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Draquan Ruffin

4 December 2016

Reflection 1
Today on August 27 i attended The Scoop, it was located in ACB.
The scoop was for freshman and the goal of it was to encourage
freshman to be proactive. This CAE event tied together with habit
1. First we all meet in the auditorium and they talked to us for a
while and then they called out all of the freshman advisors and
said what room we were to meet in. Once we got into the room we
were able to ask questions if we had any and we listened to
people who were running for SGA say their candidate speech.
After that, the teacher in the room passed out a piece of paper to
everyone which had a bingo game on it. The directions were that
you had to go around and find someone who matched the criteria
in eat of the squares. for example; someone who has lived in
North Carolina their entire life and so forth. The goal of the game
was to meet people. Once you got the entire board signed off by
people in the class you turned it into the teacher and in return you
would get a ticket. The ticket was for you to be able to get ice
cream. They provided us with ben and jerrys ice cream and it was
very good. My brother interned for a tv station and he recored me
talking about the event. I really enjoyed the event and it really

helped me meet some new people.

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