Nutrikids Users Guide

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Menu Planning User Guide

Version 17.x | June 2016

Menu Planning Users Guide
Copyright Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.
787 Elmgrove Road, Building 1
Rochester, New York 14624

This publication may not be reproduced in part or in whole, without the prior written permission of Heartland
Payment Systems, Inc.
NUTRIKIDS is a registered trademark of Heartland Payment Systems, Inc.

Table of Contents
Process Flow....................................................................................................................2
Ingredients Definition.................................................................................................2
Recipes Definition......................................................................................................2
Menus Definition........................................................................................................2

Section 1 - Ingredients...........................................................................................................3
Add Ingredients................................................................................................................3
Adding a Class Code....................................................................................................4
Measurement Tab......................................................................................................5
Nutrients Tab..............................................................................................................6
Purchasing Info Tab....................................................................................................7
Buying Guide Tab .................................................................................................. 8
Miscellaneous Tab......................................................................................................8

Modify and Review Ingredients........................................................................................9

Activating and Deactivating Ingredients.........................................................................10
List/Print Ingredients.....................................................................................................11
Section 2 - Recipes...............................................................................................................13
Add Recipes...................................................................................................................14
Add or Rename a Recipe Group Code.......................................................................29
Add/Modify Attributes.............................................................................................30

Modify/Review Recipes.................................................................................................31

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Duplicate Recipes.....................................................................................................32

Activate/Deactivate Recipes...........................................................................................33
Recipe List/Print.............................................................................................................34
Recipe List by Group.................................................................................................35
Recipe List by Source................................................................................................36
Recipe List Alphabetically/Numerically.....................................................................37
Recipe List Individually.............................................................................................38
Recipe List of Inactive Recipes..................................................................................39
Cost Details List .......................................................................................................39
Audit Report.............................................................................................................40
Component List........................................................................................................41
HACCP Process List...................................................................................................42
Recipes Used in Menus.............................................................................................43
Export Recipes..........................................................................................................44
Subgroup List............................................................................................................45
Attributes List...........................................................................................................46
Allergens List............................................................................................................47

Custom Recipe Reports..................................................................................................48

Sizing/Prep Reports.......................................................................................................49
Traditional Format....................................................................................................50
Resize Sheet.............................................................................................................51
Preparation Sheet.....................................................................................................52
Nutrition Fact Label..................................................................................................53
Nutrient Fact Label & Recipe Photo..........................................................................54

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Recipe with Photo..................................................................................55

Custom Worksheet...................................................................................................56

Ingredient Search...........................................................................................................57
Ingredient Search in a Recipe....................................................................................57
Sub-Recipe Search....................................................................................................58
Ingredient Search and Replace..................................................................................59

Food Source List.............................................................................................................60

Quick Recipe..................................................................................................................61
HACCP Instructions........................................................................................................63
Creating New HACCP Instructions.............................................................................63
Modifying HACCP Instructions..................................................................................64
Deleting HACCP Instructions.....................................................................................64

HACCP SOPs..................................................................................................................65
Viewing SOPs...........................................................................................................65
Customizing SOPs....................................................................................................65
Deleting Customized SOPs.......................................................................................67

Farm to School Setup.....................................................................................................68

Section 3 - Menus................................................................................................................69
Enter/Modify Menus......................................................................................................70
Access Menus in Calendar Format............................................................................70
Menu Planning Screen Overview..............................................................................71
Entering Menus Items (recipe) in Calendar Format...................................................71
Meal Totals and Planned Quantities.........................................................................73

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Reimbursable Meal Groups......................................................................................75

Recipe Sheets...........................................................................................................79
Entering Production Quantity...................................................................................82
Production Quantity Review Screen..........................................................................85
Copy Menu...............................................................................................................87

Nutrient Analysis...........................................................................................................92
Average Daily Nutrient Values..................................................................................92
Nutrient Breakdown.................................................................................................93
Nutrient Breakdown - New Range............................................................................94
Nutrient Analysis for Individual Nutrients.................................................................96
Nutrient Breakdown Summary Report......................................................................97
Weekly Preview........................................................................................................99
Weekly Requirements............................................................................................ 101

Menus List/Print..........................................................................................................105
Menu Spreadsheets................................................................................................ 106

Menu Calendar Report.................................................................................................118

Create a Menu Calendar Report.............................................................................. 118

Menu Options..............................................................................................................120
Preview or Print List.....................................................................................................120
Modifying the Page Layout ..........................................................................................121
Contribution Reports....................................................................................................122
Menu Contribution Report .................................................................................... 122

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Meal Group Contribution Report..................................................................................123

Production Plan Report................................................................................................124
RCCI/Head Start Menu Report......................................................................................125
Menu Calendar Web Creator........................................................................................126
Item Popularity Report.................................................................................................127
What If Excel Worksheet.........................................................................................128
Weekly Requirements Report (Variable Length Weeks)................................................129
Weekly Requirements Report - sample................................................................... 130

Search & Replace Menu Item ......................................................................................131

Cycle Menu Entry.........................................................................................................132
Menu Defaults.............................................................................................................134
Adding Defaults to a Menu...........................................................................................135
Cycle Menu Entry: Copy Cycle Menus...........................................................................136
Moving Cycle Menus....................................................................................................137
Cycle Menu Spreadsheet Report..................................................................................138
Cycle Menu Spreadsheet Detailed Report.....................................................................140
Cycle Menu Spreadsheet Component List.....................................................................142
Export to Comma Delimited Text File............................................................................143
Cycle Menu Calendar Report........................................................................................144
Cycle Menu Production List..........................................................................................146
Search and Replace Cycle Menu Item ..........................................................................147
Menu Name and Nutrient Standards............................................................................148
Breakfast................................................................................................................ 149

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Lunch..................................................................................................................... 149

Establish School Sites/Buildings...................................................................................151

Production Site Assignments........................................................................................152
Section 4 - Production.......................................................................................................153
Production Quantities Function....................................................................................154
Entering Production Quantities Manually for Each School Site......................................155
Add Quantities Manually........................................................................................ 155
A La Carte Meals .................................................................................................... 156
Bulk Entries............................................................................................................ 157
Entering Leftovers .................................................................................................. 158

Production Quantities: Proportional Auto-Fill...............................................................159

Production Quantities: Served Numbers Post Production.............................................161
Production Records .....................................................................................................162
Changing a Measure in a Production Record.................................................................164
Using the Round Column........................................................................................ 166

Report Generator Formats II.........................................................................................167

Duplicating Formats ............................................................................................... 168
Moving Formats Up/Down..................................................................................... 168
Deleting Formats.................................................................................................... 168
Restoring Formats ................................................................................................. 168
Export Formats ...................................................................................................... 169
Import Formats...................................................................................................... 170

Creating a Report Style From Scratch ...........................................................................170

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Overview of Information Fields on the Report Generator ............................................173

Blank Column......................................................................................................... 173
Recipe Number....................................................................................................... 173
Recipe Name.......................................................................................................... 173
Recipe & Ingredients (Offered, Planned, & Served)................................................. 173
Source of Recipe .................................................................................................... 173
Portion Size: Required for multiple menus. ............................................................ 174
Food Based Components........................................................................................ 174
NSMP..................................................................................................................... 174
Menu Item Cost...................................................................................................... 175
Short/Leftover........................................................................................................ 175
Waste..................................................................................................................... 175
Production Notes................................................................................................... 175
Purchasing Guide.................................................................................................... 175
Serving Notes......................................................................................................... 175
Miscellaneous Notes.............................................................................................. 175
HACCP Process....................................................................................................... 175
Planned Quantity ................................................................................................... 176
Offered Quantity ................................................................................................... 177
Served Quantity..................................................................................................... 178

Production Summary List: Planned Quantities..............................................................179

Production Summary List: Offered Quantities...............................................................181
Production Summary List: Served Quantities................................................................183
Production Planning Recap Report ..............................................................................185

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Shopping List................................................................................................................187
Section 5 - Costing and Inventory.......................................................................................189
Cost Update.................................................................................................................190
Inventory Worksheets..................................................................................................191
Inventory by Class.................................................................................................. 191
Inventory Alphabetically......................................................................................... 192
Inventory Numerically............................................................................................ 193
Inventory of Commodities...................................................................................... 194

Enter Physical Count.....................................................................................................195

Inventory Value Report................................................................................................197
Inventory Value Report by Class............................................................................. 197
Inventory Value Report Alphabetically.................................................................... 198
Inventory Value Report Numerically....................................................................... 199
Inventory Value Report USDA Commodities............................................................ 200

Reset Physical Inventory...............................................................................................201

Recipe Cost Recalculation.............................................................................................202
Section 6 - Conversions......................................................................................................203
Using the Conversion Tab.............................................................................................204
Metric Conversions................................................................................................. 204
Metric Equivalents by Weight................................................................................. 204
Metric Equivalents by Volume................................................................................ 205

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Volume Equivalents for Liquids............................................................................... 205

Sizes and Capacities of Scoops (Dishers)................................................................. 205
Sizes and Capacities of Ladles................................................................................. 206
Raw to Cooked Factor for Selected Vegetables........................................................ 206
Grain/Bread Alternatives for Food-Based Menus.................................................... 206
Moisture and Fat Change Values (%)....................................................................... 207

Conversion Calculator..................................................................................................207
Section 7 - Tools ................................................................................................................208
Backing up NUTRIKIDS Data.........................................................................................209
Restoring NUTRIKIDS Data...........................................................................................211
Reorganizing NUTRIKIDS..............................................................................................213
Verification Report.......................................................................................................214
Accessing the Calculator ..............................................................................................215
Conversion Table .........................................................................................................216
Data Transfer Utility (Exporting)...................................................................................217
Exporting Ingredients...................................................................................................217
Exporting Recipes................................................................................................... 219
Exporting Menu Planning....................................................................................... 221
Exporting Cycle Menus........................................................................................... 223

Data Transfer Utility (Importing)...................................................................................225

Importing Ingredients, Recipes, and Menus............................................................ 225
Duplicate Finder..................................................................................................... 227

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Deactivate Ingredients ................................................................................................228

Deactivate Recipes ......................................................................................................229
Recipe HACCP Process..................................................................................................230
Recipe Component Entry .............................................................................................231
Focus Tab................................................................................................................ 232
Printing Tab............................................................................................................ 233
Search Tab.............................................................................................................. 234
General Tab............................................................................................................ 235
Navigator Tab ........................................................................................................ 236
Attributes Tab......................................................................................................... 237
Allergens Tab.......................................................................................................... 238
Database................................................................................................................ 239
Network User Access Rights ................................................................................... 240
Register.................................................................................................................. 243
Food Based Components Update............................................................................ 244
FitFuture Newsletters............................................................................................. 245

Child Nutrition Database Update..................................................................................246

Section 8 - Help.................................................................................................................248

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

The Menu Planning software is separated into tabs that are modules of the program. Upon the initial
opening of the software the following screen displays. The tabs and menus at the top of the screen have
the same options.

The following table provides a brief description for each tab.




Ingredients represent the inventory of products that you typically store in
your freezers, storerooms or walk-in coolers.
The recipes include the menu items that you have available on the serving
The Menus tab allows you to enter menus based on the recipes you will
serve, establish the menu names and set your target nutrient standards.
The Production tab provides functionality for creating and managing
production records. This module is available as an optional system add-on
and requires a license purchase for activation.
The Costing tab provides functionality to manage physical counts and product
costs. This module is available as an optional system add-on and requires a
license purchase for activation.
The Conversions tab provides conversion tables for yield factors, scoop sizes,
ladle sizes, and more.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Process Flow
The process flow for creating menus is as follows: addition/modification of ingredients, creation of
recipes from ingredients, creation of menus from recipes.

Ingredients Definition
Ingredients = Inventory.

NUTRIKIDS uses the newest USDA Child Nutrition

Database Release including over 4,000 ingredients
with nutrient values and the Food Buying Guide.
You can also find over 15,000 Brand Name and
Industry products with their nutrient analysis. You
can add your own local ingredients, modify existing
ingredients, add purchase information and more.

Recipes Definition
Recipes = Menu Items
NUTRIKIDS contains over 450 recipes from the
USDA, Team Nutrition, the Almond Board and
others. You can add your own local recipes, modify
existing recipes, add instructions (including HACCP),
resize the recipes and more.

Menus Definition
Menus are created in calendar or cycle formats,
and used to specify portion size and projected meal
totals to generate an average nutrient analysis of
the menu. You can copy from cycle to monthly
calendar, monthly to cycle menus and from one
age/grade group to another.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Section 1 - Ingredients
The Ingredients tab enables you to access the USDA database, add local ingredients, activate and
deactivate ingredients, and print a list of ingredients.

Add Ingredients
Perform the following procedure to add a new ingredient to your database.
1. Click the Ingredients tab.
2. Click Add.
3. Enter a description.

Use a descriptive name for the ingredient. The description is used to identify the ingredient when
creating a recipe.

Use your inventory product specification sheet to write the description.

Start the description with a generic term, followed by more specific information, and then
add the manufacturer and product number if there is enough space.

For example, Chicken Patty, BRD CKD McCarty 10651 is a very descriptive name.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

4. From the Class drop-down menu, select a class code. The list contains the established
classifications for all ingredients from the USDA Child Nutrition Database.

Adding a Class Code

If a class is not listed, perform the following procedure to add a new class.
1. Click the + (plus sign) button.

2. Click Add New.

3. Enter the Class and Class Description.

4. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Measurement Tab
Measurement descriptions should reflect all ways the ingredient will be used in recipes, serving lines,
production records, and inventory lists, with a weight corresponding to the measure.
The following table provides examples of ingredient use and measurement descriptions.
Ingredient Use
Serving Line

Chicken Patty

Stock Unit

Measurement descriptions
CASE 6/#10, CASE 4/1GAL,
8/10# BAGS
#10 CAN, 1 GAL, 10# BAGS

1. Click the first available measurement field below LB.

Note: Do not remove the LB measurement.

2. Enter a description for the measurement. The description should identify how the ingredient
is used in recipes, serving lines, production records, and inventory lists. The following list
includes some measurement examples.




3. Type the actual (net) weight of the measurement. When using a volume measurement such
as CUP, enter the actual weight of one cup. For example, one cup of corn syrup weighs more
than one cup of marshmallows.
4. From the O/L/G drop down, select the appropriate type of weight (ounces, grams, pounds).

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Nutrients Tab
Use the nutrition facts label on the product or the laboratory analysis to enter the nutrient values of
your ingredient.
1. Click the Nutrients tab.
2. Enter the base weight from which nutritional information is based on: this may not always be the
serving size weight.
3. Select the appropriate measure description from the drop-down menu next to Base Weight.
4. Enter a nutrient value for each of the nutrients listed on the nutrition fact label.
5. If the nutrient value is zero, less than one, or an insignificant amount, type 0.
Vitamin A, C, Calcium and Iron
Enter these values as a percentage if you have a nutrition facts label, actual amounts, or a laboratory
analysis. If the nutrition facts label states there are insignificant amounts of the nutrient, enter 0
for the nutrient value.
Note: When entering values for Vitamin A, make sure you are only entering data based on international
units (IU), not retinol equivalent (RE). If you only have access to the vitamin A RE value you may use the
calculation (IU=REx5) to determine IU value.
These nutrient values are only available for ingredients that have undergone laboratory analysis. Enter

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

zeros or N/A for Water and Ash if you do not have a value for them.

Purchasing Info Tab

Enter descriptions for purchase information.
1. Enter the manufacturers name in the Manufacturer Name field.
2. Enter the product number for the ingredient.
3. Enter the description for the purchase unit. (For example, Case/6- #10 cans. Think of how
the product is delivered when entering this.)

4. Select the stock unit from the stock unit desc drop-down menu. If the desired stock unit is
not available, you will need to create it by going to the Measurement tab and filling in the
appropriate fields.
5. Enter the number of stock units per purchase units (for example, if there are 12 cans in a
case, enter 12).
6. Select Yes if the product is a commodity or No if it is not.
7. Enter the market cost per purchase unit if the ingredient is not a commodity, or enter the
commodity value per purchase unit if the ingredient is a commodity.
8. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Buying Guide Tab

Click the Buying Guide tab to view the yield data, volume, and weight measurements for the specified
ingredient. The Buying Guide is available for selected ingredients from the USDA database.
The Buying Guide tab is read-only and contains the following:

Information for planning and calculating the required quantities of food to be purchased
and used.

The number of servings per purchase unit for component crediting

Data that can be used in determining a commercial products contribution toward meal
pattern requirements in the CN label review process.

Component yields for commercial products. You can also use this information to determine
component yields for new products not in the buying guide.

Yield data to determine the ingredients cooked or ready to serve quantity as part of a

Miscellaneous Tab
The Miscellaneous tab displays detailed information for Ingredients from the USDA database. You cannot
edit the information about the product from this tab.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Modify and Review Ingredients

You can modify measurements, descriptions, class codes, and nutrient data on items you have entered.
For USDA items, descriptions can be modified and new measurements can be added, but nutrient data
cannot be modified. To search for an ingredient to modify, follow these steps.
1. Click Ingredients.

