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Laoag City

I, KIM BO, 25 years old, single, resident of Brgy. 54-B Camangaan,
Laoag City, after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, depose
and say that:
1. I am a 4th year law student of Northwestern University in Butchong,
Laoag City.
2. On or about 9:00 in the evening of November 22, 2016, after our class
ended I was with my boyfriend KenKen Sunday since we are
classmates in Northwestern University College of Law.
3. KenKen Sunday was driving his Toyota Land Cruiser with a plate
number UTO 666.
4. On the same evening at around 9:30 KenKen Sunday and I together
with our professor Atty. Mariel Calumag were about to go home when
we saw RHEA LOU CASH standing in front of the school in the
empanada stand.
5. Upon seeing Rhea Lou, Atty. Mariel Calumag said Ni Rhea Lou
didjy? (Is that Rhea Lou?) I replied and said Wen Maam (Yes,
6. When the car stopped in front of the gate of Northwestern University
Atty Mariel said, KenKen, ilugan mo kadin ket kaasi met isuna awan
kadwa na rabiin. (KenKen, can you give her a ride, shes alone and
its already late)
7. KenKen replied and said Okay Maam so he parked his car near the
empanada stand.
8. KenKen went out the car to ask Rhea Lou I heard him say Mekan
Rhea Lou, ilugan kan, agpalaoag ak met (Come Rhea Lou, Ill
give you a ride, its already late)
9. Rhea Lou refused KenKens offer so KenKen came back and he said
to us Haan na met kayat! (She doesnt want to)
10. Atty. Mariel said Pilitem isuna, kaasi na ne, memesa na, ibagam
nga iyuray tay latan nga ada masada na nga tricycle (Persuade
her, shes alone, just tell her that well wait for her until she has a
tricycle ride
11. KenKen went out again to ask Rhea Lou after some time, he again
asked Rhea Lou to come with us.
12. After around 30 minutes Rhea Lou decided to come, she was
surprised to see that I was there together with Atty. Mariel.
13. Rhea Lou said OMG, ada kay gayam dikay nalasin, sorry naguray
kay pay (OMG, you are here, I didnt recognized you, sorry, I kept
you waiting
14. I replied, Wen sis, haan mo talaga malasin kasi tinted detuy
lugan (Yes sis, you cannot recognize us because the car is tinted).
15.When we are near Laoag City General Hospital (LCGH) Rhea Lou
suddenly said, that she wants to go back since her friend is already
waiting in front of the school.
16. KenKen was hesitant since its already, its already passed 10 in the
evening but Rhea Lou insisted to go back.

17.While going back, Rhea Lou told KenKen if she could borrow his
yellow long sleeves because its cold outside. I looked at KenKen and
he just nodded his head up and down.
18. Rhea Lou even said that she missed riding the car of KenKen and that
she is happy for the both of us, I just smiled because I know that she
still has feelings for KenKen because she still keeps on sending text
messages to KenKen saying that she still loves him and that she will
do everything to get back at him for leaving her.
19. KenKen made a turn and went back in front of the school near the
Stonehouse Caf.
20. I asked her if she has plans she replied and said Wen sis, kadwak tay
barkadak ingkam ag raket (Yes sis, Im with my friend, we have a
21. When we dropped her out we saw that there were no people around
so KenKen asked her Sigurado ka nga dituy ka agbaba? Awan met ty
kadwam (Are you sure that well drop you here? Your friend is not
22. Rhea Lou insisted that we should go now and she even made a
flirtatious comment to KenKen, she said Oy, concern ka, so love nak
pelang aya, dont worry, later Ill be wearing nothing but you t-shirt
on, ay, long sleeves gayam! Ha ha ha. (Youre concern, so you still
love me? Dont worry, later Ill be wearing nothing but your t-shirt on,
---, long sleeves rather)
23.I told KenKen that we should go and leave her there because shes
flirting and Im starting to get annoyed.
24.Atty. Mariel said that we should go since its already very late and she
needs to be home so we left her there alone near the Stonehouse Caf,
we did not see anyone with her she was just standing there.
25.We dropped Atty. Mariel Calumag in front of Hyper Market Laoag
and KenKen and I went to grab some late dinner at McDonalds near
the market of Laoag and we went home.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hands this 5 th day of
December 2016 at Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines.
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 5 th day of December 2016
at Laoag City, Ilocos Norte, Philippines.

Doc. No. 222

Page No. 222
Book No. 22
Series of 2016.


Notary Public
Until Dec. 31, 2016
PTR. No. 2222 01/04/15 LC
IBP No. 12345 01/04/15 LC
SC Roll No. 999 TIN: 88-11-22
MCLE Comp. Cert. No. A-3333, 01/06/15

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