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| | | ) | lp Designation: A 36/A 36M - 96 Standard Specification for Carbon Structural Steel" “The standar issue uncer he Fixed designation A 36/4 36M: the number immediatly followin the designation indicates the yer of erigna adoption o, in the cae of revision, te ear ofl revision. A number in parentheses indiates the year of st eapproal [Xsapersrptepllos () indicates an editor change since te Tas rein 3 reapproval Ths sandord has been approved for use by agencies ofthe Department of Defense. Consult the DoD Index of Speciation and Sadards for the specie year of lsue which has ben adopted bythe Department of Defense 1 Scope 1 This specification? covers carbon steel shapes, plates, ad bars * structural quality for use in riveted, bolted, of “ied cor struction of bridges and buildings, and for general structural ~urposes. 1.2 Sur ‘emental requirements are provided where im- proved in:-rnal quality and notch toughness are important, ‘These shal) apply only when specified by the purchaser in the order. 1.3 Whoa the steel is to be welded, it is presupposed that a welding procedure suitable for the grade of steel and in- tended use or service will be utilized, See Appendix X3 of Specificati-n A 6/A 6M for information on weldability. 14 The purchaser should consider specifying supple- mental recuirements, such as fine austenitic grain size and ‘Charpy V-Notch Impact requirements, when Group 4 or Group $ wide flange shapes are specified for usc in other than colu::in or compression applications. 1.5 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI (metric) units are to be regarded separately as standard. © Within the text, the ST units are shown in brackets. The values sto‘ed in each system are not exact equivalents, therefore, cach system must be used independent of the other. Corsbining yalues from the two systems may result in sionconformance with this specification. 2, Refere"ced Documelnts 2.1 ASTM Standards: AG/A CM. Specificalidn for-General Requirements for Rolle Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet Pili, A2I/N 27M Specification for Steet Castings, Carbon, for Gene:al Application’ A307 Specification for Carbon Steet Bolts and Studs, 60.00" psi Tensile Strength® A325 Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength’ ‘325M Specification for High-Strength Botts for Struc- ‘tural Steel Joints (Metric? "This spe cation it wnder the jurisdiston of ASTM Commitee At on Sel, nd Related Alloy, ad isthe direct responsibilty of Subcom ‘on Siracusa Ste for Brdges. Bigs, Reling Stock and Ships. arent fon approved May 10, 1996. Published July 1996. Originally ASA 366-94 1 Cade Applications, see eared Spesieations SA-36 in Seaton TE of that Code, “Annual Dook of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.04, ‘ Anmal Book of ASTM Standard, Vol 01.02, Aanmual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 1508. TABLE 1 Appurtenant Material Specitications ator “ASTM Degree Sioa vets “£502, Grace 1 ‘ote ‘A207, Grace A oF F 560M, Cass 4.8, Highesrength bots 14326 of ADEN ‘Sioa ruts 1583 oA 560M (Gast seo, [AZTIN 27M, Geode 65-95 (450-240) Forgings {carbon st) ‘8088, Cass 0 Hoteofed hosts and stip [ASTOUA S7OM, Grade 36 ‘Calsfermed tung 15500, Grade B Hot formed wing sor ‘A500 Specification for Cold-Formed Welded and Seam- less Carbon Steel Structurat Tubing in Rounds and Shapes® A501 Specification for Hot-Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing® A 502 Specification for Stee! Structural Rivets* ‘A563 Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts* ‘A.563M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts [Metric]? A510/A 570M Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-Rolled, Structural Quality” ‘A 668 Specification for Steel Forgings, Carbon and Alloy, for General Industrial Use* F 568M Specification for Carbon and Alloy Steel Exter- nally Threaded Metric Fasteners* 3. Appurtenant Materials 3.1 When components of a steel structure are identified with this ASTM designation but the product form is not listed in the scope of this specification, the material shall conform to one of the standards listed in Table 1 unless otherwise specified by the purchaser. Table 1 does not provide any specification requirements to a manufacturer or processor. Orders t6 a manufacturer or processor should describe the required ASTM designation for product forms not listed in the scope of this specification. Unless otherwise specified, all plain and threaded bars used for anchorage purposes shall be subjected to mechanical tests and shall conform to the tensile requirements of Section 8; headed bolts used for anchorage purposes shall conform to Specifi- cation A 307 or F 568M; and all nuts shall conform to the 6 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, VoLO1 1 * annual Bok of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03. "Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol O10. 