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Lord and heavenly father, I place my trustinyou.Pleasepardonmylackoffaithandlove

my failure inunderstandingyourunfailingloveforme.Increasemyfaithseveralfolddear
Jesus, so that it will be complete, blind to my circumstances, unreserved to the
magnitude of my needs and unwavering in the event of adversities. Lord Holy Spirit, let
my faith be joyful and give peace and gladness to my spirit, and letthisfaithpreparemy
inner most self for constant companionship with God and love for my neighbors. Lord

Mother Mary,Queenofallpatriarchsandprophets,intercedeformeandallyourchildren,
who have recourse to thee. Mother most faithful, Increase my faith to say Yes to Gods
plans you taught us in your fiat. To accept in faith the joy, the cross and the ultimate
Glory through your son Jesus, in accordance with the will of God. Remind me O Virgin
most powerful, that the mighty one, my Lord El Shaddai, hasdonegreatthingsformein
the past and that his mighty handswilldotheimpossibleformeinthepresentandinthe

With total faith in the Communion of Saints, I plead to you St Gideon, Holy Patriarch of
the Church to increase my faith and trust in God and His saving Power. Strengthen me
with your powerful intercession todefendmyfaithandterritoryfromeveryattack.Fillme
dear St Gideon, with the spirit of courage, hope, trust, a renewed wisdom and a spirit of
stability. Let my eyes never focus on recognition, glory and honor that comes from this

Judges 6 :710:WhentheIsraelitescriedtotheLordonaccountoftheMidianites,8the
Lord sent a prophet to the Israelites and he said to them, Thus says the Lord, the God
of Israel: I led you up from Egypt, and brought you out of the house of slavery 9 and I
delivered you from the hand of the Egyptians, and from the hand of all who oppressed
you, and drove them out before you, and gave you their land 10 and I said to you, I am
the Lord your God you shall not pay reverence to the gods of the Amorites, in whose

Lord and Heavenly father, Iamsorryformylackoffaith.Iamsorryforthesinscommittedagainst

You and Your faithfulness. Iamsorryforbeingunfaithfulanddoubtinginmyrelationshipwithyou.
Please forgive me dear Lord and increase my faith and trust in you when I am faced with life's
adversities, challenges, roadblocks and threats to my very existence and survival. Give me the
faith and courage to say "No" tothecallsofthisworld,tosay"No"tothemorelucrativeprospects
and opportunities that this world presents. Give me the grace dear Jesus to say No to any
riches, glory, honor and power that would lead me to compromise my faith in you. Come Holy

Spirit, come and empower me and prepare me for a deep repentance. Come HolySpiritlivingin
Mother Mary, Come and prepare my heart to love God with all my heart, withallmymindandall


Judges 6:1127. Let us pay attention and invite the Holy Spirit to open our minds to understand

Judges 6: 1127 : 11 Now the angel of the Lord came and sat under the oak at Ophrah,
which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite, as his son Gideon was beating out wheat in the
wine press, to hide it from the Midianites. 12 The angel of the Lord appeared to him and
said to him, The Lord is with you, you mighty warrior. 13 Gideon answered him, But
sir, if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? And where are all his
wonderful deeds that our ancestors recounted to us, saying, Did not the Lord bring us
up from Egypt? But now the Lord has castusoff,andgivenusintothehandofMidian.
14 Then the Lord turned to him and said, Go in this might of yours and deliver Israel
from the hand of Midian Iherebycommissionyou.15Heresponded,Butsir,howcanI
deliver Israel? My clan is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the least in my family. 16
The Lord said to him, But I will be with you, and you shall strike down the Midianites,
every one of them. 17 Then he said to him, If now I have found favor with you, then
show me a sign that it is you who speakwithme.18DonotdepartfromhereuntilIcome
to you, and bringoutmypresent,andsetitbeforeyou.Andhesaid,Iwillstayuntilyou

