to deal with variations and changes in product configuration
Most suitable for batch production
Flexible Automation. Flexible automation is an extension of programmable automation.
A flexible automated system is capable of producing a variety of parts (or products) with
virtually no time lost for changeovers from one part style to the next. There is no lost
production time while reprogramming the system and altering the physical setup (tooling,
fixtures, machine settings). Consequently, the system can produce various combinations
and schedules of parts or products instead of requiring that they be made in batches. What
makes flexible automation possible is that the differences between parts processed by the
system are not significant. It is a case of soft variety, so that the amount of changeover
required between styles is minimal. The features of flexible automation can be
summarized as follows:
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High investment for a custom-engineered system

Continuous production of variable mixtures of products
Medium production rates
Flexibility to deal with product design variations

Fig: Three types of Automation relative to production quantity and product variety
3) Reasons for Automating:Companies undertake projects in manufacturing automation and computer-integrated
manufacturing for a variety of good reasons. Some of the reasons used to justify automation are
the following:
1. To increase labor productivity .Automating a manufacturing operation usually increases
production rate and labor productivity .This means greater output per hour of labor input.
2. To reduce labor cost. Machines are increasingly being substituted for human labor to
reduce unit product cost.

3. To mitigate the effects of labor shortages. There is a general shortage of labor in many
advanced nations, and this has stimulated the development of automated operations as a
substitute for labor.
4. To reduce or eliminate routine manual and clerical tasks. An argument can be put forth
that there is social value in automating operations that are routine, boring, fatiguing, and
possibly irksome. Automating such tasks serves a purpose of improving the general level
of working conditions.

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5. To improve worker safety. By automating a given operation and transferring the worker
from active participation in the process to a supervisory role, the work is made safer.
6. To improve product quality. Automation not only results in higher production rates than
manual operations; it also performs the manufacturing process with greater uniformity
and conformity to quality specifications. Reduction of fraction defect rate is one of the
chief benefits of automation.

7. To reduce manufacturing lead time. Automation helps to reduce the elapsed time between
customer order and product delivery, providing a competitive advantage to the
manufacturer for future orders. By reducing manufacturing lead time, the manufacturer
also reduces work-in-process inventory.
8. To accomplish processes that cannot be done manually. These processes have
requirements for precision, miniaturization, or complexity of geometry that cannot be
achieved manually. Examples include certain integrated circuit fabrication operations,
rapid prototyping processes based on computer graphics (CAD) models.
9. To avoid the high cost of not automating.

4) Type of production:The annual part or product quantities produced in a given factory can be
Classified into three ranges:
a) Low production: Quantities in the range of 1 to 100 units per year.
b) Medium production: Quantities in the range of 100 to 10,000 units annually.
c) High production: Production quantities are 10,000 to millions of units.
a) Low production:The type of production facility usually associated with the quantity range of 1 to 100
units/year is the job shop, which makes low quantities of specialized and customized products.
The products are typically complex, such as space capsules, aircraft, and special machinery. Job
shop production can also include fabricating the component parts for the products. Customer
orders for these kinds of items are often special, and repeat orders may never occur. Equipment
in a job shop is general purpose and the labor force is highly skilled.
A job shop must be designed for maximum flexibility to deal with the wide part and
product variations encountered (hard product variety). If the product is large and heavy, and
therefore difficult to move in the factory, it typically remains in a single location, at least during
its final assembly. Workers and processing equipment are brought to the product, rather than
moving the product to the equipment. This type of layout is referred to as a fixedposition
layout. In the pure situation, the product remains in a single location during its entire fabrication.
Examples of such products include ships, aircraft, railway locomotives, and heavy machinery. In
actual practice, these items are usually built in large modules at single locations, and then the
completed modules are brought together for final assembly using large-capacity cranes.
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Fig. various types of plant layout: (a) Fixed-Position layout, (b) Process Layout, (cellular
layout and (d) Product Layout

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b) Medium Quantity Production:In the medium quantity range (10010,000 units annually), we distinguish between two
different types of facility, depending on product variety. When product variety is hard, the
traditional approach is batch production, in which a batch of one product is made, after which the
facility is changed over to produce a batch of the next product, and so on. Orders for each
product are frequently repeated. The production rate of the equipment is greater than the demand
rate for any single product type, and so the same equipment can be shared among multiple
products. The changeover between production runs takes time. Called the setup time or
changeover time, it is the time to change tooling and to set up and reprogram the machinery. This
is lost production time, which is a disadvantage of batch manufacturing. Batch production is
commonly used in make-to-stock situations, in which items are manufactured to replenish
inventory that has been gradually depleted by demand. The equipment is usually arranged in a
process layout, Fig. An alternative approach to medium range production is possible if product
variety is soft. In this case, extensive changeovers between one product style and the next may
not be required. It is often possible to configure the equipment so that groups of similar parts or
products can be made on the same equipment without significant lost time for change overs. The
processing or assembly of different parts or products is accomplished in cells consisting of
several workstations or machines.
d) High Production:The high quantity range (10,000 to millions of units per year) is often referred to as mass
production .The situation is characterized by a high demand rate for the product, and the
production facility is dedicated to the manufacture of that product. Two categories of mass
production can be distinguished:
(1) Quantity production and
(2) Flow line production.
Quantity production involves the mass production of single parts on single pieces of
equipment. The method of production typically involves standard machines (such as stamping
presses) equipped with special tooling (e.g., dies and material handling devices), in effect
dedicating the equipment to the production of one part type. The typical layout used in quantity
production is the process layout. Flow line production involves multiple workstations arranged in
sequence, and the parts or assemblies are physically moved through the sequence to complete the
product. The workstations consist of production machines and/or workers equipped with
specialized tools. The collection of stations is designed specifically for the product to maximize
efficiency. The layout is called a product layout, and the workstations are arranged into one long
line, as in Figure, or into a series of connected line segments. The work is usually moved
between stations by powered conveyor. At each station, a small amount of the total work is
completed on each unit of product. The most familiar example of flow line production is the
assembly line, associated with products such as cars and household appliances. The pure case of
flow line production is where there is no variation in the products made on the line. Every
product is identical, and the line is referred to as a single model production line. However, to
successfully market a given product, it is often necessary to introduce model variations so that
individual customers can choose the exact style and options that appeal to them.

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Fig: Types of facilities and layouts used for different level of production quantity and
product variety
5) Methods of work part transport:a) Continuous transfer:Continuous transfer with the continuous method of transfer, the work parts are moved
continuously at constant speed. This requires the work heads to move during processing in order
to maintain continuous registration with the work part. For some types of operations, this
movement of the work heads during processing is not feasible. It would be difficult, for example,
to use this type of system on a machining transfer line because of inertia problems due to the size
and weight of the work heads. In other cases, continuous transfer would be very practical.
Examples of its use are in beverage bottling operations, packaging, manual assembly operations
where the human operator can move with the moving flow line, and relatively simple automatic
assembly tasks. In some bottling operations, for instance, the bottles are transported around a
continuously rotating drum. Beverage is discharged into the moving bottles by spouts located at
the drums periphery. The advantage of this application is that the liquid beverage is kept moving
at a steady speed and hence there are no inertia problems. Continuous transfer systems are
relatively easy to design and fabricate and can achieve a high rate of production
b) Intermittent transfer:As the name suggests, in this method the work pieces are transported with an intermittent
or discontinuous motion. The workstations are fixed in position and the parts are moved between
stations and then registered at the proper locations for processing. All work parts are transported
at the same time and, for this reason, the term synchronous transfer system is also used to
describe this method of work part transport. Examples of applications of the intermittent transfer
of work parts can be found in machining operations, press working operations or progressive

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dies, and mechanized assembly. Most of the transfer mechanisms reviewed. Provide the
intermittent or synchronous type of work part transport.
c) Asynchronous transfer:This system of transfer, also referred to as a power-and-free system, allows each work
part to move to the next station when processing at the current station has been completed. Each
part moves independently of other parts. Hence, some parts are being processed on the line at
the same time that others are being transported between stations. Asynchronous transfer systems
offer the opportunity for greater flexibility than do the other two systems, and this flexibility can
be a great advantage in certain circumstances. In-process storage of work parts can be
incorporated into the asynchronous systems with relative ease. Power-and-free systems can also
compensate for line balancing problems where there are significant differences in process times
between stations. Parallel stations or several series stations can be used for the longer operations,
and single stations can be used for the shorter operations. Therefore, the average production rates
can be approximately equalized. Asynchronous lines are often used where there are one or more
manually operated stations and cycle-time variations would be a problem on either the
continuous or synchronous transport systems. Larger work parts can be handled on the
asynchronous systems. A disadvantage of the power-and-free systems is that the cycle rates are
generally slower than for the other types.
6) Transfer mechanism
I) Linear transfer mechanisms:
We will explain the operation of three of the typical mechanisms: the walking beam
transfer bar system, the powered roller conveyor system, and the chain-drive conveyor system.
This is not a complete listing of all types, but it is a representative sample.
Walking beam systems: With the walking beam transfer mechanism, the work parts are
lifted up from their workstation locations by a transfer bar and moved one position ahead to the
next station. The transfer bar then lowers the parts into nests which position them more
accurately for processing. This type of transfer device is illustrated in Figure powered roller
conveyor system. This type of system is used in general stock handling systems as well as in
automated flow lines. The conveyor can be used to move pans or pallets possessing flat riding
surfaces the rollers can be powered by either of two mechanisms. The first is a belt drive, in
which a flat moving belt beneath the rollers provides the rotation of the rollers by friction. A
chain drive is the second common mechanism used to power the rollers. Powered roller
conveyors are versatile transfer systems because they can be used to divert work pallets into
workstations or alternate tracks. We discuss roller conveyor systems.

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Fig: Walking Beam transfer system. Showing various stages during transfer cycle
Chain-drive conveyor system
Figure illustrates this type of transfer system. Either a chain or a flexible steel belt is used
to transport the work carriers. The chain is driven by pulleys in either an over-and-under
configuration, in which the pulleys turn about a horizontal axis, or an around-the-corner
configuration, in which the pulleys rotate about a vertical axis. This general type of transfer
system can be used for continuous, intermittent, or non synchronous movement of work parts. In
the no synchronous motion, the work parts are pulled by friction or ride on an oil film along a
track with the chain or belt providing the movement. It is necessary to provide some sort of final
location for the work parts when they arrive at their respective stations.

Fig: Chain - Driven Conveyor, Over and under" type.

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II) Rotary transfer mechanisms:There are several methods used to index a circular table or dial at various equal angular
positions corresponding to workstation locations. Those described below are meant to be a
representative rather than a complete listing.

Fig: rack and pinion mechanism for rotary indexing table

Rack and Pinion: This mechanism is simple but is not considered especially suited to
the high-speed operation often associated with indexing machines. The device is pictured in
Figure and uses a piston to drive the rack, which causes the pinion gear and attached indexing
table to rotate. A clutch or other device is used to provide rotation in the desired direction.
Ratchet and Pawl: This drive mechanism is shown in Figure. Its operation is simple but
somewhat unreliable, owing to wear and sticking of several of the components.

Fig: Ratchet - and -Pawl mechanism.

Geneva Mechanism: The two previous mechanisms convert a linear motion into a
rotational motion. The Geneva mechanism uses a continuously rotating driver to index the table,
as pictured in Figure. If the driven member has six slots for a six-station dial indexing machine,
each turn of the driver will cause the table to advance one-sixth of a turn. The driver only causes
movement of the table through a portion of its rotation. For a six-slotted driven member, 120 of
a complete rotation of the driver is used to index the table. The other 240 is dwell. For a fourslotted driven member, the ratio would be 90 for index and 270 for dwell. The usual number of
indexing per revolution of the table is four, five, six, and eight.

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Fig: Geneva mechanism.

