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idge Professional Semester Ill Final Report Faculty of Education Field Experiences Fatl_/ Spring __ Semester, 2016 (Please check appropriate semester) Professional Semmesier ll Is @ five-course equvalent Inlegraied semester Incuding hal-ime teaching and professional study in curriculum design, leadership, advanced methods, and reflective practice Intem Teachers are assigned fulltime to schools for the semester during which they assume responsibilty for approximately one-hall of ‘the teaching day. PS Ill professional study is designed to complement and enhance the internship. The professional study components may coeur on or off-campus and are coordinated by the Facully Mentors in collaboration with Intern Teachers and school personnel Place a checkmark (/) in front of the course in which you are registered Education 4571- Elementary Education ‘7 Education 4572- Secondary Internship Education 4573- Special Focus Internship Education 4574 Fine Arts Internship - Art or Drama Education 4575~- Fine Arts Internship « Music Inter Teacher: Miranda MacKenzie Grade Level(s): Grade 8 Schoo! Raymond Junior High School Administrator: Cory Bevans 2 Tyler Runguist Faculty Mentor Mel Fletcher Intern Teacher's Descriptive Report: During my PSIIl internship, | was incredibly fortunate to work with Tyler Runquist and the staff at Raymond Junior High Schoo! (RJHS). Throughout my experience | felt welcomed and supported by the staff at RJHS. | was given the opportunity to teach Grade 8 English Language Arls, Grade 8 Health and Grade 8 Drama. In my English classroom, we completed a novel study on Wonder by E.L, Palacio, a fractured fairy-tale unit — focusing on narrative writing & parodies, as well as a film study on Pixar's inside Out. In Drama, students spent a week on orientation games ~ focusing on building positive classroom climate, followed by units focused on Movement & Mime, Improvisation and Public Speaking. As a final project, both grade 8 drama classes put on Christmas productions for the school. In health, students learnt about the importance of healthy balance by looking at a "wellness wheel", each class was dedicated to different aspects of personal health, The film study of Inside Out also covered several health outcomes. | dedicated a lot of time to creating a safe and caring learning environment for my students within my classroom. | was excited about the opportunity fo lear about the Love & Logic philosophy and implement many of Pago 1 ofS PS I Final Repon for Miranda MacKenzie Intern Teacher's Descriptive Report (Continued) their strategies into my own classroom management philosophy. | was given the ‘opportunity to teach our staff one of the Love & Logic modules during a staff Professional Development day and felt our staff effectively maintained our school leaming environment through the implementation of the Love & Logic philosophy. Another initiative RJHS focused on during my time at their school was the importance of cross-curriculor literacy through the use of Notice & Note strategies. Through the reading of Kylene Beers & Robert €. Probs!’s Notice & Note, as well as Notice & Note: Non fiction, and staff development sessions, | leamt new strategies for promoting literacy in not only language arts, but all core disciolines. | believe these strategies were highly effective in improving my student's comprehension and critical thinking skills. This initiative was the foundation for my professional inquiry project, which focused on targeting student's literacy needs and developing a "bank" of resources to assist struggling readers. During my time al RJHS, | made a continuous effort to contribute to the school and community in a positive way. | regularly attended sporting events, | volunteered my fime whenever possible and coached the grade 7 girls basketball team with Tyler Runquist and Jason Salmon. | worked hard to create meaningful relationships with my students and colleagues and truly enjoyed coming to school each day. In conclusion, | am incredibly thankful for the opportunities | had to learn and grow as a professional at RJHS. My final internship has solidified my decision to enter the teaching profession and provided me with the experience needed to take on my own Classroom. Dee. OP /pouo Date Intern Teacher Signature, This page is to be attached to the Intern Teacher's Report. Page 2015 SI Final Report for Miranda Mackenzie School Administrator Comments: | have found Miranda to be very personable and willing fo work with our staff in every way. She came to our Division and school-based PD days, that took place before students arrived, so that she would be familiar with our school's direction and practices. She is out-going and has developed a strong rapport with our students and staff. She has a thorough background in the subjects she is teaching and a passion for them. Miranda has taken on extra- curricular assignmenis in our school including supervision and being an assistant coach for our gils Gr 7 team. She wilingly will juggle her schedule to accommodate the needs of students or staff. She is aways early to school and can be counted on to be dependable and puncival. In our meetings Miranda contributes in a positive and thoughtful way. She shows interest in what the research says about various aspecls of teaching and willingly took an assignment to make a presentation during a