2. Click Modify/Review.
3. Choose a search option:
a. Ingredient or Description
b. CN Code
c. Manufacturer
d. Product #
e. USDA Commodity/Recipe Code.
4. Enter the search criteria. You can include inactive items by selecting Include Deactivated

5. Click Search or press Enter.

6. Click the desired ingredient.
7. Click Open or press Enter.
When reviewing ingredients, you have the ability to modify information about them. This process is
virtually identical to the process for adding the ingredient. Follow the steps in the previous section to
modify ingredient weights, descriptions, measurements, class codes, and so on.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Activating and Deactivating Ingredients

To hide items that you no longer want to see in your database, use the following steps to deactivate the
1. Click Ingredients.
2. Click Activate/Deact. A list of all ingredients displays.
3. Enter the Ingredient number or description into the Search field and press Enter.
4. Highlight the desired Ingredient and click Activate/Deact. You can also double-click the
5. You will now see ZZZZZ in the column to the right of the description. This means that the
ingredient will no longer show up in the list of ingredients in the Modify/Review screen.
6. If you want to reactivate an item that has been previously deactivated, repeat steps 1-4.
7. The ZZZZZ will disappear, indicating that the ingredient will display in the database.
8. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


List/Print Ingredients
NUTRIKIDS comes preloaded with more than 6,500 ingredients from the USDA Child Nutrition
Database. You can view them on the screen or print lists of these ingredients in a variety of formats.
1. Click Ingredients.
2. Click List/Print.

You can generate the following types of lists:

By Class: You can select a specific ingredient class to list, or create a list including all
ingredient classes.

Alphabetical: You can specify a low and high range, such as A through E, or leave them blank
to include A through Z.

Numerical: You can specify a low and high range such as 1000 through 1999, or leave them
blank to include 1 to 99999.

Deactivated Ingredients: You can list the ingredients that have been deactivated. This list is
useful in identifying deactivated ingredients that you might want to reactivate

Local Ingredients Only: This option lists only those ingredients you have added or have been
added by NUTRIKIDS.

Ingredients Used in Recipes Only: This option lists only those ingredients presently used in

Deactivated Ingredients Used in Recipes Only: This option lists all deactivated ingredients
that are currently in a recipes. This list is useful in identifying ingredients that either need to
be reactivated or otherwise substituted.

Missing Nutrient Data List: Missing nutrients will be identified with an x in a column to the
right of the ingredient name (except water and ash).

Commodities Only: This option lists all commodity ingredients, including all USDA
commodities and any ingredient that you select as being a commodity under the purchase
info tab of the ingredient.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


3. Based on your selection, you will be prompted with criteria for how to refine your search. Fill
out the appropriate fields and click Next.
4. Select a Detail List or Summary List. The Detail List contains the following fields:
a. Ingredient Name
b. Long Description
c. Source
d. Manufacturer
e. Product Number
f. Measurements
g. Nutrients for 100 gm
h. Nutrients per Serving
5. A Complete Detail list includes all details about the listed ingredients. A Summary with
Nutrient Data includes the ingredient name and the nutrient values per 100 grams. A
Summary with Source/Manufacturer includes the ingredient name, number, class, product
number, manufacturer, and source.
6. Click Preview to assemble the list. Use the scroll bars to page through the list. If there is
more than one page of ingredients, click Page at the top of the screen. The single arrow lists
one page at a time, and the double arrow will forward to the last page of the list.

7. Click Print to print the list.

8. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Section 2 - Recipes
The Recipes tab is used to edit menu items. In this section, you will learn how to:

Use the USDA Recipe database.

Add your own local recipes.

Duplicate recipes.

Activate and deactivate recipes.

Print a list of recipes.

Scale a recipe.

Use the HACCP functions.

Work with HACCP SOPs.

Add a picture to a recipe.

Work with attributes.

Work with allergens.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Add Recipes
Remember, even if the item is a single item with only one ingredient, you will still need to add it as a
recipe before it can be placed on the menu.
1. On the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Add.
3. The next available recipe number is automatically assigned. You may change the recipe
number to another number as long as that number has not already been taken. If the
number has been taken, you will be prompted to choose a new number when you click Save.
Once the recipe has been saved, you will not be able to change the number.

4. Add a recipe name.

a. Select the Recipe Name field.
b. Enter a name for the recipe using up to 30 characters.

Note: If you use a colon (:) in the recipe name, anything entered after the colon will not show up on
your calendar report or in your NUTRIKIDS Calendar Artist program.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. Select a recipe group code from the Recipe Group Code drop-down menu.
6. You also have the option to select a HACCP process from the HACCP Process drop-down

7. You have the option to enter an alternate menu name in the Alternate Menu Name field.
This is the name that will appear on the Menu Calendar report and in NUTRIKIDS Calendar
Artist. Use this function to market the menu items or to highlight holidays or special events.

Note: If you do not want the recipe name to appear on a printout, enter Skip as the alternate
menu name. When using Skip for condiments, the item is still included in the nutrient analysis.
8. In the Source of Recipe field, enter where a recipe originated, such as from a magazine or
another school district.
9. Enter the number of portions this recipe will serve in the Number of Portions field. Many
recipes from brand-name products will be created for one portion, while scratch recipes will
be for multiple portions.
10. Enter a portion size, such as each, 1/2 cup, and so on, in the Portion Size field. Using
each, tbsp, tsp, oz, fl oz, and cup provides adjustable portion sizes for menu planning. When
entering portion sizes, be consistent. Use either all lowercase or all capital letters (oz or OZ,
but not Oz). Do not use any punctuation or make anything plural.
11. Select the Ingredient tab.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


12. In the I/R column, select if the ingredient being added to the recipe is from the ingredients

database or the recipes database. The value defaults at I, so if you need to use a sub-recipe,
enter R.

Note: Ingredients are individual food items. While items such as salt are commonly thought of as
ingredients, products that are prepared when purchased, such as canned soup, corn dogs, and
chicken nuggets, are also ingredients. A sub-recipe is a recipe used within another recipe. For
example, a recipe for tomato sauce can be used as a sub-recipe for spaghetti or lasagna.
13. Search for an ingredient or sub-recipe.
a. In the Ingredient or Sub-Recipe column, enter the first few characters of the ingredient
or sub-recipe name and press Enter.
b. A window will display on the right side of the screen with the ingredients/sub-recipes
listed in alphabetical order, starting with the letters entered. Scroll through the list and
highlight the desired ingredient/sub-recipe.
c. Click Select or double-click the desired item to select it.

Note: You can also add an ingredient by entering its ingredient number in the Ing # field and pressing

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


14. Enter a quantity for the ingredient or sub-recipe in the Quantity field.
15. Select a measurement to use for the ingredient or sub-recipe from the Measurement dropdown menu.

Note: If your ingredient or sub-recipe requires a second measurement, such as 10 lb, 4 oz, you
will enter it in same way as the first measurement: enter the quantity and select the measurement.
If there are more measurements than the view window can hold, you can scroll left or right for
additional choices.

16. Continue entering ingredients and sub-recipes until all the necessary components are
entered. To verify that your information is entered correctly, click the Nutrient tab. If the
numbers are either too high or too low, check the Recipe Info and Ingredient tabs to see if
your information was entered properly.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


17. Select the Nutrients tab. The Nutrients tab does not require any data entry. NUTRIKIDS will
automatically display the nutritional values for each ingredient and for the total recipe per
portion size.

18. Select the Instruction tab.

19. You can enter up to 12 instructional steps per recipe, each step being a letter from A to L.
Assign the first step letter, A, to the first ingredients used by clicking the column to the left of
the ingredient and selecting it or typing it in.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


20. Click Step A. A blank white box will appear.

21. Enter the instructions referencing the ingredients labeled with A.

22. Use the formatting toolbar to modify the text as needed.

23. When finished entering step instructions, click Save. The corresponding step button, in this
case Step A, will turn pink after instructions have been entered.
24. Repeat steps 20-24 for each step needed to complete the recipe. To view a recipe with
instructions, click Preview Instructions.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


25. For any steps where it is necessary, you may add HACCP notes to the instructions.
a. From within the Recipe Instruction screen, click the HACCP function located on the menu
b. You have the ability to choose HACCP notes you would like to add above and below the
recipe instructions.
c. Double click the HACCP note that you would like to add to the step. You can see a
full view of what the note says by clicking it once and viewing the text in the preview
window at the bottom.
d. To change the order in which the notes are printed, select the note and click either Move
Up or Move Down.

e. When finished, click Done. You will now see HACCP Note is Attached in red in the lower
right corner.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


f. Click Close. To view a recipe with HACCP notes, click Preview Instructions.
26. Click the Misc tab.
27. Next, you have the option to add components to the recipe. Components will be rounded
down to the nearest creditable portion. Components measured in cups will be rounded to
the nearest 1/8 cup, and components measured in ounces will be rounded to the nearest 1/4
oz. This information will appear on print-outs for individual recipes and will be available to
use in the Production Records module.
a. Click Food Based Components.
b. Click the box next to the component group you want to credit. The recipe needs to be
assessed for its contribution to the following component groups: Meat/ALT, Grains, Fruit,
Vegetable, and Milk.
c. If the Meat/Meat Alternate component is counted as a grain during breakfast, select the
Count as Grain during Breakfast check box.
d. Identify the amount of credit for the component group and enter the amount for the
specific component. You can use decimals or fractions. This information is based on your
specific menu planning option.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Note: Use your Food Buying Guide or check with your state agency for details on component
crediting for your specific menu planning option.
28. Enter moisture and fat changes. The moisture and fat changes can be found in your Nutrient
Analysis Protocols. This should only be used for items that will be deep fried.
a. In the Type of Fat window, enter oil.

b. Click List Fat.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


c. Highlight the desired fat from the list and press Enter.

29. Enter additional details needed for the recipe under Recipe Details.
30. Enter further notes on the recipe under Notes.

31. Under Farm to School, select the farm from which you receive items in this recipe. These
farms need to be set up in the Farm to School Setup screen on the Recipe tab.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


32. Under Subgroups, select the subgroups for this recipe.

a. Click a cell in the Subgroup column and select a subgroup from the drop-down menu.
b. Enter a serving amount. All food-based components will be rounded down to the nearest
creditable portion. Components measured in cups will be rounded to the nearest 1/8
cup, and components measured in ounces will be rounded to the nearest 1/4 oz.

c. If the component is a vegetable, select a vegetable type from the drop-down menu.

d. If you selected Other Unspecified as the vegetable type, an additional column will
appear called Veg Name. Enter the type manually in this column.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


e. For recipes with milk, you can select the milk type, as well as if the milk is flavored. Click
the Milk check box and make the appropriate selections.

33. Click the Prod Spec. tab.

34. Click the Measure column.
35. To select the desired measurement for production records from the options found at the top
of the screen, double-click the measurement or enter the number that corresponds with the
measurement and press Enter.

Note: If you need an additional measurement, follow the same steps using the Second Measure

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


36. Enter a value in the Round column. There are four options available when you click the

No: Do not round this specific ingredient measurement.

Yes: Round the measurement when the ingredient is printed.

Skip: Skip this ingredient when this recipe is printed to the production record.

Blank: Leave the measure blank. Print the ingredient name but not the amount of that
specific ingredient.

37. Click the Attributes tab. Attributes are used to group recipes together. You can assign an
attribute to a group of recipes and then produce a list of all the recipes that have that
attribute assigned to it.
38. Check the boxes associated with attributes you want to assign to this recipe.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


39. Next, you have the option to add a picture corresponding to the recipe.
a. Click Browse.

b. Locate where the picture file is saved.

c. Select the picture either by highlighting it and clicking Open or double-clicking the file.

Note: If you select the wrong picture or would like to remove the picture, click Clear Photo.
d. Click Save and Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


40. Click the Allergens tab. To begin using the Allergens feature, you must read and acknowledge
the Allergen Notice and Disclaimer. Because it is so important that all users understand the
intricacies and limitations of the Allergens feature, any user with administration rights who
has not entered any allergen information will have to read and accept the disclaimer notice.
To read the disclaimer and see a list of allergens recognized by NUTRIKIDS, navigate to Tools
> Options > Allergens.
41. Attach all applicable allergens to the recipe.
a. Click Edit Allergens.

b. Next to each allergen listed, enter Y if the allergen is present, enter N if the allergen
is not present, and leave the question mark in the field if the allergen is undefined or
c. When all allergens are assigned, click Lock Allergens.
42. When finished, click Save and Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Add or Rename a Recipe Group Code

Adding or renaming a recipe group code can be done while on any tab when adding or modifying a
1. Click the + (plus sign) next to Group Code.
2. Click Add New to add a group code or Rename to rename a selected code.

3. Enter a group and group description in the appropriate fields.

4. Click Save.
5. Click Done.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Add/Modify Attributes
1. From the top toolbar, click Tools.
2. Click Options.
3. Click Attributes.
4. Click Add/Modify Attributes.
5. Add or edit attribute entries as needed.
6. Click Lock Attributes to lock in your changes.
7. When finished, click OK.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Modify/Review Recipes
The NUTRIKIDS recipe database contains approximately 450 recipes that are available for use. This
database will also contain any recipes you enter locally. You can open existing recipes and review them
or modify them. The areas that are disabled (grayed out) in USDA recipes cannot be changed or altered.
1. On the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Modify/Review.
3. Enter part of the recipe description and click Search. The list will appear in alphabetical or
numerical order, with the source to the right.
4. Open the recipe by highlighting it and clicking Open or by double-clicking it.

5. After opening the recipe, all information is available for review, and processes involved
in modifying a recipe are virtually identical to adding a recipe. Refer to the previous
steps outlined for adding recipes for specific instructions on adding and modifying recipe

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Duplicate Recipes
To ensure you maintain the integrity of the original recipe in the NUTRIKIDS database, we strongly
suggest you duplicate the original recipe before making modifications. Modifying a recipe that has been
planned on a menu in the past will change the history of that recipe and will affect your previous menus
nutritional values.
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Modify/Review.
3. Enter part of the recipe description and click Search. The list will appear in alphabetical or
numerical order, with the source on the right.
4. Open the recipe either by highlighting it and clicking Open or by double-clicking it.
5. Click Duplicate.

6. The recipe will automatically be assigned a new recipe number. You can continue to work
with this duplicated recipe to make modifications.

Note: If duplicating a USDA recipe, you will receive the following message:

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


7. The recipe name will be highlighted. Enter a new name for the duplicate recipe.
8. Enter a source for the recipe in the Source of Recipe field.
9. You can make any other changes to the duplicate recipe as needed. When finished, click
10. Click Close.

Activate/Deactivate Recipes
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Activate/Deact. This will bring up a list of all recipes.
3. Find a recipe by entering a recipe number or description in the Search window and pressing
Enter, and then highlight the recipe and click Activate/Deact or double-click it.
4. A ZZZZZZ will be placed in the column to the right of the description. This means that the
recipe will no longer show up in the list of recipes under Modify/Review and Menu Planning.
5. If you need to reactivate an item, follow steps 1-3 for the deactivated recipe. The ZZZZZZ
will disappear, which means the recipe will show up in the Recipe database and in Menu
6. When finished, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe List/Print
The Recipe List/Print screen enables you to list your recipes in a variety of formats based on the type of
information needed.

Recipe List: This option prints a list of recipes. You have the choice of listing active recipes by group,
individually, alphabetically, and numerically. You can also list inactive recipes. Choose to print the list
with or without nutrients, instructions, and ingredients. Note that recipes will only print out in portrait
orientation from the Recipe List option
Cost Details: This option lists cost details for one or more recipes. The cost information includes cost per
ingredient, cost per portion, and cost per recipe. Note that this function can only be used if you have the
Costing/Inventory module.
Audit Report: This option prints a report of each recipes nutrient information. This report can be
summarized or detailed. The summarized report will give the nutrient information per portion based on
the total recipe. The detailed report will give the nutrient information for each ingredient in the recipe
per portion.
Component List: This option prints a report of each recipe and the components credited. You can choose
the list alphabetically, by group, by source, numerically, individually, or inactive recipes with components.
The list will contain the recipe name, portion size, and amount/type of components credited.
HACCP Process List: This option lists all recipes that have a HACCP process assigned to them.
Recipes Used in Menus Only: This option prints a report of each recipe that currently appears on any
planned menus.
Export to Comma Delimited File: This option exports your NUTRIKIDS information to a comma delimited
text file.
Subgroup List: This option lists all recipe subgroups that are currently assigned to recipes.
Attributes List: This option lists all attributes that are currently assigned to recipes.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Allergens List: This option lists all allergens that are currently assigned to recipes.

Recipe List by Group

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Recipe List and click Next.
4. Select By Group and click Next.
5. The recipes will be categorized by groups. You can select a specific group or more than one
group. You can also select all groups by clicking the option Check All. Select the recipe groups

to list and click Next.

6. Click the appropriate options to include ingredients, nutrients, instructions, and components
in the list. Instead of all nutrients, you can also just list the carbohydrates in the recipes.
7. Click Preview.
8. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list.
9. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe List by Source

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Recipe List and click Next.
4. Select By Source and click Next.
5. The recipes will be categorized by their source. You can select a specific source or more than
one. You can also select to list all sources by clicking the option Check All. Select the sources
and click Next.

6. Click the appropriate options to include ingredients, nutrients, instructions, and components
in the list. Instead of all nutrients, you can also just list the carbohydrates in the recipes.
7. Click Preview.
8. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
9. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe List Alphabetically/Numerically

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Recipe List and click Next.
4. Select Alphabetical or Numerical and click Next.
5. Enter letters or numbers in the from and thru fields indicating alphabetically where you want
to begin and end the list. You can enter up to 10 characters in each field.

6. Click Next.
7. Click the appropriate options to include ingredients, nutrients, instructions, and components
in the list. Instead of all nutrients, you can also just list the carbohydrates in the recipes.
8. Click Preview.
9. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
10. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe List Individually

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Recipe List and click Next.
4. Select Individual Selection and click Next.
5. The recipe names will appear in alphabetical order, with the recipe number on the left of
the screen. Search for a recipe name by entering all or part of a name in the search field and
clicking Search.

