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Marjorie Arguedas-Brayan Salazar-Jonathan Quesada.

December 9th, 2016

with the truth

Informative section

Gamers Zone
Information about the most
current news about video games.

Carlos biography
This section brings three articles which inform about important
topics. All them have useful advices.

News section
Costa Rica


News section


News section

An important employee of UTN

told us about his life after he
Do you want to know more about

Chapecoenses tragedy

La Ruta de los Conquistadores


The Youthful Voice

By Marjorie Arguedas

By Jonathan Quesada

December 9th, 2016

Breaking news
National News

Sport news

Hurricane Otto destroyed Costa Rica

La Ruta conquistadores

On November 24th of the year 2016, the Hurricane

Otto impacted some Costa Rican towns. However,
Upala and Bagaces were the most affected towns so
that Upalas and Bagacess people had to go to a
refuge. Most of them lost their appliances, houses,
and other people died.

From November 03 to 05, the Edition No. 24 of

La Ruta de los Conquistadores took place at
the Headquarters of Atenas. The UTN was the
spectator of the 1st Stage of this remarkable
This is the most important mountain biking
competition in Costa Rica, as well as being one
of the most popular adventure athletic events
around the world. Every year, hundreds of the
best cyclists in the world come to Central
America to try out this unique journey fighting
with distance, geography, climate and culture.

Although the President and CNE had warned about

hurricane Otto some days before, several people did
not believe those warnings, so most of them lost
everything. The next day, it was possible to watch
the consequences that hurricane Otto provoked and
the damages were devastating; hence, Costa Rican
people donated non-perishable food, water and
clothes, which were received for the Red Cross.
Besides, other people gave money that was received
for national banks. It was the first time that a
hurricane impacts Costa Rica so that Costa Ricans did
not know how to face a kind of phenomenon like

The Route is the only competition that crosses

the American continent from the Pacific coast
to the Atlantic coast, and it is known for its
difficulty. From the first day (which starts at sea
level) to the finish, the Route crosses 5
mountain ranges of around 260 kilometers, and
it forces the cyclist to climb 8840 meters. The
terrain is so uneven and difficult. Long time ago,
it took the Spanish Conquerors (led by Juan de
Cavalln) 20 years to cross Costa Rica from
coast to coast. Nowadays, adventurers on their
mountain bikes perform it in just 3 days.

The Youthful Voice

By Brayan Salazar Ledezma

December 9th, 2016

Breaking news
International News

Last November 27th a team from Brazil called Associao Chapecoense de Futebol, but known as
Chapecoense was decimated; as consequence, of an air crash in Medelln, Colombia.
Chapecoense is a soccer team with its headquarters located in Chapeco, a city of the state of Santa
Catarina. This team was flying from its city Chapeco to Medelln, due to the soccer match against Atltico
Nacional for the away final match of the Copa Sudamricana.

There were seventy-seven passengers in the flight, among them: twenty-two Chapecoenses
soccer players, twenty-five executives, twenty-one journalists, guests and crew members;
however, only four people survived from this accident, and all of them were soccer players Alan
Rurschel, Jakson Follmann, Hlio Hermito, Zampier Neto and Marcos Danilo although Danilo died
three hours later in the hospital.
The corpses of the victims are going to be repatriated soon.
Regarding the causes of the accident, experts think it was an electric system failure and little fuel.

December 9th, 2016

The Youthful Voice

Carlos An English lover

The clue: The clue he has to enhance his skills is simple:

Early days
Carlos Gonzlez Alvarado was born in la
Uruca San Jos, Costa Rica on
September 9th of 1993. However, he
has always lived in Atenas, Alajuela.

The decision
He started his studies in English in 2011.
At the beginning, he decided to study
this language because it is so important
that it has become a necessity to all fulltime students and those who currently
work. Carlos considers that English
expands your possibilities not only
when you are looking for a job but also
when you are doing research, when
there is a movie you really want to see
and its only available in English, also
when you need to contact someone
whose mean of communication is
English, and even when you are getting
informed and the only news available
can only be found in English. Then,
during the passing of the courses he
realized that English teaching was his
thing, and he decided to focus all of his
efforts into that.

to get exposed as much as possible to the language. The more

you get exposed to English, the better your brain becomes
accustomed to the way the language works, to the
vocabulary, to sentence structures, to intonation and rhythm.
The more activities you have to develop your skills the more
prepared you will be for the outside professional world.
Therefore, the understanding of the language gets cognitively

