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HEAT RADIATION at a2 a3 a4 as as az Nature of thermal radiations is similar to the nature of - (A) electro magnetic waves (©) gravity waves (©) prays (D) sound waves ‘The amount of thermal radiations emitted par second by a surface depends upon- (A) nature of the surface only (8) area of the surface only, (C) difference of temperature between surface ‘and its surrounding only (0) all of the above, Heat radiations travel in vacuum with a velocity equal to (A) 3 « 108 m/sec (©) 1120 tusee (B) 3 x 1012 m/sec () 3 x 10° misec ‘The emissive power of a body, as used in Kicchnof’s law, may have values such that- Wo 1 1 Os Og If same amount ofice in placed in black and white cloth then ice in black cloth wil ~ (A) Melt more (8) Melt less: (C) Melt equal (D) Not meit at all ut of the radiations falling on surface of a oy, 30% radiations are absorebed and 30% are Vansmitted then its reflection coefficient will be — (aos (oy od 06 (0) Zero ats a7 ars ats a20 a2t a2 a23 Reflection and absorption ceficient's of @ given surface at 0°C for a fixed wave length aro 0.6 each. At samo tomporaturo and wave length the transmission coefficient of surface will be = (a) 08 @ 10 (C) Zero (0) In botwoon zero and ono The feature which is wrong for a black body (A) 8, @a=t (Ce, (0) absorbs radiations of ali wavelengths Incident upon it ‘The coefficient of transmission for an idea) black body is — (A) Zero (C)One (8) Infinity (D) More than one In @ room heat is transferred via ~ (A) Conduction only (8) Convection only (C) Radiation only (0) All the three modes ‘That object which completely absorbs all the incident radiation, is called — (A) Black bedy (B) Good absorber (C) Black object (D) Good emitter If'@ black body is heated, then it emits — (A) White radiation (6) Only intrared radiation (C) Only ultraviolet radiation (0) Black radiation Black body is — (A) Only a good absorber (6) Only a good emitter (C) Good absorber as well as a good emitter (0) A good absorber but a poor emitter We get heat fram the sun by — (A) Conduction (C) Radiation (8) Convection (0) Diffusion Q24 The velocity of heat radiation in vaucurn is (A) Equal to that of light (B) Less than that of light (C) Greater than that of light (0) Equal to that of sound [REB_ Kirchoff's law Q.25 From Kirchof"s law the ratio of emissive power and absorption power ofall bodies — (A) Are afferent (6) Is equal to emissive power of black body ‘al same temperature. (C)|s equal to emissive power of vnite body. (0) 15 equal to emissive power of black body at any temperature. 25 fat temperature T, the emissive power and absorption power of @ body for wave lenath are e, and a, respectively, then — (A) e.= a @)e,> a, (Ce Sp > Sy > Sq, and temperature of all tne four bodies is the same, then the specific heat of body which cools fastest, will be — A)s; (8) (C) sy, O) sy At any temperature the radiation energy emitted by a cube of length Lis proportional to (AL (ops eu (0) None of te above Temperature of a piece of metal is increased from 27°C to 327°C. The rate of emission of radiation by a metal will become — (A) Double (8) Four times (C) Eight times. (2) Sixteen times Two bodies A and B are kept in an evacuated chamber at 27°C. The temperatures of A and Bare 327°C and 427°C and respectively. The ratio of rates of loss of heat from A and B will be (ayos2 (ce) 152 025 (0252 Ifthe tomporature of a black is increased by ‘50% then the amount of radiation emitted by vt wile (A) Increase by 400% (B) Decrease by 400% (C) Decrease by 50% (D) Increase by 50% a43 ass 45 46 ar as a9 The effective area of a black body is 0.1 m? and its temperature is 1000 K . The amount of radiations emitted by it per min is - (A) 1.34 k — cal (8) 81 kcal (C) 863 k — cal () 138 k= The energy emited per second by @ black body at 1227°C is E. If the temperature of the black body is increased to 2727C, the energy emitted per second in terms of E is a) 16 E (BE (0) 4 (0) 2E ‘A body at temperature T (K) Is kept in the surroundings at To (K). If T >> To, then the rate of emission of heat by the body to the surtoundings is proportional