6. Double-click the recipes you wish to select. If you want to deselect all recipes, click Clear.
7. Click Next.
8. Click the appropriate options to include ingredients, nutrients, instructions, and components
in the list. Instead of all nutrients, you can also just list the carbohydrates in the recipes.
9. Click Preview.
10. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
11. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe List of Inactive Recipes

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Recipe List and click Next.
4. Select Inactive Recipes and click Next.
5. Click the appropriate options to include ingredients, nutrients, instructions, and components
in the list. Instead of all nutrients, you can also just list the carbohydrates in the recipes.
6. Click Preview.
7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

Cost Details List

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Cost Details and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the cost details and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.
6. Click Preview.
7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

Audit Report
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Audit Report and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the Audit Report and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.

6. Click Preview.
7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Component List
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Component List and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the Component List and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.

6. Click Preview.
7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


HACCP Process List

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select HACCP Process List and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the HACCP Process List and click Next. Your options
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.

6. Click Preview.
7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipes Used in Menus

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Recipes Used in Menus Only and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the report and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.

6. Select a date range for the menus being included in the report.
7. Select a menu letter.
8. Click Preview.

9. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
10. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Export Recipes
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Export to Comma Delimited File (CSV) and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the report and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.

6. Click Export.

7. Browse to the location where you would like to save the exported list.
8. Change the file name (Optional) and click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Subgroup List
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Subgroup List and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the report and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.

6. Click Preview.
7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.

8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Attributes List
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Attributes List and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the report and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.

6. Click Preview.

7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Allergens List
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click List/Print.
3. Select Allergens List and click Next.
4. Select one of the options for organizing the report and click Next. Your options are:
a. By group
b. By source
c. Alphabetical
d. Numerical
e. Individual Selection
f. Inactive recipes
5. Enter any criteria to further refine the list, such as specific groups, alphanumeric ranges,
individual recipes, depending on the type of list you chose in step 4.
6. Click Preview.

7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. Click Print to print the list for a
physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Custom Recipe Reports

Users have the ability to customize recipe report printouts to include only certain recipe and nutrient
information using Custom Recipe Reports.
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Custom Reports.
3. Highlight the next available line and click Format Setup.

4. Select each item to include in the custom report.

5. Click Preview to see what the report headings will look like. Type a report name and click
6. The report will be listed as a custom report. Select the custom report you want to use and
click Print to open a preview for printing.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Sizing/Prep Reports
The Recipe Sizing and Preparation worksheets are combined in one function. This option lets you
temporarily adjust recipes for the number of portions or portion sizes you need to serve. You can view
the adjusted recipe on the screen or print them in a traditional or unique format.
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Sizing/Prep Reports.
3. An alphabetical list of active recipes will appear in the left window. You can either find a
recipe by scrolling through the list or by using the Search field. Once you have located the
recipe you would like to adjust, double-click it to copy it into the selection box on the right.

Note: To deselect all selected recipes, click Clear List. To deselect an individual recipe, click
the recipe and press the Delete key.
4. When you have finished selecting recipes, click Next.
5. If the recipe has an adjustable portion size (cup, oz, tbsp, tsp, fl oz, or each), enter a new
portion size in the Portion Size field. You can use fractions, whole numbers, or decimals.
6. Enter the new number of portions in the Number of Portions field. The number of portions
from the original recipe will appear on the screen.
7. If you need to change the format, click Format Setup and make any necessary changes and
click Done.
8. Click Next.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


9. Repeat steps 5-8 for each recipe that needs to be resized. When finished, click Preview.
10. Select the format of your report by clicking Format Setup. The different report styles are
actually, the styles are the following (in order): Preparation Sheet, Resize Sheet, Traditional
Format, Nutrition Fact Label, Nutrition Fact Label & Recipe Photo, Production Recipe with
Photo. Additionally, you can create your own custom report style.

Traditional Format
The Traditional Format report style is similar to the USDA recipe cards. The ingredients are on the left
and the instructions reflecting the ingredients are on the right. This report format prints in landscape and
does not allow for any modifications except for the addition of the quantity of ingredients as specified
for production records.
1. From the Format Setup screen, select Traditional Format from the format drop-down menu.
2. To add measures specified for production records, click Use Production Specification. If
desired, select Include Food Based Components and Include Ingredients from Sub-Recipes.
3. Click Done.

4. Click Preview.

5. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
6. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Resize Sheet
The Resize Sheet style comes with these default settings: portrait orientation, include instructions
(underneath ingredients), and nutrient values for one portion of the recipe. However, you can modify
this format to include instructional steps, production specification measurements, different fonts,
landscape orientation, and different page margins.
1. From the Format Setup screen, select Resize Sheet from the format drop-down menu.
2. To add options such as instruction steps and production specs, click the corresponding

Note: NUTRIKIDS for Windows does not come with any additional fonts. The list of available fonts
will depend on your font library.
3. To change page set-up options (fonts, orientation, etc), use the drop-down menu options
listed under Page Setup.
4. To change page margins, use the drop-down menu options listed under Page Margin.
5. When finished confirming your settings, click Done.

6. You will be asked if you wish to save changes made. Click Yes to save the changes.
7. Click Preview.
8. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
9. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Preparation Sheet
The Preparation Sheet report style has the following default settings: portrait orientation, and the
measurements required to produce the specified amount. However, you can modify this format to
include instructions, nutrients, instructional steps, production specification measurements, specified
fonts, page orientation, and page margins.
1. From the Format Setup screen, select Preparation Sheet from the format drop-down menu.
2. To add options such as instruction steps and production specs, click the corresponding

Note: NUTRIKIDS for Windows does not come with any additional fonts. The list of available fonts
will depend on your font library.
3. To change page set-up options (fonts, orientation, etc), use the drop-down menu options
listed under Page Setup.
4. To change page margins, use the drop-down menu options listed under Page Margin.
5. When finished confirming your settings, click Done.

6. You will be asked if you wish to save changes made. Click Yes to save the changes.
7. Click Preview.
8. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
9. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Nutrition Fact Label

The Nutrition Fact Label style allows you to print a nutrition fact label for each of the recipes you choose.
To generate a nutrition fact label, select Nutrition Fact Label as the report type and click Preview.
NUTRIKIDS automatically generates a label based on recipe and preparation information.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Nutrient Fact Label & Recipe Photo

The Nutrient Fact Label & Recipe Photo style is identical to the Nutrient Fact Label style with the addition
of a photo to accompany the nutrient fact label.
To generate a nutrition fact label with a recipe photo, select Nutrition Fact Label & Recipe Photo as
the report type and click Preview. NUTRIKIDS automatically generates a label based on recipe and
preparation information, and a photo of the recipe will be added if one exists in the recipe information.
Note: If you have not assigned a photo to the recipe, the image section will be blank.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Recipe with Photo

The Production Recipe with Photo style prints a detailed recipe that includes a photo.
To generate a production recipe with photo, select Production Recipe with Photo as the report type and
click Preview. NUTRIKIDS automatically generates a recipe based on information in the database, and a
photo of the recipe will be added if one exists in the recipe information.
Note: If you have not assigned a photo to the recipe, the image section will be blank.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Custom Worksheet
A custom report style be used to create a worksheet that includes information and specifications chosen
from all available options in NUTRIKIDS.
1. From the Format Setup screen, click New.
2. Enter a name for the worksheet and click OK.

3. To add options such as instruction steps and production specs, click the corresponding
4. To change page set-up options (fonts, orientation, etc), use the drop-down menu options
listed under Page Setup.

Note: NUTRIKIDS for Windows does not come with any additional fonts. The list of available fonts
will depend on your font library.
5. To change page margins, use the drop-down menu options listed under Page Margin.
6. When finished confirming your settings, click Done.
7. You will be asked if you wish to save changes made. Click Yes to save the changes.

8. Click Preview.
9. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
10. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Ingredient Search
Ingredient Search in a Recipe
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Ingredient Search.
3. Select Ingredient Search and click Next.
4. Search for an ingredient either by scrolling through the list or entering letters and clicking
Search. If you would like to include deactivated items in the search, check the option Include
Deactivated Items.
5. When you have selected your ingredient, click List. This will open a list of recipes using the
selected ingredient.
6. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF

or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.

7. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

Note: If there are no recipes using this ingredient, a message will appear. Click OK and follow the
previous steps to complete another search.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Sub-Recipe Search
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Ingredient Search.
3. Select Sub-Recipe Search and click Next.
4. Search for a sub-recipe either by scrolling through the list or entering letters and clicking
Search. If you would like to include deactivated items in the search, check the option Include
Deactivated Items.
5. When you have selected your sub-recipe, click List. This will open a list of recipes using the
selected sub-recipe.

6. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
7. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

Note: If there are no recipes using this sub-recipe, a message will appear. Click OK and follow the
previous steps to complete another search.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Ingredient Search and Replace

Use the Ingredient Search and Replace function to replace existing ingredients with new ingredients. This
is a useful function to update your recipes to reflect the use of new products as they become available.
Since this is a permanent replacement, it is best practice to print a hard copy of any recipe you are
adjusting. You will be able to select which recipes you want to replace with the new ingredient.
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Ingredient Search.
3. Select Ingredient Search and Replace and click Next.
4. Search for the ingredient to be replaced. Search for the ingredient either by scrolling through
the list or entering letters and clicking Search.
5. Double-click the ingredient to be replaced.

6. Search for the new ingredient. Search for the ingredient either by scrolling through the list or
entering letters and clicking Search.
7. Select the new ingredient and click List.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


8. Select the recipes to modify. The recipe name and number will appear on the screen. Select a
single recipe or select all recipes by clicking Check All.
9. After selecting the recipes that will have their ingredients replaced, click Replace.

Food Source List

The Food Source List option lets you identify menu items that meet specific target nutrient values. Only
menu items (recipes) that meet the target nutrient values will be included on this list. The list can be
displayed on-screen or a hard copy can be printed.
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Food Source List.
3. Enter nutrient values. You can establish up to 14 target values for a variety of nutritional
a. Select a nutrient using the drop-down menu.
b. Select More Than or Less Than, depending on your desired target value.
c. Enter the target value. This may be a minimum, a maximum, or a range of values.
4. Repeat step 3 until all target values are entered.
5. Click Next.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Select the groups to include in the list.

7. Click Preview.

8. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
9. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

Quick Recipe
The Quick Recipe option is designed to save you time when creating recipes. Remember, all menu items
need to be made into a recipe before they can be used in menu planning.
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click Quick Recipe.
3. Search for an ingredient either by scrolling through the list or entering letters and clicking
4. Select the ingredient by highlighting it and clicking Open.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. The ingredient name will appear in the Recipe Name field. If you want to change the name,
enter a new name for the recipe. You can also enter an alternate menu name, which will
print on menus instead.
6. Select an HACCP process from the HACCP Process drop-down menu.
7. Select a group/category for the item from the Group Code drop-down menu.
8. You may also enter the source of the recipe in the Source of Recipe field.
9. Enter the number of portions this recipe makes.
10. Enter the portion size, such as each or 1/2 cup.

Note: The following are adjustable portion sizes: each, tbsp, tsp, oz, fl oz, cup.
11. If the recipe will be used within other recipes, enter the batch quantities of the recipe.
a. Under # of Batch, enter the quantity of batch quantities this recipe will make.
b. Under Batch Size, enter the portion size of the batch quantity.
12. Click Ingredient tab.
13. In Quick Recipe, the ingredient is automatically entered. Enter the quantity and measure of
the ingredient.
14. Click Done.
15. Review the nutrients under the Nutrients tab.
16. If you need to enter recipe instructions, click the Instruction tab and enter the steps needed.
17. If you need to make adjustments for moisture/fat loss or would like to credit the components
for the recipe, click the Misc tab.
18. If desired, you can also change the measurement of an item on a production record, add
notes to your recipe, and add attributes to the recipe.
19. If there are any allergens in the recipe, these may be identified by clicking on the Allergens
tab and filling in the appropriate fields.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


HACCP Instructions
The HACCP Instructions option allows you to create a new set of HACCP instructions for recipes or
modify an existing set of HACCP instructions.

Creating New HACCP Instructions

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click HACCP Instructions.
3. Click Add New.

4. Enter a description in the Desc. window.

5. Select a category from the Category drop-down menu. If you need to add a new category,
click the + (plus sign) to the right of the drop-down menu.
6. Enter the information you want the HACCP note to contain in the lower window. You can
modify and format the text in the window using the toolbar.
7. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Modifying HACCP Instructions.

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click HACCP Instructions.
3. Select the HACCP Instructions to modify or review.
4. Click Modify.

5. Make any necessary changes to the instructions.

6. Click Save.

Deleting HACCP Instructions

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click HACCP Instructions.
3. Select the HACCP instructions to delete.
4. Click Delete.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


The HACCP SOPs feature is designed to help with HACCP policies and procedures by providing standard
operating procedure (SOP) templates from the National Food Service Management Institute website

Viewing SOPs
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click HACCP SOPs.
3. Select the SOP that you want to view.
4. Click View.
5. When finished viewing the SOP, click Close.
6. Click Close to exit the HACCP SOPs screen.

Customizing SOPs
1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click HACCP SOPs.
3. Select the SOP template you want to customize.
4. Click Duplicate. This will create a copy of the template and move it to the right field.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. Select the SOP you would like to edit.

6. Click View/Edit to begin editing the SOP.
7. Edit the template by changing wording, using another font, and formatting text. Use Setup to
change page margins.

8. Click Print/View.
9. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a SOP based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a
PDF or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
10. When finished viewing, click Close.

11. Click Close to exit the HACCP SOPs screen.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Deleting Customized SOPs

1. From the main menu, click Recipes.
2. Click HACCP SOPs.
3. Select the SOP template you want to delete.
4. Click View/Edit.
5. Click Delete SOP to delete an unneeded customized template.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Farm to School Setup

The Farm to School Setup option is only available under Recipes in the top toolbar. Once set up, this
option allows you to print a Menu Calendar report that shows the items that you receive from local
1. From the top toolbar, click Recipes.
2. Select Farm to School Setup.

3. Click Add New.

4. Under Farm Name, enter the name of the farm.

5. Enter the farms city, state, and county.
6. Under Miles to Market, enter the number of miles between this farm and the site.
7. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Section 3 - Menus
The Menu Planning section provides instructions for:

Entering and printing menus

Printing a nutritional analysis

Entering and printing cycle menus

Setting up school sites

Setting up production site assignments

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Enter/Modify Menus
The Enter/Modify Menus screen provides various functions including modification, copying, viewing and
printing of menus. You also have access to production records and quantities, nutrient breakdown, and
weekly requirement information.

Access Menus in Calendar Format

Perform the following procedure to create a menu from the calendar.
1. From the Menu tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. Using the up or down arrows, select the desired month and year.
3. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the appropriate menu.

Note: If your menu name is not listed, you must enter the menu using the Names and Nutrient
Standards function.
4. Click once on the book icon within a calendar day to view a previously planned menu in the
Preview section (displayed in the right panel).
5. Double-click on a book icon within a calendar day to open a menu.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Planning Screen Overview

The menu planning screen provides many functions and menu information. Some components included

Portion Size

Menu Name

A la Carte counts (non-reimbursable meals)

Nutrients based upon reimbursable meals for weighted average.

Meal and Nutrient Totals

Access to adjust portion sizes.

Entering Menus Items (recipe) in Calendar Format

You can enter up to 80 menu items per menu name and day. Perform the following procedure to enter
menu items on a recipe.
1. From the Menu Planning screen, click the menu item under the Recipe Name column.
2. Enter the first few characters of the menu item (recipe name) and press Enter. A pop-up
window displays that contains a recipe list.
3. Use the scroll bar or you up/down arrow key to navigate through the list.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


4. Select the desired menu item and click Enter.

5. If an adjustable portion size (cup, tbsp, tsp, oz, fl oz, each) was used in the original recipe you
can modify the portion size if necessary. The pop-up prompts the update.
a. Enter a portion size in decimals, fractions, or whole numbers.
b. Click X or press Enter.

Note: Repeat this procedure to enter the remaining menu items and condiments.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Meal Totals and Planned Quantities

It is necessary to project the number of the serving for each menu item (and condiment). Projections
reflecting the actual number of menu items you are planning to serve are referred to as weighted
menus. Projections that reflect an average number of servings for each menu item are referred to as
simple average menus.
Weighted value menus reflect the action number of menu items you are planning to serve. When
a menu is weighted, the popular menu items will provide a larger proportion of the nutrients for
that meal. To obtain accurate numbers for your weighted menus, we recommend using the planned
quantities from previous production records.
Meal Totals
Following the menu item selection, enter meal total for nutrient analysis purposes.
1. Type the total number of students selecting a reimbursable meal within the Meal Totals

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


reimbursable column.
2. For each recipe, enter the planned reimbursable meal counts into the Reimburse column.

The Item Count History pop-up displays, with the date and planned counts for the previous
occurrences that the item has been planned on a menu, in addition to the average.
3. For each recipe, enter the planned non-reimbursable meal counts into the Ala Carte column.
The Item Count History pop-up displays, with the date and planned counts for the previous
occurrences that the item has been planned on a menu, in addition to the average.

Note: A la carte items are not calculated into the nutrient analysis.
Repeat this procedure of the remaining menu items and condiments.

Menu Item Navigation

Each menu can hold up to 80 menu items. Only 12 menu items display on the screen at one time. Refer
to the following table for navigation buttons located on the toolbar.
Click the menu item line and then select the navigation button.