19 So Gideon went into his house and prepared a kid, and unleavened cakes from an
ephah of flour the meat he put in a basket, and the broth he put in a pot, and brought
them to him under the oak and presented them. 20 The angel of God said to him, Take
the meat and the unleavened cakes, and put them on this rock, and pour out the broth.
And he did so. 21 Then the angel of the Lord reached out the tip of the staff that was in
his hand, and touched the meat and the unleavened cakes and fire sprang up from the
rock and consumed the meat and the unleavened cakes and the angel of the Lord
vanished from his sight. 22 Then Gideon perceived that it was the angeloftheLordand
Gideon said, Help me, Lord God! For I have seen the angel of the Lord face toface.23
But the Lord said to him, Peace be to you do not fear, you shall not die. 24 Then
Gideon built an altar there to the Lord, and called it, The Lordispeace.Tothisdayitstill

Let us Pray : Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to
experience the same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon. Empower me O
Lord Elshaddai with the same anointing as Gideon, so as to be delivered from the spirit of
withdrawal, shyness, fear, lack of confidence, inferiority complex and self consciousness.
Empower me O God of Hosts, to take upthemantleofleadershipanddeliverance.Empowerme

O Holy Spirit toriseabovemypresentsituation,wantandcircumstancestostandupforJesusmy

Lord & King,totakeupthemantleofresponsibility.EmpowermeOBlessedTrinity,thesameway
you empowered Gideon, to have faith, courage and a child like attitude of total surrender, trust
and confidence in God the Father. Give me sweet Jesus, a child like innocence the hallmark of
Gideon and King David, to question and reason my own faith. May my faith be built and
Blessed Trinity, the same way you anointed the prophets, the leaders and very ordinary people
like Gideon to take up extra ordinary tasks and responsibilities. Come and empower me Holy
Spirit, at this very moment, to break the yoke of slavery, to set captives free, to preach the good
news, to heal, to deliver, to lead, to teach, to anoint, to release, to defend, to fight bravely the
battle with evil forces and evil kingdoms. Come Holy Spirit and anoint me to makedisciplesofall
nations and thisentireworld,todestroytheworksofthedevil.ComeHolySpiritandempowerme
to defend the one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and keepitsafefromalltheattacksofthe
devil. Let me be always faithful to the Word of God and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Come Holy Spirit living in Mother Mary come and take complete possession over me, empower
me and enable me to stand up for battle. Make me meek and humble like you mySweetMother
and Mother of the Word Incarnate, so that I can receive and fulfill the word of God in its



25 That night the Lord said to him, Take your fathers bull, the second bull seven years
old, and pull down the altar of Baal that belongs to your father, andcutdownthesacred
pole[a] that is beside it 26 and build an altar to the Lord your God on the top of the
stronghold here, in proper order then take the second bull, and offer it as a burnt
offering with the wood of the sacred pole[b] that you shall cutdown.27SoGideontook
ten ofhisservants,anddidastheLordhadtoldhimbutbecausehewastooafraidofhis

Let us Pray : Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to
experience the same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, so as to do the
right thing for my family and community, even to the extent of challenging false beliefs and
the evil altars of Baal that belonged to his father. Empower me O Holy Spirit,soastoleadevery
member in my family tree, community and thisnationtowardstruthandfulfillmentinChristJesus.
Give me a powerful anointing O Blessed Trinity, so as to discern and identify thealtarsofBaalin
my life and in my family tree, which is blocking the grace of God from flowing into my life. Come
and overshadow each one of us O Holy Spirit, change our thought patterns, change our false
inhibitions, change our ways of judgement, change our perspective in solutioning, change our
a bold faith.AnunshakeablefaithinGodspower,presenceandomnipotenceaboveeveryperson

and situation. Come Lord Jesus, Come and take complete control over my challenging life
situation, transform me and this situation for the greater glory of God! Come Holy Spirit, living in



33 Then all the Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the east came together,
and crossing the Jordan they encamped in the Valley of Jezreel. 34 But the spirit of the
Lord took possession of Gideon and he sounded the trumpet, and the Abiezrites were
called out to follow him. 35 He sent messengers throughout all Manasseh, and they too
were called out to follow him. He also sent messengers to Asher, Zebulun, andNaphtali,
and they went up to meet them 36ThenGideonsaidtoGod,Inordertoseewhetheryou
will deliver Israel by my hand, as you have said, 37 I am going to lay a fleece of wool on
the threshingfloorifthereisdewonthefleecealone,anditisdryonalltheground,then
I shall know that you will deliver Israel by my hand, as you have said. 38 And it was so.
When he rose early next morning and squeezed the fleece, he wrung enough dew from
the fleece to fill a bowl with water. 39 Then Gideon said to God, Do not let your anger
burn against me, let me speak one more time let me, please, make trial with the fleece
just once more let itbedryonlyonthefleece,andonallthegroundlettherebedew.40
And God did so that night. It was dry on the fleece only, and on allthegroundtherewas

