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Katelyn Van Roosendaal

Math 1040
Matthew Arndt
Final Reflection
In my experience in Math 1040 with professor Matthew Arndt, I learned so much and was able
to broaden my math experience and expertise. I learned how to, understand the process of
statistics and its relation to decision making, Effectively summarize data, Calculate and interpret
probabilities, Understand and use probability distributions, Understand the concept of a sampling
distribution and the results of the Central Limit Theorem, Perform and interpret a linear
regression analysis, Understand ideas of statistical inference including estimation and hypothesis
testing, Organize and communicate my statistical work clearly and logically, using correct
notation and precise explanations.
Taking statistics has helped me look at the world from a different perspective making things
make more of a logical type of aspect. I have also been taking Biology 1610 which is genetics
and DNA. Knowing statistics has made understanding why certain traits happen at such low
frequencies, and others at such high frequencies. Stats is highly used with genetics and
phenotype and genotype ratios, so being able to understand these concepts put me at an
advantage over other students who havent taken a stats class. The statistics class changed how I
thought about real world statistics and made me actually go looking for common statistical
problems and how they related to day to day life for individuals. Statistics has helped push me
into looking at statistics in a different aspect and have a higher level of respect for statisticians
and what they do in their day to day work life. Statistics is a hard topic for me to understand so I
think that anyone that understands stats well could excel very easily.

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