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JB Williams – Obama and Holder – You have No Standing

Obama and Holder: YOU have NO standing

to ask any questions!

Is this man even an American citizen, let alone "natural born"?

Author: JB Williams
Date: Jun. 20, 2010

(Jun. 20, 2010) — No matter the political agenda of any American citizen, one reality should
send shivers down every American’s spine. The Obama regime has made it known that
according to their form of “justice,” NO soldier or citizen has “legal standing” to question
anything about Obama, his eligibility, his many corrupt friends, his anti-American policies or
his full-court press to destroy all things American.

Barack Hussein Obama remains a complete mystery. His birth, college, travel, passport
records and entire personal history remain under lock and key unlike any president before
him. His policies have proven destructive to the US economy and US sovereignty and security
as well as both states’ and individual rights.

The Obama regime is operating like a pure dictatorship at odds with the vast majority of
American citizens. Regardless of which peaceful course of redress the people attempt, they
have repeatedly been informed that they have “NO STANDING” to ask any questions.

Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin

LTC Lakin1 is not a private fresh out of boot camp who lost his nerve for the field of battle and
refused to comply with deployment orders. He is a senior officer who stands charged with

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upholding his oath:

I – do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution
of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without
any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.

As reported by Family Security Matters,2 LTC Lakin’s numerous awards and decorations
include the Army Flight Surgeon Badge, Combat Medical Badge, the Bronze Star Medal, the
Meritorious Service Medal, the Army Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters, the
Army Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the National Defense Service Medal
with Bronze Service Star, the Armed Forces Expedition Medal, the Army Reserve Component
Achievement Medal, the Army Service Ribbon, the Overseas Service Ribbon sixth award and
the NATO service medal. He has served previously in Honduras, Bosnia, Korea, and

Until very recently,3 his senior command described him as “an extremely talented, highly
knowledgeable senior Army clinician with significant field and consultant experience…”

Like all military officers, Lakin is obligated under his oath to question his command when he
suspects that the orders being given are in any way “unlawful.” Unlawful orders would most
certainly include orders given by an “unlawful” Commander-in-Chief.

Yet LTC Lakin risks court martial for attempting to uphold his officer’s oath, and he is indeed
guilty of attempting to uphold his oath. He is prepared to present what he believes to be clear
and convincing evidence that Barack Hussein Obama is NOT a “lawful” Commander-in-Chief.
An increasing number of soldiers and citizens agree, but it is LTC Lakin who faces charges,
not the illegal Command.

LCDR Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III

Most Americans know only this definition of the word “riot”:

a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons, as by a

crowd protesting against another group, a government policy, etc., in the streets;

But the thuggish, Obama-run justice system prefers to use this definition of “riot” as a means
to silence all voices of dissent:

a disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons;

This definition provides very broad powers to law enforcement anytime three or more
persons gather in public for any purpose. Under this definition, any public assembly of three
or more individuals can be accused of participating in or inciting a “riot.”

Such was the case on April 1, 2010, when LCDR Fitzpatrick attempted to effect a citizen’s
arrest4 of local officials whom he accuses of corruption and obstruction in Monroe County,

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When a small group of supporters showed up to videotape the citizen’s arrest in Monroe
County, Fitzpatrick found himself arrested and charged with “committing actual RIOT” –
resisting arrest (better described as resisting assault) – interrupting an [illegal] meeting, and
disorderly conduct.

Fortunately, videotape5 of the incident is available on YouTube which clearly demonstrates

that these charges are false. LCDR Fitzpatrick sought peaceful redress via a criminal
complaint filed with the Monroe County Grand Jury more than a year earlier. Tennessee law
supports the actions of Mr. Fitzpatrick, but evidence of local corruption brought to light
through his efforts has made him the target of judicial vengeance in his local community.

LCDR Fitzpatrick has since been arrested a second time on June 8, 2010, a retaliation from
the Monroe County Grand Jury which has added two felony charges to the previous
misdemeanors dated April 1.

Taking a page right out of Obama’s Southern Poverty Law Center book6 on “domestic
terrorism,” the Monroe County Grand Jury is now claiming that Fitzpatrick is acting against
illegal Grand Jury Foreman Gary Pettway on the basis of “race” in violation of civil rights

Of course, unlike his accusers, Fitzpatrick has spent decades7 defending the United States in
uniform, working alongside soldiers of all races and religions in the common defense of the
American way of life. Further, Pettway is far from the only individual whom Fitzpatrick has
accused of criminal wrongdoing, although he is the only “black” individual listed in
Fitzpatrick’s criminal complaint. All others are white.