Let us Pray : Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to
experience the same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, to take up the
mantle of leadership, to strengthen my faith by questioning God in loving trust and a childlike
humility. Empower me O God to deliver my family tree, my community, this nation and the entire
world from the spirit of slavery, oppression, dominion and every power of sin and death.Maythe
all PowerfulandAllLovingHolySpirittakecompletepossessionoverme,rightnowIpray,justthe
same way He took possession over Gideon guiding his actions and preparations when the
Midianites and the Amalekites and the people of the east came togetheragainstIsrael.Grantme
dear Lord Jesus, the spirit of wisdom, power and confidence to rally people, to bring hearts and
minds together, to foster a spirit of unity among people cutting across race, culture, color and
religious background towards the common good. Grant me O Holy Spirit, that heavenly
confidence to test my faith with God,justthesamewayGideontestedthecallbylayingthefleece
of wool on the thresh floor. O Sweet Holy Spirit, Come and anoint my dry, unenthusiastic and
lethargic heart with the dew drops of love, faith, courage, wisdom and a spirit of stability and
consistency. Come Holy Spirit living inMotherMary,comeandtakecompletepossessionovermy
body, mind and soul to energize and rally all nations, tribes, cultures and race. Toreadythemfor
battle against the enemy of our soul and to discern and test my own call with a child like

confidence, a child like innocence, like that of Gideon. O Immaculate Heart of Mary, to whom I
consecrate my own heart, unite hearts of the entire human race, to fight the plans of the devil to



1 Then Jerubbaal (that is, Gideon) and all the troops that were with him rose early and
encamped beside the spring of Harod and the camp of Midian was north of them,

2 The Lord said to Gideon, The troops with you are too many for me to give the
Midianites into their hand. Israel would only take the credit away from me, saying, My
own hand has delivered me. 3 Now therefore proclaim this in the hearing of the troops,
Whoever is fearful and trembling, let himreturnhome.ThusGideonsiftedthemout[b]

4 Then the Lord said to Gideon, The troops are still too many take them down to the
water and I will sift them out for you there. When I say, This one shall go with you, he
shall go with you and when I say, This one shall not go withyou,heshallnotgo.5So
he brought the troops down tothewaterandtheLordsaidtoGideon,Allthosewholap
the water with their tongues, as a dog laps, youshallputtoonesideallthosewhokneel
down to drink, putting their hands to their mouths,[c] you shall put to the other side. 6
The number of those that lapped was three hundred but all the rest of the troops knelt
down to drink water. 7 ThentheLordsaidtoGideon,Withthethreehundredthatlapped
I will deliver you, and give the Midianites into your hand. Let all the others go to their
homes. 8 So he took the jars of the troops from their hands,[d] and theirtrumpetsand
he sent all the rest of Israel back to their own tents, but retained the three hundred. The

Let us Pray : Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to
experience the same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, so as to put my
complete faith not on people, nor on horses and chariots, not on any form of traditional wisdom
but completely on you O Loving Father God. Come sweet spirit of God, come renew and shape
my wisdom and intellect to trust completely in you.OHeavenlyFather,letmebefaithfulandever



O Father God, let my trust never be on meremortalstherich,theintelligentsiaandthepowerful