Advances the cursor up or down one line within the recipe.
Inserts a blank row within the menus recipe list.
Removes the content of all fields within the selected row.
Removes the entire selected row from the menu and shifts recipes under
it one position up on the recipe list.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Reimbursable Meal Groups

Reimbursable Meal Groups is an optional feature which lists all the reimbursable meals created for
the menu day for the selected menu. If a meal does not meet all the minimum daily requirements it is
highlighted in red. If a meal meets the minimum daily requirements, it is highlighted in green.
Perform the following procedure to add a reimbursable meal group.
1. From the Menu Planning screen, click Reim. Meal Groups.

2. Click Add New Meal.

3. Type the Reim Meal Group Name.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


4. Select the Include in Meal check box for each menu item to include with the reimbursable
meal. As you select the menu item the component tabs change from red to green.

5. Click each component tab to see the current component value. Green tabs indicate the
component has met the daily minimum requirement. Red tabs indicate the component has
not met the daily minimum requirement.
6. Click Save.

Perform the following procedure to modify a reimbursable meal group.

1. From the Menu Planning screen, click Reim. Meal Groups.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


2. Select a meal from the Reimbursable Meal Group list, and click Edit Meal.

3. Select or clear the Include in Meal check box for each menu item to include or exclude. As
you select the menu item the component tabs change from red to green.
4. Click Save.

The following table provides descriptions for daily meal pattern and milk offered requirements for
Daily Meal Pattern Requirements

The Daily Meal Pattern Requirements displays the

minimum servings for each of the four components
for the reimbursable meals listed in the reimbursable
meal groups list.
If one of the components does not meet the
minimum daily requirement the value is highlighted
in red.

Milk Offered Requirement

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

The components that meet the minimum

requirement are highlighted in green.
The milk varieties offered for the reimbursable
meals are reflected by a selected check box. Green
Yes indicates an allowable milk variety and Red No
indicates a restricted milk (Flavored low fat, 2%, and
whole flavored or unflavored milk) variety.


The following table provides descriptions for daily meal pattern and milk offered requirements for lunch.
Daily Meal Pattern Requirements

The Daily Meal Pattern Requirements displays

the minimum servings for each of the five
components for the reimbursable meals listed in
the reimbursable meal groups list.
If one of the components does not meet
the minimum daily requirement the value is
highlighted in red.

Milk Offered Requirement

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

The components that meet the minimum

requirement are highlighted in green.
The milk varieties offered for the reimbursable
meals are reflected by a selected check box. Green
Yes indicates an allowable milk variety and Red No
indicates a restricted milk (Flavored low fat, 2%,
and whole flavored or unflavored milk) variety.


Recipe Sheets
The Recipe Sheet function provides the ability to preview and print menus for a single or multiple days,
in various report formats. In addition to any custom report formats you may have created, the following
report formats are available:

A format setup feature provides the ability to customize a report and choose to include instruction steps,
nutrient information, product specifications, in addition to setting paging and formating preferences.
Perform the following procedure to preview and print a recipe sheet.
1. From the Menu tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. Using the up or down arrows, select the desired month and year. Be sure the month has
planned menus indicated be the book icon.
3. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the appropriate menu.
4. Click Recipe Sheet.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. Select the check boxes for the days you would like to include in the recipe sheet.
6. Click Next.

7. Select up to four menus from the menu name drop-down.

8. Click Next.

9. Select the check boxes for the sites you would like to include.
10. Click GO.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


11. Select the check boxes for the recipe and days you would like to include.
12. Click Next.

13. Select the desired report format check box.

a. If you prefer to customize the report format select Format Setup, and change the
appropriate options and click Done.

14. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Entering Production Quantity

Perform the following procedure to enter production quantities.
1. From the Menus tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, click the desired menu name.
3. Select a calendar month and year using the up and down arrows to navigate.
4. Double-click the book icon on the desired date to open the menu.

5. From the menu planning screen, click Prod Qty.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Double-click the desired site.

7. Enter production counts by clicking in the field and then typing the appropriate count.
a. For each menu item, enter the corresponding reimbursable and a la carte production
counts for Planned and Offered, Served. For Served you can also include Short Leftover
and Waste counts.
b. If desired, you can enter Temperature (10 character text field) and comments for each
menu item. Click the comment field to open the production quantity comment pop-up.
Enter up to 256 characters. When finished, click Update.

Note: When entering production quantity values, the production count history pop-up displays
for your reference. This pop-up has also been updated with the offered and served labels. If
desired, select the Dont show the pop-up check box to disable the pop-up display.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


You can re-enable the pop-up by selecting Tools > Options > Search, selecting the Show Prod
Qty History Pop-up check box, and clicking OK.

8. Click Save.
9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for all sites.
10. Click Save.
11. Click Close.
Production Quantity Menu

The Production Quantity menu includes several helpful options.

The following table descriptions for the production quantity screen menu options. Refer to the
Production section for procedural details about these menu options.
Menu Option
Prev Day
Next Day
Add Leftovers
Auto-Fill Planned Qty

Calculate Over/Shortage
Copy Planned


NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Exits the production quantity screen. If you updated production
quantities without saving, you be prompted to save before closing.
Saves all entered data.
Precedes to the previous calendar menu day.
Proceeds to the next calendar menu day.
Provides the ability to add leftovers to the menu for the current
If you want to enter the same value for all menu items within the
planned reimbursable meal columns, click the Auto-Fill Planned
Qty button and enter a value.
Fills the Served Short Leftover column with a calculated shortage or
overage value.
Copies the values from the Planned Reimburse and Planned la
Carte columns to the Offered Reimburse and Offered la Carte
Removes all values within the planned, offered, and served


Production Quantity Review Screen

The Production Quantity Review screen allows you to view the planned, offered, and served
reimbursable and a la carte quantities for a selected menu and menu date. Additionally, you can view
the short, leftover, and waste quantities for served meals.
Perform the following steps to access the Production Quantity Review screen.
1. From the Menus tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. Click Production Qty Review.

3. From the Menu Name drop-down, select a menu.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


4. Click the down arrow to open the calendar. Select the appropriate menu date that you would
like to view.

5. If available, the production quantities display. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Copy Menu
Copy Menu allows you to reuse existing menus for future dates.
Copy from Monthly Calendar to a Cycle Menu
Perform the following procedure to copy from a monthly calendar to a cycle menu.
1. From the Menus tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the menu from which you would like to copy.
3. Select a calendar month and year using the up and down arrows to navigate.

Note: Print the menu prior to copying so you will have a list of items for the specified days to
4. Click Cycle Menu.

5. Using the menu drop-down, select the menu name into which you are copying.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Select and hold the mouse button, and drag the calendar day from the monthly menu onto
the cycle #.

7. Type a cycle menu name, and click OK.

8. If you are copying into an existing calendar menu, a prompt displays to Append or Overwrite.
Click Append to add the cycle menu to the existing calendar menu or Overwrite to use the
cycle menu instead of the existing calendar menu.

9. Click Done.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Copy Cycle Menu to a Monthly Calendar

Perform the following procedure to copy a cycle menu to monthly calendar.
1. From the Menus tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the menu into which you would like to copy.
3. Select a calendar month and year using the up and down arrows to navigate.

Note: Print the menu prior to copying to have a list of items and for the specified days to
4. Click Cycle Menu.

5. Using the menu drop-down, select the menu name from which you are copying.
6. Select and drag the cycle menu to the calendar day.

Note: If you are copying multiple (consecutive)cycle menus, press Ctrl and click the desired
menus, and then drag the menus to the first calendar day.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


7. If you are copying into an existing calendar menu you a prompt displays to Append or
Overwrite. Click Append to add the cycle menu to the existing calendar menu or Overwrite
to use the cycle menu instead of the existing calendar menu.

8. Click Done.

Copy from a Monthly Calendar to a Monthly Calendar or Age Group to Age Group
Perform the following procedure to copy from a monthly calendar to a monthly calendar.
1. From the Menus tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the menu into which you would like to copy.
3. Select a calendar month and year you would like to copy into using the up and down arrows
to navigate.
4. Click Copy Menu.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. Using the menu drop-down in the Copy From section, select the menu name from which you
are copying.
6. Select a calendar month and year you would like to copy from using the up and down arrows
to navigate.

7. Select and hold the mouse button, and drag the menu from the Copy From calendar day to
the Copy To calendar day.

8. If you are copying into an existing calendar menu, a prompt displays to Append or Overwrite.
Click Append to add the source menu to the existing calendar menu or Overwrite to use the
source menu instead of the existing calendar menu.
9. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Nutrient Analysis
Average Daily Nutrient Values
According to the USDA Healthy School Meals Initiative, all menu items served under a reimbursable
meal will be averaged over a school week consisting of a minimum of three days and a maximum of
seven days. However, you can still view the DAILY average nutrient value. This value will be based on the
menu items offered and the planned values entered for each of the menu items (reimbursable planned
Portion Size vs Weighted Values
You can choose to display the nutrient values for the menu items by portion size or weighted values
However, the daily average nutrient values will be the same.

Portion size lists the nutrient valued per serving of each menu item based on the portion size.
The Weighted Values option displays each menu items nutrient values based on the popularity (the
number of students selecting it). In this example, the more popular item is oven fried chicken, and
therefore it contributes more to the average nutrient values than the less popular entre barbecued
beef on roll. The nutrient values of the chicken patty are given more weight towards the average nutrient

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Nutrient Breakdown
According to the USDA, nutrient analysis for the reimbursable meal should be conducted for a minimum
of three days and a maximum of seven days. The nutrient breakdown compares the nutrient standards
selected for the age and grade groups to the average nutrient analysis for the selected date range.
1. From the main menu, click the Menus tab.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Click Nut. Brkdwn on the top tool bar.

The daily calorie total appears in each calendar day you have planned. If one or two days is
selected for the date range the Target % in the lower right corner is blank.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Nutrient Breakdown - New Range

To obtain a nutrient analysis for a date range, perform the following procedure.
1. From the Nutrient Breakdown screen, click New Range.

2. The mouse cursor displays the From flag. Click the first calendar day that you want to start
the range.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


3. The mouse courser displays the To flag. Click the last calendar day that you want to end the

Note: If you are analyzing one day at a time, click the day twice.

The selected range is highlighted and the Analyze Nutrients Range dates are updated with
the selected dates. The Average Nutrient Value and Target in the lower right corner also show
updated values.

If the number of days in the selected date range equals one or two days, the Target % column is blank. If
the selected date range is greater than two days, the Target % column value is reported.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Nutrient Analysis for Individual Nutrients

Perform the following procedure to view the nutrient analysis for individual nutrients.
1. Click the desired nutrient in the column on the right .

Once a nutrient is highlighted, the daily values for that specific nutrient and target appear in
the calendar for each of the days, and the average nutrient value for the range of days selected
appears in the lower right-hand corner pane.
If the number of days in the selected date range equals one or two days, the Target % column is
blank. If the selected date range is greater than two days, the Target % column value is reported.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Nutrient Breakdown Summary Report

The Nutrient Breakdown Summary Report compares the average nutrients to the target values. If one or
two days is selected for the date range, the % of Target , Shortfall, and Overage columns will be blank.
The following note, Data values are not available for one or two day selections. displays explaining the
blank columns.
1. To generate a Nutrient Breakdown Summary Report, click Summary Report. You can view,
print, or export the report to a PDF file.

2. Click Close to exit the report viewer.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


View Nutrient Values for One Day

Once you have entered the menu items and the planned quantity for the reimbursable meal, NUTRIKIDS
calculates the nutrient analysis per average meal.
The average nutrient analysis for a meal display to the right of the meal totals. Only the menu items
planned for the reimbursable meal will be included in the average nutrient analysis. Use the scroll bar to
view the other nutrient values, meal cost, and component contributions if they were entered.
You can view the component contribution for each menu item. If you have entered component
information for your recipes, NUTRIKIDS calculates the component contribution based on the portion
size selected for this menu. Perform the following to view a component contribution.
1. From the Menu tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. Using the up or down arrows, select the desired month and year.
3. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the appropriate menu.
4. Click once on the book icon within a calendar day to view a previously planned menu in the
Preview section (displayed in the right panel).
5. Double-click on a book icon within a calendar day to open a menu.
6. To view the component contributions, drag the scroll bar to the right or click the right arrow
located on the bottom scroll bar.
7. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Weekly Preview
Perform the following procedure to obtain a weekly menu preview.
1. From the Menus tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the appropriate menu.
3. Select a calendar month and year using the up and down arrows to navigate.
4. Click Wkly Preview.
5. Click the week starting date on the calendar.

6. The weekly preview defaults to include Saturday and Sunday. Clear the Include Sat and Sun
check box to exclude weekends.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


The weekly preview displays the daily menu items, the daily nutrient analysis and the average nutrient
analysis for the 5-7 day period. The menus are listed within the top 4 and bottom 3 boxes (from left
to right). Each menu day lists the menu items and the daily nutrient data listed. The average nutrient
analysis for the 5-7 days displays in the lower right-hand corner.
7. Use the vertical scroll bar or up and down arrows to view the menu information.
8. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Weekly Requirements
The Weekly Requirements provides details for the daily contribution of each meal to the weekly
component requirements.
Perform the following steps to use the weekly requirement option.
1. From the Menu tab, click Enter/Modify Menus.
2. From the Select Menu Name drop-down, select the appropriate menu.
3. Select a calendar month and year using the up and down arrows to navigate.
4. Click Wkly Requirements.
5. Click the week starting date on the calendar.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Click Print. You can view, print, or export the report to a PDF file.

The following is a sample Weekly Requirements Report for breakfast.

The following is a sample Weekly Requirements Report for lunch.

Fruits and Vegetables

The fruit row displays the minimum serving of fruit that is offered as part of a reimbursable
meal for each day with a total in the weekly total column.

The vegetables row displays the minimum serving of vegetables that is offered as part of a
reimbursable meal for each day with a total in the weekly total column.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


If the fruit or vegetables do not meet the minimum daily requirement they will be
highlighted in red.

The vegetable subgroups rows include the largest serving of that subgroup that is offered as
part of a reimbursable meal for each day and a total in the weekly total column.

The weekly requirement column includes the required minimum value for the particular
component based on the age/grade grouping that is selected for this menu.

The weekly requirement check column includes either Yes in green if the minimum
requirement is met or display No in red if it is not met.

Meat/Meat Alternates and Grains

The Meat/Meat Alt: Minimum and the Grain: Minimum rows show the smallest serving of
each component that is offered as part of a reimbursable meal for each day and is totaled in
the Weekly Total column.

The Meat/Meat Alt: Maximum and the Grain: Maximum rows show the largest serving of
each component that is offered as part of a reimbursable meal for each day and is totaled in
the Weekly Total column.

If the minimum daily requirement for either of these is not met then the day will be
highlighted in red

The Weekly Requirement column shows the required minimum value for the particular
component based on the Age/Grade grouping that is selected for this menu.

Grain Based Desserts and Whole Grains

The grain based dessert totals is the grand total for the week. If the total is over 2 OZ,
the weekly requirement column displays a red No. If the total is below 2 OZ the weekly
requirement check column displays a green Yes.

The whole grain rich weekly amount displays the total quantities of weekly grains and weekly
whole grains. It also shows the % of whole grains.

If the % of whole grain is less than 100%, the weekly requirement column displays a red No.

Milk Offerings

The milk: minimum row displays the smallest serving of milk that is offered as part of a
reimbursable meal for each day and a total in the weekly total column.

The weekly requirement column displays the required minimum value for milk based on the
age/grade grouping that is selected for this menu.

The weekly requirement check column displays either a green Yes if the minimum
requirement is met or a red No if it is not met.

The variety section reports if you are offering a variety of milks. It displays either a green Yes
if the or a red No.

If you are offering any of the restricted milk types (flavored low-fat, 2% and whole milk,
flavored or unflavored) a red No displays in the window.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Fruit Juice and Vegetable Juice

The total weekly fruit juice and total weekly vegetable juice for lunch are the grand total of
each for the week.

Vegetable juice contributions during breakfast are counted in the fruit juice section.

The % of total weekly fruit and the total % of weekly vegetables that are juice must both be
below 50%. If the % is over 50% then the weekly requirement column displays a red No. If
the total is 50% or less then weekly requirement check column displays a green Yes.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menus List/Print
There are multiple menu reports you can create from the menus you entered in a monthly calendar
Menu Spreadsheets reports allow you to view daily nutrient values and compare the average nutrient
analysis to the target nutrient standards.
Menu Calendar Report prints the menu items for each day in a calendar format.
There are two Contribution Reports types, Menu and Meal Group Contribution and Meal Group. Menu
Contribution reports show data from the base or calendar menu. Meal Group Contribution reports
contain data from individual reimbursable meal groups defined by the user for daily menus.
Production Plan is a simplified production record.
RCCI/Head Start Menu creates a calendar report with up to 4 meals. Saturday and Sunday can be
Menu Calendar Web Creator creates an HTML file, allowing the menu to be posted to a web page for
shared viewing.
Item Popularity Report allows you to print a list of menu items based on their popularity.
What If Excel Worksheet allows you to experiment with menu choices to find the best nutritional
make up of your menus.
Weekly Requirements Report (Variable Length Weeks) report displays the weekly requirements for
variable weeks from three days to seven days.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Spreadsheets
The menu spreadsheets are intended to be the final document in planning your menus according to the
USDA guidelines.
The menu spreadsheet has multiple report types - planned, offered, served, and base. There are various
report styles to choose from, based on the report type that is selected.
Report Type

Nutrient Analysis Calculations

The report calculations for nutrient
analysis for planned, offered, and
served are based on your entered
production quantities and the
production site you have selected.

