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Pride Product Approval Form


Lindsey Allison

Date (s) submitted


Research Topic / Area of Study

General Dentistry

Connection to research paper

Paper focused on the field of Dentistry - included historical

development, the specialties of Dentistry, and the importance of the
field. I completed mentor hours with same person I interviewed who
works in the field full time.

Goal of product / what problem or

need solved or addressed

Teeth whitening trays; help to increase aesthetic appeal and to prevent

cavities along the gumline. Whitening trays provide a harmfree way to
minimize plaque.

Estimated time to complete

One day to take impressions; pour in stone, and store impressions; use
whitening trays and gel for two weeks to compare teeth whitening
(will take before and after photos)

People who will assist (if applicable)

Mentor (Dr. Ferrara); patients who will be receiving the tray (mother)

Estimated cost / investment

$325 is the retail; $50 retail cost of materials/ lab costs

What will judges see at presentation?

(evidence of work and development)

Personal stretch (area of growth)

A brochure that provided overview of benefits/ consequences

of teeth whitening trays
Before and after photos to compare the visual effects of
whitening trays
Pictures of the steps of the whitening tray process
Examples of teeth whitening tray molds/ glue
No experience in working with patients directly
No training regarding how to take impressions/ use the
whitening lab
I have done no prior research into the benefits of whitening

Product Description (need fulfilled / problem solved):

I have always been fascinated with the field of Dentistry and the many benefits associated with adequate dental
hygiene. I want to complete this product as a way to show the benefits of healthy, white teeth. Currently. Dr. Van
Haywood, a Georgia based dentist has performed trials showing how whitening trays help to remove the plague
and save enamel; especially plaque found around the gumline. Whitening trays are especially beneficial in
Geriatric and Pediatric dentistry. Often times, once children finish their treatment with the Orthodontist they come
to the General Dentist to receive whitening trays. Once brackets from braces are originally removed, the teeth are
more prone to cavities because of the buildup that forms while the brackets are attached to the teeth. Whitening
trays help to remove the plague and solve the problem of cavity from teeth. In Geriatric Dentistry (elderly dentist),
the whitening trays are used to elevate pH within the mouth, which increases oral hygiene. The trays bleach teeth
using carbamide peroxide to reduce the plague. For my product, I will take impressions, go to the lab and make the
mold of the whitening trays. Additionally, I will use the tray on a patient to show the transformation within the
teeth. Additionally, I will create a pamphlet advertising the benefits of whitening trays and proper dental hygiene.

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