of this world. I give complete freedom to you O Blessed Trinity, totakeawayallsupportsystems,
all support structures, all supporting people, all supporting resources on which I rely directly or
indirectly but give me an abundance of faith, calm assurance, courage and inner strength. That
unshakeable faith which leanssolelyonyouOBlessedTrinityforprotectionanddeliverance.Give
me an unshakeable faith O Father God, that leans solely on you forloveandprotection.Giveme
an unshakeable faith O SweetJesus,thatleanssolelyonyouformercyandforgiveness.Giveme
an unshakeable faith O Sweet Jesus, that leans solely on you for wisdom and direction. Father
God, you scaled down 32000 soldiers of Gideon to 300 to show your power and reveal your
might over mans horses and soldiers. Use me O Lord and letyourpowerbemanifestedforyour
Great Glory, just thesamewayyoumanifestedyourpowerthroughGideonandthosechosen300
soldiers to beat the 135,000 Midianites. To prove that it is not bysword,norbypowerormightof
people, but that it is your Spirit that fetches victory for your children. Sweet Jesus, meek and
humble son of God, our servant King, help me to be meek and humble to be like those 300
soldiers who lapped water like a dog, showing our utmost loyalty to your Sacred Heart. Loving
Holy Spirit, make us always vigilant like those 300 soldiers never to let go offourguard,neverto
lower our spiritual weapons or lose our focus in this continuous battle engaging the devil and
winning souls till the end of our days.Come Holy Spirit living in Mother Mary, come and take
complete possession over my body, mind and soul.GivemeastrongconvictiondearMother,that
it is not bysword,norbypowerormightofpeople,butthatitisGodsSpiritthatfetchesvictoryfor
legions of angelstocatertome,tosupportme,tosatisfymyneedsandtodefendmeinmybattle.



9 That same night the Lord said to him, Get up, attack the camp for I have givenitinto
your hand. 10 But if you fear to attack, go down to thecampwithyourservantPurah11
and you shall hear what they say, and afterward your hands shall be strengthened to
attack the camp.ThenhewentdownwithhisservantPurahtotheoutpostsofthearmed
men that were in thecamp.12TheMidianitesandtheAmalekitesandallthepeopleofthe
east lay along the valley as thick as locusts and their camels were without number,
countless asthesandontheseashore.13WhenGideonarrived,therewasamantellinga
dream to his comrade and he said, I had a dream, and in it a cake of barley bread
tumbled into the camp of Midian, and came to the tent, and struck it so that it fell it
turned upside down, and the tent collapsed. 14 And his comrade answered, This is no
other than the sword of Gideon son of Joash, a man of Israel into his hand God has

15 When Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped and
he returned to the camp of Israel, and said, Get up for the Lord has given the army of
Midian into your hand. 16 After he divided thethreehundredmenintothreecompanies,
and put trumpets into the hands of all of them, and empty jars, with torches inside the
jars, 17 he said to them, Look at me, and do the same when I come to the outskirts of
the camp, do as I do.18WhenIblowthetrumpet,Iandallwhoarewithme,thenyoualso

Let us Pray : Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to
experience the same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, so as to be
guided by your Holy Spirit to lead and to conquer, to overcome and to admonish with a spirit of
confidence, a spiritofdecisivenessinhumbleobediencetothewillofGod.MaythebloodofJesus
Christ, cleanse, heal and drive out from me every spirit of fear, doubt, confusion, self
consciousness, inferiority complex, self love, intimidation, worry and anxiety. Lord let your tender
mercy and love surround me, my family tree, my community and this nation. Show me the same
mercy O Lord which understood the fear and doubt deep embedded in Gideon, Your mercy and
love directing Gideon to go and overhear the conversation at the Midian camp regarding his
impending victory. Have mercy on me O Lord, for my unfaithfulness, mylackoflove,lackoffaith,
my selfish and narrow mindedness and my lack of gratitude. Dear Lord Jesus, Stir with in me a
spirit of constancy, a spirit of fidelity, a spirit of inseparable devotion to your Sacred Heart which
was pierced for my sins. Let my heart find stability and rest in the Immaculate Heart of your
Mother, pierced for my unholiness and lack of reverenceforyoureternalsacrifice.Strengthenmy
weak hands and feeble soul, to use all the talents and strengths I have for the greater glory of
God. Come Holy Spirit O ever blazing torch of God, enlighten ourweakspiritsandsetourhearts
on fire to win souls, toproclaimthevictoryoftheCross.ComeHolySpirit,comeand breakdown
the high walls of fear, self consciousness, selflove,selfishness,bitterness,confusion,pride,envy,
anger, jealousy, greed, sloth, unforgiveness, negativity, gluttony, defeating thought patterns,
oppression, sexual immorality, drunkenness, alchoholism, smoking, all forms of addiction,
pornography, homosexuality, abortion, euthanasia, suicidal tendencies and every form of failures.
Come Holy Spirit and empower me with the spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, humility and self control. Come and fill me with the spirit of
encouragement, wisdom,knowledge,understandingandaheavenlyboldnesstotakeupmycross
and follow as directed by the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit living in Mother Mary, come and take
complete possession over my body, mind and soul. Give me a strong anointing dear Mother, to
change my past ways, thought patterns and all those character traits in me formed by my past