Report Styles
Component List
Menu Roster (HTML)
Export to Comma Delimited File


Component List
Menu Roster (HTML)
Export to Comma Delimited File


The report calculations for nutrient Summary
analysis are based on the numbers
entered in the Reimburse column
Component List
from your main menu calendar.
Sites cannot be selected for the
Menu Roster (HTML)
base menu report type.
Export to Comma Delimited File


Summary Report
The summary spreadsheet is a single page and compares the average nutrient values for a specified
period of days to the target values . If the menu does not meet the target, this report will identify what
nutritional changes are required. The Summary Spreadsheet report includes:

Average nutrient values for selected menu(s) per day.

Average nutrient values for selected menu(s) over specified period of dates.

Comparison of all nutrient values (including recommendations you entered) to the nutrient

Cost of each menu item and average cost per menu (if costing information is entered).

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Identification of areas that require correction.

Perform the following steps to create a summary spreadsheet report.

1. From the main menu, select the Menus tab.
2. Click Menu List/Print.

3. Select Menu Spreadsheets and click Next.

4. From the date selection screen, use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.
5. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the

calendar and display in the From and To fields.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Click Next.

You can customize the report based upon the choices from the following screen.
The following fields are required, Report Type, Report Style, and Menu.
7. From the Report Type drop-down select one of the following, Planned, Offered, Served or
8. Select Summary from the Report Style drop-down.
9. Select the appropriate menu from the Menu drop-down.
10. If you would like to combine breakfast and lunch select the appropriate menu from the
Second Menu drop-down.

Note: Contact your state agency representative for regulations on combining breakfast and lunch
11. Click on the nutrient check box(es) that you would like to include in the report.
12. Click Preview. The following report is a sample of a planned menu spreadsheet, summary
report style.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Detail Spreadsheet
The detail spreadsheet displays a nutrient breakdown for each menu item per day, the average nutrient
values per day and a comparison to the target values. The Detailed Spreadsheet report includes:

Every menu item either offered, planned, or served and its nutrient values (by portion or by
weight contribution) by meal.

Portion size, planned quantity and cost (if costing information is entered) for each menu

Average nutrient values for selected menu(s) per day.

Average nutrient values for selected menu(s) over specified period of dates.

Comparison of all nutrient values (including recommendations you entered) to the nutrient

Identification of areas that require correction.

Perform the following steps to create a detail spreadsheet report.

1. From the main menu, select the Menus tab.
2. Click Menu List/Print
3. Select Menu Spreadsheets and click Next.

4. From the date selection screen, use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the from and to fields.

6. Click Next.

You can customize the report based upon the choices from the following screen.

The following fields are required, Report Type, Report Style, and Menu.
7. From the Report Type drop-down select one of the following, Planned, Offered, Served or
8. Select Detail from the Report Style drop-down.
9. From the Values Option drop-down select Weighted or Portion Values.

Portion Values displays each menu items nutrient value per serving.

Weighted Values displays each menu items nutrient value based on the weighted menu
10. Menu Costs (optional) calculates the menu cost for each menu item and the average for
the entire menu. If you want to include the menu costs values on the spreadsheet, click the
Menu Costs check box.
11. Plan Quantity (optional) provides the planned number of each reimbursable menu items. If
you want to include plan quantity values on the spreadsheet, click the Plan Quantity check

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


12. Select the appropriate menu from the Menu drop-down. If you would like to combine
breakfast and lunch select the appropriate menu from the Second Menu drop-down.

Note: Contact your state agency representative for regulations on combining breakfast and lunch
13. Click the nutrient check box(es) that you would like to include in the report.
14. Click Preview. The following report is a sample of planned menu spreadsheet, detail report
style using weighted values.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Component List
The component list spreadsheet displays each menu item, portion size, quantity planned, and the
components credited for each daily menu selected.
Perform the following steps to create a component list report.
1. From the main menu, select the Menus tab.
2. Click Menu List/Print
3. Select Menu Spreadsheets and click Next.

4. From the date selection screen, use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.

5. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the from and to fields.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Click Next.

You can customize the report based upon the choices from the following screen.

The following fields are required, Report Type, Report Style, and Menu.
7. From the Report Type drop-down select one of the following, Planned, Offered, Served or
8. Select Component List from the Report Style drop-down.
9. Select the appropriate menu from the Menu drop-down. If you would like to combine
breakfast and lunch select the appropriate menu from the Second Menu drop-down.

Note: Contact your state agency representative for regulations on combining breakfast and lunch
10. Click Preview. The following report is a sample (page 1) of planned menu spreadsheet,
component list report style.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Roster (HTML)

The Menu Roster (HTML) creates a HTML file that includes the daily menu items, the portion size and
nutrient values based on your selection.
Perform the following steps to create a Menu Roster (HTML) report.
1. From the main menu, select the Menus tab.
2. Click Menu List/Print
3. Select Menu Spreadsheets and click Next.

4. From the date selection screen, use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.

5. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the from and to fields.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Click Next.

You can customize the report based upon the choices from the following screen.

The following fields are required, Report Type, Report Style, and Menu.
7. From the Report Type drop-down select Base.
8. Select Menu Roster (HTML) from the Report Style drop-down.
9. Click the nutrient check box(es) that you would like to include in the report.
10. Select the appropriate menu from the Menu drop-down.
11. Type a header and footer (optional).
12. Click Create HTML.
13. From the browse window, type a file name and select a file location.
14. Click Save. The following confirmation prompt displays.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Export to Comma Delimited File

The Export to Comma Delimited File creates a comma delimited file (CSV) that includes the daily menu
items, the portion size and nutrient values based on your selection.
Perform the following steps to create an export to a comma delimited file.
1. From the main menu, select the Menus tab.
2. Click Menu List/Print
3. Select Menu Spreadsheets and click Next.

4. From the date selection screen, use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.

5. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the from and to fields.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Click Next.

You can customize the report based upon the choices from the following screen.

The following fields are required, Report Type, Report Style, and Menu.
7. From the Report Type drop-down select one of the following, Planned, Offered, or Base.
8. Select Export to Comma Delimited File from the Report Style drop-down.
9. Select the appropriate menu from the Menu drop-down. If you would like to combine
breakfast and lunch select the appropriate menu from the Second Menu drop-down.
10. Click Export.

11. From the browse window, type a file name and select a file location.
12. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Calendar Report

This option lets you print a weekly or monthly calendar report for menus entered in the monthly
calendar format The menu can be printed for any time period by selecting a starting and ending date.
The Menu Calendar Report will print:

Daily, weekly or monthly menus for five or seven day meal service

Long or short recipe descriptions

Daily nutrient values (for selected nutrients)

Average nutrient values (for selected nutrients)

Items you have given the alternate menu name of skip

Menu costs (if the Costing/Inventory module is available)

Customized menu heading and footnotes

Create a Menu Calendar Report

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click Menu Calendar Report.

4. Click Next.
5. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the from and to fields.
7. Click Next.

8. Select the menu from the Menu drop-down.

9. If desired, you may select a specific site from the Sites drop-down.
10. Next, you have the option to enter a menu heading and footnote. Enter the text for the
heading and footnote in the respective fields.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Options
The various menu options are shown here.

Daily Nutrients: Shows the nutrient values for each day

Average Nutrients: Shows the average nutrient value for the menu and dates specified

Weekly Average: Shows the weekly average nutrient value for each week

Include SKIP Items : Typing Skip as an alternate menu name for a recipe enables
NUTRIKIDS to ignore this recipe name in the menu calendar report. For example, if you do
not want Mustard to print as a menu item on a menu calendar created in Menu Calendar
Artist, you would use Skip as the alternate menu name.

Menu Costs: If you have the Costing/Inventory module and have entered purchasing
information, you can calculate menu costs.

Repeated Items: If you have an item on a menu day more than once, you can choose to
show it on the calendar more than once. If this is not checked, the repeated item will only
be shown once.

Menu Name: Shows the menu letter and the menu name on the calendar (for example, B:
Elementary Lunch)

Nutrient Guidelines: Shows the nutrient guideline and the age range that is selected for this

Include Saturday and Sunday: Allows you to show Saturday and Sunday menus on the

Use 2nd Alternate Menu Name: If you have a 2nd Alternate Menu Name established in your
recipes, the program will print it under the 1st Alternate Menu Name on the calendar.

Include Farm Names: If you have a farm selected on the Misc tab of your recipes, you
can print the Calendar Report with those items highlighted. They will be shown with an
ampersand symbol (@) next to them.

You can select the nutrients you want to appear on your report. Once you make the selections,
NUTRIKIDS will automatically fill your selections the next time you print this report. However, you can
change your selection at any time.
1. Select each nutrient value you want to appear on the calendar report.
2. When finished, click Next.

Preview or Print List

1. Click Preview to print the list. You can also view the information on the screen by clicking
and dragging the scroll bar on the left and bottom.
2. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Modifying the Page Layout

You can modify the layout of the Menu Calendar report by clicking Page Setup.

You can modify these options by making selections from the drop-down menus.

Font Type: Your choice of fonts is based on those available in your computer.

Font Size: Adjust the font size as needed.

Orientation: Choose from portrait or landscape.

Paper Size: Choose from legal or letter.

Max Items Printed: Your menus can hold up to 80 menu items. This function lets you select
the maximum number of menu items you want to appear in the calendar report. When you
select a number, NUTRIKIDS assumes they are starting from the first item listed.

Minimum Row Height: This option offers additional spacing between the end of the menu
and the beginning of the nutrient values. The higher the number, the greater the space in

Display the day as: This refers to the date format within each menu calendar day.

Include Days Name: Select this to list the day of the week on the top of the calendar.

Page Margin: You can set the page margins for left, right, bottom and top of the report.

Wrapping Correction Control: If your menu item descriptions do not fit across the calendar
day, increase the wrapping by dragging the slider toward the + . This will cause the menu
item description to wrap to the next line.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Contribution Reports
There are two available contribution report types, Menu and Meal.

Menu Contribution Report

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click Contribution Reports.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.
6. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the From and To fields.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the menu from the appropriate menu from Menu Name drop-down.
9. Select Menu from the Contribution Report Type drop-down.
10. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Meal Group Contribution Report

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click Contribution Reports.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.
6. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the From and To fields.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the menu from the appropriate menu from Menu Name drop-down.
9. Select Meal Group from the Contribution Report Type drop-down.
10. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Plan Report

The Production Plan report lists the recipe name and number per day with portion size. It also shows:

Planned quantities for each of the menu items (reimbursable and ala carte)

The combined total quantity to prepare (reimbursable and ala carte)

The recipe source and any recipe details for the recipe

To run the report, follow these steps:

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click Production Plan.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.
6. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the From and To fields.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the menu from the Menu Name drop-down.
9. Enter a heading that will appear under the organization name. You can enter up to two lines
with 60 characters each for the heading.
10. Click Preview.

11. Click Print to print the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


RCCI/Head Start Menu Report

This report contains the following information:

Daily, weekly or monthly menus for seven day meal service

Daily Nutrient Values (for selected nutrients)

Average Nutrient Values (for selected nutrients)

Menu costs (if Costing/Inventory module available)

To run the report, follow these steps:

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click RCCI/Headstart Menu.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.
6. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the From and To fields.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the menu from the Menu drop-down. Select a maximum of four menus to include.
9. Enter a heading that will appear under the organization name. You can enter up to two lines
with 60 characters each for the heading.
10. Enter a footnote, if desired.
11. Select the page orientation and size for the report.
12. Select the options you would like to print on the report.

Note: One of the nutrient options (Daily or Average must be selected for the nutrients to
show on the report.
a. Daily nutrients
b. Average nutrients
c. Portion sizes
d. Menu costs (if the Costing/Inventory module is present)
13. Select the nutrients to include on the report.
14. Click Preview.

15. Click Print to print a hard copy of the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Calendar Web Creator

To run the Menu Calendar Web Creator, follow these steps:
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click Menu Calendar Web Creator.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the left and right arrows to scroll through the months.
6. Click the starting (from) and the ending (to) dates. The selected dates are highlighted on the
calendar and display in the From and To fields.
7. Click Next.
8. Select the menu from the Menu field.
9. Enter a heading that will appear under the organization name. You can enter up to two lines
with 60 characters each for the heading.
10. Enter a footnote, if desired.
11. Select the page orientation and size for the report.
12. Select the options you would like to print on the report:
a. Daily nutrients
b. Detailed nutrients
c. Weekly averages
d. Include SKIP items
e. Menu costs (if the Costing/Inventory module is present)
f. Repeated items
g. Menu name
h. Include Saturday and Sunday
i. Include portion sizes
j. Use 2nd alternate menu name
13. Select the nutrients to include on the report.
14. Click Create HTML.
15. To save the file, click the folder icon next to the Export Path window.
16. Browse to the location you want to save the file.
17. Click Save.
18. You have the option to zip up the files which will save all menu information to one file that
can easily be emailed to your web master.
19. Click Create.
20. Click Yes or No when asked to view the new calendar.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Item Popularity Report

To run the Item Popularity Report, follow these steps:
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click Item Popularity Report.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the report style: by group, alphabetical, or numerical.
6. Click Next.

7. Select your search criteria to refine the report.

8. Select the starting and ending dates for the report.
9. Select the menu from the Menu Letter drop-down.
10. Select the column by which the report will be sorted.

11. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


What If Excel Worksheet

To run the What If Excel Worksheet, follow these steps:
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Click What If Excel Worksheet.
4. Click Next.
5. Select the starting and ending dates for the report.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the menu from the Menu Letter drop-down.
8. Select either Actual or Planned to display actual or planned numbers on the spreadsheet.
You will only see this option if you have the Production Records Module registered in your
NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning software. If you do not own the Production Records module, the
program will default to look at your planned totals in your menu planning screen.
9. Select the column by which the report will be sorted.
10. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Weekly Requirements Report (Variable Length Weeks)

The Weekly Requirements report provides a weekly average consisting of three to seven days. The days
do not need to be consecutive.
Perform the following steps to create a Weekly Requirements Report.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu List/Print.
3. Select Weekly Requirements Report (Variable Length Weeks).

4. Click Next.
5. From the Variable Length Week Selection screen, click the arrows to go back or advance
forward by month.

6. Click the check box for the days to include. The Total Days Included value increments based
on the number of days selected. The selected days do not have to be consecutive; there may
be a gap. The number of days included must be equal to or greater than three and less than
or equal to seven.
7. From the drop-down, choose a menu.
8. Click Next to display the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Weekly Requirements Report - sample

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Search & Replace Menu Item

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Search and Replace Menu Item.
3. In the search window, type the name or recipe number of the item you will be replacing and
then click Search or hit Enter on your keyboard.
4. Highlight the item and Next.
5. In the search window, type the name or recipe number of the item you will be replacing and
then click Search or hit Enter on your keyboard.
6. Highlight the item and click Next.
7. Confirm that the recipes you are working with are the correct ones.
8. Select a Menu.
9. Click Replace.
10. You will be asked if you are sure that you want to replace the existing item with the new

11. If they are OK then click Yes.

12. If they are not correct, click No and make the necessary corrections by clicking the Back
button as necessary.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cycle Menu Entry

You can enter up to 100 different daily menus for each menu name.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu Entry.

3. Select a menu (see Menu Names and Nutrient Standards before you begin). First, select a
menu name.
4. Click the desired menu name.
5. Click the next available cycle number.
6. Click Open. You can enter up to 80 cycles menus per menu name.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


7. Next, enter menu items. You may enter up to 80 items per menu name, per day.
a. Click the first line and enter up to 5 letters of the menu item (recipe) name.
b. Click the Search button or press Enter. A window with an alphabetical list of recipes
displays. Use the scroll bar or your Up and Down arrow keys to move through the menu
item list.
c. Highlight the desired menu item.

8. Once the menu item has been selected, you will be given an option to modify the portion
size if an adjustable portion size was used in the original recipe. If you are prompted to enter
a portion size, the cursor will appear in the Portion Size field. Enter a portion size in decimals,
fractions or whole numbers and then click the X button.
9. If you are not prompted to enter a portion size, but want to adjust it, follow these steps.
a. Minimize the menu planning window.
b. Click Recipes.
c. Click Modify/Review Recipes.
d. Enter up to five letters of the recipe to modify, and then click Search or press Enter.
e. Double-click the recipe.
f. The Recipe Info tab will open. In the Portion Size field, enter one of the following
adjustable portion sizes: each, cup, tbsp, tsp, oz, fl oz. (These must be entered in all
lower case or all upper case letters. Do not add any plurals or punctuation of any kind.)
g. Click # of Portions. Enter a new number, if necessary update the portion size.
h. Click Save.
i. Close the Modify/Review Recipe window.
j. Maximize the Menu Planning window.
k. Repeat step 8
l. Type in the adjustable portion size in fractions, decimals or whole numbers.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Defaults
Menu Defaults is a list of menu items that you serve the most such as milk, condiments, fresh fruit and
so on. Once you have entered items in Menu Defaults, you can add them to your menus with the click
of a button. Menu defaults can also be entered for a particular day.
Note: Menu Defaults are specific to the menu they are entered into.
1. Select Menus.
2. Select Cycle Menu Entry.
3. Select the menu for which you are entering the menu defaults.

4. Double-click 0 Menu Defaults.

5. NUTRIKIDS lets you enter up to 80 menu items per menu name per day. Click the first line
and type up to five letters of the menu item (recipe name).
6. Click the Search button or Press Enter. A pop-up window with an alphabetical list of recipes
will appear.

7. Highlight the desired menu item and press Enter.

8. Once the menu item has been selected, you will be given an option to modify the portion
size if a adjustable portion size was used in the original recipe.
9. If you are prompted to enter a portion size, the cursor will appear in the portion size box
10. Enter a portion size in decimals, fractions or whole numbers
11. Click the X or press Enter. Repeat for any other menu items you need.
12. When you are done, click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Adding Defaults to a Menu

1. From the main menu, select Menus.
2. Select Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Select the month and menu name.
4. Double-click on the day to enter the menu.
5. NUTRIKIDS lets you enter up to 80 menu items per menu name per day. Click the first line.
6. Type up to 5 letters of the menu item (recipe name).
7. Click the Search button or press Enter. A pop-up window with an alphabetical list of recipes
will appear.
8. Highlight the desired menu item.
9. Press Enter.

