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Kemoya Riley

Professor I
My Reflection: Discovery/Brainstorm

This was one of the first assignments for my UWRIT class. This first part of the assignment
applied to our Critical Reading and Composing process SLO. Critical Reading is the ability to
analyze, synthesize, interpret, and evaluate ideas, information and texts. After Reading into the
wild, we brainstormed ideas about what we wanted to do our final essay on. In our groups, we
shared ideas with one another and added comments to each others ideas. Some questions we
address when critiquing each others ideas are: How is your idea relevant to the novel/main
character? How much do you know about your topic already? How would you present your
information? The Composing Process came into to play as began to narrow down and revise our
ideas. This assignment was good way to prepare us and get us thinking for final essay instead
of just jumping straight into it.

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