19 So Gideon and the hundred who were with him came to the outskirts of the camp at
the beginning of the middle watch, when they had just set the watch and they blew the
trumpets and smashed the jars that were in their hands. 20 Sothethreecompaniesblew
the trumpets and broke the jars, holding in their left hands thetorches,andintheirright
hands the trumpets to blow and they cried, A sword for the Lord and for Gideon! 21
Every man stood inhisplaceallaroundthecamp,andallthemenincamprantheycried
out and fled. 22 When they blew the three hundred trumpets, the Lord set every mans
sword against his fellowandagainstallthearmyandthearmyfledasfarasBethshittah
toward Zererah,[e] as far as the border of Abelmeholah, by Tabbath. 23 And the men of
Israel were called out from Naphtali and from Asher and from all Manasseh, and they

24 Then Gideon sent messengers throughout all the hill country of Ephraim, saying,
Come down against the Midianites and seize the waters against them, as far as
Bethbarah, and also the Jordan. So all the men of Ephraim were called out, and they
seized the waters as far as Bethbarah, and also the Jordan. 25 They captured the two
captains of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb they killed Oreb at the rock of Oreb, and Zeeb they
killed at the wine press of Zeeb, as they pursued the Midianites. They brought theheads

Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to experience the
same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, so as to be empowered by the
Holy Spirit to smash all opposition standing in my path from accomplishingGodsplansinmylife.
Just as Gideon encouraged Israel to call out the name of the Lord and His power, encourageus

Against all forms of oppressionandthespiritofslavery,letusraiseuptheswordoftheHolySpirit

and cryoutAswordtotheLordandSwordtoJesusChristwhodefeatedeverypowerofsinand

Against allformsoffears,inferioritycomplexandfearsfrompastfailures,letusraiseupthesword
of theHolySpiritandcryoutAswordtotheLordandSwordtoJesusChristwhodefeatedevery

Against all forms of shame, insult,painanddefeat,letusraiseuptheswordoftheHolySpiritand

cry out A sword to the Lord and Sword to Jesus Christ who defeated every power of sin and

Against all forms of looting, oppression, defeat, stealing, robbing, poverty and impoverishment
afflicting ourbody,mindandsoul,letusraiseuptheswordoftheHolySpiritandcryoutAsword

Against all forms of physical, mental, bodily ailments afflicting me, my family tree and my
community, let us raise up the sword of the Holy Spirit and cry out A sword to the Lord and

Against all powers, principalities and agents of darkness standing against me, my familytree,my
faith and theHolyCatholicChurchletuscryoutintheSpirit AswordtotheLordandSwordto

Against all evil spirits, forces of darkness, people, cults and movements attacking the family, the
domestic church let us cry out in theSpirit AswordtotheLordandSwordtoJesusChristwho

Against all evil spirits, forces of darkness and people attacking FatherhoodandtheGodordained
role of Fathers, let us cry out in the Spirit A sword totheLordandSwordtoJesusChristwho

Against all evil spirits, forces of darkness and people attacking Motherhood and the role of
Mothers, let us cry out in the Spirit A sword to the Lord and Sword to Jesus Christ who

Against allevilspirits,forcesofdarknessandpeopleattackingChildrentheteensandyouthofthis
world, in formofdivorce,abuse,drugs,alcohol,addictions,pornography,letuscryoutintheSpirit

Against all evil powers permeating mass movements against Gods commandments and the
Catechism oftheCatholicChurchthecultureofmaterialism,moralrelativism,liberalism,abortion,
homosexuality, fornication, debauchery, euthanasia, feminism, atheism, communism,
communalism, religious fundamentalism, anarchy and any form of rebellion against God. Like
Gideon let us raise up the sword of the Holy Spirit andcryout AswordtotheLordandSword

Against all evil covenants, blood covenants, idol worship or any other forms of worship in my
family tree directly or indirectly offending the first commandment, all curses or evil eye affecting
my current generation or the past 9 generations, letuscryoutintheSpirit AswordtotheLord

Against all forms of weakness, fear, worries, anxieties, doubts, confusion, self pity, defeated
acceptance, defeated living and negative thinking let us cry out in the Spirit A sword to the