7) Buffer storage:A storage system can be used as a buffer storage zone between two processes whose
production rates are significantly different. A simple example is a two-process sequence in which
the first processing operation feeds a second process, which operates at a slower production rate.
The first operation requires only one shift to meet production requirements, while the second
step requires two shifts to produce the same number of units. An in-process buffer is needed
between these operations to temporarily store the output of the first process.
9) Automated flow lines with storage buffers:An automated flow line consists of several machines or workstations which are linked together
by work handling devices that transfer parts between the stations. The transfer of work parts
occurs automatically and the workstations carry out their specialized functions automatically.
The flow line can be symbolized as shown in Figure1 using the symbols presented in Table1. A
raw work part enters one end of the line and the processing steps are performed sequentially as
the part moves from one station to the next. It is possible to incorporate buffer storage zones into
the flow line, either as a single location or between every workstation. It is also possible to
include inspection stations in the line to automatically perform intermediate checks on the
quality of the work parts. Manual stations might also be located along the flow line to perform
certain operations which are difficult or uneconomical to automate.
The objectives of the use of flow line automation are, therefore:
To reduce labor costs
To increase production rates
To reduce work-in-process
To minimize distances moved between operations
To achieve specialization of operations
To achieve integration of operations

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Fig: Symbolic Representation

10) Automation strategies

Specialization of operations. The first strategy involves the use of specialpurpose

designed to perform one operation with the greatest possible efficiency. This is analogous
to the concept of labor specialization, which is employed to improve labor productivity.

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Combined operations. Production occurs as a sequence of operations. Complex parts

may require dozens, or even hundreds, of processing steps. The strategy of combined
operations involves reducing the number of distinct production machines or workstations
through which the part must be routed.


Simultaneous operations .A logical extension of the combined operations strategy is to

simultaneously perform the operations that are combined at one workstation. In effect,
two or more processing (or assembly) operations are being performed simultaneously on
the same work part, thus reducing total processing time.


Integration of operations. Another strategy is to link several workstations together into a

single integrated mechanism, using automated work handling devices to transfer parts
between stations. In effect, this reduces the number of separate machines through which
the product must be scheduled.


Improved material handling and storage. A great opportunity for reducing nonproductive
time exists in the use of automated material handling and storage systems. Typical
benefits include reduced work-in-process and shorter manufacturing lead times.


On-line inspection. Inspection for quality of work is traditionally performed after the
process is completed. This means that any poor quality product has already been
produced by the time it is inspected. Incorporating inspection into the manufacturing
process permits corrections to the process as the product is being made.


Process control and optimization. This includes a wide range of control schemes
intended to operate the individual processes and associated equipment more efficiently.
By this strategy, the individual process times can be reduced and product quality


Plant operations control. Whereas the previous strategy was concerned with the control
of the individual manufacturing process, this strategy is concerned with control at the
plant level. It attempts to manage and coordinate the aggregate operations in the plant
more efficiently.


Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM). Taking the previous strategy one level

higher, we have the integration of factory operations with engineering design and the
business functions of the firm. CIM involves extensive use of computer applications,
computer data bases, and computer networking throughout the enterprise.

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Case study of any one local Mechanical based industry.
ObjectiveCompany profilePlant layoutType of operation in industryAdvancement in industrySuggestion if anyConclusion-

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Experiment No. 2
Aim: Practice programming on manual part program.
Objective: To formulate part for lathe and milling using manual part program.
TheoryIntroduction to Numerical control technique
Numerical control is a form of programmable automation in which the mechanical actions of
a machine tool or other equipment are controlled by a program containing code and
alphanumeric data. The alphanumerical data represent relative positions between a work head
and II work part as well as other instructions needed to operate the machine, The work head ie, a
cutting tool or other processing apparatus, and the work part is the object being processed, When
the current job is implanted. The program of instructions can be changed to process a new job.
The capability to change the program makes NC suitable for low and medium production. It is
much easier to write new programs than to make major alterations of the processing equipment.
Numerical control can be applied to a wide variety of processes.
The applications divide into two categories; (1) machine tool applications, such as drilling,
milling, turning, and other metal working; and (2) non machine tool applications .such as
assembly .drafting, and inspection. The common operating feature of NC in all of these
applications is control of the work head movement relative to the work part.
1) Components of NCa) Program of Instructions
The typical desktop program gives the instructions to the computers to perform certain
functions. The program of instructions of the NC machine is the step-by-step set of instructions
that tells the machines what it has to do. These instructions can tell the machine to turn the piece
of metal to certain diameter, drill the hole of certain diameter up to certain length, form certain
shape etc. The set of instructions are coded in numerical or symbolic form and written on certain
medium that can be interpreted by the controller unit of the NC machine. The mediums
commonly used earlier for writing the instructions were punched cards, magnetic tapes and
35mm motion picture film, but now 1 inch wide punched tape is used more commonly.
The program instructions are written by the expert who has programming knowledge as well
the machining knowledge. The person should know the various steps of the machining required
to manufacture a particular product and should be able to write these steps in the form of the
program that can be understood by the control unit of the NC machine, which would eventually
direct the machine tool to perform the required machining operations.

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b) Controller Unit or Machine Controller Unit (MCU)

The controller unit is most vital parts part of the NC and CNC machines. The controller
unit is made of the electronics components. It reads and interprets the program of instructions
and converts them in the mechanical actions of the machine tool. Thus the controller unit forms
an important link between the program and the machine tool. The control unit operates the
machines as per the set of instructions given to it.
Initially, the set of instructions from the punched tape are read by the tape reader, which
is sort of the electromechanical devise. The data from the tape is stored into the data buffer in
form of logical blocks of instructions with each block resulting in certain sequence of operations.
The controller sends the instructions to the machine tool via signal output channels that
are connected to the servomotors and other controls of the machines. The feedback channels
ensure that the instructions have been executed by the machine correctly. The sequence control
part of the controller unit ensures that all the operations are executed in the proper sequence.
c) Machine Tool
It is the machine tool that performs the actual machining operations. The machine tool
can be any machine like lathe, drilling machine, milling machine etc. The machine tool is the
controlled part of the NC system. In case of the CNC machines, the microcomputer operates the
machine as per the set of instructions or the program.
The NC machine also have the control panel or control console that contains the dials and
switches using which the operator runs the NC machine. There are also displays to display
information to the user. Most of the modern NC machines are now called as the CNC machines.

Fig: Basic component basic of an NC system.

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2) Coordinate system and machine motion

To program the NC processing equipment a standard axis system must be defined by
which the position of the work head relative to the work part can be specified. There are two axis
systems used in NC, one for flat and prismatic work parts and the other for rotational parts. Both
axis systems are based on the Cartesian coordinate system.
The axis system for flat and prismatic parts consists of the three linear axes (x, y, z) in the
Cartesian coordinate system, plus three rotational axes (a, b, c), as shown in Figure(a). In most
machine tool applications, the x-and y-axes are used to move and position the worktable to
which the part is attached, and the z-axis is used to control the vertical position of the cutting
tool. The a, b, and c rotational axes specify angular positions about the x, y, and z axes
respectively. The rotational axis scan is used for one or both of the following: (1) orientation of
the work part to present different surfaces for machining or (2) orientation of the tool or work
head at some angle relative to the part.
The coordinate axes for a rotational NC system are illustrated in Figure 6.2(b). These
systems are associated with NC lathes and turning centers. Although the work rotates, this is not
one of the controlled axes on most of these turning machines. Consequently, the y axis is not
used. The path of the cutting tool relative to the rotating work piece is defined in the x-z plane,
where the x-axis is the radial location of the tool, and the z-axis is parallel to the axis of rotation
of the part.

Fig: coordinate systems used in NC: (a) for flat and Prismatic work and (b) Rotational
work. (On most turning machines, the 2-axis is horizontal rather than vertical as we have
shown it.)
Motion Control Systems
Some NC processes are performed at discrete locations on the work part (e.g., drilling
and spot welding). Others are carried out while the work head is moving (e.g., turning and
continuous arc welding). If the work head is moving, it may be required to follow a straight line
path or a circular or other curvilinear path. These different types of movement are accomplished
by the motion control system, whose features are explained below.
Motion control systems for NC can be divided into two types:
(1) point-to-point
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(2) continuous path

(3) controlled path
1. Point-to-point (PTP) control is capable of moving from one point to another point. The
locations are recorded in the control memory. PTP system do not control the path to get from one
point to the next point. Common applications include component insertion, spot welding, hole
drilling, machine loading and unloading, and crude assembly operations.
2. Continuous-path (CP) control with CP control, it can stop at any specified point along the
controlled path. All the points along the path must be stored explicitly in the control memory.
Typical applications include spray painting, finishing, gluing, and arc welding operations.
3. Controlled-path the control equipment can generate paths of different geometry such as
straight lines, circles, and interpolated curves with a high degree of accuracy. All controlled-path
have a servo capability to correct their

Fig: Point -to Point (positioning) control in NC. At each X-Y Position, table movement
stops to perform the hole drilling operation.

3) Introduction of NC part programming:NC part programming consists of planning and documenting the sequence of processing
steps 10 be performed on an NC machine. The part programmer must have a knowledge of
machining as well as geometry and trigonometry. The documentation portion of part
programming involves the input medium used to transmit the program of instructions to the NC
machine control unit (MCU). The traditional input medium dating back to the first NC machines
in the 1950s is l-inch wide punched rape, More recently the use of magnetic tape and floppy
disks have been growing in popularity as storage technologies. These input media is their much
higher data density. Part programming can he accomplished using a variety of procedures
ranging from highly manual to highly automated methods.
The methods are:
(1) manual part programming,
(2) computer-assisted part programming,
(3) part programming using CAD/CAM.
(4) manual data input.

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4) Methods of NC part programming

i) Manual Part Programming:The programmer first prepares the program manuscript in a standard format. Manuscripts
are typed with a device known as flexo writer, which is also used to type the program
instructions. After the program is typed, the punched tape is prepared on the flexo writer.
Complex shaped components require tedious calculations. This type of programming is carried
out for simple machining parts produced on point-to-point machine tool.
To be able to create a part program manually, need the following information:
(a) Knowledge about various manufacturing processes and machines.
(b) Sequence of operations to be performed for a given component.
(c) Knowledge of the selection of cutting parameters.
(d) Editing the part program according to the design changes.
(e) Knowledge about the codes and functions used in part programs.
ii) Computer Aided Part Programming;If the complex-shaped component requires calculations to produce the component are
done by the programming software contained in the computer. The programmer communicates
with this system through the system language, which is based on words. There are various
programming languages developed in the recent past, such as APT (Automatically Programmed
Tools), ADAPT, AUTOSPOT, COMPAT-II, 2CL, ROMANCE, SPLIT is used for writing a
computer program, which has English like statements. A translator known as compiler program
is used to translate it in a form acceptable to MCU.
The programmer has to do only following things:
(a) Define the work part geometry.
(b) Defining the repetition work.
(c) Specifying the operation sequence.
Over the past years, lot of effort is devoted to automate the part program generation. With the
development of the CAD (Computer Aided Design)/CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing)
system, interactive graphic system is integrated with the NC part programming. Graphic based
software using menu driven technique improves the user friendliness. The part programmer can
create the geometrical model in the CAM package or directly extract the geometrical model from
the CAD/CAM database. Built in tool motion commands can assist the part programmer to
calculate the tool paths automatically. The programmer can verify the tool paths through the
graphic display using the animation function of the CAM system. It greatly enhances the speed
and accuracy in tool path generation.