10s . z 4) a36/A 36m TABLE 2. Chemical Requroments “ror Seetcaion Masi Pi be er no rerun. Th heat anaysis or manganese sha be determined aap Gerba bat eae seston of Speciation A) AM. Preduet Shapes Paes? Bes Jem Om Owe th Oma jou OM Ours asc a Teo thee gee Orme Ta Oe are iret (204040, (40065, [6500 100, oo) Eada doy, tea, They wee ran Sarton, max eGR Osos oa ame aa oe i : 280-120 080-120 085-120 085-120. —Gae-aso Ggo-090 pas-os Phosphor, max 904 Soe ok ook one OO acer OORT Oe. Suter moe 8 205, 208 0050s sos toss ag Son. 24Omex 040mm O40max 0.15040 015-040 015-040 O40mee O40ma Boome Soe max Copper min. ven pear 020” 020" az" O29” da gap ban gga™et OMoma 040 lis epoatod requirements of Specification A $63, Grade A, or A 563M, Class 5, 4, General Requirements for Delivery 4.1 Material furnished under this specification shall con- form to the requirements of the current edition of Specifica- tion A 6/A 6M, for the ordered material, unless a conflict ‘exists in which case this specification shall prevail S. Bearing Plates 5.1 Unless otherwise specified, plates used as bearing plates for bridges shall be subjected to mechanical tests and shall conform to the tensile requirements of Section 8. 5.2 Unless otherwise specified, mechanical tests shall not be required for plates over 1¥ in. [40 mm] in thickness used as bearing plates in structures other than bridges, subject to the requirement that they shall contain 0.20 to 0.33% carbon by heat analysis, that the chemical composition shall conform to the requirements of Table 2 in phosphorus and sulfur content, and that a sufficient discard shall be made to secure sound plates. 6. Process 6.1 The steel shall be made by one or more of the following processes: open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or clectric- furnace. 6.2 No rimmed or capped stec! shall be used for plates and bars over Ys in. [12.5 mm] thick or for shapes other than Group 1 7. Chemical Requirements 7.1 The heat analysis shall conform to the requirements Prescribed in Table 2, except as specified in 5.2. 7.2 The steel shall conform on product analysis to the requirements prescribed in Table 2, subject to the product 106 TABLE 3. Tensile Requirements Paies, Shapes. and Bares Tensile suenat, ks! MPa) “eld pont, mi, ksi (Pay Prats ara Barso Elongation i 8 in. 200 mm, in, 58-29 (400-550) a8 ye 2 Elongation n 2 [50 rm, an 2% ‘shapes Elongation in Bin. [200mg an. 20 Elongation ae 7, Sco Soncmen Orestation under the Tension Tess eaten! Speco Agia cis, For wide fonge shapes ove 426 byt (694 Kain), the BO st 1850 ‘maximum terse stengt) doos not apply and a minimum ergs: a hf Fin] of 19%, apps, ¢ Yd pont $2 ksl [20 MPa] fox plates over Bin, [200 mo 2 Eengaton not required io be ceteminad or foo plata, {For plates wider than 24 In, (600 mon, tho longi eure ant i ease. ‘wo percentage points. See elongation ‘aquramont agus o\ under oo Torcion Tests secon of Spacfeaton A/a OM, ‘hanes analysis tolerances in Specification A 6/A 6M, 7.3 When tension tests are waived in accordan.: with 8.2, chemistry consistent with the requirements in Tcble 2, and with the mechanical properties desired must be applied. 8 Tensile Requirements 8.1 The material as represented by the test specimen, except a specified in 5.2 and 8.2, shall conform io the te. Quirements as to the tensile properties prescribed “> Table 3. - 8.2 Shapes less than { in. {645 mm] in cross s-ction and | bars, other than flats, less than Yin, (12.5 mm] in thickness or diameter need not be subjected to tension tosis by the manufacturer, 9. Keywords 9.1 bars; bolted construction; bridges; buildin. ; carbon; plates; riveted construction; shapes; stcel; structural stec ‘welded construction | he 4b) A 36/A 36M SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS ‘These requirements shall not apply unless specified in the order. Standardized supplementary requirements for use at the option of the purchaser are listed in Specification A 6/A.6M. Those that are considered suitable for use with this specification are listed by title: $5. Charpy V-Noteh Impact Test. S14 Bend Test. ADDED SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS: In addition, the following optional supplementary requirements ate also suitable for use with this specification. S91. Tine Austenitic Grain Size ‘S97. Limitation on Rimmed or Capped Stee! 991.1 The steel shall be killed and have a fine austenitic $97.1. ‘The steel shall be other than rimmed or capped. grain size. ‘The American Society for Tasting and Matos fakes no poston respactig tho vay of en pant rights essarted In connection wan eny tor mentioned Ins stander, Usors of is standard ae expressly aise thet delrminetion othe valiy of any such ator “ots, and tho eto! Invingernant of Su2h Nghe, oo onal tha own responsi. ‘Tht standard is subject o revision at anytime bythe response tacbaicl cemmtce and mus! bs roviowed vary fue years and pot revised, ater resporoved or withdrawn, Your commants ae tea air fr revson ofthis sander for scion! standards ‘ard shouldbe eddreeced to ASTM Hoacqvriers. Your commons wil roel careful consideration ete meeting ofthe repens fachnlcl comonten, which you amy ated. yeu Tal Yet your comments have Rot Yale afar arg YOU SOU! eke YOU ow known 9 the ASTI Comme cn Startards, 100 Ba Harbor Divo, West Conshohocken, PA 19428, 107

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