Against all forms of sickness, illness, ailments and brokenness afflicting our body, mind and soul,
let us cry out in the Spirit A sword totheLordandSwordtoJesusChristwhodefeatedevery

loneliness, repeated failures and setbacks let us cry out in the Spirit A sword to the Lord and

Against all forms of sinful patterns in my life and that of my family tree, my community and this
nation, in particular against the cardinal sins of anger, pride, envy, lust, gluttony, greed, sloth,
dullness and the repeated breach of the Holy Commandments let us cry out in the Spirit A

Against all forms of debauchery, licentiousness, alcoholism, drugabuse,smokingandeveryother

form of addictions let us cry out in the Spirit A sword to the Lord and Sword to Jesus Christ

Against all form of injustice, oppression, slavery, prejudice, judgement, falsetongue,criticism,evil

worship, malefice, curses, spells, occult,blackmagic,bloodcovenants,generationalbondageand
submission, inter generational slavery, inter generational curse afflictingortargetedagainstmeor
my family tree. I cry out in the Spirit A sword to the Lord and Sword to Jesus Christ who

Against everytrapsandtricksofthedevil,especiallythoseattackingouryouth,teenagers,schools
and campuses.Thespiritoffornication,adultery,sexualimmorality,pornography,drugandalcohol
abuse, violence, sexual abuse, rock music and against every form of mass media permeated by
the devil. We cry out in theSpiritAswordtotheLordandSwordtoJesusChristwhodefeated



1 Then the Ephraimites said to him, What have you done to us, not to call us whenyou
went to fight against the Midianites? And they upbraided him violently. 2 So he said to
them, What have I done now in comparison with you? Is not the gleaning of the grapes
of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer? 3 God has given into your hands the
captains of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb whathaveIbeenabletodoincomparisonwithyou?

Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to experience the
same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, so as to be inspired and guided
by the same Holy Spirit to dispel all quarrels, internal squabbles, indifference, ego and animosity
among my familymembers,communitymembers,inmyvocationalandprofessionalenvironments
and among nations. Come and fill me dear Holy Spirit, so that I will be overshadowed by your
presence toactinprudenceduringthosedifficultlifesituationswhenmyintentionsandactionsare
questioned. Give me the gracesdearJesustolivetheBeatitudeseverydayofmylife.Inaspecial
way today, give me the grace to be a peacemaker, as you had taught us Blessed are the
peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Give me the grace of self denial just like
Gideon, to deny any accolades, recognition, honor and fame for the little victories I win solely
through the mercy of God. To repeat in humility as Jesus taught us in Luke 17 : 10 afterwinning
mighty victories orafterlittleactsofcharity Weareunworthyservantswehaveonlydonewhat
was our duty. Give me the grace O sweet spirit of God to take the narrow path of obedience,
humility, meekness, self denial, selflessness and total abandonmenttotheHolywill,invictoryand
in trials. I seek your mercy and pardon O Father God, by the painful passion of your son Jesus
for the many times I reverted anger with anger, pride with pride, haughtiness with haughtiness,
arrogance with arrogance whiledealingwithmybrotherorsister.Mayyourhealinglove,surround
those people I offended through my rash behavior. Touch and heal those sores, which are still

Cleanse and heal me Lord Jesus of of all wounds and hurts, when people misunderstood my

Cleanse and heal me Lord Jesus of of all wounds and hurts, when people reacted withjealousy,

Cleanse and heal Lord Jesus of of all wounds and hurts, especially those wounds I inflicted on
others. Not forgiving their acts of jealousy, envy and selfishness and reciprocating by the same

In all my accomplishments till date and those kept for the future, I repeat the words taught by



4 Then Gideon came to the Jordanandcrossedover,heandthethreehundredwhowere
with him, exhausted and famished.[a] 5 So hesaidtothepeopleofSuccoth,Pleasegive
some loaves of bread to my followers, for they are exhausted, and I am pursuing Zebah
and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian. 6 But the officials of Succoth said, Do you already
have in your possession the hands of Zebah andZalmunna,thatweshouldgivebreadto
your army? 7 Gideon replied, Well then, when the Lord hasgivenZebahandZalmunna
into my hand, I will trample your flesh on the thorns of the wilderness and on briers. 8
From there he went up to Penuel, and made the samerequestofthemandthepeopleof
Penuel answered him as the people of Succoth had answered.9Sohesaidtothepeople