10. Add your menu defaults by clicking Defaults. The menu defaults will display on the menu.
11. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cycle Menu Entry: Copy Cycle Menus

To copy cycle menus, follow these steps.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu Entry.

3. Select a menu to copy into by clicking on the desired menu name from the Select a Menu
Name drop-down.
4. Click Copy Menus.

5. Select a menu to copy from by clicking on the desired menu name from the Copy From drop
down menu.
6. Click and hold the mouse button and drag a menu from the left hand side of the screen over
to the right hand side and drop it on a numbered line.

Note: You can copy the menus one day at a time or you can copy multiple days at one time.
To copy multiple days, click and release the first day then hold down the control key. Click and
release each successive menu you want to copy until you get to the last one. On the last menu
you want to click and hold the mouse button and drag to the right hand side. Drop the list on the
first line that you want the menus to start on.
7. The menu day will now be copied.
8. When done click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Moving Cycle Menus

To move cycle menus, follow these steps.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu Entry.

3. Select the desired menu name from the Select a Menu Name drop-down.
4. Select the menu you want to move on the left.
5. Select the Move Cycle Menus check box.
6. Select a cycle name on the left of the screen.
7. Click the up or down arrows to the right of the Select Cycle Menu window to move the cycle
menu up or down.
8. When done, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cycle Menu Spreadsheet Report

You can produce a cycle summary report, detailed list , spreadsheets (detailed or summary) or
component list from the menus you planned in cycle menu entry.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu List/Print.
3. Click Cycle Menu Spreadsheet.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the up and down arrows to select the starting and ending cycle numbers.
6. Click Next.

The following fields are required, Report Type, Report Style, and Menu.
7. From the Report Type drop-down select one of the following, Planned, Offered, Served or
8. Select Summary from the Report Style drop-down.
9. Select the appropriate menu from the Menu drop-down.
10. If you would like to combine breakfast and lunch select the appropriate menu from the
Second Menu drop-down.

Note: Contact your state agency representative for regulations on combining breakfast and lunch
11. Click on the nutrient check box(es) that you would like to include in the report.
12. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


13. NUTRIKIDS automatically assembles a report. Click Print to print the report, or you can
export the report to a PDF file. You can also view the information on the screen by clicking on
the scroll bar on the left and bottom.
14. Click Close when you are done reviewing the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cycle Menu Spreadsheet Detailed Report

The detailed report provides the nutrient values for each menu item served on the selected menu To
create a Detailed Spreadsheet Report, follow these steps.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu List/Print.
3. Click Cycle Menu Spreadsheet.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the up and down arrows to select the starting and ending cycle numbers.
6. Click Next.

7. Select the Detail Report Style.

8. You have a choice of creating a detailed report with the menu items nutrient values per
portion or based on their contribution to a weighted menu. When you weight your menu,
the more popular menu items will contribute more of their nutrient values to the meals
average nutrient value. Select one of these options now.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


9. You have the option to include this information on the report:

a. Menu cost: This option will calculate the menu cost for each menu item and the average
for the entire menu. You must have the Costing/Inventory Module to use this option.
b. Plan Quantity: Shows the planned numbers that you have entered into menu planning.
10. You have the option of selecting a single menu or combining two menus (breakfast and lunch
only). Click the down arrow in the Menu field and select the desired menu.
11. If you want to combine a second menu, repeat this using the Second Menu drop-down.

Note: Contact your state agency representative for regulations on combining breakfast and lunch
12. Select the nutrients that you want to include in the report.
13. If you have entered production quantities for a location and would like to get a nutritional
analysis based on those quantities, select a site from the drop-down menu.
14. Click Preview.
15. Click Print to print the report, or you can export the report to a PDF file. You can also view
the information on the screen by clicking on the scroll bar on the left and bottom.
16. Click Close when you are done reviewing the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cycle Menu Spreadsheet Component List

To create a component list from cycle menus, follow these steps.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu List/Print.
3. Click Cycle Menu Spreadsheet.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the up and down arrows to select the starting and ending cycle numbers.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Component List in the Report Style.
8. You have the option of selecting a single menu or combining two menus. Click the down
arrow in the Menu drop-down and select the desired menu.
9. If you want to combine a second menu, repeat this using the Second Menu drop-down.
10. Select the nutrients that you want to include in the report.
11. If you have entered production quantities for a location and would like to get a nutritional
analysis based on those quantities, select a site from the drop-down menu.
12. Click Preview.
13. NUTRIKIDS automatically assembles a report. Click Print to print the report, or you can
export the report to a PDF file. You can also view the information on the screen by clicking
on the scroll bar on the left and bottom.

14. Click Close when you are done reviewing the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Export to Comma Delimited Text File

You can export reports to comma delimited text files for ease of use.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu List/Print.
3. Click Cycle Menu Spreadsheet.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the up and down arrows to select the starting and ending cycle numbers.
6. Click Next.
7. Click Export to Comma Delimited File
8. You have the option of selecting a single menu or combining two menus. Click the down
arrow in the Menu drop-down and select the desired menu.
9. If you want to combine a second menu, repeat this using the Second Menu drop-down.
10. Click Export.
11. Select a name and location for the CSV file.

12. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cycle Menu Calendar Report

This option lets you print consecutive cycles in a calendar style report for menus entered in the cycle
menu format The menu can be printed for any range of cycle numbers.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu List/Print.
3. Click Cycle Calendar Report.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the up and down arrows to select the starting and ending cycle numbers.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the menu from the drop-down menu.
8. Select the options you would like to print on the report:
a. Daily nutrients
b. Average nutrients
c. Weekly averages
d. Include SKIP items
e. Menu costs (if the Costing/Inventory module is present)
f. Repeated items
g. Nutrient guidelines
h. Use 2nd alternate menu name
9. Select the nutrients to include on the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


10. Click Page Setup to modify the look of the calendar.

11. NUTRIKIDS automatically assembles a report to the screen. Click Print to print the report or
you can export the report to a PDF file. You can also view the information on the screen by
clicking on the scroll bar on the left and bottom.
12. Click Close when you are done reviewing the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cycle Menu Production List

This option lets you print a list of production quantities that have been entered in for a group of cycle
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Cycle Menu List/Print.
3. Click Cycle Menu Production List.
4. Click Next.
5. Use the up and down arrows to select the starting and ending cycle numbers.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the menu from the drop-down menu and then click Preview.
8. NUTRIKIDS automatically assembles a report to the screen. Click Print to print the report or
you can export the report to a PDF file. You can also view the information on the screen by
clicking on the scroll bar on the left and bottom.
9. Click Close when you are done reviewing the report.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Search and Replace Cycle Menu Item

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Search and Replace Cycle Menu Item.
3. Enter the name or recipe number of the item you are searching for and click Search or press
Enter. If you would like to include any deactivated items, select Include Deactivated Items.
4. Click in the recipe list to select the item you want to replace.
5. Highlight the item and click Next.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the item you are replacing the other item with.
7. Select the menu item you want to replace.
8. Click Next.
9. Select a beginning and ending cycle number.

10. Select the menus you want to update, or select Check All.
11. Click Replace.
12. You will be asked if you are sure that you want to replace the existing item with the new
13. Click Yes to continue, or No to abort the replacement.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Name and Nutrient Standards

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Menu Names and Nutrient Standards.
3. Double-click the menu you want to modify.

4. To add or change a menu name, click the box across from the menu letter.
5. Enter up to 30 characters for a name
Examples of Menu Names:
For School Districts:

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

For RCCIs:

Menu A

Elementary Lunch Menu

Menu A Breakfast

Menu B

Elementary Breakfast Menu

Menu B Lunch

Menu C

Intermediate Lunch Menu

Menu C Dinner

Menu D

Intermediate Breakfast Menu Menu D Snack

Menu E

High School Lunch Menu


NUTRIKIDS lets you identify the type of menu planning you will use. This information will be used in the
menu entry function.
1. Click the Menu Planning Options drop-down menu.

HHFKA-Food Based: All users should be selecting the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (HHFKA) Food Based
menu planning option for breakfast and lunch. This is the only allowable option. This option requires
the user to be compliant with all guidelines stated in the HHFKA documentation.
Other: Use this option only if you have been approved by your state agency to plan menus using
alternate menu planning.
2. Choose the meal type, breakfast or lunch.
3. Select an age and grade grouping to establish the nutrient guidelines.

This section describes the various nutrient guideline options and the age/grade groups for the HHFKA
Food Based.

Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) Breakfast Age/Grade Groups:
All HHFKA Breakfast groupings allowed after the start of the 2013-2014 School Year:

Grades K-5

Grades 6-8

Grades K-8

Grades 9-12

Grades K-12

Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) Lunch Age/Grade Groups:
All HHFKA Lunch groupings allowed after the start of the 2012-2013 School Year:
Grades K-5

Grades 6-8

Grades 9-12

Grades K-8

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


4. After you have made your age/grade group selection, review your information and click Next.

The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act has established guidelines (minimums and maximums) for specific
nutrients (calories, sodium, and saturated fat) based on specific age and grade groups. They will appear
in gray and cannot be modified. If your state agency has provided recommended values for total fat,
cholesterol, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, iron, calcium, vitamin A, or vitamin C, enter them now.
5. Click the desired nutrient field.
6. Type the values provided by the state agency, based on the meal type.
7. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Establish School Sites/Buildings

This option is used for the Production Record and Costing/Inventory modules. You will use this function
to name the school sites/locations that produce food or store inventory in your district. If you do not
have the Production Record or Costing/Inventory add-on modules, you can still enter this information
for future use.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click School Sites/Buildings.
3. Enter a name for each site and building that produces food or stores inventory. You can
enter up to 200 sites or locations.

4. Enter the site building name on the first available line. You can also enter a building code into
the Code field; this allows you to enter in an alternate abbreviated name of the site that will
show up on the Production Summary List.
5. Repeat the process until every site and building has been added.
6. After you have entered your sites, click Save.
7. Click Print to print a hard copy of the site list.
8. Click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Site Assignments

This function lets you assign the sites (locations) that will produce the specific menus (a-z). If you do not
have the production record add-on module, you can still enter this information for future use.
1. To assign your school sites to the menu letter, click Menus.
2. Click Menu Planning-Production Site Assignments.
3. Select your menu from the drop-down menu.

4. In the Assign column, click on the box next to each site or building that uses the selected
5. You also have the option to enter standard numbers for reimbursable and ala carte meals.
This number will be helpful if you will be using auto-fill in production records
6. If you do not serve any ala carte meals or adults, Select the Skip ala carte column for each
7. Click Save.
8. Repeat steps 2-4 for each menu
9. Click Close to return to the main menu.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Section 4 - Production
To create a production record, you must first enter in the production quantities for the menus planned.
This section will review the steps to enter your production quantities.
There are three steps for entering production qualities:
1. Import the menu plan used in menu entry.
2. Enter the production quantities for each school site one site at a time.
3. Enter the production quantities based on another school sites production quantities.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Quantities Function

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Select the menu name.
4. Select the month.
5. Double-click the menu date to open it.
6. Click Prod Qty.

7. Click Import Menu Plan.

8. Type the school site number that Identifies the site to import to.
9. Click OK.

10. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Entering Production Quantities Manually for Each School Site

Add Quantities Manually
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Select the menu name.
4. Double-click on the menu date to open it.
5. Enter all menu items you wish to add by typing the name of an item into the Recipe Name
column and clicking Search. The screen will populate with a list of available recipes that can
be used.
6. Double-click on the item you wish to add.
7. Repeat this step for each additional item to be added to the menu.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Prod Qty.

10. Double-click on the desired school site name.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


11. Double-click the Reimburse Meals field within in the planned and offered columns.
12. Enter the number of students you expect to take a complete reimbursable meal.
13. Repeat these steps for all recipes in the menu.

Note: You can see a pop-up that shows the last seven instances in which the item has been
on a menu.
If you do not participate in Offer versus Serve and would like to add the same reimbursable number for
all items at once, you can use the auto-fill and type in the reimbursable number you want to use for all
items. Then click OK and Save.

A La Carte Meals
1. Double-click the Ala Carte field within the Planned and Offered columns.
2. Enter the number of adults you expect to take a complete meal.
3. Repeat these steps for all recipes in the menu.
4. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Bulk Entries
If you are entering your production quantities at a central office and would like to add them to more
than one site at a time, you can use the bulk entry option.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Open the day you wish to enter.
4. Click Prod Qty.
5. Click PQ Bulk Entry.

6. Click in the Reimburse column of the first site.

7. Enter the number of students you expect to take a complete reimbursable meal.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all remaining sites.
9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for all recipes in the menu.
10. Click Save.
11. To enter Ala Carte meal counts, repeat steps 6 through 9 but enter the values in the Ala Carte
field instead of the Reim field.
12. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Entering Leftovers
If you have food left over from a previous service, you can now add it to your production menu by using
the leftover option. This is different than the Short Leftover Served Column, which reflects the current
days meals.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Open the day you wish to enter.
4. Click PQ Prod Qty.
5. Open a School Site by double-clicking it.
6. Enter your planned reimbursable and planned ala carte numbers.
7. Click Add Leftovers.

8. Click into the leftovers section at the bottom of the screen. In the yellow box, enter a recipe
and click Enter. A pop-up will appear with a recipe list.
9. Select the recipe you wish to add to the Leftovers by double-clicking it.
10. Select the date from which this was leftover.
11. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Quantities: Proportional Auto-Fill

This option is designed to let you weigh the production quantities for one school site based on the
production quantities of another school site.
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Select the desired month.
4. Select a menu name.
5. Select a date and click Open (or double-click on the date).
6. Enter daily menu Items and click Save (skip this step if the menu exists).
7. Click Prod Qty.
8. Click Auto-Fill.

9. Enter the site number of the base site. This is the site from which the counts are provided.
10. Enter the site number of the target site. This is the site into which the numbers will be filled.
11. Enter the total number of reimbursable and ala carte meals you plan to serve at the target
school site.

Note: Review the production quantities for the target site and make changes or additions
as needed. Do not forget to enter a number in the ala carte column if you serve meals to

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


12. Click OK.

13. Click Save.
14. Repeat the process for each school site you want to auto-fill accordingly.
15. Continue entering production quantities for all school sites using this menu.
16. If you do not want to use these total production quantities for your nutrient analysis
numbers, click Close.

Note: If you do want to use these total production quantities for your nutrient analysis
numbers, click Save Totals to Menu Plan.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Quantities: Served Numbers Post Production

1. Click Menus.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Select the menu name.
4. Select the month.
5. Double-click the menu date to open it.
6. Click Prod Qty.
7. Double-click the desired school site.

8. Select a recipe from the menu list and click the corresponding Reimburse field within the
served Column. Click the Served.
9. Enter the number of students who took a complete reimbursable meal.
10. Enter the number of each menu item served as part of the reimbursable meal.
11. Enter any waste in the Waste column.
12. Click Calculate Over/Shortage on the toolbar. This will automatically populate the Short/
Leftover column for you.
13. Repeat steps 8 through 12 for each recipe within the menu.
14. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Records
1. Click Menus.
2. Click Enter/Modify Menus.
3. Select the menu name.
4. Select the month using the up and down arrows.
5. Click Prod Recs.
6. Click on the desired format.

7. Click Next.
8. Click on the dates you want to include in the production records.
9. Click Next.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


10. To select more than one menu, use the down arrow to select menu names. Do not select the
same menu name more than once.
11. Click Next.
12. Only those school sites assigned to the menu will appear on the screen.
13. Click on the school sites locations you want to include in the production record.

14. Click Preview.

Note: If there are any vegetable subgroups defined they will display on the Daily Production
Record report.
15. Click Print to print the production records.
16. Click Close when you are done.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Changing a Measure in a Production Record

When viewing a Production Record printout, you may find Ingredient measures not reflected as you
desire. To correct that, follow these steps:
1. Click Recipes.
2. Click Modify/Review.
3. Enter up to five letters of the recipe to modify and press Enter.

4. Using the scroll bar, locate the recipe and open it by double-clicking it.
5. Click the Prod Spec. tab

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Click the first Measure column. Select the desired measurement for production records from
the measure options found at the top of the screen. Double-click the desired measurement
or enter the number that corresponds with the measure and press Enter.

7. If you also need an additional measure, follow the same steps and select the additional
measure in the second Measure column.
8. Repeat steps 6 and 7 for all ingredients in the recipe for which you would like to add a

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Using the Round Column

When you click the Round column, you will see a drop-down menu with four options:

N- No, do not round the measure when the ingredient is printed.

Y- Yes, round the measure when the ingredient is printed.

S- Skip the ingredient when this recipe is printed to the production record.

B- Blank, print the ingredient name but no amounts of that specific ingredient will be

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Report Generator Formats II

Report Generator Formats II allows you to customize your production records to make them look the
way you want. To access Report Generator Formats II:
1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.

Open: Opens the selected format for editing

Duplicate: Makes a copy of the format that is selected

Move Up: Moves a format up in the list

Move Down: Moves a format down in the list

Delete: Deletes the selected format

Restore: Restores the default formats that were included when the program was installed.

Export: Allows you to export formats as a file that can be imported by another NUTRIKIDS
Menu Planning User.

Import: Allows you to import formats that have been exported by another NUTRIKIDS Menu
Planning User.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Duplicating Formats
1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.
3. Click the format you wish to duplicate.
4. Click Duplicate.

