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TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning
Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Name of the tool

Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Sign up as a teacher using an email and password. After registering,
proceed through the setup section, filling in any relevant information.
After setting up a group, email the invite code to students who may then
join. Group settings/management, profile settings, announcements and
connection settings are all available from the home page.
A teacher might use Edmodo to involve a local banking staff to interact
with their 9th grade math class about the importance of algebra.
Another use would be to use the posting application to give writing
prompts to an 11th grade AP English class that they would be able to
reply to directly. Teachers may also invite co-techers into the groups to
allow, for instance, the entire Science department of a high school to
interact with their students to help prep them for their SATs.
Pros: Edmodo provides a social medium for classrooms that is familiar
and aesthetically pleasing. Accountability is assured with the lack of
anonymous postings. Edmodos sorting of new posts to the front works
well with assignment postings and communication. Easy group
management allows for seamless transitions between projects.
Integration with Google Drive and Windows Explorer allow for easy file
Cons: Internet access is required to view postings. Students may
communicate without teacher oversight. Risks mixing social networking
and productivity.
Sign up using desired account type. After signing up, rooms may be
managed through the settings panel. After a room is set up with desired
groups, everyone may work collaboratively using the drawing app.
A teacher can post an assignment to create a scene from a text to
different groups of their 5th grade class. A teacher may select particular
students of their 12th grade Engineering class to moderate a group and
make the preliminary drawing to an upcoming project. A tutor of a
struggling student may work with them remotely to go over
mathematics foundations using an inviting medium.
Pros: Stronger communication is facilitated between students and
teachers by the ability for both to work together remotely. The artistic
medium allows for a less stressful work environment.Real-time
collaboration allows for higher productivity.
Cons: Requires internet access at all times. The learning curve is high for
a drawing app. Lack of a changelog allows for anonymous drawings and
communication between students with no possibility of direct oversight.

TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Google Docs
Sign in using a Google account. Start a new document from the top
panel, or manage an existing document beneath. After selecting a
document, edit as needed and share/comment as desired.
A teacher may have students of their 10th grade English class write a
poem in Google Docs, share that poem with 5 members of their class,
receive feedback from them and the teacher, then finalize their work
before submission. A teacher may have the class Rubric posted and
require their new 7th grade class to underline certain passages. An
elementary school teacher may utilize Google Docs to share IEP
information simultaneously with a guidance counselor, principal,
student, parent, and department head.
Pros: Google Docs synergizes well with each step of the assignment
process, from creation to review. It also allows instructors insight of the
progression of a project. Its autosave feature ensures no assignments
may be forgotten or left behind.
Cons: Google Docs is limited to text-based assignments. A network
connection is required to participate or view assignments. Google Docs
lacks any interesting aesthetics.

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