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Fig: Interactive Graphics system in computer Aided part programming

5) Manual part programming technology
In manual part programming, the programmer prepares the NC code using the low-level
machine language previously described. The program is either written by hand on a fond from
which a punched tape or other storage media is subsequently coded, or it is entered directly into a
computer equipped with NC part programming software, which writes the program onto the
storage media. The part program is a block-by-block listing of the machining instructions for the
given job, formatted for the particular machine tool to be used.
Instructions in Word Address Format consists of a series of words, each identified by a prefix
label. In our coverage, statement, are illustrated with dimensions given in millimeters.
N50 G90G01 X001.4 Y002.2 F10 S1500 T01 M03
The values are expressed in four digits including one decimal place.
N50 Sequence number
G90G01 Preparatory Function
X001.4 Y002.2 Dimension Words
F10 Feed Rate
S1500 - Spindle Speed
T01 Tool Function
M03 Miscellaneous Function

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Fig: Total path in circular interpolation for the statement: G 02 G 17 X 088.0 Y.040.0
R028.0.units are milimiters
6) NC word- G code and M code
G-Codes (Preparatory Functions)
The term "preparatory" in NC means that it "prepares" the control system to be ready for
implementing the information that follows in the next block of instructions. A preparatory
function is designated in a program by the word address G followed by two digits. Preparatory
functions are also called G-codes and they specify the control mode of the operation.
Code Function
G00 Rapid positioning
G01 Linear interpolation
G02 Circular interpolation clockwise (CW)
G03 Circular interpolation counterclockwise
G04 Tool Dwell
G10 Tool Offset
G17 XY Plane Selection
G18 XZ Plane Selection
G19 YZ Plane Selection
G20 Inch input (in.)
G21 Metric input (mm)
G24 Radius programming
G28 Return to reference point
G29 Return from reference point

G32 Thread cutting

G40 Cutter compensation cancel
G41 Cutter compensation left
G42 Cutter compensation right
G43 Tool length compensation positive (+)
G44 Tool length compensation minus (-)
G49 Tool length compensation cancels
G 53 Zero offset or M/c reference
G54 Settable zero offset
G84 Canned turn cycle
G90 Absolute programming
G91 Incremental programming

Note: On some machines and controls, code result may differ

M-Codes (Miscellaneous Functions)
Miscellaneous functions use the address letter M followed by two digits. They perform a group
of instructions such as coolant on/off, spindle on/off, tool change, program stop, or program end.
They are often referred to as machine functions or M-functions
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Code Function
M00 Program stop
M11 Chuck - unclamping
M02 End of program
M12 Tailstock spindle out
M03 Spindle start (forward CW)
M13 Tailstock spindle in
M04 Spindle start (reverse CCW)
M17 Tool post rotation normal
M05 Spindle stop
M18 Tool post rotation reverses
M06 Tool change
M30 End of tape and rewind or main
M08 Coolant on
program end
M09 Coolant off
M98 Transfer to subprogram
M10 Chuck - clamping
M99 End of subprogram
Note: On some machines and controls, some may be differ
7) Program
Example 1

Fig: Turning operation

Main program:N01 G90 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200; (Parameters Setting)
N05 G00 X40 Z2;
N10 G01 X0 Z0;
N15 G01 X16;
N20 G01 Z-60;
N25 G01 X25;
N30 G01 Z-100;
N35 G01 X35;
N40 G00 X40;
N45 G00 Z2;
N50 M02;

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Example 2
(All dimensions are in mm)

Fig: Taper Turning

Main program:N01 G91 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;
N05 G00 X35 Z2;
N10 G01 X0 Z0;
N15 G01 X20;
N20 G01 Z-35;
N25 G01 X30 Z-65;
N30 G01 Z-95;
N35 G00 X35;
N40 G00 Z5;
N45 M02;
Example 3
(All dimensions are in mm)

Main program:N01 G91 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;

N05 G00 X15 Z2;
N10 G01 X0 Z0;
N15 G03 X10 Z-5 R5;
N20 G01 X10 Z-55;
N25 G00 X15;
N30 G00 Z2;
N35 M02;
RESULT:- Practice programming on manual part program has been studied.
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Experiment No. 3
Aim: Practice programming on APT.
Objective: Programming with automatically programmed tools
APT language statement:1) Geometry Statements:
All geometric elements must be defined before tool motion may be programmed. Geometry
statements associate a symbol with a description of the geometric element and its parameters. The
general form for a geometry statement is: Symbol = geometric type/parametric description The symbol
consists of up to six alpha-numeric characters, containing at least one alpha character, and avoiding
APT reserved words. The symbols provide a means to name the geometric features. The equals sign
separates the symbol from the geometric type. The geometric type describes these features. POINT,
LINE, PLANE, and CIRCLE are valid APT geometric types. The forward slash character separates the
geometric type from the parametric description of the feature. The parametric description specifies the
location and size of the feature. It may include dimensional data, positional data, and other APT words
relating the feature to previously defined APT symbols. The APT language provides a rich means to
specify the geometry, as is evidenced by the following examples.
To specify a point:
P0 = POINT/1.0, 1.2, 1.3

specifies a point at XYZ coordinates 1.0, 1.2, and 1.3,



specifies a point at the intersection of lines L1 and L2,

which must have been defined prior to the statement.


specifies a point at the intersection of line L3 and
circle C1 at a Y position above the center point of the
To specify a line:
L1 = LINE/P0, P1

specifies a line by two points, previously defined.

L1 = LINE/1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, 2.1, 2.3 specifies a line by two points, given as explicit

specifies a line through point P2 and parallel to line L1.

L3 = LINE/P1, RIGHT, TANTO, C1 specifies a line through point P1 and tangent to circle C1
on the right side of the center point.
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L4 = LINE/P1, ATANGL, 45, L1


specifies a line through point P1 at an angle of 45o to line

2) Motion commands: Motion statements use the defined geometry primitives in order to define tool movement. The
general form of motion statements is:
Motion statement/descriptive data
The instruction to go from an initial starting point, P1, and from which all other points are referenced,
is given by the statement:
The instruction to go to the point, P2, is given by the statement:
The instruction to move by an incremental (or delta) amount from the present position is given
by the statement:
GODLTA/100.0, 200.0, 300.0
Contouring commands are used to direct the tool along two intersecting surfaces. The drive
surface guides the side of the cutter, the part surface defines the position of the bottom of the cutter,
and the check surface defines the limit of current tool motion. Modifier words, such as TO, ON, PAST
or TANTO, are used to govern the position of the tool in relation to the check surface. Motion
statements, GOLFT (go to the left), GOFWD (go forward) and GOUP (go up), are also used to control
the cutter motion.
The instruction for the tool to move forward, with the drive surface, S1, on the left hand side,
and past the check surface, S2, is given by the statement:
3) Postprocessor statements: Statements which specify machine tool related functions, such as those covered by F, S, T, and
M-codes, are defined in the postprocessor statements. For example, the instruction to set the feed rate at
100 mm per minute is given by the statement:
The instruction to set the spindle at 1500 rpm in a clockwise direction is given by the statement:
The instruction to set the coolant on is given by the statement:
Other auxiliary statements are used to define cutter size, part number, and curve tolerance. The
instruction to define a 50 mm diameter cutter is given by the statement:
4) Auxiliary statement:The complete APT program must also contain various other statements, called auxiliary
statements. These are used for cutter size definition, part identification, and so on. The following APT
words used in auxiliary statements:
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Example 1:

APT Program Listing

P0 = POINT/0, -1.0, 0
P1 = POINT/0, 0, 0
P2 = POINT/6.0, 0, 0
P3 = POINT/6.0, 1.0, 0
P4 = POINT/2.0, 4.0, 0
L1 = LINE/P1, P2
L3 = LINE/P1, P4
PL1 = PLANE/P1, P2, P3
GO/PAST, L3, TO, PL1, TO, L1

labels the program EXAMPLE

selects the target machine and controller type
specifies the cutter diameter

geometry statements to specify the

pertinent surfaces of the part

sets the spindle speed to 573 rpm

sets the feed rate to 5.39 ipm
turns the coolant on
gives the starting position for the tool
initializes contouring motion; drive, part, and check surfaces
motion statements to contour the part
in a clockwise direction
move rapidly once cutting is done
return to the tool home position
turn the coolant off
end program

Example 2
Drill the shown holes
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Fig: Apt Sample Part 1

REMARK Part geometry, Points are defined 10 mm above part surface.
PTARG = POINT/0, -50.0, 10.0
P5 = POINT/70.0, 30.0, 10.0
P6 = POINT/120.0, 30.0, 10.0
P7 = POINT/70.0, 60.0, 10.0
REMARK Drill bit motion statements.
GODLTA/0, 0, -25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, 25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, -25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, 25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, -25.0
GODLTA/0, 0, 25.0
Example 3
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Mill the shown shape

Fig: Apt Sample Part 2

Feed = 50 mm/min., Speed = 1000 rev/min., Cutter diam. = 20 mm.
REMARK Part geometry, Points and Lines are defined 25 mm Bblow part top surface.
PTARG = POINT/0, -50.0, 10.0
P1 = POINT/0, 0, -25.0
P2 = POINT/160.0, 0, -25.0
P3 = POINT/160.0, 60.0, -25.0
P4 = POINT/35.0, 90.0, -25.0
P8 = POINT/130.0, 60.0, -25.0
L1 = LINE/P1, P2
L2 = LINE/P2, P3
L4 = LINE/P4, P1
PL1 = PLANE/P1, P2, P4
REMARK milling cutter motion statements.
GO/TO, L1, TO, PL1, ON, L4
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Example 4

Fig: Apt Sample Part 3

SP = POINT/ 0, 0, 0
L1 = LINE/ 4, 0, 0, 4, 8, 0
PT = POINT/ 4.0, 8.0, 0
L3 = LINE/ 8, 12, 0, 12, 12, 0
L4 = LINE/ 14, 5, 0, 14, 10, 0
L5 = LINE/ 0, 2, 0, 10, 2, 0
C1 = CIRCLE/ 12, 10, 0, 2.0
C2 = CIRCLE/ 14, 2, 0, 3.0
OUTTOL/ .005
FEDRAT/ 20.0
GO/ TO, L1
RESULT:- Practice programming on APT has been studied.
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Experiment No. 4
Aim: Demonstration on robot.
Objective: To understand programming and functioning of Robot.
Introduction to robot:
An industrial robot is a general-purpose, programmable machine possessing certain
anthropomorphic characteristics. Other human- like characteristics arc the robot's capability to respond
to sensory inputs, communicates with other machines, and make decisions.
RIA defines A robot is a reprogrammable, multi-functional manipulator designed to move
material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the
performance of a variety of tasks

Reasons for the commercial and technological importance of industrial robots include the
a. Robots can be substituted for humans in hazardous or uncomfortable work
b. A robot performs its work cycle with a consistency and repeatability that cannot be
attained by humans.
c. Robots can be reprogrammed. When the production run of the current task is completed,
a robot can be reprogrammed and equipped with the necessary tooling to perform an
altogether different task.
d. Robots are controlled by computers and can therefore be connected to other computer
systems 10 achieve computer integrated manufacturing.
Robot anatomy Joints and links
A joint of an industrial robot is similar to a joint in the human body: It provides relative motion
between two parts of the body. Each joint, or axis as it is sometimes called, provides the robot with a
so-called degree-of-freedom (DOF) of motion. In nearly all cases, only one degree-of-freedom is
associated with a joint. Robots are often classified according to the total number of degrees-of-freedom
they possess.
Arm and Body Motions:
(a) Linear joint (type Joint).The relative movement between the input link and the output link is a
translational sliding motion, with the axes of the two links being parallel.
(b) Orthogonal joint (type O joint). This is also a translational sliding motion, but the input and
output links are perpendicular to each other during the move.
(c) Rotational Joint (type R joint). This type provides rotational relative motion, with the axis of
rotation perpendicular to the axes of the input and output links.
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(d) Twisting joint (type T joint). This joint also involves rotary motion, but the axis or rotation is
parallel to the axes of the two links.