to- (A) (T= Toy (8) 14-14 (0) (7-1) OTT, A solid sphere of radius R and a hollow sphere of internal radius rand extemal radius R are made of capper. These are heatad to same tempartura and then allowed to cool in the same surroundings, then — (A) Solid sphoro will cool first (@) Hollow sphero will cco! first (C) Beth will coo! at the same rate (©) Only solid sphere will cool ‘Amount of heat radiations emitted by a sold sphere of radius 1 at any temperature is proportional to the following ~ ye we or wor Radius of a sphoro is R, donsity is d and specific heat is , It is heated and then allowed to cocl. Its rate of decroase of temperature will be proportional to (A) Rds (8) 1/Rds (©) tIR2de (0) Reds Ia body at 27°C emits 0.3 watt of heat then at 627°C, it will emit heat equal to — (A) 24.3 watt (8) 0.42 watt (©) 2.42 watt (0) 0.9 watt aso asi asz ass I temperature of suriace of sun becomes hai then the energy emitted by it to earth per second will reduce to — 1 1 Az Oy 1 1 () ag Ol a Ifthe rate of emission of radiation by a body ai temperature TK Is E then graph between og E and log T will be ~ @) koe VV ©) ose byt togT 7 log €| (O)bgE. e wr TogT The ratio of radii of two spheres of same metel is 1:2. The ratio of the amounts of radiation emitted by them per second at same temperature will be ~ (ayic8 (cy 6:4 2:4 (1:4 The energy emitted by a black body at 727°C Is E If the temperature of the body is Increased to 2227°C, then the emitied energy will become — (A) 19 timas (C) 39 times (8) 13 times (0) 227 times. [ERR_Nenton’s law of cooling ass ‘The rate of cooling of a body depends on — {A) The difference of temperature of the body ‘and the surrounding, (B) Area of surface of body. (C) Nature of surface of body. {D) All of the above, ass 56 as7 a58 as9 aso Hot coffee is to be taken after 10 minutes it is put into a cup. To obtain much hotness at the time of drinking, when should the eraam be put into coffee — (A) Some time before drinking. (6) Just atter putting the coffee in cup. (C) Five minutes before drinking, (0) Any time between puting the coffee and dining, When placed in alr at 30°C, the temperature of a body decreases from 80°C to 50°C in ten minutes. After next ten minutes its ‘temperature will be — (A) Less than 40°C (C) More than 40°C. (8) 40°C (0) Not definite A body takes 4 minutos to cool from 100°C 10 70°C. If the room temperature is 15°C then howmany minutes will it need to cool from 70°C to 40°C — Aya (6 (@s (7 A solid sphere. a cube and a plate, all are made of same material and all have same mass, These are heated to a temperature 100% and then allowed to cool at the temperature of room. Whici ofthese will cool down frst ~ (A) Cube (B) Plate (C) Sphere (0) All wil cool down simultaneously A liquid takes 10 minutes to cool from 80°C 10 50°C. The temperature of the surroundings is 20°C. Assuming that the Newton's law of cooling is obeyed, the cooling constant will be- (A) 0.086¢mt (C)0.08t/ent (8) 0.042Imt (©) 0.080/ent Radius of a calorimeter is r and depth is It is filled complotoly with water and thon cooled from tomperature @ in the surroundings ata temperature 0, Ifthe amissive power of the surface of calorimetar is 1 and that of ast asz a63 64 8s open surface of waieris 0.5, then the ratio of rates of heat radiated by the surface of calorimeter and open surface of water will be ~ t wy L : @) 1+ 2 (oy2(+2) ‘A meal sphere coos from 50°C te 40°C in 300 seconds. the room temperature & 20% thon is temperature n net 8 minutes wil be (a) 38°¢ (©) 33.3°0 one (e) sec (0) 30°0 Negative sign in the equation dOJdt = -K(T - T,) shows that — (A) Heat of the body increases with time. (@) Heat of the body remains same. (C) Heat of the body reduces with time. (O) Constant is negative. ‘Which qualities are needed for cooking utensils — (A) More specific heat and less thermal ‘conductivity, () Less spocifie heat and moro thermal ‘conductivity (C) More specific heat and more thermal ‘conductivity (0) Less specific heat and less thermal ‘conductivity Heat capacities ot two bodies are in the ratio 1:4, If in the same surroundings the rate of loss of heat from the bodies