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Ina Karina Darmawaty, S.

1. Determine the period and group of each element
a. 15 P = 2)8)5) golongan va periode 3
b. 50 Sn =2)8)18)18)4) golongan Iva period 5
2. Determine atomic number of element within
a. Period 3 Group VI A = 2)8)6)
b. Period 5 Group VII A = 2)8)18)18)7)
c. Period 6 Group II A = 2)8)18)18)8)2)
3. It has been identified 82 Pb 207 and 47 Ag108 .
the amount of proton, neutron and electron of
these ion below
a. Pb2+
b. Ag+

4. It has been identified five elements 37 Rb ,

38Sr ,

49 In, 53 I and 54 Xe . Please arrange those

by the sequence of
a. atomic radius ( jari-jari atom )
b. Ionization Potential ( Energi Ionisasi )
c. Electronegativity ( Keelektronegatifan )
5. Klorin has two types of isotope 35 Cl for 75 %
37 Cl for 25 % . Determine of relative atomic
from Cl ?
6. Explain about Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford
and Bohr atomic model
7. Explain the basis of elements assortmen
according to Mendeleev , Oktav and Triad
8. Give some explanation and example of
isotope , isobar

and isoton

9. Element A has 55 electron, 55 proton and 77

neutrons . Determine electron configuration,

period , group and
element A

atomic relative mass from

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