Fig: Robot Anatomy

(e) Revolving joint (type V joint, V from the "v' in revolving). In this joint type, the axis of the
input link is parallel to the axis of rotation of the joint. And the axis of the output link is
perpendicular to the axis of rotation.
Wrist Motions:
The robots wrist is used to establish the orientation of the end effector. Robot wrists usually consists of
two or three degrees-of-freedom. The three joints are defined as:
Roll, using a T joint to accomplish rotation about the robots arm axis.
Pitch, which involves up-and-down rotation, typically a R joint.
Yaw, which involves right-and-left rotation, also accomplished by means of an R-Joint.
A two D-O-F wrist typically includes only roll and pitch joints (T and R joints)

Fig: Wrist Motions

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Robot configurations:

Fig: Robot Configuration

1) Polar configuration: This configuration consists of a sliding arm (L joint) actuated relative
to the body, that can rotate about both a vertical axis (T joint) and a horizontal axis (R joint).
Work Volume: Spherical
2) Cylindrical configuration: This robot configuration consists of a vertical column, relative to
which an arm assembly is moved up or down. The arm can be moved in and out relative to the
axis of the column.
Work Volume: Cylindrical
3) Cartesian coordinate robot: Other names for this configuration include rectilinear robot
and x-y-z robot. As shown in Figure, it is composed of three sliding joints, two of which are
Work Volume: Rectangular
4) Jointed-arm robot: Also called as Articulated arm robot. This robot manipulator has the
general configuration of a human arm. The jointed arm consists of a vertical column that
swivels about the base using a T joint. At the top of the column is a shoulder joint (shown as an
R joint in our figure), whose output link connects to an elbow joint (another R joint)
5) SCARA: SCARA is an acronym for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm. This
configuration is similar to the jointed arm robot except that the shoulder and elbow rotational
axes are vertical, which means that the arm is very rigid in the vertical direction, but compliant
in the horizontal direction. This permits the robot to perform insertion tasks (for assembly) in a
vertical direction, where some side-to-side alignment may be needed to mate the two parts
Robot drive system:
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Robot joints are actuated using any of three possible types of drive systems:
(1) electric
(2) hydraulic
(3) pneumatic
Electric drive systems use electric motors as joint actuators (e.g., servomotors or stepping motors,
the same types of motors used in NC positioning systems, Hydraulic and pneumatic drive systems use
devices such as linear pistons and rotary vane actuators to accomplish the motion of the joint.
Pneumatic drive is typically limited to smaller robots used in simple material transfer applications.
Electric drive and hydraulic drive are used on more-sophisticated industrial robot. Electric drive has
become the preferred drive system in commercially available robots, as electric motor technology has
advanced in recent years. It is more readily adaptable to computer control, which is the dominant
technology used today for robot controllers. Electric drive robots are relatively accurate compared with
hydraulically powered robots. By contrast, the advantages of hydraulic drive include greater speed and
The drive system, position sensors (and speed sensors if used), and feedback control systems for the
joints determine the dynamic response characteristics of the manipulator. The speed with which the
robot can achieve a programmed position and the stability of its motion are important characteristics of
dynamic response in robotics. Speed refers to the absolute velocity of the manipulator at its end-of-arm.
Types of robot programming:
There are various methods which robots can be programmed to perform a given work cycle.
We divide this programming method into four categories.
1. Manual method
2. Lead through method
3. Off-line programming
Manual method:
This method is not really programming in the conventional sense of the world. It is more like setting up
a machine rather than programming. It is the procedure used for the simpler robots and involves setting
mechanical stops, cams, switches or relays in the robots control unit. For these low technology robots
used for short work cycles (e.g., pick and place operations), the manual programming method is
Lead through method:
The lead through method makes use of a teach pendant to power drive the robot through its motion
sequence. The teach pendant is usually a small hand held device with switches and dials to control the
robots physical movements. Each motion is recorded into memory for future playback during work
cycle. The lead through method is very popular among robot programming methods because of its ease
and convenience.
Off- line programming:
This method involves the preparation of the robot program off-line, in a manner similar to NC part
programming. Off-line robot programming is typically accomplished on a computer terminal.
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Programming off-line can be done while the robot is still in production on the preceding job. This
means higher utilization of the robot and the equipment with which it operates. Another benefit
associated with off-line programming is the prospect of integrating the robot into the factory
CAD/CAM data base and information system.

End effectors and sensors:

We mentioned that end effectors are usually attached to the robot's wrist. The end effectors
enable the robot to accomplish a specific task. The two categories of end effectors are grippers and
I) Grippers
Grippers are end effectors used to grasp and manipulate objects during the work cycle. The
objects are usually work parts that are moved from one location to another in the cell. Mechanical
grippers, consisting of two or more fingers that can be actuated by the robot controller to open and dose
to grasp the work part
Vacuum grippers, in which suction cups are used to hold flat objects
Magnetized devices, for holding ferrous parts
Adhesive devices, where an adhesive substance is used to hold a flexible material such as a fabric.
Simple mechanical devices such as hooks and scoops.
II) Tools
Tools are used in applications where the robot must perform some processing operation on the
work part. Examples of the tools used as end effectors by robots to perform processing applications
Spot welding gun
Arc welding tool
spray painting gun
rotating spindle for drilling, routing. Grinding, and so forth
Assembly tool (e.g., automatic screwdriver)
Heating torch
Water jet cutting tool.
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Sensors used in industrial robotics can be classified into two categories: (1) internal and (2)
Internal sensors are those used for controlling position and velocity of the various joints of the robot.
These sensors form a feedback control loop with the robot controller. Typical sensors used to control
the position of the robot arm include potentiometers and optical encoders. To control the speed of the
robot arm, tachometers of various types are used.
External sensors are used to coordinate the operation of the robot with other equipment in the cell. In
many cases, these external sensors are relatively simple devices. Such as limit switches that determine
whether a part has been positioned properly in a fixture or that indicate that a part is ready to be picked
up at a conveyor. Other situations require more-advanced sensor technologies, including the following:
Tactile sensors: Used to determine whether contact is made between the sensor and another object.
Tactile sensors can be divided into two types in robot applications: (1) Touch sensors and (2) Force
sensors, Touch sensors are those that indicate simply that contact has been made with the object. Force
sensors are used to indicate the magnitude of the force with the object. This might be useful in a gripper
to measure and control the force being applied to grasp an object.
Range Sensor:-It is used to indicate the actual distance of the object.
Proximity sensors:- Indicate when an object is close to the sensor.
Optical sensor:- Photocells and other photometric devices can be utilized to detect the presence
or absence of objects and are often used for proximity detection.
Machine vision:- Used in robotics for inspection, parts identification, guidance, and other uses.
We provide a more-complete discussion of machine vision in automated inspection.
Other sensors:- This miscellaneous category includes other types of sensors that might be used
in robotics, including devices for measuring temperature, fluid pressure, fluid flow, electrical
voltage, current, and various other physical properties.
Application of robots:
Material Handling Applications: Includes part transfer from conveyors and palletization. Some
robots are equipped with multiple tooling that can handle more than one part at a time.
Machine Loading and/or Unloading: In machine loading and/or unloading applications, the robot
transfers parts into and/or from a production machine. Generally used in FMS.
Industrial robot applications of machine loading and/or unloading include the following

Die casting: The robot unloads parts from the die casting machine. Peripheral operations
sometimes performed by the robot include dipping the parts into a water bath for cooling.
Plastic molding: Plastic molding is a robot application similar to die casting. The robot is used
to unload molded parts from the injection molding machine.
Metal machining operations: The robot is used to load raw blanks into the machine tool and
unload finished parts from the machine.

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Processing Operations

Spot Welding
Continuous Arc Welding
Spray Coating
Drilling, routing, and other machining processes
Grinding, wire brushing, and similar operations
Water jet cutting
water culling
Assembly and Inspection

ARISTO is a 6 axis articulated robotic arm of industrial design, for training and research and is
manufactured to industrial standards. The robot is capable of lifting up to 2.5kg of payload. The robot
can be used with pneumatic / electrical grippers.
ARISTO has ARISTO Simulation software that allows the user to learn robot functions,
applications and programming, both online and offline. ARISTO can be integrated into an FMS/ CIM
set up and controlled via FMS/ CIM Software.


No. of Axes
Link 1
300 mm /11.8 in
Link 2
400 mm / 15.75 in
Vertical Height
400 mm / 15.75 in
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Joint Actuators
DC Servo Geared Motors
2.5 Kg / 5.5 lbs
Axis-1 (Waist)
300 deg
Axis-2 (Shoulder) 60 deg
Axis-3 (Elbow ) 60 deg
Axis-4 (Roll)
30 deg
Axis-5 (Pitch)
180 deg
Axis-6 (Roll)
330 deg
PC Based PID Control Algorithm
Path Type
Point to Point, Linear & Circular Interpolation Path
Power Supply
230 V AC, 50/60 Hz, 5 A
0.3 mm / 0.01 in
Weight (Approx.) 35 Kg 77 lbs
Field of Application
Pick and Place
Machine Loading / Unloading
Interfaceability w ith Machines
Sim ulation Softw are
Result Study of performance of Robot has been performed.

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Experiment No. 5
Aim: Performance on robot.
Objective: To learn format a program for ptp operation - aristo robot software
Co-Ordinate Of Aristo Robot:
After giving the values in the appropriate axis box, we can see the changes in the respective axis in the
coordinate position (WCS).
Joint Movements:
The joint movement, the joint axis (for i) is established at the connection of two links. This joint axis
will have two normals connected to it , for each of the links w.r.t. relative position of two such
connected links ( link i, -1 & i)is given by di which is the distance measured in a plane normal to the
joint axis. Hence di and i may be called the distance & the angle between the adjacent links
respectively. They determine the relative position of neighboring links.


(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)
(+) (-)

Format For PTP Operation:

This command is capable of moving the entire axis simultaneously. The co-ordinate values are
provided to it as the parameters for the operation. All the axes terminate their movement
Writing The Program And Making Simulation For Material Handling <Pick & Place> In FMS
Using Aristo Robot:
JOINT A1 90.15, A2 90.00, A3 90.00, A4 0.00, A5 90.00, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 89.47, A3 89.71, A4 0.00, A5 90.00, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 -45.52, A3 45.77, A4 0.00, A5 90.00, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 -45.52, A3 45.77, A4 0.00, A5 -7.67, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 49.23, A2 -45.52, A3 67.82, A4 0.00, A5 -23.26, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 37.75, A2 -45.52, A3 67.82, A4 0.00, A5 -23.26, A6 0.01
ATP X +473.67 Y +382.282 Z +229.54 W 38.41 P 84.04 R 0.66
ATP X +473.52 Y +382.17 Z +213.88 W 85.54 P 89.09 R -0.79
PTP X +493.05 Y +381.86 Z +255.46 W 38.42 P 88.93 R 0.67
JOINT A1 37.75, A2 -71.29, A3 80.74, A4 0.00, A5 -20.38, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 -47.54, A2 -71.29, A3 80.94, A4 0.00, A5 -20.37, A6 0.01
JOINT A1 -47.54, A2 -97.29, A3 85.62, A4 0.00, A5 -20.38, A6 0.01
PTP X +355.48 Y -388.49 Z +355.25 W -47.42 P 83.94 R 0.1L
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PTP X +356.46 Y -389.57 Z +324.23 W -47.42 P 84.27 R 0.1L

JOINT A1 90.15 A2 -90.00 A3 90.00 A4 0.00 A590.00 A6 0.01
Result Learnt how to format a program for ptp operation of ARISTO Robot software.

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Experiment No. 6
Aim: Demonstration on CNC lathe.
Objective: To study part program and understand stepwise execution of command on CNC
This industrial type design slant bed turning centre with 8 station programmable turret is the
ideal solution for educational institutions for training purpose. The machine can be offered with either
Fanuc or Siemens emulated control system. XLTURN can be integrated and interfaced with robot,
automatic storage & retrieval system (ASRS), linear conveyor, etc. to form FMS and CIM systems.
The machine can be offered with other accessories such as loading and unloading device, pneumatic
chuck and auto door. XLTURN is available with an aesthetically designed work bench.

Fig: MTAB XL Turn CNC Lathe

Fig: Controller Unit

Fig: MTAB XL Turn CNC Lathe Spindle

Technical Specification Font Size :
Capacity Chuck Size
100 mm/3.94 in
Maximum Turning Diameter 32 mm/1.26 in
Maximum Turning Length
120 mm/4.72 in
No. of Axes
Swing Over Bed
150 mm/5.9 in
Prepared by: Prof. Jyotiraman De (TA) AIP Lab

Swing Over Crosslide

Distance between Centers
from Spindle Face
Hole through Spindle
Spindle Speed Range

50 mm/1.97 in
210 mm/8.27 in
20 mm/0.79 in
150 - 3000 RPM
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Spindle Motor Capacity

1 HP
Turret & Tooling
Number of Stations
Tool Cross Section 12 x 12 mm / .47 x .47 in
X- Axis Travel
80 mm / 3.15 in
Z- Axis Travel
180 mm / 7.1 in
Rapid Rate X /Z
1.2 m/min / 47.2 in/min
Feed Rate
- 1000 mm/min / 0 - 39.4 in/min
Tailstock Base Stroke
150 mm / 5.9 in
Tailstroke Quill Stroke
40 mm / 1.57 in
Quill Diameter
26 mm / 1.02 in
CNC Details

PC Based 2 Axis Continuous Path
Power Source
Main Supply
230V, Single Phase, 50 Hz
Machine Dim ensions (Approx.)
L x W x H (W/o Work Bench)
880 mm x 575 mm x 615 mm / 34.7 in
x 22.7 in x 24.2 in
Weight (W/o Work Bench)
150 kg / 331 lbs
Lubrication- Centralized Lubrication System
Optional Accessories
CAM Software, Offline Programming
Software, Auto Door, Pneumatic Chuck, Work
Bench, Loading & Unloading Arm.