are equal tnen the ratio of their rates of fall of temperature will be wis (1:8 act (0) 8:1 Temperatures of two hot bodies B, and 8, are 100°C and 80°C respectively. The ‘temperature of surrounding is 40°C. Att = 0, the ratio of rates af cooling of the two bodies Giquid) R, © Ry wil be = (a)3:2 (@)5:4 (2:4 (o)4:5 ass aer ass According to Newton's law of cooling a ms Gp 7K (0 09) ois Stefan's constant, A is surface area of the body and T, is temperature of surroundings in K, then the value of K on the basis of Stefan-Boltzmann law is — (a) oats (©) dont @) oat? ©) 40AT} it by taking same volume of water and kerosene in two identical calorimeters, they aro cooled for same tomporatura difference in identical circumstances, then for them ~ (A) The changes in internal energies are (6) The rates of cooing (rate of loss of heat) (C) The rates of loss of hest end ‘all of tomporaturo are same. (0) Tho ratos offal oftomporaturo aro same, According to Nowton's law of cocling the rato of lass of heat is — (A) Directly proportional to (@ - 0) (6) Inversely proporional to (0~ 9) (C) Directly proportional to (o* - of) (0) Directly proportional to (0? -0f) Wein’s law Eee aso azo The vertex in the spectrum of radiations emitted by 2 black body, on increasing the temparature— (A) Shifts towards the greater wavelength (€) Shifts towards the lesser wavelongth (C) Does not shift (0) None of the above Increasing the temperature of a black body — (A) Frequency and wavelength both increase for maximum radiation. (G) Frequency and wavelength beth decrease for miximum radiation, (C) Wavelength increases while frequency decreases for maximum radiation, (0) Froqueney increases while wavolongth docroacos for maximum radiation, ar ar ars a7 a7s - 18 (ayaa ° i tar Wein's law is — Ahm 2T (On,eT (B) dig * T? (0) big Frequency for maximum energy radiation of Ideal black body at temperture TIS. Up. If Wein's consiant is b and velocity of heat radiation in vacuum is o then A) um = BT (8) vp) = bleT (©) uv, = eT (0) v,, = bTe ‘At TO0°K temperature, the wave length of maximum energy emitled by 2 body is 4,08 mioron. If the temperature of body is ineraased to 1400°K, then the wavelength of maximum energy wil bo— (A) 10.2 micron (8) 16.32 micron, (C) 8.16 micron (D) 2.04 micron Two stars A and B radiate meximum energy at wave lengths 4000A and 5000A respectivey. The ratio of their temperature will be- (1:2 221 (C)4:5 (0)5:4 Wein's displacement law is shown by the following relation 2,1 = b then the curve drawn between log T and jog 7, will be ~ TeoT fo) aw (0) Log a7 a7 NS T The value of Wier's constant b (in micron XK) is - 29 (©) 29 « 103 (B) 0.29 x 10-9 (0) 0.29 Two spheres of the came material have radii tm and 4m and temperature 4000K and 200K respectively. The ratio of the amounts of energies radiated by the two per second wil be — tet 1:4 1:2 (D)ts4 78 The special emissive poner of black body 83 for a black body tho graph of chango is at a fomporaturo of 6000K fe maximum at emissive power ai diferent temperatres Ty ing = 000A. If ho tomporaturo i incroasod Tz 9g Tayth wavelength is according fo by 10%, then the decrease in ,, wil he ~ 25% @) 50% (75% 10% 079 =tom Wains ew the sar hich appears be ronben (a) Very cold (8) Calder han sun 80 The varaton of maximum irtersty (,) ef Bushs @Leneh radiation with temperature is proportional to 17127 Ts Ts 7 Ty? Te ein tof ar 0.04 A temperature of 1600K the wavelngth of wr er saree aiedn asst Poe CSrperaute af 2000K ‘he coresponing 081 Tenperatr ofthe surface of Suns $000 K ee aoa and maximum emission is obtained at S000A. @)1n (B) 16 0 Fine Hohe ebtaned tom neon te Qa Base maximum energy is obtained at 100 micron then temperature of the moon will be — (A) 90° (8) 300% (Cc) 3000% (0) 120% 82 Temperature of an ordinary bulb is 3000*K. At what wave length will it emit maximum energy — (a) 108 (8) 1008 (c) 10° (0) 10° EA [2 ay BE =Be ¢ B B c AL A cf23bc A D A c B A [0 |: [41 | al a2. A | B B 8. safes De} 53[.€ | © B| 1 [°c [62 /t-[ 63 B64] Bes Par} Se -D 67: A 7i| Cc “c/ 73] 6 7aP ose re[ cl 77 D Bia [ez[c ‘D [84 - =

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