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Lesson Plan Template

Student-Teacher: Alyaa Naser

Date: Monday, October 31, 2016

Grade Level: Year 1

Subject: English
Strand: Composition
Learning Outcome: Say out loud what they are going to write about.

5 mins Whole Group

Resources (what materials/equipment

will you and the students use? Be
- Story
- Talking cards
- Story mountain worksheets
- Ice cream worksheets

Preparation (what do you need to make or

check before class?)
- Prepare the talking cards
- Prepare the worksheets
Key vocabulary
- Talk
- From the story: Porridge, chair, bed

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group

The teacher will read the story to the students. The story has the same events
in Goldilocks and three bears story but the teacher will change the characters.
The teacher will make her own story and she will model to students to make
their own story with the same events in Goldilocks story. She will tell them
about pirate and three sharks instead of Goldilocks and three bears. Then she
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)
The teacher will give the story mountain worksheets to the students. She will
ask the students to say what they will write in their story mountains. They will
tell the teacher about their beginning, middle and end
of their story. She will explain that they should write
and draw about their stories above the mountain. For
example, they will write the beginning of their story
and draw a picture in the beginning of the mountain.
They will create different characters in their stories
but the same events in Goldilocks story.

Time: 10mins

Independent Experience (small group activity 1) Student teacher

The student teacher will retell the story that has been
changed to the students by using talking cards. She will give
each student 3 talking cards. She will model to students how
to use the talking cards. She will model the first part is
about the beginning of the story after that she will put one
talking card. After that, she will remember them to use the
three specific vocabularies (porridges, chairs, beds) in their
stories. She will ask them to tell their beginning. Then, they
will continue by themselves the middle and the end of their story. And the
student teacher will observe them. Finally, the student teacher will ask them
to design their story using ice cream worksheets to present to the whole
class. They will draw the events and write simple sentences about their
stories in each part of the story.

Independent Experience (small group activity 2)

The teacher will give the story mountain worksheets to the students. She will
ask the students to say what they will write in their story mountains. They will
tell the teacher about their beginning, middle and end of their story. She will
explain that they should write and draw about their stories above the
mountain. For example, they will write the beginning
of their story and draw a picture in the beginning of
the mountain. They will create different characters in
their stories but the same events in Goldilocks story.
(CA) classroom assistant

Share and orally tell their version of the story. The teacher will ask some
students to share their own story with class. They will share with the class
their written stories in the worksheets. For example, the students who wrote
Whole Group
their own stories in ice cream worksheet they will share it with whole class.

Time:Small Group

Whole Grou


Time: 5 mins

Formative: the teacher will go around the students while they working. And she will
observe them how to say their story before they write it.
Summative in the closing. When the students will share their stories with whole

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