G01 - Linear Interpolation
G02 - Circular Interpolation CW
G03 - Circular Interpolation CCW
G17 - XY Plane Selection
G18 - XZ Plane Selection
G19 - YZ Plane Selection
G20 - Input in Inches
G21 - Input in Metric
G22 - Stored Stroke Check ON
G23 - Stored Stroke Check OFF
G27 - Reference Point Return Check
G28 - Automatic Zero Return
G29 - Return from Zero Position
G30 - 2nd Reference Point Return
G31 - Skip Function
G32 - Thread Cutting
G36 - Automatic Tool Compensation
G40 - Tool Compensation Cancel
G41 - Tool Compensation Left
G42 - Tool Compensation Right
G46 - Automatic Tool Compensation
G50 - Coordinate System Setting
G52 - Local Coordinate System Setting
G53 - Machine Coordinate System Setting

Prepared by: Prof. Jyotiraman De (TA) AIP Lab

G62 - Automatic Corner Override

G63 - Tapping Mode
G64 - Cutting Mode
G71 - Turning Cycle
G72 - Facing Cycle
G73 - Pattern Repeating Cycle
G74 - Drilling Cycle
G75 - Grooving Cycle
G76 - Threading Cycle
G80 - Canned Cycle Cancel
G83 - Face Drilling Cycle
G84 - Face Tapping Cycle
G85 - Face Boring Cycle
G87 - Side Drilling Cycle
G88 - Side Tapping Cycle
G89 - Side Boring Cycle
G90 - Absolute Positioning
G91 - Incremental Positioning
G92 - Threading Cycle
G94 - Face Turning Cycle
G96 - Constant Surface Speed Control On
G97 - Constant Surface Speed Control Off
G98 - Federate Per Time
G99 - Federate Per Revolution

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M00 - Program Stop
M01 - Optional Program Stop
M02 - Program End
M03 - Spindle Clockwise
M04 - Spindle Counter Clockwise
M05 - Spindle Stop

M07 - Coolant 1 On
M08 - Coolant 2 On
M09 - Coolant Off
M30 - End Program, Return to Start
M98 - Call Subprogram
M99 - Cancel Subprogram

Stepwise Execution of Part Program on CNC Lathe:

<Programming Sequence>
% (rewind stop code/parity check)
2001 (program number)
N05 G20 G90 G40
G20 inch data input.
G90 absolute positioning mode
G40 cancels tool radius compensation.
N10 G95 G96 S2000 M03
G95 feed rate per revolution.
G96 constant feed rate.
S2000 spindle speed set at 2000 r/min.
M03 spindle ON clockwise.
N15 T0202
tool number and offsets.
N20 G00 X1.200 Z.100
G00 rapid traverse mode.
X&Z tool reference or change point.
X1.200 tool point .100 away from the outside diameter.
Z.100 tool point .100 to the right of end of work.
<Rough Turning Cycle>
N25 G73 U.05 R.05
G73 rough turning cycle.
U.05 .050 allowance on diameter for finish cut.
R.05 tool nose radius.
N30 G73 P35 Q95 U.025 W.005 F.008
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P35 start block of rough contour cycle.

Q95 end block of rough contour cycle.
W.005 shoulder allowance for finish cut.
F.008 feed rate at .008 per revolution.
N35 G00 X.300 Z.050
G00 rapid traverse mode.
X.300 tool point at .300 diameter for start of .100 radius.
Z.050 tool point .050 away from end of the part.
N40 G01 Z0
G01 linear interpolation (feed).
Z0 tool point touching end of the work.
N45 G03 X.500 Z-.100 R.100
G03 circular interpolation (counterclockwise).
X.500 largest diameter of radius.
Z-100 end of radius on .500 diameter.
R.100 size of the radius.
N50 G01 Z-.650
G01 linear interpolation.
Z-.650 machines .500 diameter to .650 length.
N55 X.580
X.580 tool moves out to the small diameter of .060 x 45 bevel.
N60 X.700 Z-.710
X.700 large diameter of bevel.
Z-.710 end distance of bevel.
N65 Z-1.150
Z-1.150 the .700 diameter cut to 1.150 length.
N70 X.750
X.750 cutting tool feeds out to .750 (small end of taper).
N75 X.875 Z-1.800 (cutting taper)
X.875 large end of taper.
Z-1.800 length that taper is cut.
N80 X.925
X.925 tool feeds out (faces) to .925 diameter.
N85 Z-2.050
Z-2.050 the .925 diameter is cut to 2.050 length.
N90 X1.050
X1.050 the tool is fed out to .050 past the diameter of the part.
N95 G00 X1.200 Z.100 (tool back to tool reference point)
G00 rapid traverse mode.
X1.200 & Z.100 (reference point positions)
<Finish Turning>
N100 G72 P35 Q95 F.005
G72 finish turn cycle.
F.005 feed rate .005 per revolution.
N105 G00 X2.000 Z.500
G00 rapid traverse mode.
X2.000 & Z.500 machine home position.
N110 M30
M30 end of program
% Rewind code.

Result :- Studied G and M codes, its implementation in part program and understood stepwise
execution of command on CNC Lathe.
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Experiment No. 7
Aim: Performance on CNC lathe.
Objective: To design part program and perform actual working on CNC Lathe.
Program examples:
Example 1.
Simple CNC Programming Example

N01 G91 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;

N05 G00 X65 Z2;
N10 G01 X0 Z0;
N15 G01 X20;
N20 G01 Z-10;
N25 G01 X40;
N30 G01 Z-20;
N35 G01 X60;
N40 G01 Z-30;
N45 G00 X65;
N55 G00 Z2;
N60 M02;

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Example 2

N5 G00 X0 Z2;
N10 R3 1 N10 G01 Z0.F0.25
N15 X24;
N20 X30 Z-3;
N25 Z-22;
N30 G02 X36 Z-25 R3 ;
N35 G01 X50;
N40 G03 X61 592 Z-29.447 R6;
N45 G01 X70 Z-45;
N50 Z-55;
N60 G02 X80 Z-60 R5;
N65 G01 X94;
N70 G03 X100 Z-63 R3;
N75 G00 X105;
N80 G00 Z2;
N85 M02;

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Example 3

At the bottom of grooves a dwell of one second is to be programmed.

N05 G91 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;

N10 G00 X65 Z2;
N15 G01 X0 Z0;
N20 G00 X45
N25 G01 Z-15 ;
N30 G01 X30 F0.2 ;
N35 G04 X1 ; (Dwell of 1 second)
N40 G00 X45;
N45 G01 Z-25 ;
N50 G01 X30 ;
N55 G04 X1 ; (Dwell of 1 second)
N60 G00 X45;
N65 G01 Z-35;
N70 G01 X60;
N75 G01 Z-50;
N80 G00 X65;
N85 G00 Z2;
N90 M02;

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Example 4

Stock Removal Cycle

N10 G28 U0 W0;

G50 S2000;
G96 S180 M03
G00 X100 Z5 M08
Z0.5 X0 F0.2
G01 Z0
G71 P11 Q12 U0.25 W0.2 D1000 F0.2;
N11 G00 X0;
G42 G01 Z0.5 F0.2;
G01 X25;
G01 X30 Z-10;
G01 X60;
G01 X100 Z-15;
G00 X110
G00 Z2
N12 G70 P11 Q12;
G00 U5 Z5 M09;
G40 M05;
N20 G28 U0 W0;
G71 UI Wk Rd ;
G71 Pns Qnf Uu Ww Ff. ;
I = Machining stock on X axis / machining allowance on X axis.
K = Machining stock on Z axis.
d = Number of rough cuts.
ns = Sequence number of the first block of the program which specifies the finish figure.
nf = Sequence number of the last block of the program which specifies the finish figure.
u = Finish allowance on X axis / diameter.
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w = Finish allowance on Z axis / face.

f = Feed
Example 5 : Peck Drilling

G83 R(e) ;
G83 Z(W) K(k) F(f) ;
Re = Return amount / relief depth
Z(W) = Depth of drill hole
Kk = Incremental depth / depth of peck
f = Feed
N05 G91 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;
N10 G00 X0 Z2;
N15 G01 X0 Z0;
N20 G01 M07;
N25 G83 R10;
N30 G83 Z-60 K20 F0.2 ;
N35 G00 Z5;
N40 M09 M05 M30;

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Example 6

Fig: Simple CNC Programming Example

N10 T0101;
N20 G91 S500 M03;
N30 G00 X65 Z2;
N40 G01 X0 Y0;
N50 G01 X25 F0.2;
N60 G01 Z-7.5;
N70 G01 X40 Z-15;
N80 G01 Z-25;
N90 G01 X60 Z-35;
N100 G00 X65;
N110 G00 Z2;
N120 M30;
Example 7

Lathe CNC Programming Example

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Fig: Lathe CNC Programming Example

N10 G91 S500 M03;
N20 G00 X25 Z5;
N30 G01 G95 Z0 F1;
N40 G01 Z-7.5 F0.2;
N50 G01 X60 Z-35;
N60 G01 Z-50;
N70 G00 X62;
N80 G00 Z2;
N90 M30;
Example 8 - Chamfer and Radius Program Example

Fig: Chamfer and Radius Program Example

N10 G91 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;
N20 G00 X90 Z2;
N30 G01 X0 Z0;
N40 G01 X26 Z-20;
N50 G02 X32 Z-26 R6;
N60 G01 X86;
N70 G01 X86 Z-26 C3;
N70 G01 Z-53;
N80 G00 X90;
N90 G00 Z2;
N100 M30;
Result Performed the job on CNC Lathe.

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Experiment No. 8
Aim: Performance and simulation with CNC lathe software.
Objective: To study Performance and simulation with CNC lathe software.
M TAB CNC Turning Center
CNC Train: CNC TRAIN is a complete CNC training system covering all aspect of CNC set-up and
MID programming and offer 2D and 3D simulation for 2 and 3 axis machining code.

Fig: CNC Train

Software Features
Fanuc & Siemens programming possible - Simulates original controls
Animated virtual simulation of the machine with 99 Tool offset settings
Program editor to create, save and run G codes / M codes
Automatic Syntax generation for G Codes / M Codes on program editor
Program Compiler created to identify the error in the program
On-screen programming keyboard - to feed G Codes / M Codes
Machine parameters - like machine feed rate, enabling / disabling M codes
Program Converter to convert other G codes / M codes programs
Help file to provide syntax and sample G codes / M codes programs
Machine Controls - like Feed / Speed Override, Emergency Stop & MPG control
MDI panel to run commands instantly
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Printing option to take hardcopy of the Program

3D simulation viewer with features like Zoom, Pan, View, Rotate
Tool & Billet settings in simulation for end user to choose tools & various material machining
Positioning the billet on any location of the bed
Example Rough and Finish Turning Cycle Program Example

Fig: Rough and Finish Turning Cycle Program Example

N10 T1 G97 S800 M03

N20 G00 X45 Z2 G42
N30 G71 U2 R1
N40 G71 P50 Q120 U0.25 W0.1 F0.25
N50 G00 X19.8
N60 G01 X23.8 Z-2 F0.2
N70 G01 Z-25
N80 G01 X28.07
N90 G01 X34 Z-33
N100 G01 Z-48
N110 G01 X42
N120 G01 Z-58
N130 G00 X100 Z100
N140 G92 S1200
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N150 T3 G96 S150 M03

N160 G00 X45 Z3
N170 G70 P50 Q120
N180 G00 X100 Z100
N190 M30
Result Performed the job on CNC software.

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Experiment No. 9
Aim:- Demonstration on CNC milling.
Objective:- To study part program and understand stepwise execution of command on CNC

This CNC Milling machine with an optional 6 station Automatic Tool Changer is the ideal
solution for educational institutions for training purpose. The machine can be offered with emulated
control system with either Fanuc or Siemens control. XLMILL can be integrated and interfaced with
robots, automatic storage & retrieval system (ASRS), linear conveyor, into FMS and CIM systems.
Other accessory options include loading and unloading device, auto door and hydro-pneumatic vice.
XLMILL is available with an aesthetically designed work bench with built-in tool storage drawer and
PC compartment.


