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Ann Henley’s 20 Year Plan

Created October 2009

1. In one month (by the end of October 2009, age 26), I will:
a. Have booked an under-5 on a daytime or primetime show.
b. Be freelancing with several commercial and legit agents.
c. Have a brilliant marketing plan for November.
d. Make my relationships a high priority.

2. In three months (by the end of 2009, age 27), I will:

a. Make at least $400/week from acting alone.
b. Have commercial and legit representation.
c. Be SAG-eligible.
d. Have a brilliant marketing plan for Q1 2010.
e. Continue to grow as an artist, as a person, and as a person of faith.

3. In six months (by the end of March 2010, age 27), I will:
a. Make at least $700/week from acting alone.
b. Have auditioned for several MFA programs, including Yale, Old Globe,
Juilliard, and ACT?
c. Have booked a day player role on a daytime or primetime show.
d. Have a brilliant marketing plan brewing for Q2 2010 (beginning May
e. Find more ways to incorporate my faith into my art and vice versa.

4. In one year (by the end of 2010, age 28), I will:

a. Make at least $75,000 from acting alone.
b. Have been accepted into at least one distinguished MFA program.
c. Have booked a principal role in an Off Broadway production.
d. Continue to enrich and be enriched by the communities around me.

5. In two years (by the end of 2011, age 29), I will:

a. Make at least $100,000 from acting alone.
b. Be enrolled in a distinguished MFA program?
c. Be an even more daring, confident actor.
d. Be pleased with my progress thus far.
e. Have the financial freedom to see my friends and family much more often.

6. In five years (by the end 2014, age 32), I will:

a. Have or have had a principal role on a primetime sitcom.
b. Have graduated from a distinguished MFA program?
c. Have maintained deep, meaningful relationships with
d. Be married.
7. In ten years (by the end of 2019, age 37), I will:
a. Have a happy marriage and a healthy family.
b. See my parents more often (at least ten times/year).
c. Travel.
d. Take care of my parents; repay them for the years and years of support
they have provided me.
e. Have or have had a leading role in a Broadway production.

8. In 20 years (by the end of 2029, age 47), I will:

a. Be a proud mother.
b. Be a loving wife.
c. Be a nurturing friend.
d. Be an available, caring daughter.
e. Be an involved member of my communities.
f. Be a successful working actress who is admired and well–liked among her

5 Strengths / 5 Weaknesses

1. My compassion; my ability to relate to people and circumstances not my own.
2. My humor (especially physical comedy).
3. My emotional vulnerability.
4. My analytical ability.
5. My drive, intellect, and ambition.

1. Compartmentalizing; learning to focus on acting alone for eight hours/day.
2. My impatience.
3. My tendency to focus on ‘succeeding’ vs. ‘exceeding’ goals previously set for
myself; i.e. reaching a certain goal and allowing myself to stay there for awhile
before raising my threshold to reach a new level.
4. Fear.

Current Challenges / Stucks:

1) Finding an amazing, show stopping monologue that showcases my unique talents
and abilities.

2) Compartmentalizing, i.e. remaining focused on acting and acting alone for at least
eight hours a day.

3) Becoming concerned with finances, although I know that will come in time.

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