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Running Head: EXORCISM

Exorcism: A Review of Literature

Christopher Holsapple Jr
University of Texas at El Paso


Exorcism has been around for a while now, people talking about more
more ever since they started making movies. Recently, people have been
questioning what is exorcism and is this ritual really real? There hasnt been
many people that have been in a exorcism or have witnessed on in reality.
The only thing people have seen is just movies about it. But very few people
do know more about exorcism because they study it or practice this ritual.
But people dont know that there are more details that go into exorcism, its
not just about possession but leads to a more topics that make up exorcism.
Making exorcism really hard to prove that it is real or not is the physical
evidence to help explain more and prove that it is real. So many conflicts
accrue when it comes to exorcism and the belief that it is actually real
because youre not just agreeing that exorcism but more supernatural stuff
as well and religious things.

The Exorcism: A Review of Literature

The conflict that keeps on arising for exorcism is regards to if it is real or not,
so people believe that is it is a psychological thing. Its all made up from the
persons head, people saying that they just want attention to get notice to
the public eye. Even people wonder if the priest itself is in the act himself to
get the attention too. So many reasons on why people may think exorcism is
not real, just because nowadays with media and todays technology nothing
it impossible. But firm believers still stick with exorcism because exorcism
has such a long history. Behind the long history becomes may more things

such as religious purposes and even more super natural things such as
demons. People dont know this sometimes but religion really does play a
very big part to exorcism, but even then how does the church themselves try
to convince people that exorcism is an actual ritual performed. Even demons
have been around for awhile, the demons that cast themselves to human
bodies, making the whole process of an exorcism to occur. See exorcism is a
whole topic with many things that consist of it, making it harder to believe in
it, the questions that help open up more of the topic:
1. What is exorcism and who performs them?
2. What are demons and are they real?
3. Are there psychological or physical reasons to explain this
4. Does exorcism mainly come down to religion?
After discussing these questions you will: get a better knowledge of more
what exorcism is, have a clear understanding, and give the audience a
larger picture of exorcism.

What is exorcism and who performs them?

Well first of all what is the correct definition for exorcism, what does it
really mean? Well give data from the survey that I had given out, more than
half of the people answered I dont know to the question At this point do you
know what the definition of exorcism is? Given the results of the questioned
asked in the survey, how can people be convinced or even think they believe
if they dont know what the real definition is.

According to Exorcism: Facts and Fiction About Demonic Possession

The word exorcism derives from the Greek word for oath, exouisa. As
religious studies scholar James R. Lewis explains I his book Satanism Today:
An Encyclopedia of Religion, folklore, and Popular Culture, To exorcise thus
means something along the lines of placing the possessing spirit under oath
invoking a higher authority to compel spirit.. Cleary exorcism is not just
about getting possessed, this article helps explains that there is way more
involved, such as demons that have a whole different definition and goes
more in depth of demons, they arent human they we really cant describe
and make sense of it.

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