LCDR Fitzpatrick has uncovered numerous violations of Tennessee law in the existing justice
system operating in Monroe County. He possesses very compelling evidence to support his
accusations of corruption and obstruction in Monroe County.

On the basis of recently uncovered evidence concerning Jury Foreman Gary Pettway and
Foreperson Angela Davis, Fitzpatrick is openly accusing the Monroe County justice system of
“jury rigging” in addition to his past charges of corruption and obstruction.

This entire ongoing circus is the direct result of Fitzpatrick’s efforts to present evidence
against Barack Hussein Obama in a courtroom allegedly intended for just such a purpose. He
is scheduled to face his accused (and accusers) in Monroe County court on June 28, 2010.

Major General Paul Vallely

Former FOX News military analyst Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (Ret.) is openly calling for the
immediate resignation of Barack Hussein Obama8 and all of his co-conspirators in his regime
and Congress:

Being a representative republic, not a democracy, “rising up” means something

other than revolution by means of arms. The people must “rise up” from the grass
roots across this great country as we think of the greater good of this and future
generations. We are limited in the peaceful transfer of power…resignation,
natural death, elections, and impeachment.

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“We the People” have had enough. The Obama Administration and identifiable
Members of Congress are now on a death march and are bankrupting and
weakening the country. We have watched them violate their sacred oath of

“We, the People” cannot wait for and solely rely on the next round of elections in
November of this year. It is now and each day that these public servants must put
the citizen’s interests above self-interest by resigning immediately. Therefore the
“people” must decide. A civil uprising is brewing. We now must call for the
immediate resignation of Barry Soetero9 (AKA Barack Hussein Obama10)…based
on Incompetence, Deceit, Fraud, Corruption, Dishonesty, and Violation of the US
Oath of Office and the Constitution.

This is as serious as it gets, folks!

Career military officers face jail sentences for their efforts to stand by their oaths.

These are not young soldiers who have had a change of heart about serving in a forward
combat position. These are decorated career officers who have more than earned the right to
ask who Barack Hussein Obama really is and why he seems bent upon destroying the greatest
nation ever known to mankind.

Whether you like Obama’s political leap into global socialism or not, no decent American
citizen or soldier can afford to tolerate the idea that these brave men have “no standing” to
demand a “lawful” command. We the People cannot afford to let these men fall victim to a
corrupt government intent upon imprisoning them for attempting to uphold their oaths.

This isn’t about any single individual, including Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro, or whatever
name or social security number he is operating under this month.

This is about the US Constitution and American justice.

Every American citizen, but especially those who have served in uniform have not only the
right, but the responsibility to demand answers to questions from which Obama has been
running since 2004.

Candidate for US Senate Barack Obama was quite proud to refer to himself as “Kenyan-born.”
But presidential candidate Barack Obama has since insisted that he is American-born and
meets the constitutional eligibility requirements for the office of Commander-in-Chief. One of
the two stories is not true…

A growing number of decorated officers are stepping forward to demand answers that Obama
is ill-prepared to give. I personally believe that there is no actual birth certificate from Hawaii
and that this is the reason he has spent more than $2 million in legal fees to avoid making
that birth certificate public. I also believe that he cannot meet Article II, Section 1
requirements for the Oval Office no matter where he was born.

As a writer who has done extensive research on Barack Obama and the subject of “natural

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born Citizen,” I am completely convinced that these military heroes and others like them are
right to question the legitimacy of their command. There can be no legitimate orders from an
illegitimate Commander-in-Chief. Every order would be illegal.

God help us if the American people fail to stand with these men who demand answers to their
very legitimate questions. If we allow the corrupt justice system to jail these men, then that
system will be free to jail any individual who dares to question elected officials in support of
the Law of this Land.

If the people allow these men to fall prey to this corrupt government, they will stand alone
against this government in the end.

The time for true patriots to stand and be counted has arrived.

Obama MUST answer these charges or NO citizen will be free.












JB Williams is a business man, a husband, a father, and a writer. A no nonsense

commentator on American politics, American history, and American philosophy. He is
published nationwide and in many countries around the world.

JB Williams’ website is:


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