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Sage Castiglione

Progress Report #2
Eng 219.001
Appealing to a vast audience, instructing individuals with little knowledge of hardware
protecting procedures, and proposing to make electric air conditioning a right, while all different
tasks, line up in one uniform way: providing knowledge and procedures. Through the creation of
documents in various modes, and through the inclusion of imagery and effective visual
organization, documents were created that while of all different substance, had the same
outcome, provoking action. In the last 4-6 weeks the majority of my focus has been on
presenting information (L.O #4) and evaluating the information I have for substance (L.O #2).
Our group presentation came with the component of creating a visual presentation with
relatable images that are not too distracting, and do not contrast with the message. While this
became easy in topics surrounding the increasing global climate, finding an image to craftily
exemplify that air conditioning needs to be a right was much more difficult. Collecting
information was not difficult with the proposal, as I have been working on gathering information
for the entirety of this class, such as from Uber in my ride-sharing application. While the creation
of a resume was more conceptually simple than the rest of our projects, it required the most
thought-out, planned, visual elements. Resumes do not typically include pictures, and as a result
the visual aspects had to be carried over in informational organization through bolds and italics.
Because of the simple necessities of a resume, I learned to be able to craft a visually aesthetic
document from italics and bolds, which has been different than just drafting a letter to the
president of UNM. (L.O #4)
The video I created for my instruction set was drastically different than other projects as
it involved my ability to capture instructions with a demonstration. The composition of the
information (L.O #3) that was presented was to put it simply, not good. The second the camera
turned on, I became unable to articulate. This made this assignment the most difficult out of all
of the assignments we have done up to this point as I had to manage my human responses to
being camera shy with the information I had already gathered and my ability to articulate it.
For instance, despite the fact that I had a self-created instruction set with me, my ability to
organize and compose those words into a visual component with my voice caused border-line
chaos as I struggled to provide commentary on a technical subject. Addressing such in my
previous writing experiences, such as a letter or cover letter with my thoughts carefully
composed came out with much more clarity and organization, and this assignment forced me to
learn to compose my thoughts as I acted them out.
Finding and evaluating information was the next challenge between my instruction set
and cover letter/resume. My instruction set ended up being a close to five-page document, and
while the visual component was very important to properly instructing the reader, ensuring the
information was concise and properly conveyed my message was more important to avoid
ambiguity. I ended up including a warning for near every step, and at least every major step that
required it as taking apart a desktop computer has potential to be dangerous. Due to the added
level of danger, my instructions had to be specific enough that the user would not hurt him or
herself, but not too technical that the reader would get confused. The cover letter did not require

this level of specificity, but instead required me to get creative with a rhetorical situation. The
rhetorical component of it made it difficult to gather information from outside sources as few
places touch on electric air conditioning in the third world, which then forced me to create the
relevant information from realistic statistics. My cover letter touched on advocacy, and while it
was based on my real life experiences in past employment and skills, I had to make them apply
to an electric air conditioning advocacy. The difficult part to this was making multiple
applications from my limited professional experience to various job requirements of an advocate
for electric A.C. (L.O #2)

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