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How to Prepare Geography

Geography as an optional subject has become very popular since the

introduction of new scheme in 1979 for Civil Services Examination. The
subject has a scientific flavour and is objective and analytic. It is this
scientific nature of subject which has made geography a very popular
optional. The past performance of candidates clearly reveals that the
subject is highly scoring and reliable. Also, unlike common belief, the
subject is not vast and can be easily prepared in 2-3 months time if
worked systematically.
The syllabus for the Mains examination has two papers : Paper-I deals
with the Principles of Geography whereas Paper-II encompasses
Geography of India. Very often, these two papers are taught or studied
in isolation, which is a wrong approach. In fact, the two papers are
intricately related. In Paper I fundamental principles of Geography are to
be learnt and in Paper-II the fundamental principles learnt in Paper I are
to be applied in the context of India. Thus, Paper I is concerned with
understanding of concepts and Paper II seeks the application of those
concepts. Prepared this way, the subject becomes objective, analytic,
less time-consuming, very little or no mugging is required, and gives
advantage over all other subjects of humanities and social science.
Geography can be taken as an optional by any candidate who has a
scientific temper and average level of intelligence. Elementary
understanding of concepts of everyday science is an asset. It is specially
recommended to Science and Social Science graduates and also for those
who do not have very good command over language.
Like any other subject, guidance by properly trained subject experts, i.e.
Geographers; specially those teaching in universities and who have a feel
of Civil Services Examination system can greatly help students in the
preparation and getting best and of limited time. Fortunately, proper
guidance in geography is available in most of the major cities of India.
But students must take guidance from the right persons, otherwise
guidance from untrained, self-proclaimed geography expects can even
harm their interest.
Besides understanding the concepts, more important from the point of
view of Civil Services examination is writing answers and, if possible,
getting them properly evaluated.

Paper 1
Five questions are to be attempted; out of which two questions are
compulsoryone on map and the second on short notes. Three full length
questions to be attempted two from one section and one from the
other section. For question on map, the student is given the option of
World or India map. If you have familiarity with world, then you may opt
for World map otherwise concentrate on India. For question on map,
students should practice map filling on blank maps. Try to learn using

proper symbols for map filling. Also, one has to write in 10 words about
the location asked. For this, one should write the most salient feature of
the location.
For other four questions students should first understand all the basic
concepts given in the syllabus and then focus on the more important
concepts that can be found out from past years question papers or from
a proper guide.
Three full length questions are to be attempted. Students should try to
attempt two questions from Section A (Physical Geography) as these
questions are comparatively more scoring. The important topics are
Geomorphology, Climatology, Eco-System, Settlement Geography and
Economic Geography. Some questions on Political Geography and Human
Geography are also very scoring.

Paper 2
As mentioned earlier, Paper II is to be taken as the case study of India
i.e. application of the geographical concepts in Indian context. Thus,
students should try to examine and explain the spatial patterns in India
with the help of concepts learnt in Paper I.
Traditional Geography books on India are far from satisfactory; specially
with respect to socio-economic aspects as books on Geography of India
have narrow and limited vision and data are not recent. The students
need to develop a holistic view and here a proper guidance can help a lot.
In Paper II, for getting high score, a holistic approach plays a very
important role. Also, students should understand and study any one
region of India in detail as many questions ask to write your answer with
reference to any region with which you have familiarity.
The important topics in Paper II (keeping in view scoring as well) are
Physical aspect, Resources, Agriculture, Industry, Regional Development
and Planning.
Book List
Basic Reading


Strahler, A.N. or Strahler & Strahler : Modern Physical Geography.

NCERT11th and 12th class Geography books.
Geography Made Simple series by Rupa publications.
Rama ChandranUrbanization and urban systems in India.
Five Year Plan document.
Yojna/Kurukshetra/Employment News.

Further Reading

Small, R.J.Study of Landforms.

EyreSoil, Vegetation and Climate.


Trewartha, G.T.An Introduction to Climate.

Sharma & VatalOccanography for Geographers.
Adhikari, S.Fundamentals of Geographical Thought
Dikshit, R.D.Political Geography
NorthernUrban Geography
Hurst, M.E.Geography of Economic Behaviour.
Symons or Moryan & MuttonAgricultural Geography
Leong, G.S. & MorgenHuman & Economic Geography
Sharma & ContinhoEconomic & Commercial Geography of India
Chand, Mahesh & PuriRegional Planning in India.
Leong, G.S. Certificate to Physical Geography
Critch field, Elements of Climatology
Singh G., Geography of India

Key Points
1.(a) Subject is Scoring, reliable.
(b) Subject has Scientific Flavour
(c) Subject is not lengthy
(d) Time required for preparation2-3 months.
2.(a) Paper-I is understanding of fundamental concepts.
(b) Paper II is application of fundamental concepts
(c) In paper I, two full length question to be attempted from section A.
(d) For Paper II, holistic view needs to be developed.
(e) Question on Map in both papers, quite moving
3. (a) Guidance should be seeked from only trained Geographers.
(b) Prefereably by Geographers teaching in Universities with a feel of
Civil Services Examination system.
(c) Guidance must not be sought from untrained, self proclaimed
geography expects as it may prove harmful.
4. (a) Write answers of important questions that have come in the past,
get the answers properly evaluated.
(b) Rewrite your answer in the light of comments from evaluation and
get reevaluated.

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