10 Now Zebah and Zalmunna were inKarkorwiththeirarmy,aboutfifteenthousandmen,

all who were left of all the army of the people of the east for one hundred twenty
thousand men bearing arms had fallen. 11 So Gideon went up by the caravan route east
of Nobah and Jogbehah, and attacked the army for the armywasoffitsguard.12Zebah
and Zalmunna fled and he pursued them and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and

13 When Gideon son of Joash returned from the battle by the ascent of Heres, 14 he
caught a young man, one ofthepeopleofSuccoth,andquestionedhimandhelistedfor
him the officials and elders of Succoth, seventyseven people. 15 Then he came to the
people of Succoth, and said, Here are Zebah and Zalmunna, about whom you taunted
me, saying, Do you already have in your possession the hands of Zebah andZalmunna,
that we should give bread to your troops who are exhausted? 16 So he tooktheelders
of the city and he took thorns of the wilderness and briers and withthemhetrampled[b]
the people of Succoth. 17 He also broke down the tower of Penuel, andkilledthemenof

18 Then he said to Zebah and Zalmunna, What about the men whom you killed at
Tabor? They answered, As you are, so were they, every one of them they resembled
the sons of a king. 19 And he replied, They were my brothers, the sons of my mother
as the Lord lives, if you had saved them alive, I would not kill you. 20 So he said to
Jether his firstborn, Go killthem!Buttheboydidnotdrawhissword,forhewasafraid,
because he was still a boy. 21 Then Zebah and Zalmunnasaid,Youcomeandkillusfor
as the man is, so is his strength. So Gideon proceededtokillZebahandZalmunnaand

Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to experience the
same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, so as to be empowered by the
same Holy Spirit not to be stagnant nor slumber in past glory or past accomplishments. Give me
the grace dear Holy Spirit to keep moving from one milestone to another in humility and in
accordance to the will of God. Even inmyutmostweakness,helpmedearLordasyouenergized

Gideon to pursue the enemy to fight the good fight, to finish the race and to keepthefaithuntilI
see you face to face. Grant me dear Jesus, the grace of stability and consistency in my actions
and faith walk. May the fence established through my Baptism, the Holy Sacraments and your
Holy Word be an impeccable wall of protection around me, my family tree and community which
the enemy willneverbreach.JustlikeGideon,letmenotbediscouragedbythetonguesofpeople
around me but continue my march to victory and glory. EmpowermeLordandHeavenlyFather,
with an Apostolic anointing to admonish, correct and lead people to the right shores of faith.
Empower me Lord and Heavenly Father, with an Apostolic anointing to discern every step and

And now by the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every spirit of
discouragement & despair to be defeated and send to the foot of the Cross, to be nailed and

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every spirit of negativity &
depressive thoughts to be defeated and send to the foot of the Cross, to be nailed and never to

By the power of the Holy SpiritIrebuke,renounceandcommandeverylyingtongue,everyproud

and arrogant tongue, every threatening tongue to be defeated and sendtothefootoftheCross,

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every spirit of hopelessness &

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every negative criticism,
judgement and assessment to be defeated and send to the foot of the Cross, to be nailed and

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command everyspiritofdoubt,confusion

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every spirit of bitterness,
unforgiveness and lack of understanding to be defeated and send to the foot of the Cross, to be

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every spirit of ignorance,
arrogance and pride to be defeated and send to the foot of the Cross, to be nailed and never to

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every spirit of sickness, illness

By the power of the Holy Spirit I rebuke, renounce and command every spirit of self love,
selfishness, self righteousness and self exaltation to be defeated and send to the foot of the

By the power of theHolySpiritIrebuke,renounceandcommandeveryspiritofdarknesstryingto

deviate me from the God ordained plan and purpose in my life. Be Gone you evil forces,people,
situations and circumstances, to the foot of the Cross in Calvary to be condemned and nailed