Prepared by: Prof. Jyotiraman De (TA) AIP Lab

Fig: Controller Unit

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Fig: MTAB XL MILL CNC Mill Spindle

Technical Specification Font Size :
X Axis
225 mm / 8.9 in
Y Axis
150 mm / 5.9 in
Z Axis
115 mm / 4.5 in
Distance between Table top and Spindle Nose
70 - 185 mm / 2.8 - 7.3 in
Table Size
360 mm X 132 mm / 14.2 in x 5.2 in
Spindle Motor Capacity
0.4 Kw / 0.5 HP
Programmable Spindle Speed 150 - 4000 rpm
Spindle Nose Taper
BT 30
0.010 mm 0.0004 in
0.005 mm / 0.0002 in
Feed Rate
Rapid Traverse X x Y x Z Axis
1.2 m/min 472 in/min
Programmable Feed Rate X x Y x Z Axis
0 - 1.2 mm/min 0 - 472 in/min

Optional ATC Unit

Tool Storage Capacity
6 Pcs
Max. Tool Length
40 mm / 1.6 in
Max. Tool Dia.
16 mm / 0.63 in
CNC Controller
Control System
PC Based 3 Axis Continuous Path Lubrication
Lubrication System
Centralized Lubrication System
Power Source
Main Supply
230V, Single Phase, 50 Hz
Machine Dimensions
L x W x H (W/o Work Bench)
1000 mm x 575 mm x 650 mm / 39.4 in x 22.7
in x 25.6 in
Machine Weight (W/o Work Bench)
170 kg
Optional Accessories
CAM software, Offline Programming Software,
Auto Door, Hydro Pneumatic Vice, Work
Bench, 3 Axis Loading & Unloading Arm, 6
Station ATC.
Compatible / Upgradable FMS & CIM System

G00 - Rapid Positioning
G01 - Linear Interpolation
G10 - Program Parameter Input
G12 - Circle Cutting CW
Prepared by: Prof. Jyotiraman De (TA) AIP Lab

G52 - Local Coordinate Setting

G53 - Machine Coordinate Setting
G60 - Single Direction Positioning
G63 - Tapping Mode
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G13 - Circle Cutting CCW

G22 - Stored Stroke Limit ON
G23 - stored Stroke Limit OFF
G27 - Reference Point Return Check
G28 - Automatic Return to Reference Point
G31 - Skip Function
G33 - Thread Cutting
G34 - Bolt Hole Circle (Canned Cycle)
G35 - Line at Angle (Canned Cycle)
G36 - Arc (Canned Cycle)
G40 - Cutter Compensation Cancel
G41 - Cutter Compensation Left
G42 - Cutter Compensation Right
G43 - Tool Length Compensation +
G44 - Tool Length Compensation G49 - Tool Length Compensation Cancel
G50 - Scaling Off
G51 - Scaling On

G64 - Cutting Mode

G70 - Input in Inch
G71 - Input in Metric
G73 - High Speed Peck Drilling Cycle
G74 - Left Hand Tapping Cycle
G81 - Drilling Cycle
G82 - Counter Boring Cycle
G83 - Peck Drilling Cycle
G84 - Right Hand Tapping Cycle
G85 - Boring Cycle
G87 - Back Boring Cycle
G90 - Absolute Positioning
G91 - Incremental Positioning
G92 - Reposition Origin Point
G94 - Feed Per Minute
G97 - Constant Surface Speed Control Off
G98 - Set Initial Plane

M00 - Program Stop
M01 - Optional Stop
M02 - Program End
M03 - Spindle On Clockwise
M04 - Spindle On Counter Clockwise
M05 - Spindle Stop
M06 - Tool Change
M07 - Thru Spindle or Mist Coolant On
M08 - Flood Coolant On
M09 - Coolant Off
M10 - Table Pallet Clamp
M11 - Table Pallet Unclamp
M12 - Shower Coolant On

M14 - Spindle Air Blow On

M15 - Spindle Air Blow Off
M16 - Air Blast / Tool Changer
M18 - Air Blast Off
M19 - Spindle Orient
M29 - Rigid Tapping
M30 - End Program, Return to Start
M60 - Pallet Change
M61 - Load Pallet 1
M62 - Load Pallet 2
M98 - Call Subprogram
M99 - Cancel Subprogram

Stepwise Execution of Part Program on CNC Lathe:

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Program Notes:
Program in the absolute mode starting at the tool change position at the top left corner of the print.
The material is aluminum (300 CS), feedrate 10 in/min.
The cutting tool is a .250 in. diameter high speed steel 2-flute end mill.
Mill the 1 in. square slot.
Drill the two .250 in. diameter holes, .250 in. deep.
Mill the .250 in. wide angular slot, .125 in. deep.
Mill the .250 in. wide circular groove, .125 in. deep.
After the job is completed, return to the tool change position.
% (rewind stop code / parity check)
2000 (program number)
N5 G92 X-1.000 Y1.000 Z1.000
G92 programmed offset of reference point (tool change position)
X-1.000 tool set at 1.000 to the left of the part.
Y1.000 tool set at 1.000 above the top edge of the part.
Z1.000 the end of the cutter is 1.000 above the top surface of the part.
N10 G20 G90
G20 inch data input.
G90 absolute programming mode.
N15 M06 T01
M06 tool change command.
T01 tool no. 1 (.250 diameter, 2-flute end mill).
N20 S2000 M03
S2000 spindle speed set at 2000 r/min.
M03 spindle on clockwise.
N25 G00 X0 Y0 Z.100
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G00 rapid traverse rate to X0 Y0 at the top left corner of the part.
Z.100 tool rapids down to within .100 of the work surface.
<Machining the square groove>
N30 X.375 Y-.375
tool rapids to position A.
N35 G01 Z-.125 F10
G01 linear interpolation.
Z-.125 tool feeds .125 below the work surface.
F10 feed rate set at 10 in./min.
N40 X1.625 Y-.375
X1.625 top groove cut to the right hand end.
Y-.375 measurement did not change because it was set in block N30.
N45 Y-1.625
Y-1.625 right hand side of the groove cut.
N50 X.375
X.375 bottom groove cut to the left side.
N55 Y-.375
Y-.375 left-hand side of groove cut; this completes the groove.
N60 G00 Z.100
G00 rapid traverse mode.
Z.100 tool rapids to .100 above work surface.
<Hole Drilling>
N65 G00 X.875 Y-.750
tool rapids to the top left hole location.
N70 G01 Z-.250 F10
tool feeds .250 into work at 10 in./min. to drill the first hole.
N75 G00 Z.100
tool rapids out of hole to .100 above work surface.
N80 X1.250 Y-1.125
tool rapids to second hole location.
N85 G01 Z-.250 F10
tool feeds .250 into work at 10 in./min. to drill the second hole.
N90 G00 Z.100
tool rapids out of hole to .100 above work surface.
<Machining the Angular Slot>
N95 X1.125 Y-.875 (location B)
tool rapids to the start of the angular slot.
N100 G01 Z-.125 F10
G01 linear interpolation.
Z-.125 tool feeds to .125 below the work surface.
F10 feed rate set at 10 in./min.
N105 X1.250 Y-.750
angular slot cut to top right corner.
N110 G00 Z.100
tool rapids to .100 above work surface.
<Machining the Circular Groove>
N115 X.750 Y-1.000 (location C)
tool rapids to start of circular groove.
N120 G01 Z-.125 F10
tool feeds to .125 below the work surface.
N125 G03 X1.000 Y-1.250 R.250
G03 circular interpolation counterclockwise
X & Y location of end of circular groove.
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R.250 radius of arc is .250.

N130 G00 Z.100
tool rapids to .100 above work surface.
N135 X-1.000 Y1.000
tool rapids back to tool change position.
N140 M05
M05 spindle turned off.
N145 M30
M30 end of program

Result Studied G and M codes, its implementation in part program and understood stepwise
execution of command on CNC Mill.

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Experiment No. 10
Aim:- Performance on CNC Mill.
Objective:- To design part program and perform actual working on CNC Mill.
Program examples:
Example 1

Fig: Rough CNC Mill Program Path

Program number
N10 G71
Metric programming
N20 M03 S1000 M08
Spindle start clockwise with 1000rpm & Coolant ON
N30 G00 X0 Y0
Rapid motion towards (0,0)
N40 G00 Z-10.0
Rapid motion towards Z=-10 plane
N50 G01 X50.0
Linear interpolation
N60 G01 Y20.0
Linear interpolation
N70 G02 X25.0 Y45.0 R25.0
Circular interpolation clockwise (cw)
N80 G03 X-25.0 Y45.0 R25.0
Circular interpolation counter clockwise (ccw)
N90 G02 X-50.0 Y20.0 R25.0
Circular interpolation clockwise (cw)
N100 G01 Y0.0
Linear interpolation
N110 G01 X0.0
Linear interpolation
N120 G00 Z10.0
Rapid motion towards Z=10 plane
N130 M05 M09 M30
Spindle stop, Coolant OFF & program end

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Example 2:

CNC Mill Program with G41Cutter Radius Compensation Left

Fig: Rough CNC Mill Program with G41Cutter Radius Compensation Left
N10 G90 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;
N20 G00 X-5 Y-5 Z 2;
N30 G00 X0 Y0;
N40 G01 Z0;
N50 G01 Z-10;
N60 G01 X100;
N70 G01 Y70;
N80 G01 X0;
N90 G01 Y0;
N100 G00 Z2;
N110 G00 X5 Y15;
N120 G01 Z-5;
N130 G01 X32 Y8;
N140 G01 X95;
N150 G01 Y50;
N160 G02 X83 Y62 R12;
N170 G01 X15;
N180 G03 X5 Y52 R10;
N190 G01 X5 Y15;
N200 G00 Z2;
N210 G00 X-5 Y-5;
N130 M05 M30;

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Example 3:

CNC Mill G02 G03 Circular Interpolation Programming

Fig: CNC Mill G02 G03 Circular Interpolation Programming

N10 G90 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;
N20 G00 X-5 Y-5 Z 2;
N30 G00 X0 Y0;
N40 G01 Z0;
N50 G01 Z-5;
N60 G01 X30;
N70 G03 X54 Y0 R12;
N80 G01 X82;
N90 G02 X108 Y0 R13;
N100 G01 X123
N110 G01 X80 Y45;
N120 G01 X40;
N130 G01 Y75;
N140 G02 X35 Y80 R5;
N150 G01 X20;
N150 G02 X0 Y80;
N160 G01 X0 Y0;
N170 G00 Z2;
N180 G00 X-5 Y-5;
N190 M05 M30;

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Example 4

Vertical Machining Center Programming Example

Fig: Vertical Machining Center Programming Example

N10 G90 G71 G94 M03 S800 T01 F200;
N20 G00 X-5 Y-5 Z 2;
N30 G00 X0 Y0;
N40 G01 Z0;
N50 G01 Z-25;
N60 G01 X100;
N70 G01 Y100;
N80 G01 X0;
N90 G01 Y0;
N100 G00 Z2;
N110 G01 Z0;
N120 G01 X50 Y10;
N130 G01 Z-5;
N140 G01 X80;
N150 G03 X90 Y20 R10;
N160 G01 Y60;
N170 G01 X50 Y90;
N180 G01 X20;
N190 G02 X10 Y80 R10;
N200 G01 Y50;
N210 G01 X50 Y10;
N220 G00 Z2;
N230 G00 X-5 Y-5;
N240 M05 M30;

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Example 5

Simple Programming Example

Fig: Simple Programming Example

N10 G92 X0 Y0 Z0
//absolute pre-setting at A.
N20 G90
//absolute programming.
N30 G00 X25.0 Y25.0 Z2.0 T01 S3000 M03 //tool brought rapidly at B, 2 mm above XY plane.
N40 G01 Z-12.0 F120
//tool goes down to full depth.
N50 Y75.0
//proceeds to C.
N60 X65.0
//proceeds towards right to D.
N70 G02 Y25.0 I0 R-35.0
//cuts curved profile till E.
N80 X25.0
//proceeds to B.
N90 Z2.0
//tool moves 2 mm above the XY plane
N100 G00 Z50.0 M05
//spindle stops and rapidly moves up
N110 X0 Y0
//rapid move to start position 0,0
N120 M30
//end of program and tape rewind
Example 6

Multi Step Programming Example

Fig: Multi Step Programming Example

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G55 X200 Y80

Program 1
N10 M06 T1
N20 M03 S400
N30 G01 X-8 Y0 Z2
N40 G01 Z-0.5
N50 G01 X70
N60 G01 Y60
N70 G01 X30
N80 G01 X0 Y40
N90 G01 X0 Y0
N100 G81 R3 E9 N7
N110 M05
N120 M02
Tool Change
G55 X200 Y80
Program 2
N10 M06 T2
N20 M03 S400
N30 G00 X-8 Y0 Z2
N40 G00 X20 Y15
N50 M98 L101
N60 G00 X50 Y15
N70 M98 L101
N80 G00 X50 Y45
N90 M98 L101
N100 G00 X-8 Y0
N110 M05
N120 M02
N001 G91
N002 G01 Z-10
N003 G01 Z12
N004 G90
N005 M99 M17
Result Performed the job on CNC Milling.

