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Name: Kirsten Jacob

Period: 1/2
Day: A or B

Answer the three questions below, in a 1
00 word or more paragraph in the space below using
RED text. Watch the Guernica 3D video and look at the painting Guernica on the project
website to help answer these questions. Save this to your G
oogle drive, and Hand it into the
Dropbox on Haiku.
What details in the painting catch your attention?
What questions of curiosity are sparked by the painting?
What conclusions can you make that are based on information in the painting?
Some of the details in the painting that catch my attention are all the animals looking
things in the picture. All of the different little pictures grab my attention when I look at it.
The lightbulb in the sun also grabs my attention. Why are there so many random
pictures? Why is there a lightbulb inside the sun? Why do the people look like they need
help? Why there what seems to be little shapes? Based on the way the picture looks like,
I can conclude that the artist was very creative. The artist couldve had a lot on his mind
because there is a lot going on. I can really tell that the artist is a talented guy.

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