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Fill in : amusment,adopt, put on, serve, work,keep,ghost, answer,long,look after.
1.......... weight 2............ customers
4.............. train 5........... an animal
6 ..........indoors 7............. the phone 8................ sick people 9 work.......... hours
10..................... order
Choose the correct word.
1He likes playing/play basketball.
2We usually go dance/dancing on suturday evenings.
3She doesn't mind get up/getting up early.
4I want to become/becoming a nurse.
5He hates tell/telling lies.
Write the opposites.
1.Patient .inpatient
2.honest .d............... 3. Hardworking I............... 4. clever s.............
5.funny b..............
6.brave c.................
7.plump t..................
Write complete sentences. Put the words in corrent order.
1.Where/Amelia Earhart/be/from? ..................................................................................
2.Genghis Khan/ not explore/ the Atlantic Ocean. ................................................................
3.William Wallace/ live/in Italy? ...........................................................................................
4.Cleopatra/be/a queen ? .......................................................................................................
5.When/he.die? ...........................................................................................................
6.Queen Victoria/die/ in 1990? ..........................................................................................
7.when/you/last go to the cinema? .............................................................................
Complete the exchanges.
Sounds exciting
Not so good
You can rent it on DVD
It was btilliant
How was your weekend?...........................................................................................................
What film did you watch? 2012. ............................................................................................
The film is about the end of the world. .......................................................................................
It's a pity I didn't watch the film. .................................................................................................
Choose the corrent word.
Jenny wan a(n) prize/award for the best traditional costume.
We painted the bedroom in colorful/bright colours.
She took/prepared a snapshot of the monkeys eating bananas.
I didn't enjoy the party. I was really thrilled/bored.
Tony was too exhausted to end/finnish the race.
I couldn't belive/understand my eyes when I saw all the amazing costumes at the carnival.
Our town comes live/alive at carnival time.
How long canyou keep/hold your breath under water?
There was live/alive music at the festival.
The haunted/fairytale hause was really scary

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