Judges 8 : 22 Then the Israelites said to Gideon, Rule over us, you and your son and
your grandson also for you have delivered usoutofthehandofMidian.23Gideonsaid
to them, Iwillnotruleoveryou,andmysonwillnotruleoveryoutheLordwillruleover
you. 24 Then Gideon said to them, Let me make a request of you each of yougiveme
an earring he has taken as booty. (For the enemy[c] had golden earrings, because they
were Ishmaelites.) 25 We will willingly give them, they answered. So they spread a
garment, and each threw into it an earring he had taken as booty. 26 The weight of the
golden earrings that he requested was one thousand seven hundred shekels of gold
(apart from thecrescentsandthependantsandthepurplegarmentswornbythekingsof
Midian, and the collars that wereonthenecksoftheircamels).27Gideonmadeanephod
of it and put itinhistown,inOphrahandallIsraelprostitutedthemselvestoitthere,and
it became a snare to Gideon and to his family. 28 So Midian was subdued before the
Israelites, and they lifted up their heads no more. So the land had rest forty years in the
days of Gideon. 29 Jerubbaal son of Joash went to liveinhisownhouse.30NowGideon
had seventy sons, his own offspring, for he had many wives. 31 His concubine who was
in Shechem also bore him a son, and he named him Abimelech. 32 Then Gideon son of
Joash died atagoodoldage,andwasburiedinthetombofhisfatherJoashatOphrahof
the Abiezrites. 33 As soon as Gideon died, the Israelites relapsed and prostituted
themselves with the Baals, making Baalberith their god. 34 The Israelites did not
remember the Lord their God, who had rescued them from the hand of all their enemies
on every side 35 and they did not exhibit loyalty to the house of Jerubbaal (that is,

Lord and Merciful Father God, increase my trust in your assuring love, so as to experience the
same faith and heavenly empowerment experienced by Gideon, so as to be empowered by the
same Holy Spirit to say NO to the idols of the world. Open my eyes O Lord, to recognize and
shun the idols of materialism, moral relativism, atheism, communism, feminism and everyformof
ideologies that exalts the self above God. Develop in me O Mother Mary, a strong sense of
detachment and indifference to recognition, honor,fameandwealthfromthehandsofmen.From

the example of Gideon, let me understand that the spirit of victory and empowerment grantedby
God could be wasted, justthesamewayGideonlostthegraceofGodbyseekingtheEphodfrom

vows of myBaptismIrenounceforeverSatan,hispomp'sandworksandIgivemyselfentirelyto
Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to carry my cross after Him all thedaysofmylife,andtobe
more faithful to Him than I have ever been before.In the presence of all the heavenly court I
choose thee this day, for my Mother and Mistress. I deliver and consecrate to thee,as thy slave,
my body and soul,mygoods,bothinteriorandexterior,andeventhevalueofallmygoodactions,
past, present and future leaving to thee the entire and full right of disposing of me, and all that

Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the universe. All that has been created has beenmade
for You. Make full use of Your rights over me. I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I
renounced Satan and all his pomp and works, and I promisetoliveagoodlifeandtodoallinmy
power to procure the triumph of the rights of God andYourChurch.DivineHeartofJesus,Ioffer
You my efforts in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge Your Sacred Royalty, and that



4 Samuel did what the Lord commanded, and came to Bethlehem. The elders of the city
came to meet him trembling, and said, Do you come peaceably? 5 And he said,
Peaceably I have come to sacrifice to the Lord consecrate yourselves, and come with
me to the sacrifice. And he consecrated Jesse and his sons, and invited them to the

6 When theycame,helookedonEliabandthought,SurelytheLordsanointedisbefore
him. 7 But the Lord said to Samuel, Do not look on his appearance or ontheheightof
his stature,becauseIhaverejectedhimfortheLordseesnotasmanseesmanlookson
the outward appearance,buttheLordlooksontheheart.8ThenJessecalledAbinadab,
and made him pass before Samuel. And he said, NeitherhastheLordchosenthisone.
9 Then Jesse made Shammah pass by. And he said, Neither has the Lord chosen this
one. 10 And Jesse made seven of his sons pass before Samuel. And Samuel said to
Jesse, The Lord has notchosenthese.11AndSamuelsaidtoJesse,Areallyoursons
here? And he said, There remains yet the youngest, but behold, he is keeping the
sheep. And Samuel said to Jesse, Send and fetch him for we will not sit down till he
comes here. 12 And he sent, and brought him in. Now he was ruddy, and had beautiful
eyes, and was handsome. And the Lord said, Arise, anoint him for this is he. 13 Then

Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in themidstofhisbrothersandtheSpirit



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