Fall Gatekeeper Strategies

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Fall Gatekeeper Strategies 1. Scaffolding requirements for major writing assignment(s}: ‘+ Students will complete the major writing assignment(s) in stages in order to develop the critical skills necessary for the successful completion of a conceptual analysis essay, Each of the assignments for these stages isto be graded with feedback. The minimum scaffolding stages required will be: (© Topic/Thesis after intial research summaries, 2 Outline of the essay's argument development w/ Intro/Bady/Conelusion. © Rough draft of paper © Final Paper Instructors are required to devote at least 5 class meetings (or 2.5 classes if meeting only once a week) throughout the semester for timely training/practice activities that are directly related to the distinct skills they need to acquire in order to complete the required scaffolded assignments. mentioned. Such as “how to write a good thesis, how to summarize a theory, how to develop an butline for the logical development of a thesis, how to write a good introduction, conclusion,” etc. These in-class activities should be designed by the instructor to intentionally target these distinct skils and with specific attention to developing these skills in the context of philosophy {and philosophical writing. Instructors are required to consult and apply the specific strategies discussed in the two shared research articles; Building o Better Term Paper and Using Small Group Learning in the Philosophy Classroom. In order to increase the efficiency of these in-class activities in terms of feedback, instructors are required to employ peer review strategies that are discussed in these resources (see small group scaffolded assignment response form as an. example}, + Allscaffolded writing assignments, including all preparatory scaffolded assignments}, will count for at least 40% of a student's final grade. Its at the discretion of the instructor to determine how individual scaffolded assignments are to be weighted, graded and designed, but each assignment must be graded and count towards the student’ overall course grade. The spirit of this work sto allow the student to learn the process of writing in philosophy and to encourage the development of eitical analysis and engagement. To that end, we ask that instructors encourage students to take these assignments seriously and promote gradual inereases in assignment weight. One strategy may be to have early assignments worth say 10% ofthe overall 40% and increase from there +The instructor wil schedule the required in-class sessions into their syllabus calendar so that observations can be scheduled and students can plan their time accordingly. 2. Instructors must choose one ofthe following two eptions for embedding scaffolded writing assignment(s + One scaffolded writing assignment that is developed throughout the semester (6-8 pages) + Two scaffolded writing assignments that are developed throughout the semester. The Ast assignment is completed by the &th week of the semester (4 page completed paper). The second assignment is completed atthe end of the semester (4 page completed paper). instructors may want to weight the fist scaffolded assignment less than the 2nd writing assignment, fan instructor chooses this second option than there needs tobe adequate time builtin to the schedule to allow students to receive and act con instructor feedback to improve the quality oftheir final work 3. Common rubric for scaffolded writing assignments: + Astandardized rubric for grading the completed scaffolded writing assignments will be used by all instructors to ensure uniform grading criteria and assignment emphasis on essential conceptual analysis skills (See Term Paper rubric). The rubric eritria are: Cogency of argument (40% of the final rubric rade), theoretical Knowledge (40%, and Clarity of Presentation (20%). a 5. 7 © Instructors will determine each individual assignment’s worth in the overall 40% course rade, the percentage breakdowns are forthe evaluation of that specific assignment. For example, all instructors will assess 40% ofthe paper forthe cogency ofthe argument regardless of whether the paper is worth 20% or 30% of thelr overall course grade. Weiting style format for Philosophy: * The Philosophy department will use Chicago writing style. + An editable template will be posted on every adjunct instructors D2L page for easy student access. Student Success plan + By the 3rd semester week, students will have submitted their ist scaffolded assignment requiring research summaries and the resulting thesis statement, After grading, instructors will assess who has the potential to struggle in theie course. Common criteria reflective of well a crafted summary and thesis statement will be used. + Between the third and fourth week of the semester, instructors will contact students that are approaching a C-(or below) and schedule a ene on one appointment. + Instructor wil fil out the Performance Improvement contract form with the student and then meet weekly thereafter to “check-in” on the student's progress units determined that the student is in a good position to succeed in the course, Reduce Content + Course content will be reduced to faciitate depth of content over breadth of content while providing latitude to incorporate diversity in pedagogy and course curiculum. + Content must align with CDHE mandated GT standard competencies AND the new COHE mandated Student Learning Outcomes Diverse thinkers i ‘curriculum ‘This intervention will raquire some curriculum redesign to increase the number of diverse thinkers covered in course content. + Instructors will diversify featured theorists, pedagogical methods (e.g. narrative pedagogies/storyteling) and contextualized thought experiments. According to research, African-American, Hispanic and female students may percelve academic philosophy as a “White man’s game” given the pervasiveness of White males in philosophy classrooms. This perception of “other” can negatively impact student canfidence, comfort ability, sense of efficacy, and academic performance. By diversifying pedagogy, instructors will work to better engage our underrepresented students. Small groups ‘© Instructors will increase the frequency of small group work by incorporating at least one small Broup assignment every other class. Small group work results in greater learning as assessed in exams and term papers and allows for introverted or intimidated students to mare easily engage with peers and content.

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