Moving Formats Up/Down

1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.
3. Click the format you wish to move.
4. Click Move Up or Move Down to change the order.

Deleting Formats
1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.
3. Click the format you wish to delete..
4. Click Delete.
5. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes.

Restoring Formats
1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.
3. Click Restore.
4. At the confirmation prompt, click Yes to restore the default formats and automatically delete
all custom formats.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Export Formats
1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.
3. Click Export.
4. Click OK.
5. Select a save location for the Export file.
6. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Import Formats
1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.
3. Click Import.
4. Click OK.
5. Select the file to import.
6. Click Open.

Creating a Report Style From Scratch

1. Click Production.
2. Click Report Generator Formats II.
3. Click the next available line number.
4. Click Open.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


5. Fill out the Report Generator Formats II with the following elements:

Click the Format Name field and type the desired name for this format. This can be up to
30 characters long. This will help you identify the type of report style you have created.

Click the Report Heading box. This can be up to 40 characters long. Enter a heading for
the report. This is the heading that will appear at the top of the report when you print
it. Suggestions include: Daily Production Report, Central Kitchen Report, and Transport

Print Zero Quantity Items. Selecting Yes will print all recipes including those without
quantities (0). You can use this option to create worksheets for your school sites.

Print Menu Name: Selecting Yes will print the menu name of each menu you select to be
printed on the production record.

Print Planned Totals: Selecting Yes will print the planned quantity (numbers) of student
(reimbursable meals) and adults (ala carte) you entered when menu planning.

Site Information: Select whether you want to see the site number and name, just the
number, or to leave it blank when printing the record.

Orientation: Click the Orientation drop-down menu. Select Portrait (8.5 x 11) or
Landscape (11 x 8.5).

Font and Font Size. Select the font and the font size that you would like to use on the

Set Margins. Set the page margins for the report.

Multiple Days Per Page: Selecting this option allows you to put multiple days of
production information on one page.

Print Site Name on Each Page: Selecting this option will add the site information to each
page of the production record instead of just the first page.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Header Tab: This option allows you to enter in information that will appear at the top of the
production record. This is often used to add fields that can be filled in manually.

Footer Tab: This option allows you to enter in information that will appear at the bottom of
the production record. This is often used to add fields that can be filled in manually

6. Click the Fields tab.

7. Click Column Type. Refer to the Overview of Information Fields on the Report Generator
topic for field descriptions.
8. Click the arrow that appears at the right side of the Column Type box. This will allow you to
select up to 22 fields of information.
9. Select the data you want to appear in the first column of your production record.
10. Click Save to save the information.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Overview of Information Fields on the Report Generator

The following are the data fields (labeled Column Type) available in the Production Records Report

Blank Column
This column will appear blank and can be used when creating a production record where you want the
staff to fill in quantities or information.

Recipe Number
This is the number assigned to the recipe when you create it.

Recipe Name
This will list only the recipe name without the ingredients or recipe number.

Recipe & Ingredients (Offered, Planned, & Served)

Displays the recipe number, name, serving size, and ingredients from your recipe. Also included are the
ingredient measures, which are based on the production quantities type you selected.

Source of Recipe
This is just the source of the recipe. This information was added when the recipe was created.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Portion Size: Required for multiple menus.

This is the portion size you selected when you created the menu, not the portion size listed on the

Food Based Components

This information is generated from the component information within recipe. NUTRIKIDS will calculate
the contribution based on the portion size of the recipe on this menu. If you did not add the component
information to the recipe, the column will appear blank.

This information is generated from the menu item category (group) you assigned when creating your
menu. If you have not assigned the recipe to a menu item category, this column will appear blank. You
can then enter the information by hand once the report is printed.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Menu Item Cost

This information is generated from the cost entered into the Purchase Info tab of the ingredient. This info
can only be entered if you have the Costing module.

Displays the values of the short/leftover column from the production quantities.

Displays the values of the waste column from the production quantities.

Production Notes
This field is pulled from the Notes tab of the recipe.

Purchasing Guide
This field is pulled from the Notes tab of the recipe.

Serving Notes
This field is pulled from the Notes tab of the recipe.

Miscellaneous Notes
This field is pulled from the Notes tab of the recipe.

HACCP Process
This field is pulled from the HACCP Process field in the recipe.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Planned Quantity
Planned Quantity - Reimbursable
This information is generated from the number entered in the Reimburse Column within the Planned
column in production quantities for a specific school site.
Planned Quantity - A la Carte
This information is generated from the number you entered in the Ala Carte column within the Planned
column in production quantities of the specific school site.
Planned Quantity - Total
This sum is calculated from the numbers you entered for the reimbursable and ala carte planned
quantity in production quantities.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Offered Quantity
Offered Quantity - Reimbursable
This information is generated from the number entered in the Reimburse Column within the Offered
column in production quantities for a specific school site.
Offered Quantity - A la Carte
This information is generated from the number you entered in the Ala Carte column within the Offered
column in production quantities of the specific school site.
Offered Quantity - Total
This sum is calculated from the numbers you entered for the reimbursable and ala carte offered quantity
in production quantities.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Served Quantity
Served Quantity - Reimbursable
This information is generated from the number entered in the Reimburse Column within the Served
column in production quantities for a specific school site.
Served Quantity - A la Carte
This information is generated from the number you entered in the Ala Carte column within the Served
column in production quantities of the specific school site.
Served Quantity - Total
This sum is calculated from the numbers you entered for the reimbursable and ala carte served quantity
in production quantities.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Summary List: Planned Quantities

1. Click Production.
2. Click Production Summary List: Planned Qtys.
3. Select the menu you wish to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
4. Click Next.

5. Select the menu you wish to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
6. Click Next.
7. Select a beginning date.
8. Select an ending date.

Note: Exclude Zero Quantities allows you to print the report without including those items
that have a zero entered for Production Quantities.
9. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


10. Click Print.

11. Click Close when you are done.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Summary List: Offered Quantities

1. Click Production.
2. Click Production Offered List: Served Qtys.
3. Select the menu(s) you want to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
4. Click Next.

5. Select the production site(s) you wish to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
6. Click Next.
7. Select a beginning date.
8. Select an ending date.
Note: Exclude Zero Quantities allows you to print the report without including those items
that have a zero entered for Production Quantities.
9. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


10. Click Print.

11. Click Close when you are done.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Summary List: Served Quantities

1. Click Production.
2. Click Production Summary List: Served Qtys.
3. Select the menu(s) you want to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
4. Click Next.

5. Select the production site(s) you wish to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
6. Click Next.
7. Select a beginning date.
8. Select an ending date.
Note: Exclude Zero Quantities allows you to print the report without including those items
that have a zero entered for Production Quantities.
9. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


10. Click Print.

11. Click Close when you are done.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Production Planning Recap Report

1. Click Production.
2. Click Production Planning: Recap Report.
3. Select the menu(s) you wish to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
4. Click Next.

5. Select the production site(s) you wish to use by double-clicking the box next to it.
6. Click Next.
7. Select a beginning date.
8. Select an ending date.
9. Select the appropriate production quantity count from the Compare drop-down.
10. Click Preview.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


11. Click Print.

12. Click Close when you are done.

Note: The Short/Leftover and Waste columns display only when Offered to Served is selected from the
Compare drop-down.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Shopping List
This is a tool used in preparing for the SMI audit. It provides a list of every ingredient that will be used
within a specified date range. It enables you to:

Track usage of your inventory production needs.

Assist in ordering your groceries to help reduce an over abundant and unnecessary amount
of inventory.

Generate a report to create an Inventory Bid listing Inventory Amounts.

To use the Shopping List, follow these steps.

1. Click Production.
2. Click Shopping List.
3. Enter a starting date and ending date for column 1.

Note: You can use any range of dates for the shopping list as long as you have created
Production Records for these specific dates, school sites and menus. The list will print the
required ingredient amounts for each date range specified in column format. The total
requirement will be calculated and listed to the right of the columns.

4. Repeat this process to enter the range of dates for columns 2-5.
5. To continue, click Next.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Select the menu you wish to use by clicking the box next to it. If you wish to select all of the
menus, you may click Check All.

7. Click Next.
8. Select the school site you wish to include in the shopping list by clicking the box next to it. If
you wish to select all of the schools, you may click Check All.

Note: To cancel your selection of a site, click on it. The check-mark will disappear.
9. When finished, click Preview. Only sites assigned to the selected menu will appear.
10. If you wish to print, click Print.

Note: The Inventory Shopping List includes the distributor product ID value in the Product # column
when entered on the Ingredients Purchase Info tab. If the distributor product ID number field is blank on
the Ingredients Purchase Info tab, it will display blank on the Inventory Shopping List.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Section 5 - Costing and Inventory

Costing and Periodic Inventory provides you with two main features. The first feature lets you enter the
costs for inventory items that you use. These costs are automatically transferred to the recipe and menu
planning programs. You can see what a recipe costs per ingredient and per serving along with the menu
cost and average menu costs over several days, weeks, or months. The second feature lets you enter
physical inventory counts. NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning will automatically multiply the cost by the quantity
and give you an inventory value report. Inventories can be calculated individually by inventory site and
consolidated for multiple locations, such as schools, kitchens, storerooms, warehouses, and so on.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Cost Update
The Cost Update option lets you update your inventory costs in any order. Once you have updated your
costs, you will need to run a recipe cost recalculation. There is only one set of costs in the program so
that each of the inventory sites and locations uses the same costs for Inventory Value reports.
1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Cost Update.
3. Click Desc to sort the ingredient list alphabetically by description, or click Num to sort the
ingredient list numerically by ingredient number.
4. Select the USDA Commodities option to only show ingredients marked as commodities.
5. Search for the ingredient to update either by scrolling through the list or by entering
information in the search field and clicking Search.
6. Click the Cost column of the ingredient you would like to update.
7. Enter a new cost. Do not add a dollar sign. You do not need to add zeros for change on exact
dollar amounts.
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for each ingredient that needs to be updated.
9. When finished, click Close.

Note: Only ingredients with purchase information will appear in Cost Update lists.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory Worksheets
The Inventory Worksheets function generates a list with the cost and purchase information for a
specified school site or building. This can be used to take the inventory and update costs that have

Inventory by Class
1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Worksheets.

3. Select a school site or building from the drop-down menu and click Next.

4. Select By Class and click Next.

5. Select the inventory classes you want to list, or click Check All to select all inventory classes,
and click Next.
6. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
7. When finished viewing the report, click Close.
NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory Alphabetically
1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Worksheets.
3. Select a school site or building from the drop-down menu and click Next.

4. Select Alphabetical and click Next.

5. Specify the alphabetical range of the search by entering letters in the From field that
correspond to where you want to begin the list and entering letters in the Thru field that
correspond to where you want to end the list. You can enter up to 10 letters in each field.
6. Click Next.

7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory Numerically
1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Worksheets.
3. Select a school site or building from the drop-down menu and click Next.

4. Select Numerical and click Next.

5. Specify the alphabetical range of the search by entering letters in the From field that
correspond to where you want to begin the list and entering letters in the Thru field that
correspond to where you want to end the list. You can enter up to 10 letters in each field.
6. Click Next.

7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory of Commodities
1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Worksheets.
3. Select a school site or building from the drop-down menu and click Next.

4. Select USDA Commodities and click Next.

5. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
6. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Enter Physical Count

The Enter Physical Count function lets you go through your inventory list in any order to enter your
physical inventory count for each school site or building you named. Since this is a periodic inventory
program, you need to reset your physical count to zero each time you take a new physical count.
1. If you have not already done so, reset your physical counts to zero before creating the new
inventory count.
a. From the main menu, click Costing.
b. Click Reset Physical Inventory.
c. Select the site whose inventory you would like to reset, or use <<ALL>> to select all
available sites.
d. Click OK. A message will appear confirming a successful inventory reset.

2. From the main menu, click Costing.

3. Click Enter Physical Count.
4. Select a school site or building from the drop-down menu.
5. Select whether to list ingredients by USDA commodities, description, ingredient number, or
class. Use the search field to find specific ingredients by entering information and clicking

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


6. Enter physical counts for specified inventory. There are two columns labeled Physical Count
for each inventory item.
a. In the leftmost Physical Count column, enter the number of purchase units available.
b. In the rightmost Physical Count column, enter any stock units available.

7. Repeat step 6 for each inventory item.

8. Repeat steps 4-7 for each school site and building.
9. When finished, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory Value Report

The inventory value report can be printed for each individual school site and building and can also be
consolidated by selecting all sites and locations for printing. The inventory value report will provide
subtotals when it is printed by inventory class.

Inventory Value Report by Class

1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Value Reports.
3. Select a site from the drop-down menu, or select <<ALL for Consolidated>> to select all sites,
and click Next.

4. Select By Class, choose whether to include items with zero quantities, and click Next.

5. Select the inventory classes you want to list, or select all with Check All, and click Next.

6. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
7. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory Value Report Alphabetically

1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Value Reports.
3. Select a site from the drop-down menu, or select <<ALL for Consolidated>> to select all sites,
and click Next.

4. Select Alphabetical, choose whether to include items with zero quantities, and click Next.

5. Specify the alphabetical range of the search by entering letters in the From field that
correspond to where you want to begin the list and entering letters in the Thru field that
correspond to where you want to end the list. You can enter up to 10 letters in each field.
6. Click Next.

7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory Value Report Numerically

1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Value Reports.
3. Select a site from the drop-down menu, or select <<ALL for Consolidated>> to select all sites,
and click Next.

4. Select Numerical, choose whether to include items with zero quantities, and click Next.

5. Specify the alphabetical range of the search by entering letters in the From field that
correspond to where you want to begin the list and entering letters in the Thru field that
correspond to where you want to end the list. You can enter up to 10 letters in each field.
6. Click Next.

7. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
8. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Inventory Value Report USDA Commodities

1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Inventory Value Reports.
3. Select a site from the drop-down menu, or select <<ALL for Consolidated>> to select all sites,
and click Next.

4. Select USDA Commodities, choose whether to include items with zero quantities, and click

5. NUTRIKIDS will assemble a list based on selected parameters. You can export the list to a PDF
or click Print to print the list for a physical copy.
6. When finished viewing the report, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Reset Physical Inventory

The Reset Physical Inventory option allows you to zero out your physical inventory numbers for a specific
site or all sites at once.
1. From the main menu, click Costing.
2. Click Reset Physical Inventory.
3. Select the site whose inventory you would like to reset, or use <<ALL>> to select all available

4. Click OK. A message will appear confirming a successful inventory reset.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe Cost Recalculation

The Recipe Cost Recalculation feature lets you make calculations for new and updated items. The
following instructions for using the Recipe Cost Recalculation feature include preliminary steps that help
bring your recipe costs up to date before recalculation.
1. Enter the names of any school sites and buildings that contain inventory. Set up this
information on the Menus tab under School Sites/Buildings.
2. Enter purchase information on all ingredients used by the district. Set up this information on
the Ingredient tab under Modify/Review.
3. Deactivate any ingredient or recipe you are not going to be using.
4. Print an inventory worksheet from the Costing tab. Use the worksheet to take a physical
5. Enter physical counts for each school site or building.
6. Generate an inventory value report.
7. From the Costing tab, click Cost Update. Edit any new costs for inventory items.
8. From the Costing tab, click Recipe Cost Recalculation.
9. Click Go.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Section 6 - Conversions
The Conversions tab provides a number of tools you can use to convert from one measuring unit to
another unit.

The NUTRIKIDS software includes a PDF document that explains how to use the Yield Factor Method with
NUTRIKIDS. It includes instructions for adding raw meat, raw or frozen vegetables, dried pasta or rice,
using dry mixes, and using different portion sizes. It also explains what to do when your label does not
have a weight for a volume measure. Click Using the Yield Factor Method and refer to the document for
more information on using the Yield Factor Method of conversion:

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning

Using the Yield Factor Method

June, 2015

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Using the Conversion Tab

This function allows you to view and print the conversion tables.

1. Select the Conversions tab.

2. Click the conversion you want to view
3. Click Print to print a hard copy or to export the file to a PDF, if you want.
This section shows samples of the various reports.

Metric Conversions

Metric Equivalents by Weight

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Metric Equivalents by Volume

Volume Equivalents for Liquids

Sizes and Capacities of Scoops (Dishers)

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Sizes and Capacities of Ladles

Raw to Cooked Factor for Selected Vegetables

Grain/Bread Alternatives for Food-Based Menus

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Moisture and Fat Change Values (%)

Conversion Calculator
Follow these steps to calculate conversions.
1. Select either Volume Measures or Weight Measures.
2. Enter the values to convert.
3. Select your measure from the drop-down menu.
4. Click Convert.
5. When you are finished, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Section 7 - Tools
In this section you will learn how to use the functions listed under Tools, including backing up data,
performing a data transfer, deactivating ingredients and recipes, setting up program options, and
registering your program.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Backing up NUTRIKIDS Data

It is important for you to do a backup of your NUTRIKIDS data on a regular basis. You can either back it
up to a flash drive or to your district server for safekeeping. This will help you avoid losing your data in
the event of a crashed hard drive or a computer virus. You can also use this feature to transfer your data
from one computer with NUTRIKIDS to another.
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Backup/Restore Data.
3. Click Backup the Data.
4. Click Next.
5. Click Browse.
6. Select the location you want to save the data into.
7. Once selected, click Save.

8. Click Backup.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


9. NUTRIKIDS will perform the backup.

10. When the backup is complete you will see a window that reads Backup Successful. Click

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Restoring NUTRIKIDS Data

If you have saved your data to a flash drive, your hard drive, or a server, you can now restore that data
back into NUTRIKIDS.
Perform the following procedure to restore you NUTRIKIDS database.
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Backup/Restore Data.
3. Click Restore the Data.
4. Click Next.
5. Click Browse.
6. Click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Restore From window. Select the location you
want to Restore the data from. You should see the file name in the large window.
7. Select the file by highlighting it and clicking Open.