school PD day. She did a great job. Miranda has taken the time to get to know her students and respects their different learning styles and needs. She teaches her classes using a variety of teaching strategies and with a variety of resources including effective use of technology. She utilizes both routine and a variety of activities in her classes. Miranda has good classroom management skills and is respected by her students. She spends time with individuals that seem to be struggling. Students are ai ease in her classes, both in answering questions and being willing to ask questions of her. She is very approachable and was happy to have me stop in to observe at any time, including unscheduled visits. She asks lots of questions of myself and other staff, She was always well prepared for her lessons and the goals and objectives were clear fo the students. Miranda dressed and conducted herself as a professional and maintained a sense of confidentiality about the students and their needs. She is trusted and valued as a member of our staff and joined in, in all aspects of our staff. Miranda kept good records for her classes using both formative and summative evaluations. In our grade level meetings, she assisted in writing the IPP's for the students that she teaches. She was involved in our Parent/Teacher Interviews and other communications with parents and students. Miranda has had a great round at our school, she has taken suggestions given and has also had new ideas to offer to our staff. We have enjoyed having her in our school, she is the kind of teacher all schools are looking for! O_o H ass aR Fe Tree 3) lh School Adminisitator Signature Date This page is to be attached to the Intern Teacher's Report Page Sots PS Il Final Repor for Miranda MacKenzie ‘Teacher Mentor Comments: It has been a pleasure to work with Ms, Miranda Mackenzie both in the classroom and as a teacher in our school community. Ms. MacKenzie was always well organized in her lesson planning, consistently trying to provide her students with engaging and purposeful learning activities. She was willing to take risks and try new things when it came to implementing new teaching strategies. Ms. MacKenzie was also very adaptable in helping struggling students engage with the curriculum. Ms. Mackenzie is a true professional and was continually looking to improve her teaching practice, particularly in areas of classroom management and student engagement. She was able to successfully maintain an appropriate balance between professionalism and approachabiiily when it came to relationships with both students and parents. Ms. MacKenzie made great efforts to reach out to and work with parents of at risk students in her class to help them have opportunities for success in her classroom. Ms. Mackenzie was always wiling to cover for teachers who needed to be out of their classrooms temporarily. She was a constant professional in working with the school's staff, and made a significant contribution to the collaborative culture of the school. In particular, Ms. MacKenzie was part of the coaching staff for the Grade 7 girls basketball team. She was a significant contrioutor to the success of every girl on the team and its positive culture. The following is a list of some of the teacher quality standards that Ms. Mackenzie exemplified: + KSA #3 Lesson plans were organized and focused on specific learning outcomes. + KSA #4 High level of knowledge in content area. + KSA #5-Tried to adjust lessons so that every student could engage in the content. + KSA #8 - Was always very posilive and professional in her relationships with students, staff, and parents. + KSA #12-Was able to work with parents, via email and also in person, to help promote student learning and appropriate classroom behaviour. | feel that Ms. MacKenzie has a bright future in the teaching profession and will be an influence for good in whatever school she is employed Tyler Runquist Vice Principal Raymond Junigr High School KZ. Pewemaere ore Mentor Teackr Signature Date This page Is to be attached to the Intern Teacher's Report. Page 4015 PS Il Final Report for Miranda MacKenzie Faculty Mentor Comments: Miranda Mackenzie has successfully completed her PS3 internship at Raymond Junior High School. Miranda hos demonstrated expertise in unit and lesson planning. Her plans are very thorough and include all the necessary elements for effective plans. Her teacher presence and personality is very positive and she has created a very comfortable and safe learning atmosphere. She is fair and friendly and has good classroom routines and management skill. Her knowledge of assessment is shown by her wide variety of assessment tools that reflect the whole spectrum of learning styles. Her grades reflect the priorities set by the Programs of Studies. She is always very professional and has creat relations with other staff and her colleagues. She integrates technology into her Classroom and lessons and has lessons that stimulate higher levels of thinking. She has gone beyond expectations for co-curricular involvement with her drama productions and is involving the community effectively. | hereby recommend Miranda Mackenzie as a skilled and competent teacher. have read the complete Final Report and certify that the assigned grade is PASS. rbZRL IAD Dv pf216 ‘culty Mehior Signature Date Page 5 ofS

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