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Experiment No. 11
Aim: Performance and simulation with CNC milling software.
Objective: To study Performance and simulation with CNC milling software.
M TAB CNC Machining Center
Software Features
Fanuc & Siemens programming possible - Simulates original controls
Animated virtual simulation of the machine with 99 Tool offset settings
Program editor to create, save and run G codes / M codes
Automatic Syntax generation for G Codes / M Codes on program editor
Program Compiler created to identify the error in the program
On-screen programming keyboard - to feed G Codes / M Codes
Machine parameters - like machine feed rate, enabling / disabling M codes
Program Converter to convert other G codes / M codes programs
Help file to provide syntax and sample G codes / M codes programs
Machine Controls - like Feed / Speed Override, Emergency Stop & MPG control
MDI panel to run commands instantly
Printing option to take hardcopy of the Program
3D simulation viewer with features like Zoom, Pan, View, Rotate
Tool & Billet settings in simulation for end user to choose tools & various material machining
Positioning the billet on any location of the bed

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Example - G81 Drilling Two Step Block

Fig: Drilling Two Step Block

N15 G90 G54 G00 X15 Y15
N20 S1000 M3 F100
N25 G43 H01 Z2 M8
N30 G81 R2 Z-42
N35 X65
N40 Y85 R-13
N45 X15
N50 G80 Z50 M5
N55 M30

Result Performed the job on CNC Milling.

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Experiment - 12
Aim - Case Study on Computer Aided Process Planning.
Objective - To study the automation part of process planning
The product design is the plan for the product and its components and subassemblies. To convert
the product design into a physical entity, a manufacturing plan is needed. The activity of developing
such a plan is called process planning. It is the link between product design and manufacturing. Process
planning involves determining the sequence of processing and assembly steps that must be
accomplished to make tile product
Process planning involves determining the most appropriate manufacturing and assembly
processes and the sequence in which they should be accomplished to produce a given part or product
according to specifications set forth in the product design documentation. It is defined as the schematic
determination of the detailed methods by which work pieces or parts can be manufactured
economically and competitively from initial stages(raw material form) to finished stages(desired form).
Geometrical features, dimensional sizes, tolerances, materials and surface finish are analyzed and
evaluated to determine an appropriate sequence of processing operations.
The scope and variety of processes that can be planned are generally limited by the available
processing equipment and technological capabilities of the company or plant. Parts that cannot be made
internally must be purchased from outside vendors. It should be mentioned that the choice of processes
is also limited as per the product design and it will require a process plan.

Fig- Typical sequence of processes required in part fabrication.

CAPP is defined as the function which use computers to assist work of process planners. Level
of assistance depends on the different strategies employed to implement the system.
(i) Lower Level Strategy only use computers for storage and retrieval of the data for the process plans
which will be constructed manually by process planners, as well as for supplying the data which will be
used in the planner's new work
(ii) Higher level strategies use computers to automatically generate process plans for some work
pieces of simple geometrical shapes
2. Types of Computer aided process planning.
i) Retrieval process planning.
ii) Generative process planning.

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Fig: Structure of a computer aided process planning system


Retrieval Type Process Planning System or CAPP System

A retrieval CAPP system, is also called a variant CAPP system, is based on the principles of
group technology (GT) and parts classification and coding. In this type of CAPP, a standard process
plan (route sheet) is stored in computer files for each part code number. The standard route sheets are
based on current part routings in use in the factory or on an ideal process plan that has been prepared
for each family. It should be noted that the development of the data base of these process plans requires
substantial effort. Before the system can be used for process planning, a significant amount of
information must be compiled and entered into the CAPP data files. This is what refers to as the
"preparatory phase: It consists of the following steps:
(1) Selecting an appropriate classification and coding scheme for the company
(2) Forming part families for the parts produced by the Company
(3) Preparing standard process plans for the part families.
It should be mentioned that steps (2) and (3) continue as new parts are designed and added to the
company's design data base. After the preparatory phase has been completed, the system is ready for

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Fig: Flow Process of Retrieval Process Planning System

For a new component for which the process plans is to be determined. The process can be well
explained using the flowchart blow.
Once a standard plan has been written, a variety of components can be planned.
Programming and installation are comparatively simple.
The system is understandable, and the planner has control of the final plan.
It is easy to learn and easy to use.
The components to be planned are limited to previously planned similar components.
Experienced process planners are still required to modify the standard plan for the specific
Details of the plan cannot be generated.
Variant planning cannot be used in an entirely automated manufacturing system, without
additional process planning.

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Fig - General procedure for using one of the retrieval CAPP systems.

Generative Process Planning Systems or CAPP Systems:

Generative CAPP systems represent an alternative approach to automated process planning.
Instead of retrieving and editing an existing plan contained in a computer data base, a generative
system creates the process plan based on logical procedures similar to the procedures a human planner
would plan. In a fully generative CAPP system, the process sequence is planned without human
assistance and without a set of predefined standard plans. The problem of designing a generative CAPP
system is usually considered part of the field of expert systems, a branch of artificial intelligence. In an
expert system applied to process planning, the knowledge and logic of the human process planners is
incorporated into a so-called "knowledge base". The generative CAPP system then uses that knowledge
base to solve process planning problems (i.e., create route sheets). The second ingredient in generative
process planning is a computer-compatible description of the part to be produced. This description
contains all of the pertinent data needed to plan the process sequence. Two possible ways of providing
this are:
(l) The geometric model of the part that is developed on a CAD system during product design and
(2) A GT code number of the part that defines the part features insignificant detail.
The third ingredient in a generative CAPP system is the capability to synthesize process info to
develop a new process plan for a new part.

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Fig: Flow Process of Generative Process Planning System

Fig- Generative Process Planning Systems

Consistent process plans can be generated rapidly.
New components can be planned as easily as existing components.
It has potential for integrating with an automated manufacturing facility to provide detailed
control information.
Benefits of CAPP
Whether one is using the retrieval system or the generative system, there are number of benefits of
CAPP as described below:
1) Process rationalization: In CAPP the same software carries out the process planning and its
procedure remains the same whoever uses it. Thus the process planning becomes logical, consistent and
rationalized as it does not depends on the individualistic experience or judgment.
2) Higher productivity of the process planners: With CAPP the amount of the clerical work is
greatly reduced for the process engineers and there are fewer chances of errors. The planners can invest
their time on more skilled jobs and also attain the better process plan that is eventually translated into
their higher productivity.
3) Faster planning: With CAPP system the engineers can make the routing sheets for the jobs faster
resulting in lesser lead times for the manufacturing process.

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4) Good visibility: The documents made from the computer are neat, clean and clear, which makes
reading the routing sheets easier.
5) Operate with other software: The CAPP software can be easily integrated with the other software
like designing and manufacturing software. This makes the whole process of designing, planning and
manufacturing an integrated process.
Result Study on Computer Aided Process Planning is done successfully

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Experiment - 13
Aim - Study on Part Coding and Group Technology.
Objective - To study the coding and group technology.
Theory 1.
Group technology is a manufacturing philosophy in which similar parts are identified and
grouped together to take advantage of their similarities in design and production. Similar parts are
arranged into part families, where each part family possesses similar design and/or manufacturing
characteristics. for example, a plant producing 10,000 different part numbers may be able 10 group the
vast majority of these parts into 30-40 distinct families. It is reasonable to believe that the processing of
each member of a given family is similar and this should result in manufacturing efficiencies.
Part families
Apart family is a collection of parts that are similar either because of geometric shape and size or
because similar processing steps are required in their manufacture. The parts within a family are
different, but their similarities are close enough to merit their inclusion as members of the part family.
Figures show two different part families. The two parts in Figure 1 are very similar in terms of
geometric design, but quite different in terms of manufacturing because of differences in tolerances,
production quantities, and material. The ten parts shown in Figure 2 constitute part family in
manufacturing, but their different geometries make them appear quite different from a design

Fig:- Part Families

Fig:- Process Type Layout

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Fig:- Group Technology Layout



This is the most time consuming of the three methods. In parts classification and coding,
similarities among parts are identified, and these similarities are related in a coding system. Two
categories of part similarities can be distinguished:
(1) Design attributes, which are concerned with part characteristics such as geometry, size, and
material; and
(2) Manufacturing attributes, which consider the sequence of processing steps required to make a part.
The parts coding scheme consists of a sequence of numerical digits to identify the parts design
and manufacturing attributes. Coding scheme for part classification can be of two basic structures.
1. Hierarchical structure In this code structure, the interpretation of each succeeding symbol depends
on the value of the preceding symbols.
2. Chain type structures In this type of code, the interpretation of each symbol in the sequence is
fixed. It does not depend on the value of the preceding symbol
3. mixed-mode structure. which is a hybrid of the two previous codes
4. Obstacles to GT.
1) Identifying the part families (the biggest problem) If the plant makes 10,000 different parts,
reviewing all of the part drawings and grouping the parts into families is a substantial task
2) Rearranging production machines in the plant into the appropriate machine cells It takes time to plan
and accomplish this rearrangement, and the machines are not Producing during the changeover
5. Methods of classification.
i) Visual inspection.
ii) Classification and coding system.
iii) Production flow analysis
Visual inspection involves arranging a set of parts into groups by visually inspecting the
physical characteristics of the parts.
Parts classification and coding - identifying similarities and differences among parts and
relating them by means of a coding scheme
Production flow analysis - using information contained on route sheets to classify parts
6. Types of classification and coding system
Some of the coding system of Process Planning are:
OPITZ System
The CODE System
The KK-3 System
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The MICLASS System

The DCLASS System
COFORM (Coding For Matching)


The opitz system is of historical interest because it was one of the first published classification
& coding schemes for mechanical parts. This parts classification & coding system was developed by it
opitz of the university of Aachess in West Germany. It represents one of the pioneering efforts in the
group technology areas and is probably the best known of the classification & coding schemes. The
Opitz coding system uses the following digit, sequence:
12345 6789 ABCD
The basic code consists of nine digits, which can be extended by adding four more digits. The
first nine digits are intended to convey both. Design & manufacturing data. The first five digits 1 2 3 4
5, are called the form code and describe the primary design attributes of the part of the part. The next
four digits 6 7 8 9, constitute the supplementary code which indicates some of the attributes that
would be of use to manufacturing. The extra four digits, A B C D are referred to as the secondary
code and are intended to identify the production operation type & sequence. The secondary code can
be designed by the firm to serve its own particular needs.

Fig-Basic structure of the Opitz system of parts classification and coding

7. Benefits of well designed classification and coding system.
I. Engineering
Reduction of number of similar parts
Elimination of duplication parts
Identification of expensive parts
Reduction of drafting efforts
Easy retrieval of similar functional parts
Identification of substitute parts
II. Equipment Specification and Facility Planning
Flow line layout of production equipment
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Location of bottlenecks
Location underutilized machine tools
Reduction of part transportation times
Improvement of facility planning
III. Process Planning
Reduction of number of machining operations
Shortening of production cycles
Improvement of machine loading operation
Easier prediction of tool wears and tool changes
8. Benefits of Group Technology
a) Standardization of tooling, fixtures, and setups is encouraged
b) Material handling is reduced
c) Parts are moved within a machine cell rather than entire factory
e) Process planning and production scheduling are simplified
e) Work-in-process and manufacturing lead time are reduced
f) Improved worker satisfaction in a GT cell
g) Higher quality work
Result Study of the coding and group technology is done successfully.

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Experiment 14
Aim - Study of Computer Aided Quality Control.
Objective To study automated inspection principles and various methods of carrying out Quality
Control functions.
The use of computers for Quality Control of the product is called as Computer aided quality control.