8. Make sure that the location that you want to pull the data from is in the RESTORE FROM
field. If it is correct then click Restore. If not, click Browse and select the correct file location.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


9. You will be asked to confirm that you are sure that you want to restore your data. Type
Restore in the window.
10. Click OK.

Note: If the backup file was created with a version of NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning that is greater
than the version you are using, the message below will be displayed. You will need to update your
software with a current version of NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning before you can restore the backup

11. Once you restore, you should see a window that reads Restore Successful. Click OK.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Reorganizing NUTRIKIDS
Occasionally in NUTRIKIDS, it is necessary to refresh the data to ensure that the program runs at an
optimal level. This is done by doing a reorganization.
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Reorganize NUTRIKIDS.
3. Click Go .

When the process has completed, you will be directed back to the screen from which you started the

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Verification Report
The Verification Report is used to identify any discrepancies in the data that the program does not
understand. You may find error messages or a list of ingredients or recipes that need to be fixed. To run a
Verification Report:
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Verification Report.
3. You have the option to exclude inactive ingredients and recipes by clicking Exclude Inactive
4. Click Go.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Accessing the Calculator

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Calculator.

3. When finished, click the red X to close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Conversion Table
To access the conversion table, perform the following steps:
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Conversion Tables.
3. Select either Volume Measures or Weight Measures.
4. Enter a value into the field on the right.
5. Select your measure from the drop-down menu.
6. Click Convert.

7. When finished, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Data Transfer Utility (Exporting)

Exporting Ingredients
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Data Transfer Utility > Export Nutrikids Data > Export Ingredients.
3. Enter the description of the item you wish to export in the Search For window.
4. Click Search or press Enter on your keyboard.

5. Once you locate the item, you can either highlight it and click Add List, highlight it and press
Enter, or double-click the item. This will move the item over to the right-hand side into the
Items that will be exported window.
6. Repeat the process until you have all of the desired ingredients selected. If you want to
remove an item, highlight the item and click Clear.
7. Click Export.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


8. Select a location to save the export.

9. You have the option to change the file name.
10. Click Save.

11. Once the export is complete, you will see a window that reads Export Successful. Click OK.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Exporting Recipes
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Data Transfer Utility > Export Nutrikids Data > Export Recipes.
3. Enter the description of the item you wish to export in the Search For window.
4. Click Search or press Enter on your keyboard.

5. Once you locate the item you can either highlight it and click Add List, highlight it and press
Enter, or double-click the item. This will move the item over to the right-hand side into the
Items that will be exported window.
6. Repeat the process until you have all of the desired recipes selected. If you want to remove
an item, highlight the item and click Clear.
7. Click Export.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


8. Select a location to save the export.

9. You have the option to change the file name.
10. Click Save.

11. Once the export is complete, you will see a window that reads Export Successful. Click OK.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Exporting Menu Planning

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Data Transfer Utility > Export Nutrikids Data > Export Menu Planning.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select the food menu that you would like to pull your menu
days from.
4. Each day that has a menu planned will have an icon on it. If you are not sure what items are
on a particular day, you can highlight the day and click View Items. This will show a list of the
daily menu items. Click OK when finished.

5. For each day you would like to export, you will need to highlight it and click Add List,
highlight the menu day and press Enter, or double-click the day. This will move the menu
over to the right-hand side into the Menus that will be exported window.
6. Repeat the process until you have all of the desired menu days selected. If you want to
remove a day, highlight the menu day and click Clear.
7. Click Export.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


8. Select a location to save the export.

9. You have the option to change the file name.
10. Click Save.

11. Once the export is complete, you will see a window that says Export Successful. Click OK.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Exporting Cycle Menus

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Data Transfer Utility > Export Nutrikids Data > Export Cycle Menus.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select the food menu that you would like to pull your cycle
menu days from.

4. Each day that has a menu planned on it will be listed on the left-hand side of the screen. If
you are not sure what items are on a particular cycle day, you can highlight the day and click
View Items. This will show a list of the daily menu items. Click OK when finished.
5. For each day you would like to export, you will need to highlight it and click Add List,
highlight the menu day and press Enter, or double-click the day. This will move the menu
over to the right-hand side into the Cycles that will be exported window.
6. Repeat the process until you have all of the desired menu days selected. If you want to
remove a day, highlight the menu day and click Clear.
7. Click Export.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


8. Select a location to save the export.

9. You have the option to change the file name.
10. Click Save.

11. Once the export is complete, you will see a window that reads Export Successful. Click OK.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Data Transfer Utility (Importing)

Importing Ingredients, Recipes, and Menus
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Data Transfer Utility > Import Nutrikids Data.
3. An Import window will appear with files to import. Locate the file you wish to import,
highlight it, and click Open or double-click the file.

4. The Import window will appear. Select the desired items from the list provided.
5. If you need to locate a specific item, enter the description of the item you want to import in
the search window and either click Search or press Enter.
6. Once you locate the desired item, you can either highlight it and click Add List, highlight it
and press Enter, or double-click the item. This will move the item over to the right-hand side
into the Items that will be imported window.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


7. Repeat the process until you have all of the desired items selected. If you want to remove an
item, highlight the item and click Clear.
8. Click Import.

Note: If the backup file was created with a version of NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning that is greater than the
version you are using, the message below will be displayed. You will need to update your software with a
current version of NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning before you can restore the backup data.
Additionally, When the MP software versions being used to import and export files do not match, one of
the following Version Incompatibility messages will display. The user on the lower software version will
need to update to the higher version.

9. You will see a list of all items that have been imported.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Duplicate Finder
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Duplicate Finder.
3. Click Go

4. Double -click the recipes you want to keep. In the Keep/Deactivate field, you will see Keep
next to your choices. The other duplicates will have Deactivate next to them. If you find
that the selections are not correct, you can double-click a recipe and it will cycle through the
5. Highlight a recipe by clicking it.
6. Click View to see the recipe ingredients, quantities, # of portions, and portion size.
7. Click Go.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Deactivate Ingredients
This option allows you to deactivate a large group of ingredients at one time. It will deactivate any
ingredient that is not currently in use by an active recipe.
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Deactivate Ingredients.
3. Click OK to deactivate all ingredients that are not currently in use by an active recipe.

Note: If you realize that you do not want to deactivate all of those ingredients and want them to be
reactivated, you can reverse the process.

4. Click OK.

5. To reactivate ingredients deactivated in this way:

a. Click Tools.
b. Click Deactivate Ingredients.
c. Click Reverse Process.
d. Click Yes.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Deactivate Recipes
This option allows you to deactivate a large group of recipes at one time. It will deactivate any recipe
that has not been used since a certain date.
1. Click Tools.
2. Click Deactivate Recipes.
3. Use the drop-down menu to select the date you want to use as the cut-off. Any recipe that
has not been used since that date will be deactivated.
4. Click OK to deactivate all recipes that have not been used since the selected date.

5. To reactivate recipes deactivated in this way:

a. Click Tools.
b. Click Deactivate Recipes.
c. Click Reverse Process.
d. Click Yes.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe HACCP Process

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Recipe HACCP Process.
3. Click the check box on the right that corresponds to the Recipe HACCP Process that the
recipe falls under. You can choose from #1 No Cook, #2 Same Day Service, and #3 Complex
Food Prep.
4. If you want to add an HACCP Process to a certain recipe in particular, you can search for it in
the Search field.
a. Click the Search field.
b. Enter the first few letters of the item.
c. Click Search or press Enter.
5. Click Close when finished.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Recipe Component Entry

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Recipe Component Entry.
3. Enter any components that this recipe contains. You have the choice of M/MA as Grain,
Meat, Grain, Fruit, Vegetable, and Milk.
4. If you want to add components to a certain recipe in particular, you can search for it in the
Search field.
a. Click the Search field.
b. Enter the first few letters of the item.
c. Click Search or press Enter.
5. Click Close when finished.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


To access the options tab, under Tools, click Options. The options menu contains tabs with settings that
can be changed to better fit with district needs.

Focus Tab
This tab allows you to change the look of your NUTRIKIDS program. You can change the Back Color and
Fore Color (which is the font color), or you can use the System Default color scheme.
Back Color: This is the color that will show up when an item is selected or highlighted
Fore Color: This is the font color for any typed text.
System Default: This restores the colors back to a back color of yellow and a fore color of black.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Printing Tab
This tab allows you to change some of the basic printing options for your NUTRIKIDS program.
Space Between Line and Characters: This changes the space between lines above and below the
characters, as well as the space between characters themselves.
Production Records: This adds space between the header and the body of your production record.
RTF for HACCP and Instructions: From time to time, you may be asked by a NUTRIKIDS representative to
check one of these boxes. They are used to fix certain errors in the program.
Keep Measurements as Decimals: This option allows for decimal portion sizes to show on your
production records and recipes instead of fractions.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Search Tab
Full Search: When doing searches, the program will look for items that begin with the letters that are
entered into the search fields. It does not search through the entire description; it only looks at the
First Letter Search: This option displays all items that begin with the letter you type into the modify
review search screens and when adding items in menu planning.
Word Search: When doing searches, the program will look for items that contain the letters that are
typed into the search fields. It searches through the entire description instead of just looking at the
beginning. When performing a word search you must type an asterisk (*) before the word. For example,
Show Menu Item History Popup: This option displays a pop-up window that shows the planned quantity
for a menu item the last eight times it was on a menu. It is located in the Menu Planning screen.
Show Production Qty History Popup: This option displays a pop-up window that shows the planned
production quantity for a menu item the last five times it was on a menu. It is located in the Production
Quantities screen.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


General Tab
This tab allows you to change the search functions for your NUTRIKIDS program.
Calculator Path: This space is left blank.
Use Nutrikids Perpetual Inventory Data: This option is available to users with the NUTRIKIDS Perpetual
Inventory program and allows information to be shared between the programs.
Put Costing First in Modify/Review Recipes and Menu Planning: When viewing information in Modify/
Review Recipes and in Menu Planning, the column that shows the cost of the recipe is the first column
that is seen.
Deactivate All Branded Ingredients not in use by a recipe during reorganize process: This feature allows
you to deactivate branded items during the reorganization process, which will reduce the number of
items that are visible in the Modify/Review screen.
Skip Duplicate Recipes during Import: This will tell the program not to bring in a recipe if a duplicate
already exists.
Secondary Backup Location: This will allow you to set a secondary automatic backup location. Every fifth
time you close out of the program, NUTRIKIDS will create an automatic backup. If you set this location,
the program will save the automatic backup to the location. Also, if you do a manual backup, a copy is
also saved automatically to this location. Just click Browse and navigate to the desired location, and then
click Open.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Navigator Tab
This tab allows you to change the search functions for your NUTRIKIDS program.
Navigator Behavior: Options under this heading control the behavior of the Navigator screen in
NUTRIKIDS. The navigator screen is the main page of the program.
Graphic: Options under this heading allow you to turn off the graphics that are shown on the main page

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Attributes Tab
This tab allows you to set up recipe attributes that can be assigned to recipes in the future.
Add/Modify Attributes: Allows you to add a list of attributes that can be added to recipes. Click once
to allow for editing of attribute information. Click again when it reads Lock Attributes to finish editing
attributes and save the edits.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Allergens Tab
Before you may access the Allergens tab, you must read and understand the Allergen Notice and
1. Read through the disclaimer.
2. Click I do understand the above disclaimer.
3. Click OK.

The Allergens tab shows you the 8 allergens that are available to be assigned to recipes.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


To access the Database screen, under Tools, click Database.
Compact Database: This process compacts the NUTRIKIDS for Windows database so it will be smaller in
size. It also helps with some error messages.
Repair Database: In the event of a corrupt database, this option allows the NUTRIKIDS program to fix
itself. This should only be run if a compaction of the database does not fix the error message.
Open Explorer: Opens the folder where the database is located.
Relocate Database: This option allows you to change the location of your NUTRIKIDS database. This
should only be done with the assistance of your tech department or with some assistance from a
NUTRIKIDS representative.
Browse: Allows you to browse to another database that may be in a different location.
Close: Closes the database screen.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Network User Access Rights

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Network User Access Rights.
3. Double-click on the user name whose access you would like to change.

4. Enter a user name. It must be one word with no spaces and must be at least 4 characters
long. It is an Alphanumeric field.
5. Enter a password. It must be one word with no spaces. It is an Alphanumeric field. Having a
password is optional and is not required.
6. For non-Administrator users, each user can be assigned rights to what they can and cannot

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


To edit the rights:

1. Click the Access Rights column to the right of each module
2. Click the down arrow that appears.
3. Select the level of access you want that user to have.

Full Access: User has the ability to fully modify any information in that module.

Read Only: User can only view the information. They cannot modify anything.

No Access: User cannot access that part of the program.

Note: If the user should have full access to every part of the program, then you can put a check mark in
the box that says Administrator.

Assigning Buildings:
1. Put a check mark next to all of the buildings that this user will have access to.
2. Click Done when finished.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all other users.
4. When finished, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Copy User Rights From One User to Another

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Network User Access Rights.
3. Click the user name that you would like to copy permissions from.
4. Click Copy.

5. Put a check mark in the Copy To field of the user or users you would like to copy the user
permissions to. You may select more than one at a time if desired.
6. Click Save.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


The information on this screen should not be updated without the assistance of a NUTRIKIDS
Representative or with an email providing you with the appropriate field information. Please contact
Technical Support at 800-724-9853, option 6, and then option 3 for assistance.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Food Based Components Update

1. Click Tools.
2. Click Food Based Components Recipe Update.

3. When the update is complete you will see a screen that says Food Based Components
Update Complete.
4. Click OK.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


FitFuture Newsletters
1. Click Tools.
2. Click FitFuture Newsletters.

Use the scroll arrows to view all Newsletters in each Volume. Once you see the newsletter you want,
click the color or black & white version. This will bring up a PDF version of the newsletter. The newsletter
can then be printed or emailed. When finished, click Close.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Child Nutrition Database Update

Each year, the USDA incorporates new ingredients and provides a list of discontinued ingredients, which
are included in a database. This requires processing the latest released Child Nutrition (CN) database and
import the changes into your NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning Database.
The following prompt displays. Click Yes to initiate the process. If you click No, the message will display
each time you open the software until the CN Update is processed.

Perform the following procedure to process the CN20 Update.

1. There are two methods to initiate the CN Update:
a. Click Yes at the notification prompt.
b. Click No at the notification prompt, and then from the Tools menu, select CN20 Update.
2. Click Run CN20 Update.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


3. Upon completion of the process, the Recipe Component List displays in addition to the file
location prompt. Print the list and record the file location.
4. Click OK, and then click Close.
5. At the completion prompt, click OK.
6. Upon completing of the Verification Reorganization process, the Nutrikids Verification Error
Log displays. Print and export the file to PDF.

Note: The verification error log is not automatically saved. We recommend exporting the file to
PDF for future reference.
7. Click Close.
Nutrikids Verification Error Log
Ingredient - 117546 100% MOZZ MAXSTIX - CHEESE FILLE has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117547 100% MOZZ MAXSTIX - CHEESE FILLE has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 118524 100% Whole Wheat Bagel has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 118527 100% Whole Wheat Bagel has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 104347 1000 ISLAND DRESSING has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 102480 1000 ISLAND DRESSING has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 102478 1000 ISLAND DRESSING has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 102476 1000 ISLAND DRESSING has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 102470 1000 ISLAND DRESSING has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 114192 1000 ISLAND DRESSING has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 110220 1000 ISLAND OR HONEY MUSTARD has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 118307 328 has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117557 4X6 WHOLE GRAIN FFK 100% MOZZ CH has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117558 4X6 WHOLE GRAIN FFK 100% MOZZ PE has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117559 4X6 WHOLE GRAIN FFK 50/50 CHEESE has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117560 4X6 WHOLE GRAIN FFK 50/50 PEPPER has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117533 5" LUNCH AROUND CHEESE IW PIZZA has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117531 5" LUNCH AROUND CHEESE PIZZA has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117534 5" LUNCH AROUND PEPPERONI IW PIZ has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 117532 5" LUNCH AROUND PEPPERONI PIZZA has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 108254 6" SUB ROLL has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 118297 99% FAT FREE PUDDING PLEASE, CHO has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 006979 ADOBO FRESCO has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 112652 AGED CHEDDAR CHEESE SAUCE has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 104316 ALFREDO SAUCE has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 114203 ALFREDO SAUCE has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.
Ingredient - 108787 ALFREDO SAUCE MIX has been discontinued. This ingredient will be removed in the next Child Nutrition Database Update.

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


Section 8 - Help
The Help menu has been updated, adding access to Websites for product information, support, and user



Menu Planning

This screen displays the version of NUTRIKIDS being used, as well as system
and license information.

The system information provides PC information, such as operating system

and hardware information.
Nutrikids Websites

The License button displays the End Users License Agreement.

This option provides Websites related to the NUTRIKIDS software:

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide

Heartland Home page

Online Payments




Remote Assistance

This option will launch your Web browser and open the Heartland School
Solutions WebEx page. From this Web page, you can join a WebEx support
session with a member of the NUTRIKIDS Client Services team.
This option provides phone contact information and the hours of

Phone Support

Email Support

User Guide

This option opens an online support submission form that can be used to
submit a question electronically to the NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning Client
Services team.
This option opens an electronic (PDF) version of the Menu Planning user

NUTRIKIDS Menu Planning User Guide


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