Job opportunities: Since he graduated from the

Bachelors Degree, he was immediately contacted by CCCN,
and couple of weeks later he was already teaching. A few
months later he was contacted by Jose Soto who offered him
the fantastic opportunity of working as the Majors Assistant.
Its been quite rewarding for him because since he was
studying, he dreamed of working at UTN. Nevertheless, he
never expected that goal to be accomplished so soon. He has
learned tons of valuable things from wonderful people, and
he is always thankful to work in an environment in which he is
always learning and also helping others with his own
knowledge and competences. Now, it has been almost three
years since he works for CCCN and UTN.

Expectations and future plans: He hopes to finish his

major in English at UNA by 2018 and start his masters degree.
He is also interested in many fields besides English, among them:
history, economy, philosophy, politics, anthropology, and even
Law. If he has the time and the energy, he may study history and
economy from the above mentioned. One of his dreams is
becoming a teacher at UTN and contribute as much as possible
to the potential of the English as Foreign Language Major.

The Youthful Voice

December 9th, 2016

By Marjorie Arguedas Blanco

Gamers zone
Crash bandicoot 1, 2 and 3 will
be launched Play station 4 in
After 20 years of its launch, Activision will bring
again the first three Crash games: Crash Bandicoot,
Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back and Crash
Bandicoot Warped: which are ones of the most
expected games for PS4 on 2017.
Crash was released on 1994 by Naughty Dog;
however, some years later Activison became the
new owner of this game after that Crash Bandicoot

Now people, who are fan of this classic game for

Play Station, have to wait some months to know
more details about Crash Bandicoots launch

On July 2016, Sony, which is PS4s creator, stated

that Crash would be remastered, and it would be
included in Skylanders that is other important
game. However, Crash Bandicoot does not have an
exact date for its launch, but this may be in 2017.

The Youthful Voice

By Jonathan Quesada

By Brayan Salazar

December 9th, 2016

Gamers zone
Le Tour de France PS4
It is the best videogame for cyclings fans that want

Dexmo: the new controller for VR as a

glove shape

to feel like a legend racing along the 21 official

Soon there is going to be launched a new

stages of LeTour du France 2016.It is packed with

controller for VR that is going to be called Dexmo.

exciting new features; for example, in 2016 you are

This time, it will be a glove form device similar to

able to experience the emotions of a pro-rider by

the ones available in the market currently as

attacking, sprinting, counter-attacking, picking the

Manus VR and Gest.

best trajectories and taking the best tactical

In despite of being a device comparable in shape

decisions to lead your team to victory.

to the ones described previously, this new VR

controller shows relevant differences because it is
a device which includes a several sensors capable
of creating a better reality when we pick a specific
item and use it.

It is possible to take to the road in solo, compete

screen. Similarly to the previous ones, there is a

Besides, according to its creators it is a light

weight comfortable glove, so it can be used for
long periods of time.

challenge mode to become the best descender,

It is cordless with a six hours of battery capacity.

and a Pro Team mode to build your dream team.

Dexta Robotics is the one in charge of making

available the obtainability of this device.

against your friends, or play in coop on the same

December 9th, 2016

The Youthful Voice

Publicity section

December 9th, 2016

The Youthful Voice

Many diseases can be prevented by the correct

Red Meat by Marjorie Arguedas






disadvantages of excessively eating meat, but

do you know the damaging risk of not eating
red meat? Red meat has always been a
difficult issue to deal with because there are
many myths which make this kind of meat
seems injurious or disadvantageous to health;
nevertheless, most of them are false, or these
are based on a wrong conception, so some
people think that red meat is harmful to
health; however, the correct consumption of
meat gives important benefits such as
vitamins, proteins and diseases prevention.

consumption of meat. Many vegetarians usually suffer

Anemia, and this is because they do not eat red meat
which contains a lot of iron that helps preventing this
sickness, so red meat is considered one of the best
food sources of iron; moreover, it fortifies bones
because of the amounts of proteins that red meat has,
so people who suffer bones diseases should eat this
kind of meat. Proteins are part of a healthy life.
Proteins intake is important to strengthen the muscles,
so many athletes consume red meat because it has
vitamins, hormones and most important enzymes that
help building muscle mass, skin, cartilages and bones;
however, many people use to replace red meat instead
of vegetables or legumes due to they do not like to eat
this type of meat, but it is essential to know that the
quality of protein in legumes is lower than the obtained
from red meat, so that you should eat excessive
quantities of vegetables to make up deficiencies.