Fig- CAQC Tree

Principle of automated inspection
Automated inspection is defined as the automation of one or more steps involved in the
inspection procedure. Automated or semi-automated inspection can be implemented in the number of
alternative ways.
*Automated presentation of parts by an automatic handling system with manual examination and
decision steps.
*Machine with manual loading parts into the machine doing, automated examination and decision
*Completely automated inspection system in which parts presentation, examination and decisions are
performed automatically.
The inspection procedure is performed by a human worker in the first case, with all of the possible
errors in this form of inspection. In second and third case, the actual inspection operation is
accomplished by an automated system.
As in manual inspection, automated inspection can be performed using statistical sampling or
100% inspection. Sampling errors are possible when statistical sampling is used. Similar to human
inspector, automated system can commit inspection error with either sampling or 100% inspection.
Human inspectors can make such errors. Automated system operates with high accuracy for simple
inspection tasks such as automatic gauging of a simple dimension on a part. With the increase in
complexity of inspection, the error rate tends to increase. Some machine vision applications fall into
this category. For example, detecting defects in integrated circuit chips or printed circuit boards. The
inspection tasks of PCB are complex and difficult for human workers. This is one of the reasons for
developing automated inspections systems that can do such jobs.
2. QC Inspection
The term inspection can be defined as the activity of examining the products, its components,
sub-assemblies, or materials out of which it is made, and to determine whether they adhere to design
specifications. The design specifications are prescribed by the product designer.
Types of Inspection
Classification of inspection is based on the amount of information derived from the inspection
procedure about the items conformance to its specifications.
Inspection for variables, in which, appropriate measuring instruments or sensors are used to measure
one or more quality characteristics.
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Inspection for attributes, where the parts or products are inspected to conform to the inspected quality
standard. The determination is sometimes based simply on the judgment of inspector. Attribute
inspection involves counting the number of defects in a product.
In general, inspection for attributes uses P-chart and C-chart whereas inspection for variables
uses the X-and R-chart.
Inspection Procedure
The steps in the inspection performed on an individual item, such as part, sub-assembly or final product
are as follows:
The item is presented for evaluation.
The item is examined for non-conforming features. Measurement of a dimension or other attributes of
the part or product are examined, while inspecting the variables.
It is based on the evaluation, a decision is made whether the item adhere to the defined quality
standards. The simplest case involves a binary decision, in which the item is deemed either acceptable
or unacceptable.
Action should be taken based on the decision to accept or reject the item, or sort the items to the most
appropriate quality grade.
3. QC testing
A test can be considered a technical operation or procedure that consists of determination of one
or more characteristics of a given product, process or service according to a specified procedure.
Quality control (QC) utilizes both inspection and testing procedures that are equally important in a
companys quality control program. Today, CAI and CAT can be well integrated into the overall CIM
system. The implications of the use of computer-aided quality control are important. The automated
methods of CAQC will result in significant improvements in product quality.
4. Types of automated inspection.
i) 100 % automated inspection.
ii) Off-line and on-line inspection.
iii) Distributed inspection and final inspection
i) 100 % automated inspection
Automated inspection is defined as the automation of one or more steps involved in the inspection
procedure. Automated or semi-automated inspection can be implemented in the number of alternative
(a) Automated presentation of parts by an automatic handling system with manual examination and
decision steps.
(b) Machine with manual loading parts into the machine doing, automated examination and decision
(c) Completely automated inspection system in which parts presentation, examination and decisions
are performed automatically.
ii) Off-line and on-line inspection

Off-line Inspection Methods

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In off-line inspection, the inspection equipment is usually dedicated and does not make any
physical contact with machine tools. There is always a time delay between production and inspection.
Manual inspection is common that tend to promote the use of offline inspection that includes:
(a) Variability of the process is well within the design tolerance,
(b) Processing conditions are stable and the risk of significant deviation in the process is small, and
(c) Cost incurred during inspection is high in comparison to the cost of few defective parts.
The disadvantage of offline inspection is that the parts have already been made by the time poor
quality is detected. Sometimes by default a defective part may not be included into the sample. A
coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is an example of off-line inspection.

On-line/In-process and On-line/Post-process Inspection Methods

If the task of inspection is done as the parts are manufactured, then it is called as online inspection.
There are two variations of on-line inspection. If the inspection is performed during the manufacturing
operation, it is called on-line/in-process inspection. If the inspection is performed immediately
following the production process, it is called on-line/post-process inspection
5. Sensors technologies for automated inspection
Modern automated inspection procedures are carried out by sensors that are controlled by and/or
communicate data to digital computers. The sensor Technologies available for automated inspection
are divided into two broad Categories:
i. Non Contact inspection methods
ii. Contact inspection methods
Non-contact inspection methods do not involve direct contact with the product. Instead a sensor is
located at a certain distance from the object to measure or gage the desired features.
Contact inspection methods involve the use of mechanical probes or other device that makes contact
with the object being inspected. In our project we made use of a self-designed contact based inspection
system, which can be closely approximated to a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). We decided to
design our own sensors primarily to reduce cost and increase reliability
6. Coordinate measuring machines
Coordinate metrology is concerned with the measurement of actual shape and dimensions of
an object and comparing these with the desired shape and dimension as specified on a part drawing. In
this connection, coordinate metrology consists of the evaluation of location, dimensions and geometry
of the part or object.
A coordinate measuring machine is an electromechanical system designed to perform
coordinate geometry. This machine may be manually controlled by an operator or it may be computer
controlled. Measurements are defined by a probe attached to the third moving axis of this machine.
Probes may be mechanical, optical, laser, or white light, amongst others. A machine which takes
readings in six degrees of freedom and displays these readings in mathematical form is known as a

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Fig-Basic CMM layout

7. CMM benefits.
1) High precision and accuracy
2) Requires less labor.
3) Accurate dimensions can be obtained just by knowing the coordinates and distance between the two
reference points
4) Robustness against external force and error accumulation.
8. Other contact inspection methods.
a) Inspection probe
b) Flexible inspection system
9. Machine vision.
Machine vision (MV) is the technology and methods used to provide imaging-based automatic
inspection and analysis for such applications as automatic inspection, process control, and robot
guidance in industry. Machine vision (also called "industrial vision" or "vision systems") is primarily
focused on computer vision in the context of industrial manufacturing processes, be it in the inspection
process itself (e.g. checking a measurement or identifying a character string is printed correctly) or
through some other responsive input needed for control (e.g. robot control or type verification). The
machine vision system can consist of a number of cameras all capturing, interpreting and signaling
individually with a control system related to some pre-determined tolerance or requirement.

Fig- Machine Vision

Result - Study of Computer Aided Quality Control is done successfully
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Experiment 15
Aim - Case study on flexible manufacturing system.
Objective To introduce FMS as modern systems of flexible manufacturing
FMS consists of a group of processing work stations interconnected by means of an automated
material handling and storage system and controlled by integrated computer control system..
FMS is called flexible due to the reason that it is capable of processing a variety of different
part styles simultaneously at the workstation and quantities of production can be adjusted in response to
changing demand patterns.. The FMS is most suited for the mid-variety, mid-volume production range.

Fig:-Automated manufacturing cell with two machine tools and robot.

Types of FMS
Two other ways to classify FMSs are by:
(1) Number of machines
(2) Level of flexibility
Number of Machines: Flexible manufacturing systems can be distinguished according to the number
of machines in the system. The following are typical categories:

single machine cell

flexible manufacturing cell

flexible manufacturing system

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Single machine cell (SMC)

It consists of one CNC machining center combined with a parts storage system for unattended
operation as in completed parts are periodically unloaded from the parts storage unit, and raw
workparts are loaded into it. The cell can be designed to operate in either a batch mode or a flexible
mode or in combinations of the two. When operated in a batch mode, the machine processes parts of a
single style in specified lot sizes and is then changed over to process a batch of the next part style. It is
capable of processing different part styles, responding to changes in production schedule, and accepting
new part introductions.

Fig: Single machine cell consisting of one CNC machining center and parts storage unit
Flexible manufacturing cell (FMC)
It consists of two or three processing workstations typically CNC machining centers plus a part
handling system. The part handling system is connected to a load/unload station. In addition, the
handling system usually includes a limited parts storage capacity

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Fig: A flexible manufacturing cell consisting of three identical processing stations (CNC machining
centers), a load/unload station, and a part handling system.
Flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
It has four or more processing workstations connected mechanically by a common part handling
system and electronically by a distributed computer system. Thus, an important distinction between an
FMS and an FMC is the number of machines. A second difference is that the FMS generally includes
non-processing workstations that support production but do not directly participate in it. These other
stations include part/pallet washing stations, coordinate measuring machines, and so on. A third
difference is that the computer control system of an FMS is generally larger and more sophisticated,
often including functions not always found in a cell, such as diagnostics and monitoring. These
additional functions are needed more in an FMS than in an FMC because the FMS is more complex.

Fig: Features of the three categories of flexible cells and systems.

With any number of workstations, but its application seems most common with FMCs and
FMSs are distinguished here:

Sequential FMS
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Random FMS

Dedicated FMS

Engineered FMS

Modular FMS
Sequential FMS: It manufactures one-piece part batch type and then planning and preparation is
carried out for the next piece part batch type to be manufactured. It operates like a small batch
flexible transfer line.
Random FMS: It manufactures any random mix of piece part types at any one time.
Dedicated FMS: It continually manufactures, for extended periods, the same but limited mix of
piece part batch types.
Engineered FMS: It manufactures the same mix of part types throughout its lifetime.
Modular FMS: A modular FMS, with a sophisticated FMS host, enables and FMS user to expand
their FMS capabilities in a stepwise fashion into any of the previous four types of FMS.

2. FMS components
The basic components of FMS are:
1. Workstations
2. Automated Material Handling and Storage system.
3. Computer Control System
1. Workstations: Presently workstations are typically computer numerical control (CNC) machine.
Flexible manufacturing systems are being designed with other type of processing equipment including
inspection stations, assembly works and sheet metal presses. The various workstations are
(i) Machining centers
(ii) Load and unload stations
(iii) Assembly work stations
(iv) Inspection stations
(v) Forging stations
(vi) Sheet metal processing, etc.
2. Automated Material Handling and Storage system: The various automated material handling
systems are used to transport work parts and subassembly parts between the processing stations,
sometimes incorporating storage into function. The various functions of automated material handling
and storage system are
(i) Random and independent movement of work parts between workstations
(ii) Handling of a variety of work part configurations
(iii) Temporary storage
(iv) Convenient access for loading and unloading of work parts
(v) Compatible
3. Computer Control System: It is used to coordinate the activities of the processing stations and the
material handling system in the FMS. The various functions of computer control system are:
(i) Control of each work station
(ii) Distribution of control instruction to work station
(iii) Production control
(vi) Traffic control
(v) Shuttle control
(vi) Work handling system and monitoring
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(vii) System performance monitoring and reporting

The FMS is most suited for the mid variety, mid value production range.
3. FMS Lavout Configurations.
i. The In-Line Layout
In the in-line layout, the machines and handling system are arranged in a straight line In its simplest
form. the parts progress from one workstation to the next in a well-defined sequence, with work always
moving in one direction and no back flow

Fig: In-line FMS layouts:

ii. The Loop Layout
The parts usually move in one direction around the loop, with the capability to stop and be
transferred to any station. The loading and unloading station are typically located at one end of the

Fig: FMS loop layout

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iii. The Ladder Layout

It consists of a loop with rungs between the straight sections of the loop,on which workstations are
located, .The rungs increase the possible ways of getting from one machine to the next, and obviate the
need for a secondary handling system. This reduces average travel distance and minimizes congestion
in the handling system, thereby reducing transport time between workstations.

Fig: FMS ladder layout

iv. The Open Field Layout
It consists of multiple loops and ladders and may include sidings as well. This layout type is generally
appropriate for processing a large family of parts. The number of different machine types may be
limited, and parts are routed to different workstations depending on which one becomes available first.

Figure- Open field FMS layout

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v. The Robot-Centered Cell

It uses one or more robots as the material handling system. Industrial robots can be equipped with
grippers that make them well suited for the handling of rotational parts, and robot-centered FMS
layouts are often used to process cylindrical or disk-shaped parts
4. FMS Applications
The concept of flexible automation is applicable to a variety of manufacturing operations.
FMS technology is most widely applied in machining operations. Other applications include sheet
metal press working, forging, and assembly
Result- Case study on flexible manufacturing system is done successfully.

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