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What I learned in Communication 1010

Professionalism and High-monitoring.

Looking back at my video presentation I probably should of dressed
more impressive and done something with that hair. When you have
school and work its hard to take time on the little things that can make
a big difference. I learned in my interview that looks could make a big
difference. I also recently just interviewed for a new job at a high
school, I got complimented on my outfit and hair. I definitely took the
time to look good for the interview. When I got there I was not nervous,
maybe it was my confidence on how great I looked. I walked in the
office interviewing with two managers who were hiring from two
different schools. I gave them both really firm handshakes and asked
how they were. When the questioning began I was able to take my
time and clearly respond effectively. After the introduction I was able to
take control and tell them what they wanted to hear or know about me.
I left a great impression. How you dress and look I guess really matters
these days. In my presentation since it was just me, it was hard to try.

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