Red meat contains a potent vitamin called

B12. This kind of vitamin is very essential for
humans, but especially in pregnant women
because it has an important quantity of iron
which helps women with their pregnancies
and fetal development; besides, in childhood
this vitamin is very important due to B12
works as a nutritional supplement which helps
to achieve a healthy growth.

The Youthful Voice

Dog Adoption by Brayan Salazar

Domestic animal adoption can change your life
more than what you think. Many animals suffer
from mistreatment every day in the cities; however,
dogs are one of the most abandoned species
because a large number of people decide to put
them on the street in order to avoid taking care of
them, so stray dogs have been increasing over time.
Hence, an important aspect is that people who
want to have a pet should think in a dog adoption
due to it is totally free, it brings unforgettable
moments, and it helps decreasing their number on
the street.
Less stray dogs on the street can change many
situations. Most of cities there are too many stray
dogs which wander on the grubby street every year,
and most of them are hungry, thirsty and beaten by
cruel people or other animals; however, it can
change if you adopt a stray dog and motivate your
friends to do this; in addition, stray dogs usually bite
the garbage bags, so it produces more waste on the
street and nasty smells; hence, if there are less stray
dogs, your town will be cleaner.

December 9th, 2016

Money is not a problem with stray dogs. These

kinds of dogs have a special benefit due to you do
not have to pay to obtain them, so you can save
much money because the vets dogs are too
expensive; moreover, dogs which have lived on
the street tend to be stronger than the other, so
stray dogs may rarely get sick or need nutritional
supplement to get healthy; hence it will be an
excellent aspect which makes you save a lot of

Dog adoption brings a lot of unforgettable

moments. If you often have a boring afternoon,
you need a stray dog because they are playful pets
that need much love from their owners;
moreover, you will always be amused with their
funny actions for example; when they play with
other dogs or when they greet somebody close to
the family. And also if you are either a depressed
person or have low self-esteem this sort of pet will
give enough affection for you to overcome that
Finally, if you have the opportunity to adopt dogs,
but you are not sure about doing this; you should
try out this new experience, and you will never
regret. It is also important to mention that
nowadays dog adoption is very important because
the number of stray dogs on the street increases
every day, and as you can see this action not only
helps these kinds of dogs but also brings
outstanding benefits.

The Youthful Voice

Student Exchange Programs by Jonathan

Opportunities abound in our lives; however, people
rarely take advantage of them. Nowadays, students of
all ages have the chance to be a part of different
programs where they can acquire skills and abilities
that could lead them to a successful future. High
schools and universities offer them the opportunity to
study abroad, live with a host family, and acquire a new
perspective through international experience. Student
exchange programs are unforgettable experiences;
people learn a new language, gain an easier access to
the job market, and are exposed to a new global

People who take part in these programs often show

an impressive growth in knowledge, learning a
second or even a third language. For those
participants who speak the English language,
traveling to an English-speaking destination will
provide an opportunity to improve their listening and
communication skills. Living in an immersive
environment would be a significant benefit to their
Nowadays, when recruiting people, companies
require an advanced knowledge of at least one
language as well as an international experience. This
program will allow students to meet both of these
requirements at the same time. Living with a host
family abroad and meeting people of different
nationalities will help the student to develop
communication and interpersonal skills such as the
tolerance of different situations and a flexibility to
adapt to new or unfamiliar environments. These
situations occur throughout the life of a person when
they start a new job, a university degree, or when
they move to another city.


December99th,, 2016

December 9 , 2016

Living with a host family abroad, attending a college

and making friends from all over the world is one of
the best ways to get an overview of the current
situation in terms of political, economic and social
issues. Being involved in an international
environment is the most effective way to stay
informed about what is going on in different
cultures. Daily interactions that students may have
with host families also serve to move them one
step ahead of the current events.

The daily need to get along in a new culture helps

participants to develop skills that may not have
been aware of when living in their country of origin.
Basically, exchange programs enhance the personal
curriculum vitae of the student. The learning
experience students go through when living abroad
is valuable and beneficial to their personal and
professional lives.

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